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10046188 No.10046188 [Reply] [Original]

>anon I need to speak with you...
>I'm noticing that you're just barely working 40 hrs a week most weeks
>I know it says 40 hrs in the contract but that's just doing the bare minimum asked
>we don't really expect only the bare minimum from our employees here so try to step it up

>tfw I already work 45hrs a week
any wagies know this feel?

>> No.10046247

yes, i made 14K in overtime last year. 44$/hour

>> No.10046312

tell them to get fucked
40h a week is generally the maximum you should be working, any more than that and you'll be burning yourself out mentally and/or physically (depends what you work as)

>> No.10046340

''It's my job to work 40 hours a week, i work 5 hours more than that. if you fire me it's wrongful termination and i'll sue you to shit"

>> No.10046473

>not telling them you want 30 hours
>not being ready to quit anytime

>> No.10046486

Hahaha! Jesus christ.

I work 20 hours a week and still feel it's too much.

Quit your job if anyone has ever really said this to you, anon.

>> No.10046509

>contract is 9-5
>get in at 8am everyday
>if I ever leave at 5 I get pulled aside by colleagues saying I'm not making a good impression on the manager
>no overtime pay
>stay till at least 5:30pm to impress manager even if I've finished all the work available (clients leave at 5pm)
>annual review, manager tells me I'm the most hard working and productive employee in the team. 2.5% payrise and standard bonus because company underperformed on the whole.

Literally wasted days of my life in extra time doing fuck all for a 1%after inflation payrise. I don't want to live anymore. Everything I do for any company is over and beyond what I'm required to do and I don't get anything in return. I'm stuck between becoming a drug dealer and killing myself when I'm caught or just outright killing myself

>> No.10046530

I have come here to chew bubblegum...

>> No.10046532

if my dumb ass made it so can you.

>> No.10046572

Yeah. Fuck me, I'm a doctor. Sometimes I work 108 hours a week.

>> No.10046594

my boss doesnt want people to work overtime

>> No.10046597

Stop making up shit you ugly kike.

>> No.10046600

They are paying you for the bare minimum, if they expect you to work more you can expect them go pay you more too HA!

>> No.10046615

t. 30yr old Walter mitty

>> No.10046657

My boss tried to tell me that we should be working 50hr weeks. That it's expected. I told I would ask her and he backed off. Drinking the coolaid that piece of shit

>> No.10046687

>any more than that and you'll be burning yourself out mentally and/or physically (depends what you work as)

hmmm you sound like a total pussy tbqh. Overtime is when the magic happens. You work 8 hours so you can get that sweet overtime, clocking off when it's already been 8 hours is a total waste and you're actually playing yourself when you do that.

Sick of these faggots that complain about overtime and 4 hours of weekend work that pays a full days worth.

>> No.10046725

no overtime here

>> No.10046729

Seriously you guys get this? I am expected to work 40 a week but have never gotten that shit. We get tons of opportunity for OT in which we get time and a half but never been forced on it. Fuck that shit they need me just as much as I need them

>> No.10046741

>tfw work 38 hrs
Feels good to be European
Never gonna have to be an am*Rislave

>> No.10046751

>working longer than you are paid for

>> No.10046762

I feel you bro
yeah I get this and I get no OT. contract says 40hrs but manager says I'm not working enough. gonna kms or quit soon.

>> No.10046777

>having no real world experience

>> No.10046785


>> No.10046786

Yea bug difference between salary & hourly. Working 40hrs+ is gravy when hourly cause of the overtime, easy money. When on salary though its literal slavery. I wouldn't work extra for free if I was you.. the economy is too good to be a bitch right now.

>> No.10046790

>quit my job ive been at for 3 yrs
>hate my dickhead boss with a passion
>HR is asking me to do an "exit interview" before i leave , where i can be open and honest about my experience with the company

should I be honest about how i feel and totally rip my boss to shreds? or would that make me seem like a dickhead disgruntled employee who just wants to take a parting shot on his way out?

>> No.10046794
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>mfw I live in leftie nanny state country and can't legally work more than 35 hours a week
>mfw if even that is too hard I can stop working and when unemployment checks run out I still get neetbux
>neets have free healthcare that has better coverage than wagies healthcare, free public transport, and I can rent an affordable brand new appartment in a nice part of town because muh economic diversity.

>> No.10046795 [DELETED] 


>> No.10046804

I wish I had a big brained office job, but nahhh those are reserved for females,nomies and kids of the owners.

People at these offices aren't even big brained to begin with.

>> No.10046815

Where do you work?

>> No.10046829
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> MFW I get in at 9 and leave at 4:30.
> MFW my manager asks us to play fusball four times a day.

>> No.10046845

Nahhh they'll slag you off and be vindictive when a future employer calls them to seek review on you.

>> No.10046851

small company in expensive part of USA as a software dev.

>> No.10046866

Always be honest and up front like a man, don't be a pussy. There's no way they can fault you, it's their fault you felt this way clearly they did some things wrong.

>> No.10046914

No don't do this. They won't change. Even if they did, you're gone anyways. Just give them some "outgrown the role" like every normie does. Don't be a neet hero and be all dramatic

>> No.10046936

I've been to an HR were they will spin that shit around.

Also he should get his grievances out, especially if they're asking about it.

Can someone be competent as an HR if that person owns a large percent in that company? Well I guess that's just the shit that goes when you work in a family ruined company, rite?

>> No.10046943

Kek. Why the fuck do you hang out here?

>> No.10046952

>That's so funny because I wanted to speak to YOU, passive-aggressive HR hag
>I notice you've been paying me the agreed salary at the agreed intervals. I find this strange because of the conversation we had about you wanting me to work extra for no pay. Give it, get it, bitch. Throw me some goodwill money for no reason other than you want to, and maybe I'll donate my time to your company for the same reason
>Your dress is nice today. Anything to draw attention from your face, amiriteguise?

>> No.10046955

Where do you live?

>> No.10046962

Shit, so I'm not the only one with the drug dealer fantasy

>> No.10046972

You never do an exit interview.

It never helps you. You always decline.

>> No.10047003
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>mfw all of that
>3 hour drive from work
>only have time to eat, bathe and sleep with only 5 minutes of shitposting per day

>> No.10047007

Ask for them to pay you for your services. They're essentially asking you to give them free advice for improving their shitty business policy; that's called consultancy and you should be demanding monetary recompense for it.

>> No.10047058


Fuck sake

>be me
>work in a comfy government job for 6 years
>get frustrated and bored
>leave for a small company which was friendly and sold itself well
>take a fucking pay CUT cause I thought there was more room to grow
>40 hours a week
>given a waiver to sign opting out of working time regulations (gov here puts max number of hours in a week to 48 unless you opt out)
>work minimum 9 hours a day + weekend work
>get paid LESS than before

Fucking small business owners are literal fucking kikes, going to quit and go work in a cushy gov job again soon.

>> No.10047078
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Kek boomer advice here

First weekly check your manager calender. If he starts late you start late, if he stops early then you stop early.

Then get one day working from home a week , on that day do absolutely nothing. Only be available on chat (software let your mouse move). And on phone.

On the days in the office always start a little bit earlier and go a little later.

Been doing this for a couple of years, work this way around 30 hours a week and they always compliment me with my commitment kek.

>> No.10047093

Started a construction labourer job and regularly work 9.5 hour days. The only good thing is getting a couple hours of 1.5x a week without having to work weekends

>> No.10047149
File: 25 KB, 300x236, 12A9745C-E37D-49DD-91A6-A6F1209F7435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work 9 hours a day, 7 days a week

>tfw haven’t had a day off in months

>> No.10047216

did this for two years lol.
only got caught twice and i made up some BS excuse

>> No.10047245

as a neet, i have to say it's truly fascinating watching you wagies argue with each other about how many hours one should work and whether more or less is better. it's like you've built this whole little system of values where you care so much about something completely irrelevant, almost as if it were a mental block to stop you from thinking too hard about the rationality of trading your life away in the first place

>> No.10047258

How long is your commute
More importantly how tf are you alive

>> No.10047301

Contact an advice firm or a free consultation with a lawyer and ask them if what they are saying is sketchy, to me it sounds sketchy as fuck that and their not paying you over time? I'd REDUCE the hours I worked if I was approached like that to 40 on the dot, then if they ask why just say "It ain't worth my time without overtime so I found 5 hours at another job"

See how they respond if they fire you you can just sue for unfair dismissal.

Basicly anon what I'm trying to say here is they are trying to make you work overtime without paying you overtime. Fuck them before they fuck you.

>> No.10047355

a neet wouldn't understand because you have money

>> No.10047464

Don't you have a 37,5 hour/week?
Overtime is judicially regulated for a minimum of 40% additional salary here (mine is 50%, 100% if it's a saturday/sunday)
Is burgerland really this shitty?

>> No.10047470

>work for the state
>working overtime is literally cause for dismissal

>> No.10047506

>work for the state

You filthy commie scum

>> No.10047710

50% of our population are workers.
Of those, 1/3 are in the public sector

>> No.10047843

i tip my hat to you, fellow gentleman

>> No.10047866

be a software engineer
i made 90K base last year and I come in at 9, leave at 7 and work 4 days out of th week with the last 2 hours of each day spent gaming when everyone goes home. and i take 1.5 hr lunches to take naps to make up for my latenight 4chan binges,
fucking cash. no one gives a fuck because i get the job done.

>> No.10047903

Salaried position suck balls. My buddy started working for a major private construction company at the end of May after graduation, in the 3 weeks he's been there, 4 of his superiors have quit because of the ridiculous hours. These people are working 60-70 hours a week for 80k, there's no overtime because lolsalary. By the hour they make as much as my girlfriend, who is an intern. It's sad

>> No.10047948

> construction
this is your first mistake

>> No.10047989

Well I was a civil engineering major so it's not blue collar construction work. It's structural engineering and project management

>> No.10048041

This is the gayest excuse. Might as well beg to be fired instead of allowed to quit.

Real big dick working men put in at least 50 to 60 hours before feeling exhaustion.

>> No.10048110

You dont have to be dramatic, but just plainly stating what your thoughts are is fine.

>> No.10048131

Drug dealer here, it is 10x cooler than working in an office. There’s plenty of money to be made off of weed/wax these days and you don’t have to sell coke/heroin and deal with the mess that comes with those drugs (though both of those drugs get you all kinds of women). Being your own boss is amazing and not having some limp twisted cuck or woman boss you around is good for your psyche.>>10046687
Lmao wagies actually think overtime is something to be proud of?

>> No.10048133

I'd spit on the desk and walk out. I work exactly 40 (less sometimes, but I bill for 40.) Even now I should be able to quit working fulltime after just 3 years.
This, have your fuck-you money ready and side income streams going. I could quit my job tomorrow and give no fucks about it.
pft. That's why I dropped out of the medical program, loser.

>> No.10048158

Small businesses are a total meme unless you're the one owning it. Even if they give you stock options and it gets bought up by an Intel or Pfizer or whatever, they can always dilute the shit out of their shares so you still get nothing in the long run, happened to a buddy of mine that worked heavy overtime trying to make it.

>> No.10048160

>People at these offices aren't even big brained to begin with.
Can confirm, my coworkers are all retarded. I don't know how they manage to drive a car let alone do work.

>> No.10048184

I have 4-5 24 hour shifts in a regular week. Do the math

>> No.10048191

50% of the economy is driven by government spending. Working directly for the gov't is no different from working for a private company that's contracting with the government. Engineer? Enjoy your DOD bux. Doctor/pharmacist/medical researcher? Enjoy your medicare and grant bux. Banker? Enjoy your bailout bux.

>> No.10048204

I took the redpill long ago.
The ride never ends is not a meme.
Even after we make it we will be shitposting here

>> No.10048244

>being 'on call' is working
Fuck off faggot

>> No.10048411

>Fucking small business owners are literal fucking kikes,
Can also confirm this. At large companies you can jew them over, but small businesses jew you.
Nice bro.
>. These people are working 60-70 hours a week for 80k, there's no overtime because lolsalary.
These retards don't realize they're getting fucked on an hourly rate. It's hilarious. I would never, ever work more than 40/week unless it was for a significantly higher hourly equivalent.

>> No.10048563

ehrm, why dont you just do something else? be your own boss? you dont need to reach for the stars, some people live on thi splanet off herding goats, you know?

>> No.10048572

you write like an idiot
there are two peolple in your story
and her
we dont know who her is, so we dont understand the sentence

>> No.10048586


sorry for intruding on your thread but whomst'd've had the pleasure of these digits

>> No.10048593


>> No.10048601

Try working at mickey D's like the rest of us, now that's real work

>> No.10048608

>>i dont want to work in the real economy because its harder for less money so i will go back to become a rent seeking faggot whose wage is paid by people working in the real economy

>> No.10048638

sounds like italy or greece or some shit country that would be bankrupt without germany

>> No.10048652

its a typo you brainlet. her -> HR. he told his boss he would snitch to HR, you fucking retard

>> No.10048678

that's when you speak up, tell them you work well over 40 a week, and ask them to pull up the timecards retard

>> No.10048681
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hmmm I wonder who's behind this

>> No.10048689

>bragging about poor working conditions
Seriously, congrats on this.

>> No.10048721

>we don't really expect only the bare minimum from our employees here so try to step it up
this is a test
>tfw I already work 45hrs a week

>> No.10048722


yea im about here too.

You can buy pressed xanax bars off the alphabay2 and other dark markets for like 50 cents a piece in bulk and sell them for 5 dollars each on the street. pretty good hustle and they are only schedule 3-4 so it isnt as bad as selling dope; although I plan to sell that too.

>> No.10048876

Use to be a drug dealer selling MDMA and weed. I was making 50 to 60k a year without even trying lol . Then I had to get a 9 to 5 $16 hour office job because cops were getting on to me . I will say I'm less paranoid and felt I was doing "good" for once until I realized I was getting nowhere and felt under appreciated for the hard work I was doing. My drug dealing friends who never held a real job are making more than me and brag about how they can afford all the useless shit they buy . I realized by looking at them how immature it is just to be drug dealing . All of their real friends have moved on to a positive life and they are bored off their ass every day , complaining about the petty ass things .

In short, I'd try to find a job you'd like working and maybe sell drugs on the side to people you trust . You would still have the status of a productive person to society yet make extra $$$ on the dl to deal with the bullshit at work.

>> No.10048898

that's literally a state and federal lawsuit waiting to happen, that is, if you're paid hourly. You need to document any further requests that you work 40+ hours a week. Then get a fucking lawyer and jew the jews.

>> No.10048938

Being on call is working.
If there is a patient. You got to operate.
While you are operating patients keep coming.
When you get home from a 12 hour shift you may complain but you are done for the day. I can still get called 3 am for a 2-3 hour surgery and have to take the new shift at 8 am
You can't drink
You can't do drugs
You can't make plans that take more than two hours.
Some months it's a 10 day streak.
And that's only my main job. If I take shifts I other hospitals I'm even more fucked.

>> No.10048944

Former drug dealer here. It was all fun and games until the police got involved. Who knows how long you can get away with it until it's too late. Luckily I got off because the cops illegally searched my place without a warrant and without my consent. Therefore I walked away with no charges. I now work a 9 to 5 job that I hate. I do kind of miss it but I'm glad I'm not in jail or have a felony record in my name.

>> No.10048984

and that's why you work from home

>> No.10049103

You’re a fucking moron.

>> No.10049565

What were you dealing my man? All it takes is one kid to snitch and your whole ship can be sunk I agree which is always a thought in the back of my mind, but with weed charges typically are never that serious for a first offense but getting a felony on your record would blow. How/why did they raid your house?

>> No.10049830

I was dealing molly and weed but all they found was 300 grams of weed, 2 scales , oz of come my dumbass buddy brought , drug baggies , pipes, and a strip of lsd . Basically this kid I was selling to , whom also lived 2 doors down from me ..... broke into my apartment . When I found out I got angry and demanded him to give back everything I had . As a couple weeks went on he realized how fucked he was so he called the cops on me. This is in Indiana BTW

>> No.10050035


This kind of crap is almost always pulled on salary employees. I got one of the few engineering jobs that actually pays me for every hour I work (for now). I'm living on rice, beans and potatoes and investing every penny I make so I can tell them to get fucked if they ever try to pull that crap on me when they switch me over to salary.

>> No.10050039

Yep I’m honestly more worried about having some asshole kick in my door when I’m not home and then coming home to police in my apartment and finding all my shit. Kids today will listen to all this nigger music, kick a door in and then call the fucking cops when shit gets real. They need to get the noose.

>> No.10050133

Wtf. Do you live in rural West Virginia?

>> No.10050169
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Welcome to corporate, enjoy your stay.

>> No.10050307

and that's why Europe is slowly dying. even importing ahmets doesn't help.

to all pathetic losers in this thread: i work 14 hr days without weekends and have a couple days break once every 1.5 months. sometimes i even skip a night of sleep and go full 24 hrs work day. and if client calls at night, i say 'i was just expecting your call'. i'm a go-getter, a yes-man, a can-doer, a hustler. i'm chaising that sweet dough 24/7. all you 40-hour cocksuckers get fucked

>> No.10050325

Wagies actually believe this is something to be proud of?

>> No.10050328

If you get fired you can can NEET for a full year on unemployment.

>> No.10050670

How much more obvious can they make a shitpost.

>> No.10050802

get fucked, low-test bum, go back to mommy if you afraid of real world
>socialist cocksucker can't even comprehend excellence when he see it

>> No.10050964

Ahahahah no fucking way. I would literally flip my shit if they wanted me to do more than whats written in contract and didnt pay me overtime. At some point you have to put stand your ground anon, otherwise they will push and push and push until we are living in literal third world slavery. Fuck all those motherfuckers they can go suck my dick

>> No.10050990
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Going through this shit with my software company now. Word comes down from the top that weekends are considered "normal workdays" and we are expected to be working. What the fuck is that? We are salaried. This is literally illegal I think under the FLSA. If the employer is trying to specify the hours of an exempt employee, they have to be re-classified as non-exempt and payed overtime. Funny how they think I'd be willing to work a second of overtime after receiving a negative after-inflation raise.

What can I say. Those who push back don't get taken advantage of, and tools will be used.

>> No.10050999
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>> No.10051003

know that feel. Hate working any kind of employ job, now trading stocks and make money.

>> No.10051038

Ok buddy, enjoy going to the shrink 2 times a week when you get older and realise you threw your whole life away for absolute nothing. Time is infinitely more valuable than money.

>> No.10051050

so it starts with c and ends in uck

>> No.10051107

if you weren't mentally retarded, you would understand that what you do in life doesn't matter whether you're an overachiever god like me or a peasant low-life degradant like yourself. but i get you. if i were brain-dead, i'd look for other things in life too. any chance you r a `le digital nomad` btw? get fucked

>> No.10051203

Unpaid overtime? Yeah I knew that feel. I'm gonna be straight with you theyre basically blackmailing you into working longer for free. First it's 45h then 50h then 55h then 60h then you steer into traffic on your way to work. Start looking for a new job now. Appeasing black mailers never works. Also record these conversations as proof later on in case you need it.

>> No.10051299

> Be me
> Was under the pretense that working hard = moving up in the workplace
> Doesn't help that I'm also just a hard worker when it comes to actual work where I can be fired
> Government job attained
> Work hard as fuck
> Almost been a year
> Now the go to guy for two people there
> One who secretely forces my will upon my supervisor because she is a superior and has a soft spot for me
> Supervisor would otherwise tell me no and that she owes me no favors back even though she asks like 3+ "favors" (demands) a day
> The other person I'm a go to guy for is my supervisor who only takes advantage of me every single workday and cannot give me a raise or promotion
> Literally had 6+ missed calls from her today, purposefully didn't answer at least 4 times and took my time calling back
> The questions she had were stupid; one asking how I do a certain task that she also does and did long before I got employed there becuase she wasn't sure
> The other to cover for someone because she has an important task
> Tells me to not feel bad and she knows I have a heavy workload and that we're a team
> Lol I'm not buying her bs anymore

>> No.10051352

bruh, she wants ur dick, no lie

>> No.10051446
File: 577 KB, 1440x1381, Screenshot_20180626-215940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story #2 Same job as the one in my linked post. 8 captcha's...to post

> Be me
> Lowly wagecuck in yet another job that doesn't require a degree
> Doing a driving work duty, at an office job and get back injured
> Inform supervisor
> Eventually tell her this is the reason I hate driving
> She changes her tone and asks if we should go over the job duties in a way that sounds like she'd fire me if I refuse to do that duty
> Tell her to not worry as I'm looking for another job
> She tells me that's disrespectful
> Tell her I mean within the organization
> Tells me how I've "come at her" and brings up times I joked about quitting where she laughed along
> Act dumb to force her to say more
> Randomly keep mentioning if I can just go to break cause I'm hungry (I was hungry)
> Eventually we're talking in the hallway
> Tell her that I'll look into it (lol)
> Asks me what I mean
> Tell her I'll keep an eye on what I say
> MFW this normie roastie tries acting like we're friends yet pushes me around like I'm a slave

>> No.10051485

You quit at the same time another pissed off employee quits to double screw your boss over. Also make sure you've been screwing around for half the quarterly review so not only will your boss be under staffed but behind on all projects so he is fucked when he has to write a report explaining why they didn't meet their term goals.

>> No.10051497


>> No.10051679 [DELETED] 

Lol already tired of my job. Might just put in a 2 weeks notice if a coworker under the same supervisor does as well.

>> No.10052175 [DELETED] 


>> No.10052967

Pure cringe, kys swiftly and painfully

>> No.10052989
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Wtf is this shit? Do you cunts not have spines?
It's a sunny day in holland today so I told my team I'm leaving at 1 to go to the beach

>> No.10052994


>> No.10053017


>> No.10053051

feels good to work for the state
>10 min walk from home
>comfy admin desk job, 7:30 am - 15:30 pm
>am out the door in 15:29 pm
>work effectively 3 1/2 out of 8 hours

As I am typing this I am sitting on my ass doing nothing for 3 hours now. Just waiting to clock out and go home.

>> No.10053120
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kek boomer calling in

official work from 9to5
coming in at 9 but leave at 3
do nothing all day long
real work is done in 30 minutes, sometimes the phone rings and somebody want something
>tell them i am not responsible for this, ask someone else
leave the office at 3
go home start spy software i installed on my work pc and shut down my pc at work two hours later every day
> 30 hours of overtime every month
> take a few days off

if they catch me i do not care it is shit payment

>> No.10053188


why does every country do this shit

>> No.10053203

You're forgetting something, these people were once like you - full of energy, ambition and determination. Then something changed. They got absorbed by the system. They realized it's not what's it cut out to be and they realized everything they do will be for nothing as they go on their monotonous lives 24/7 doing the same thing over and over again for the rest of their working lives. They don't give a damn anymore and stop making an impression. This is you anon. This will be you in the future. Industrialization has seriously destroyed the human spirit. We have made great strides in productivity and material goods but for what, money? Profit? Humanity is losing its touch with what's important.

>> No.10053265


>> No.10053266

>Betas getting bullied by faggots in suits due to authority conditioning by the state

Stand up for yourself and believe in you rights
Ppl back off faster then you think if you just tell them no

>> No.10053284

No. The only reason I work 38h and not 35 is that I get 52 holidays a year in compensation.

>> No.10053423

Git fuckin good fag lmao

>> No.10053442

I'm a teacher, I work 18 hours per week and earn 3100€ after taxes.
Can't imagine having jobs like yours.

>> No.10053460


The annoying thing is the people who do fuck all most of the day don't mind staying a little later to look good.

>> No.10053468

solid cope there buddy

>> No.10053501
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>Wojak's getting cucked right now topkek

>> No.10053574

>thinking inflation is only 1.5%

>> No.10053617

Hi larper
How's it being the high school plug?
Who the fuck even buys weed off dealers in the US. What are you pushing...2 grams a day? Unless you are still in highschool , you are straight pussy boy.

And your time will come, one day some 'trust worthy' customer or friend will get rolled.
>you tell us who you got this from or you're coming with us
They will 100 percent drop your name, that or if you're a real drug dealer...your name will get out somehow. Nigs will find out pussy boy is making a little cash. Then theyll hit the lick.
t. Former drug dealer who would order kpins and Xanax bars on the clear web and flip them for 5x

Get on my lvl

>> No.10053668

Hahaha no
The fuck?

Buddy u work for money if u don’t need the extra money u don’t do the extra work.

>> No.10053717

>boss asks you to work extra hours for free
>”okay no problem”
>never do it

Repeat until he learns

>> No.10053824

Good goy

>> No.10053981
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this thread
is sad

You need to quit, time is priceless, yeah you might not be driving lambos when you quit, but these material possessions are an illusion you've been conditioned to strive towards, it doesn't really matter, it's a scam. Jobs are a scam.

>> No.10054176


this is why there are so many wagies doing the absolute minimum

>> No.10054233
File: 122 KB, 697x667, IaEC87S[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in miami
>all the whites are long gone
>if you show up on time and answer the phone you are already in the top 5% of employees
>make $80k a year to f5 4chan all day

>> No.10054249

lmao at americucks not having basic workers rights

>> No.10054301

Wow that sucks. I made 232k last year, worked a maximum of 8 hrs a day and left work at 2:30 every Friday. Now I've moved across the country, but the company wanted to keep me on, so I work from home. I just go back once a month expense everything and have a few meetings.

>> No.10054399

What the fuck OP get a job that pays a wage not a salary, anything over normal hours attracts penalties and you will be happy to work more hours.

I recently decided fuck it and now just work 2 days a week, blue collar shit kick job but in 22 hours work (4hours of that overtime) I take home 1100 AU$ A week and get to spend fuck loads more time with my young daughter. Best part cause it's only 1 week day I work I save assloads on childcare (wife 9-5 weekday slave)

>> No.10054414


Impressive income, what is your job?

>> No.10054433


It's that 3100 a week?

>> No.10054459

How is Miami? It's cheaper than here and looks a lot nicer. My only issues are I don't drive a car so if I got a job and an apartment both downtown, would that work? There's pretty much no real crime where I live though and Miami probably has a lot, so IDK if walking around downtown there is really safe or not.
Pisses me off because my job could be done 100% from home but they make me come in anyway. I think rather, I'll start this winter at asking to work from home on bad weather days. They have laptops they provide to employees so this is possible. One fat bitch works from home like 2 days a week because she's on the verge of dying from obesity. Don't see why I shouldn't get to do that as well. And maybe negotiate from there. If I could work from home I wouldn't despise it so much.

>> No.10054623

enjoy being thrown in prison as a racist for appropriating ahmed's gibs

>> No.10054707

You will almost always be cucked if you cannot afford to quit your work and look for a better job.

>> No.10054717

Business Intelligence. Just an analyst but very very good at my job.

To be fair we had a great year two years ago, so I got a fat bonus in early 2017. Last year wasn't as great, so I'm only on track to make $186k barring a surprise promotion.

>> No.10054856

No, I would quit if they brought this kind of shit up.
>You want me to work more?
>Pay me for it
That simple retard, 40h is 40h.

>> No.10054857


kek. Fucking cuck

>> No.10054903

quit you utter faggot
being jobless + poor faggot is better than your hell of a life pussy

>> No.10054908

Because you let it continue

>> No.10054949

>Work 3 days a week
>Spend half of those days taking a shit on the bathroom
Getting paid for taking a shit is great

>> No.10054960

Italy is going to shit for kind of the opposite reason, despite what they like to brag about people work actively(and often unknowingly) against the state. That's my 27 year experience living here

>> No.10054970

I don't. I'm salary and work around 25-30 hours a week. Less if you count the time I'm driving while at work (not my commute).

>> No.10054971

This happened to me with a construction firm

Told them sure, give me a raise or i walk right now. They didnt so i walked over the road to a rival firm and wound up with a vastly better overtime perk package

If you cant tell people to get fucked they'll shit all over you kiddo.

>> No.10054976

>people work actively(and often unknowingly) against the state
Literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10055010

I have autism, I'd love to see her reaction because I prob would give 0 shits about her smalltalk. Would prob straight up tell her I want some time off and quit after my time off.

>> No.10055011
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>Work 40 Hours per week
>Waste 20 Hours Browsing or going to the toilet
>Extremely lazy
>No overtime at all
>Chef praises my work ethics
>Over 10% raise this year

>> No.10055032

A month prob

>> No.10055952

op here this is what I'm gonna do

>> No.10056051

I bet its france

>> No.10056130


>big brained
>females and normies
You shitting me brah? I thought the whole point of not being normie is that you are not those dumb fuck zomies that survive on conformity. How about get off of 4chan and learn something useful like coding dude

>> No.10056165

Kek I'm the same. I finish my workload in about 3 hours and then I do fuck all. I also turn my 30 minute lunch break to 50 minute and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.10056287

>do this
>get HR up your ass for failing to turn in
>short listed for the next cull
the word "no" exists for a reason.

>> No.10056502

I don't get it sometimes, there was a meeting at work the other week where management announced that we'd be getting about $6-8 million in more business over the next year due to securing some contracts with major companies and it's "thanks to your hard work!"

Ok? Woop? Why are we having a meeting about this?

Turns out the big announcement was that there would be overtime available to those who want it. No bonuses, no raises, just opportunity to work more.

And for some reason my co-workers were clapping in celebration.

What is this bullshit?

>> No.10056627


hahhahahahah fucking wage cucker btfo i work 0, i reapeat, ZERO hours a week. tell me how does that feel docter cuck?

>> No.10056664

Then sue them!
I'm always in awe how people don't use labor law more to their advantage. So much money just lying around to be made by a stroke of a judge's pen.
And fuck this reputation bullshit. That's not true at all. I did that and trashed on Facebook a former employee and nothing happened to me.

>> No.10056777

THAT - what I wanted to reply.
Also, don't listen to that guy who talked about them not recommending you to other employers. Just have a couple of friends ready to lie to future employers about your past employment.
If some manager in your chain was actually OK with you, try stay on good terms with him so you can use him in the future.

But don't give those exit interviews for free!

>> No.10056811

Yeah, only they have that 35 hour cap.
I have family in France, I know a thing or two about their way of living.

>> No.10056973

its not hard. buy drugs. sell drugs.

>> No.10056983

>1.5% inflation

name a single living expense you have that has gone up by 1.5% or less per annum, I'll wait.

>> No.10057079
File: 539 KB, 1920x1080, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work 50 hours a week as a graphic designer
>young mother in the office leaves at 5 every day while I'm busting my ass until at least 7
>ask about it casually
>"oh well she's more sensitive and can't take a lot of work"

what and the FUCK

>> No.10057389

Lol fuck that

>> No.10057420

Why don't you kill the retards at your office first?

>> No.10057441

Best advice ITT

>> No.10057505

Because you need 30 years of schooling and training to patch up a bullet wound

>> No.10057555

>60-70 hour week
>160k usd salary
>full room and board
>no taxes
Take the austere location contractor pill

>> No.10057689

private military?

>> No.10057715

friendly reminder: if you don't receive a 2.8% raise each year then you're actually losing purchasing power, essentially a demotion.
if your employer tries to phrase 1-2.8% as a raise, and you don't reply "well, that doesn't even cover inflation so although I receive more money, it actually buys less things" then you're a fucking cuck.