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File: 86 KB, 600x400, Warren-Buffett3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1005873 No.1005873 [Reply] [Original]

Let's pretend that you met Warren Buffet in one way or another. He gives you the following options:

1. Free $1 million
2. Personal coaching in how to run a business and make money

what do you pick?

>> No.1005876

Free 1 million obviously.
You fucking kidding me?

>> No.1005877

Its obvious everyone would pick 2

>> No.1005881

Depends. How much of his time is he devoting to me? Am I getting a 15 minute meeting or is he going to personally ensure that my business is successful? What happens when I run into roadblocks?

>> No.1005882



I don't need much to be happy.

And the capitalism struggle is in no way "thrilling" for me.

>> No.1005895

Take the million.
Buy the bait and tackle shop down the street for ~200k, put the rest in index funds -- likely vanguard's retirement date 2060.

>> No.1005925

3. stop dreaming and get a fucking job.

>> No.1005946

Warren Buffet is too old to teach you shit, he's too old to see the potential in new technology.

>> No.1005963


>> No.1005969

Free $1M. This old faggot doesn't know shit about modern economics or how businesses are run these days. His methodologies will never work today. He got lucky being born in the time he was born in.

>> No.1005974


>> No.1005976

This is the best option desu

Vanguard 2060 fund, VOO and REIT

Pay off college debt and get a job doing EE work til retirement then live the wealthy life

>> No.1006167

Give a poor man a fish, and he'll eat for the day.

Teach a poor man how to fish, and he'll eat for the rest of his life.
and get mercury poisoning

>> No.1006520

You could take the advice Buffett's given out for free and become a multi-millionaire if you had the discipline. If you were in a position to capitalize on that personal coaching, it'd be worth a shit load more than a million.

>> No.1006728

I'd take the million. All the advice in the world on to run a business is worthless if you don't have any money to start said business.

>bu bu but his advice will be how get money to start a business. Sure, or I could just invest in BRK.A or BRK.B and let him do all the work.

>> No.1006732

He'll be dead relatively soon though and then berkshire hathaway will go to shit i bet.

>> No.1006744

Personal coaching. It's obvious, you'll learn a lot from a very experienced man. Then I'll write a book about it and sell it.

>> No.1006755

I'd take the money, buy a diverse portfolio of dividend aristocrats and enjoy comfy life with maybe a part time job as not to be too lazy and also allow my wealth to steadily grow.

>> No.1006794
File: 27 KB, 854x476, tai-lopez-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coaching is so meme-tier. I watch his speeches all the time. What's he going to tell me that he doesn't tell graduating classes, some kind of insider knowledge? I'm guessing you're a big fan of pic related too.

If you're not you should be, coaching is what his videos are advertising. But it's overrated, people who got a mentor and then everything turned around were also at a point where that mentor saw potential in them.

>> No.1006796

The money.

Warren Buffet doesn't give very good advice when it comes to picking stocks. I should know because a friend of my father worked for him for a good time. Warren had a good run in the beginning but about 25 years ago he started to fall apart mentally and has increasingly relied on advisors to make portfolio decisions.

>> No.1006817

The free $1,000,000, absolutely. Starting capital is king in investments, Buffet couldn't have done shit if he didn't come from an upper class family with connections.

>> No.1006848


>Implying anyone rich would ever tell you what they fully knew
>Implying they'd want any potential competition in the future

Take the money dickhead.

>> No.1006854

Free 1 millon

>> No.1006857

While you should absolutely take the money, somebody on their walking deathbed like Buffet doesn't have a future. The potential reason for the above situation seems to be that he's seeking a protege, perhaps his heirs died in the above scenario and you're not a basement dwelling neckbeard.

>> No.1006872

put it in the bank, then do what i was going to do anyway

>> No.1006888
