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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10053780 No.10053780 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your best stories about you or other employees getting fired.

>be like 17
>gf makes me fully shave my balls for the first time
>I definitely did something wrong, they itch and burn like mad
>Have to go to work at Wendy's
>The itching/burning is so bad I'm genuinely distracted and my buds have a good laugh at my pain
>One friend is washing dishes, jokingly throws me an egg whisk
>It itches so bad I don't even think about it and just shove that shit down the front of my pants and whisk away
>Let out a frenzied ARRRGGHHHH while doing it
>toss it back in with the dirty dishes and laugh
>Turn around
>Oh no.
>An old lady is at the first window waiting for drivethru.
>Mouths "What. The. Fuck."
>Next day boss flips his shit
>Instantly scream fired
>It's fucking fast food so obviously I didn't give a shit and it had almost no impact on my life.
>Laugh every time I think about it

I once got fired for whisking my eggs.

>> No.10053806

I caught a young Hispanic lad jacking off into the lemonade at chic fil a once. Manager didn’t believe me and I got fired for accusations.

>> No.10053825

One customer story gets you fired? Wtf is that place

>> No.10053864

When I was working overnights at McDonalds a dude came in and asked for a six pack of chicken nuggets. He was like 5 cents short so I told him to not worry about it, I was happy to give him a 5 cent discount. He thanked me profusely for like ten minutes. Two hours later he came back with a desktop computer and monitor which he had probably stolen and he tried to give it to me as thanks. My manager took it and called the cops on the dude. Pretty weird.

>> No.10053873

>washing dishes


>> No.10054049
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>He doesn't know what a sink or work is


>> No.10054133

No wonder you don’t get it lol

>> No.10054155

Sounds like you deserved it, you filthy racist

>> No.10054160

I just straight up left my wage cucking job one day. fuck corporate retail.

>> No.10054196

I was working in retail at the IT department. A laptop disappeared over night. Manager wanted the 5 of us from IT to pay for the laptop. I was the only one who refused. Guess who didn't get his contract renewed a week later.
I know it's not a great story but I always feel proud of myself when I think about it. The company went under 3 months later, I was really happy that day.

>> No.10054298

>be me, fast food manager
>get tranferred to store in the hood
>be the only white working there
>store doesn't have half of the equipment needed to make the food
>bums come in all the time asking for food and money
>have one black guy in his 20s who is a pretty decent worker
>see him take his dick out and dry hump the 16 year old mulatto girl who worked there
>think this is textbook sexualharassmentlawuit.exe
>tell guy he's fired
>upper management hires him back next day
>not because he could kinda work
>but because it was the word of the one white man vs a store full of niggers
The best part? He did it right in view of a security camera. I gave the tape to a regional manager (black dude) and it was never seen again. You can't have nice things and niggers.

>> No.10054371

Well you can't fire a black guy these days, they dindu nuffin!

>> No.10054416

What the fuck? You should have sued that company.

>> No.10054580
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is this image loss?

>> No.10054626


Got fired from McDonald's for calling a kid from my HS who worked there a faggot, he was kinda gay and probably is - fucking hated that kid - customer overheard and told manager. This was way back about 12 years ago, nowadays I'd probably still be in jail.

>> No.10054638

>>see him take his dick out and dry hump the 16 year old mulatto girl who worked there

any pics of her?

>> No.10054664

Its funny how many dudes in here worked at mcdonalds
You all also invested in chainlink, arent you

>> No.10054731

Why is this dude standing on loss?

>> No.10055031

Funny how everyone here held a job in their teens because they are functioning members of society.

Everyone needs to experience what a shitty job is or you'll never appreciate how comfy your current job is until you quit.

>> No.10055065


>> No.10055098

>Funny how everyone here held a job in their teens because they are functioning members of society.

>functioning members of society.


>> No.10055105
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oh shit he's right

>> No.10055178

Now that i think of it i've never been fired

>> No.10055393

>eat a couple ambien before my shift starts a culver's
>buddy gave them to me and said I would "trip"
>were sitting in the car before our shift starts and I'm already laughing honking at other cars as they pass by from the parking lot
>proceed to go "work the grill" and by that I mean stare at the order screen and make weird noises because idk what's even going on
>I dont remember a whole lot after this point but my friend told me someone else had to take over the grill while I wondered around out of my mind
>they tried to keep me in line by doing smaller tasks like cleaning I guess I really dont know
>by the end of the shift I started coming to
>remember talking with coworkers about "how fast the day went" because I was literally blacked out
>my boss pulls me into the office and starts yelling at me over my responsibilities and such
>I defend myself vehemently because in my mind I just worked a kick ass shift
>I end up walking out of there with my job intact somehow
>show up to work late the next day because I slept in and got fired

Dont do drugs kids.

>> No.10055420

>where are you sending me this quarter Bob?
>I fucking quit

>> No.10055527

Didn't come to work during 2 days of snow, got suspended one week even though three quarters of the mcD employees couldn't go, funniest thing is that I go to work on a bike, was the only one who got confronted about.

>> No.10055903

Nah, she was a cutie tho, if you ignored her hoodrat accent.

>> No.10056150

>was the only one who got confronted about.
Pro tip: they hated you or wanted you gone for unrelated reasons

>> No.10056265

This is a severe J U S T I've witnessed few years ago.
>a professor of my uni is a consultant for a startup
>the startup is about 5years old
>I took an internship in this company
>attractive girl running the marketing memes and client relations
>she's been there from the start
>the CEO got himself an "advisor"
>the advisor convinces the CEO to stop selling directly to client and do B2B instead
>Marketing girl got fired within 2 weeks
>about 2 or three weeks after she got fired and the company backpedaled and went back to selling directly to customers

I'm a /g/entooman and I don't feel any unnecessary sympathy for people who just jungle with buzzwords they don't understand but I felt bad for this girl. She was genuinely nice and hardworking yet she got disposed just like that..

>> No.10056435
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okay why not
the story of my only job
>be me a year ago
>19 and sperg
>work at kfc for a few weeks
>all low IQ normies who are best pals and love to gossip
>they keep asking me why I don't talk to people
>18yr old 7.5/10 thot asks me if i have a gf while working
>being a sperg I suddenly assume she's interested in some way
>keep looking at her during work because autism
>add her on insta and snapchat
>um... do you have a bf?
>no, why?
>she then signals that she's a prostitute
>'do you want my price list?'
>'massage or more'?
>I'm disgusted but I ask for it to get evidence and get her fired
>she sends me a snap of her and the manager who was literally a virginchad in bed together even though he's way older
this is where I make a mistake
>tell mum that I kinda got baited by a thot but she's a prostitute
>she tells my dad who works at the same school as her
>dad tells school and she gets pulled out of class
>I see her mum come to work and shouting angrily at the manager in the tiny office, its fucking embarrasing because all the employees know I called her a prostitute
>a few days later I get fired for 'inappropriate conduct' because I asked her if she had a BF

never had a job since

>> No.10056650

>work at camping/outdoors supply store
>they start me out 9/hr
>work my ass off for 3-4 months trying to get a raise
>manager acknowledges my sales
>asked for a raise and manager said no
>new kid shows up and tells me on his 2nd day he's being paid more than I am
>I confronted the manager about it and she confirms but says I haven't earned a raise yet
>got fired

>> No.10056866

Fucking trainwreck of a story, nice one Anon!

>> No.10056980
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I'm glad someone enjoyed it
i'm so sick of being a neet I am tempted to reapply to work there
I haven't applied anywhere else since and I'm really starting to feel like a loser

>> No.10057006
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>first real company is clearly relocating and CEO isn't saying a word
>watch them move furniture out everyday, overhear office talking about moving into our space
>CEO thinks he's playing 4D chess by not telling everyone what is happening
>we're all miserable and burned out
>tell manager that I'm going to be working as few hours as possible to find another career
>next day CEO comes in and tears me a new one, calls me a mother fucker
>doesn't fire me because he needs workers until they move out of state
>see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep my mouth shut
>three weeks later companys gone
>sat on my ass and collected neetbucks for 3 months, played Risk of Rain with /v/, and found a much better job
>now travel internationally

>> No.10057221

Don't limit yourself to fast food, that is literally the most demeaning thing you can do for the minimum amount of money.
Learn a trade, or how to program, hell even the guy sucking shit out of porta potties with a septic truck makes bank in comparison, but fast food is the lowest of the low.

>> No.10057838

>college, job at local hardware store
>type where customers come to get educated from you on how to do anything they should be hiring someone for
>hired with no knowledge of how to do anything "fix it" related
>after a year, I still have no idea how to fix anything or what is needed
>"How do I fix my copper pipes? What do I need anon"
>"uh, let me go find my manager, he'll help you"
>Pulled aside one day: "anon, this isn't going to work"
>find out from co-worker at bar weeks later that expensive equipment had been being stolen repeatedly
>they thought it was me
>after firing me, they catch one of my managers setting up deals with people
>"Give me $100 and you can walk out the door with this"
>"meet me by the back door an hour after close"
>now I go to home depot and ask dudes how to fix things in my house I should hire people for