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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10047727 No.10047727 [Reply] [Original]

>Accepted at Top 5 undergrad business school
> pretty hyped, enroll, and get a Mcstudent™ loan
> met senpai today
> ask me if I plan to study MBA
> I do
> asked what is the point then?
> asked why I don't study engineering or Compsci

All elite employers ask for an MBA so, should I have studied engineering or comp-sci and then go for the jew license?

Is it a good idea to study finance as an undergrad and then get an MBA? I guess I could still solicit transferring to the engineering school but, I don't think I have the IQ.

Fuck, is an undergrad business degree a meme and did I just fall for it?

>> No.10047746


by Senpai, I mean a teacher from the school

>> No.10047762

you get an MBA as a 1-year postgrad cause it's a bunch of nothing to do over 3 or 4 years

>> No.10047888

Unironically you need to use your freshman year to figure out what your real interests are. Take a MTBI personality test if you have no idea. If your goal is consulting or finance then a business degree then MBA is a standard path, but do realize you have to maintain a high gpa to be competitive. If you’re gonna slack off and end up with a marketing degree or bullshit MIS degree (CS for retards) then you are better off studying engineering or CS, as a B and C engineering student will come out of undergrad making twice as much as any non-ibanking business major. I’m not really sure how good going into VC is because anecdotally I’ve heard good and bad things, and at this point I don’t get why people still do accounting since for a major that requires an MPA and CPA testing they come out of school making half what many engineers do.

>> No.10047942
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You're on the wrong board faggot. This is a board for pajeets to shill their shitcoins and supplementing poor financial decisions with pinkmemes. This isn't Wall Street Oasis.

>> No.10047956


>> No.10047980
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I've always been interested in finance but, I want to be as competitive as possible. Nevertheless, advice appreciated.

>> No.10047993

this board gave me the best financial advice of my life a year ago. I only regret not investing enough to make it, and not taking crypto seriously.

>> No.10048201


Visit the engineering general on /sci/ if you want to see the truth about engineering, and the truth is that it sucks. My personal story is that I couldn't find a job after undergrad, and only received calls from third party recruiters trying to fill absolute shit bottom of the barrel positions where you're essentially a drafter/technician. Instead I went into a PhD program which I just completed and it's an exact repeat of undergrad.

No one wants to hire engineers straight out of school. Worse yet, engineering attract guys in their late 20s and 30s that have ~10 years of experience and decided to go back to school. Those guys will also apply for entry level positions, but they have work experience, which may be relevant if they did trades or something technology related, and more importantly, they have ~10 years of personal connections that you don't. I do currently have a job, and my title is "engineer" but the job sucks and had I know this is where I would end up I would have never considered going into engineering. All the "senior engineers" are boomers that refuse to retire so advancement is pretty much impossible without switching companies.

You want a degree that old fucks don't pursue, in a field that preferably actively discriminates against old fucks, which is why comp-sci is a much better choice.

>> No.10048852
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>you want a degree that old fucks don't pursue, in a field that preferably actively discriminates against old fucks, which is why comp-sci is a much better choice.

The. Fucking. Truth.

>> No.10049443

Go engineering / CS and get a 4.0 then make more money with a BS than you would with a MBA anyway. Why the fuck do you idiots plan 6+ years of college. Just get the school shit over with. Once you land your first job and get 2-3 years experience no one gives a fuck what education you have. Its a complete waste of time money. Try to get the fuck out of that loan too and go to a school you got a scholarship too or is cheaper. Where you go to undergrad literally doesn't matter at all. You just need the degree and a good GPA to get a good job with a career path and get the fuck out of school, debt, and start actually making money and doing real work.

>> No.10049858

it's a pointless degree
you will know nothing that any MBA doesn't also know.
if i'm a tech company looking to hire someone with an MBA, i'm obviously going to take the guy with expert domain knowledge in my field.
if you prefer a liberal arts degree you can try math or even a language degree

>> No.10049930

depends on the type of engineering you do tbqh
you want to do chemical, electrical, or computer engineering. stay away from mechanical engineering, the field is glutted.