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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10051000 No.10051000 [Reply] [Original]

I convinced her to stay, telling her I loved her and that the markets would rebound.

Today I get a text asking "How is that crypto stuff doing, anon? I haven't heard you talking about it like you used to when we met"

What the fuck do I say /biz?

>> No.10051013

Another larp incel thread

You guys need to grow some balls and quit being beta bitches

>> No.10051014

not a single person here gives a single fuck about this

>> No.10051016

Jesus fucking Christ what kind of cunts are y'all talking to that leave when you're broke
No wonder /biz/ hates women dude that's disgusting

>> No.10051033

Op is lying, disgruntled, and is trying to convince as many people to become incels. Its a cult

>> No.10051037

why are you even trying to stay with a girl who sends you 1 word texts. i would stop talking to my gf if she ever did that to me. also talking about your losses is completely unnecessary so i can see why she's not attracted to you

>> No.10051046

>what kind of cunts...
The majority of them

>> No.10051063

Tell her you became bored and sold it all.
If she complains about you not sharing the money just tell her you donated it to various autism research institutes

>> No.10051065

>I hope it was good.

>> No.10051115
File: 140 KB, 913x873, Screenshot_20180101-034120_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a major cunt.

I got into crypto because I knew that I wasn't going to be able to afford litigation for my son unless I made some fast money. Within 4 months I turned 12k into 250k and paid for the attorney, but got money crazy and kept talking about retiring early and shit.

It's been a weird relationship.

keep in mind, she met me when I was broke.

>> No.10051187

lol talking about my gains before I cashed out has lead to the most embarrassing moments of my life. worst decision ever. it's like guaranteed bad luck

>> No.10051210
File: 40 KB, 433x429, 1529987020266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You say you wanna retire early. For what? To drive a nice car and ride on a cool boat for 60 more years?
You're damn right

>> No.10051213


reddit pls leave

>> No.10051243

I know, right?

I just have this image in my mind of driving off into the sunset in my lambourghini with a 9.5/10 trying to suck me off but me telling her to wait til we get back to the room because I am a safe driver.

this scene lasts forever.

that's my fantasy.

>> No.10051278

Yeah i dont see a problem with that. Probably what id do if i made it

>> No.10051304
File: 62 KB, 383x453, 1134406F-7B2A-4552-9AA0-DED9E434733E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh damn right bubs

>> No.10051317
File: 8 KB, 378x472, 1468000609952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek she fuckin rekt you

>> No.10051323
File: 7 KB, 250x231, 1525254911919s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right to me.

>> No.10051544


we all know this is a he

>> No.10051769

underrated most realistic post.

>> No.10052819

>what kind of cunts are y'all talking to that leave when you're broke
all of them

>> No.10052825

just buy a new robo gf later on when you get to the moon, earthlings are disgusting

>> No.10052869

I don't understand, is she proposing that spending the next 60 years working your ass off so that someone else can make lots of money is a more fulfilling life than just having the money to spend the next 60 years basically doing whatever you want?
My mother was like this too, the whole 'life wouldn't be very fulfilling for me unless I spend 40-60 hours a week doing tedious work for mediocre pay' thing really just perplexes me. Like, have these people ever heard of having hobbies, traveling or just straight up enjoying life doing things that you actually enjoy?

>> No.10052919

different girls are attracted to different things, some women find ambition/purpose attractive

>> No.10052930

If she liked you when you were broke it probably wasn't money that attracted her to you. She's probably leaving you for other reasons, not because you're broke

>> No.10052950

Its amazing that people are so mindfucked that they think working for someone for the rest of their life would be better than doing what you want and getting to spend far more time with your kids.