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10059384 No.10059384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>before meeting him, his gf/wife opened her legs for other men and let them inject semen inside of her
>he thinks he will make it

>> No.10059394

>Business and Finance

>> No.10059401

That's the norm since the beginning of time.

>> No.10059493

not if you're a chad

>> No.10059528

> he comes to /biz/ and listens to all the altruists who give out intel about prospects of making good coin without asking anything in return
> he thinks he will make it

>> No.10059589

>before meeting him, his gf/wife opened her legs for other men and let them inject semen inside of her
unironical question, does virgin adult girls still exist?

>> No.10059599


>> No.10059605

>t. cuck

>> No.10059641

Imagine being so retarded you think this is a problem

>> No.10059691

>haha, my wife used to do all kinds of shit like orgies, and DP, but now I trust she's a-ok with just being monogamous

>> No.10059700

lmfao this kissless virgin cope

>> No.10059734

>come to Biz/ to get attention

>> No.10059767

There are millions of them.

>> No.10059780

how to spot/find them? please don't tell me you have to go to a muslim country. That ain't even an option and you know why.

>> No.10059809

Some countrys actually have high percentages of women being virgins well into their late 20s.

>> No.10059839
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>women being virgins well into their late 20s.

>> No.10059849

> t. 35yo virgin boomer

>> No.10059850

lol, nice straw man you have there

>> No.10059878

You know, you actually triggered me the first time I saw this same repost fucking weeks ago. Then I realized, hell any pussy is better than what you keyboard warriors screw.

Now to you, OP: do you have a single creative neuron? Even the pic related is the same ole shit. No wonder you faggots can't get laid. You can't even come up with anything new to troll. Fact is, your a bum fucjing neet beta cuck who will end up either single or with mary fucking sue who literally shuts down KFCs. You will never now what good pussy is, because even if you "made it" you'll still be paying for used pussy.

>> No.10059882

Japan has a nice percentage of women being virgins into their late 20s, stats also point to them not being super sexual in their marriages though and when they have kids they want the kids in their bed for years so idk if thats a good trade off just sharing some info.

>> No.10059900
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>before meeting her, he used to spend 12 hours a day on a cantoneese basket-weaving forum collecting memes, buying internet bucks, and fapping 4-5 times a day.
>he is on his way to marry some virgin maiden from a country cottage in some far-away european village that spent the first 25 years of her life helping raise her brothers, making butter and milk, collecting the eggs, patching up the family's clothes, doing the laundry, mopping the floors, dusting, feeding the horses and chickens, preparing meals, changing out bed sheets, picking fruits from the garden, washing the windows, doing the dishes, keeping up with her studies, cleaning the washrooms, keeping fit

>> No.10059925

Ya but it's boomer ified now

>> No.10059974

You think time between injections makes a difference?

If anything, I'd trust the woman that had 1 orgy with a dp over the woman that has slept with 10+ dudes.

>> No.10059992

my wife said her two sons that im taking care of were conceived without any intercourse. is she lying

>> No.10060006
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He will never make it, 18 year olds love 30 year old boomers not beta millennial fags

>> No.10060027

No your sons are the new Jesus. She was impregnated by the divine

>> No.10060045
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>> No.10060059

Got a friend with an exwife. Her latest bf about to marry her somehow decided to look up my friend and had a long convo with him on fb and apparently his ex was telling her soon to be husband that they never had sex despite being married for a couple years. Also was telling him that she was physically abused by him even tho hes like a pussy whipped manlet with no muscle. It was kinda odd but most women seem to be crazy so I guess it makes sense from their perspective.

>> No.10060092

They unironically just pay for it.

You can make $800k usd a year as a male host, and all you have to do is just talk to them kek.

>> No.10060119

chad couldn't give a fuck if someones already been in it, and neither should anyone else.
virgin women are a fucking meme in the US unless you literally find one at church.

>> No.10060160
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I shitpost on here all the time

boomer here
boomer there
bear keks
bull keks

but this retarded meme and furries I just don't get

you two are fucking weird


>> No.10060186

I'm more of a chad than this thread combined.
Do you think I care if my fuckbuddy had sex with other men? No.
Do you think I care if my girlfriend has had sex with other a few other men? No.
Keep being an insecure virgin incel, and making these posts.
Please, it reminds me of how fucking retarded biz is.
>business and finance

>> No.10060218

Good luck finding one in the western world. Yeah of course you could find some 25-30 yo in some 2world country in east-europe or latin-america that lives in some village together with her parents and just did not find someone yet. Good luck tough that she is halfway sane in the head, and also bringing her back in your western country she will start act up highly likely and will be infected by the same problems as women that were born there.

And also you guys are so deluded thinking it is normal to be a virgin after 25. It does not matter if you are male or female. There is something wrong with you. And if really find a girl that is a virgin till then she is either ugly as fuck, fat, no incentive to change something in her life and/or either much more worse crazy in the head. The same way guys literally turn crazy when staying virgin so long: like living the complete NEET live and basically not able to do basic human things like getting your passport renewed without having a anxiety breakdown weeks beforehand or fapping to Anime porn women turn extremly crazy as well like beeing completly shy, weird, unpredicatble ticking time tomb on SRIIs that kills herself when she finds nobody till 30. And when its time to actually deflower do you really think it will be just the slightest chance that you will enjoy 1 moment that with that iron maiden? Is there the slightest chance that you actually sometime in the future will have a fulfilling sex life with that girl you want to stay forever with? And such a girl you guys want to marry and spend literally your life together and also have kids with her???

>> No.10060277

Go to church.
>thinking there’s something wrong with a girl that’s raised like that.
You aren’t going to make it anon.

>> No.10060301

>go to church
how does this meme exactly work? do you go to the priest and tell him you want to marry a christian girl or how exactly? I never understood this to be honest family

>> No.10060304

good stuff OP.
let me just report and sage your thread real quick

>> No.10060315
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>> No.10060648

What countries?

>> No.10060811

not possible unless you are under 25 or will settle for ugly nerds(probably fat)

>> No.10060833
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and they're all fucking miserable

>> No.10060871

Dude stop lying to him

>> No.10060948

>Caring if women have been used by other men
>Falling for the marriage meme

Women are basically toilets for me to ejaculate in. When I go to use the urinal or commode, I don't stop to think about whether other people have used it before. As long at it's reasonably clean, I do my business and move on with life.

>> No.10060956

>go to church
>get involved with the community
>meet girls
>many will be virgins.
Of course don’t do it if you aren’t actually a believer.

>> No.10060998 [DELETED] 

Would you settle on public urinal tho?

>> No.10061019

How do you actually go to church? I want to go bc of Jesus and not girls, but every time I go to one I get nervous and stay in the back, don’t talk to anyone, don’t sing any hymns, and leave ASAP. I get so self conscious I can’t even focus on the sermon, let alone interact with anyone.

>> No.10061073

this, what hurts more is that it seems that everyone knows each other there. what do they do and how do they do it? i thought churches/mosques/synagogues are worship places, not for parties.

>> No.10061109

No. Holy kek I'm imaging this playing out. You go weekly, go and volunteer at community events, eventually you're part of the club and then you ask out a qt or ask around. There'll probably be a woman that expresses interest in you.

>> No.10061128

They socialize before and after worship. Arrive early, leave late.

>> No.10061131

i am too much of a sperg to join a club, will i remain alone forever?

>> No.10061241

If you go long enough the friendly nosy church old ladies will introduce themselves to you and force you to become friends with everyone even if you are autismus maximus.

Brings back good memories. If only I still believed.

>> No.10061272

My current gf has had sex with 100+ men
My previous gf was a virgin

With the previous one, I would fuck her doggy style and it would hurt. She would try to ride me, and would hurt. She would suck me and not even get past half my cock.

Now I fuck my gf in all holes while I hold both her wrists with one hand and strangle her with the other. Which one do you prefer?

And by 'prefer', I mean 'what type of porn would you watch', because I know you're a virgin incel and have no sexual experience to have any preference whatsoever.

>> No.10061276

>he has herpes
>still think he is going to make it

That disease is forever! Thank god I‘m pure and unsullied.

>> No.10061279

>If you go long enough the friendly nosy church old ladies will introduce themselves to you and force you to become friends with everyone even if you are autismus maximus.
This is what my current boss is trying to do for me, he is telling me that i should work less and socialize more with the co-workers. there is a lot of cuties but i am just spaghetti around them.

>> No.10061288

a piece of advice from someone who has dated someone like that.
If she hasn't cheated yet, she will.
She gets bored, trust me.
Wish you the best, but finding a middle ground woman is in your best interest.
But by all means fuck her to your hearts content

>> No.10061289

Disgusting, you probably got herpes from that disease ridden cunt.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.10061365

>a piece of advice from someone who has dated someone like that.
Thanks for the advice anon, and I am always watching out for that. I don't think she has any demands to do it yet because I know her for a really long time and know no men she been with ever satisfied her as I do. In any case, if she cheats on me I shall dump her in the blink of an eye and she will be left alone crying knowing it's the worst decision she ever made.

I was born with herpes, as was she; and probably as you were. Never manifested it, though (I know I have because of blood exams).

But, no, we don't have any diseases for your misfortune, so I have no problem fucking her ass raw.

>> No.10061377

Disgusting herpes ridden degenerate.
And no I sure as fuck don‘t have this shit but you and your useless worn out hole for sure, probably breeding some aids in there yuck

>> No.10061392

I had a girl in college, when I had the jungle fever, who I knew fucked around a lot.
Trust me I was in your shoes and never thought it would happen.
Then it did.
Just a heads up

>> No.10061421


I'm just tired of this 'muh women who has had sex with other men' threads made by kike worshipers who don't know women and will never make it, every fucking board is ridden with that shit.


>> No.10061478

Alcohol bud. Drink alcohol with them

>> No.10061485

What cope you degenerate aids infested wart?
Keep fucking her asshole so you don‘t spawn anymore useless trash like you or your aids spreading whore.
you are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10061516

Why are incels so angry?

>> No.10061525

Repressed sexual energy.
They think its the women that have the issues and don't want to take ownership of their own shortcomings.