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10059031 No.10059031 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you unironically started buying lottery tickets for some impossible hope of an escape from wageslavery to get you through the day
If a God existed, he would end my miserable existence, since I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself.

>> No.10059056

Friends don't let friends buy lottery tickets.

>> No.10059074
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>> No.10059410

Idiot. The amount of money you spend on tickets will be greater than your winnings.

For every $100k you spend on tickets you'll walk away with a $1 in profit. (Not meming, I'm thinking of a particular lottery, but the expected result is the same: you will lose all your money)

At least learn blackjack or poker if you insist on gambling.

>> No.10059469

By $1 profit I mean you lose 100k usd, but you win 1 usd

>> No.10059487

paying poor tax give slight hope. Buy only once a week, and keep the hope alive. Either that or save $100 a year.

>> No.10059543
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>what is probability?

>> No.10059690
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I do know that I'll never win anything. But imagining life with a few millions is one of the few things I can actually do in my shitty job.

>> No.10059719

put it in crypto instead you massive brainlet. if you're smart enough and patient enough at worst you'll make 2x on the long run and at best several times more. stop paying the lottery kikes your hard earned money.

>> No.10059725

Buy REQ, it's the same outcome. A whole lot of dreaming and a whole lot of burning cash!

>> No.10059798

I did. In January. While I do think that my shitcoins have enough fundamentals that they will rise if the market recovers, at the moment that looks to be years away. By that point I'll probably just say fuck it and let myself get run over by an ambulance.

>at worst you'll make 2x on the long run and at best several times more.
My money multiplied by twenty would still be chump change. Unless I get two x100 after another, I'm not gonna make it even if another crypto bullrun starts.

I've got a minuscule stack of Link for that. Although instead of dreaming I just laugh at it.

>> No.10059820

then keep it in your pockets, buying lottery tickets is burning cash.

>> No.10059948

13 cumulative 20% trades is a 10x

>> No.10060018

What's the point of not burning it, honestly? Saving money is a meme with my income, crypto is fucking dead for the moment, and the stock market looks like a bubble ready to burst the moment I enter it (though me staying out probably means it'll continue to thrive for the next few decades).

Anon, if I could consistently trade like that I wouldn't be wagecucking.

>> No.10060050

Keep averaging into crypto and cut that lottery shit. Crypto is the only way to make it because traditional class mobility has been captured by the financial elite. Millenials and next generations are particularly fucked unless we find AGI or similar

>> No.10060089

>What's the point of not burning it, honestly?
then treat yourself to a nice meal equivilant to the price of buying a lottery ticket. Or buy a good book and learn a thing or two. There is million ways to invest your money into and lottery is the absolute worst thing you can ever put your money into. I would love to go through the math of lottery and how it is very useless but I am feeling sleepy at the moment. I beg you anon, stop buying lottery tickets, the kikes behind it are feeding on your hopes and supporting such business practice is absolutely degenerate.

>> No.10060151

>whats the point of not burning it

Because you have better odds with everything else you imbecile. Look up what compound interest is. With a 50k a year job, frugal living, and 8% gains per year you should be a millionaire in less than 15 years.

>> No.10060232

Yeah, the probabilities are a tad fucked. Something like it being more likely to get struck by lightning than to win anything substantial.

>then treat yourself to a nice meal equivilant to the price of buying a lottery ticket. Or buy a good book and learn a thing or two.
I've got books and games from months ago I haven't found the motivation or time to touch for more than a few minutes, and somehow, I can't even bring myself to enjoy good food anymore. But I guess I do get your point. No reason to support kikery when you already know the whole point is that you won't win. I guess I'll do what one anon suggested a while ago and save up for a helium tank. Might give me some joy back to know that there is always a convenient way out should I need it.

This is just sad. But I guess if I'm a good goy I'll be able to retire in a few decades, just in time to enjoy arthritis. More seriously though, how do you get 8% interest rates in europe? Mutual funds? If you haven't noticed yet, I'm not particularily smart when it comes to my finances.

>> No.10060290

>I guess I'll do what one anon suggested a while ago and save up for a helium tank.
>pussying your way out of life instead of fighting and clawing through with your teeth and nails
listen, I have been pretty depressed myself these past few months and I have been thinking that death would be saving me a lot of pain but do you know what is the beautiful thing about life? It is random and chaotic, and often times great things happen to you out of the blue when you're expecting them the least. Of course I am not the kind of man to stand idle and wait, I always fought my way through and always will and every able bodied person should do the same. I just keep reminding myself that as long as I am working on it and continuously improving then everything will be alright.
And you said that you live in Europe? Plenty of opportunities there man, where exactly?

>> No.10060365

>and often times great things happen to you out of the blue when you're expecting them the least.
Like winning the lottery? I kid, I kid. I'm from Austria, currently doing my state mandated slavery after putting it off for as long as I could. Being called a paramedic while in reality being a glorified taxi driver with no education and pay under the minimum wage sure is great. Fun fact: the only reason this is not slavery is because it's specifically listed as an exception in the constitution. Bit of a rant, but holy shit does this whole thing suck.

>> No.10060368
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> buying lottery tickets

>> No.10060426

>No education
Do you mean no higher education? It is free in there so it might be highly worth it to work for a degree part time. I took my masters from a top university in Germany and barely attended any classes, shit was so easy. You might be able to do the same anon, the wage will easily double or triple.

>> No.10060488

50k is median us income. It’s not a lot. Most jobs will get you this. 8% is the average returns for index funds in the us stock market (spy500)

>> No.10060558

Oh, I meant paramedic education. Shit's ridiculous. I do plan on getting a CS degree like literally everybody else when this is over. The job I had before and now the civil service are literally killing me. Asshole coworkers, asshole, demented, or worse, boomer patients, and management that literally exists to fuck you over. Campus life cannot possibly be any worse, even if my brainlet status prevents me from any academic success.

It's actually a lot in europe. We don't really have these huge salaries like in America. Even engineers and computer scientists don't get paid all that much.

>index funds
Oh yeah, that was it. In the few years I worked I've honestly never had so much to invest that researching stuff like that was any concern to me.

>> No.10060626

one time i but in a 100$ bill into one of those lottery ticket machines thinking it would give me change
i didnt read the machine, it says it doesnt give change
ended up buying 100$ worth of powerball and megamillions
i won 1 fucking dollar never even cashed it in
please like/subscribe

>> No.10060886

try to do it with concentration in Machine Learning, it is all the rage nowadays and it is impossible to be jobless with such skills. Also if you get good grasp of business and statistics then you're set for easy shekels and an easy job for the rest of your life.

>> No.10060947

I do plan on going in that direction, yeah. Though in practice, my boomer IQ will probably lead to me becoming a glorified code monkey to be replaced by a pajeet in a few years.

I'll have to go to sleep now, sadly. Can't give the government any reason to fuck me in the ass. Thanks for humoring the thoughts of a depressed brainlet, anon.

>> No.10060989

>Though in practice, my boomer IQ will probably lead to me becoming a glorified code monkey to be replaced by a pajeet in a few years.
it is all in your head, start there.
good night anon and best of luck, you will make it.

>> No.10061007

my anxiety is too high to buy lotto tickets unfortunately

>> No.10061010

Worked for me lol

>> No.10061027

Look, right now you're whining and complaining and you're not getting paid for it.

In the very least you might as well make a steemit account, blog about your struggling life as a paramedic, and get paid immediately.