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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 937x1171, 1530011324132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10039854 No.10039854 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone break down to me what's going on with these instagram thot "models"?

Take the girl in the pic, she's a normal looking girl, attractive, but she's NOT A MODEL at all. She isn't stunning or breath taking, she doesn't make me feel any kind of emotion like high fashion models might, she's just a slightly above average looking girl who is thin instead of a typical amerifat, which isn't really an accomplishment.

Could it be that these women are not models, but pornstar-lites? The only reason they get attention is by revealing their bodies in scantily clad outfits. They're basically whores for online attention from beta males. They disgust me.

>> No.10039867

Yes they're starved for attention, money or both.
Eventually they'll end up in dubai as porta potties

Pay them no mind

>> No.10039870


>> No.10039888

They get picked up by arab men with oil money. From what I've heard, they go visit them and whore around and the guys promote them or something so they can get a bunch of betas to buy them shit on their amazon wish list.

>> No.10039895

why do they all have the muslim sex trafficking tattoo

>> No.10039901

>They disgust me.
Pathetic betas like you who fixate on vapid whores they hardly know disgust me... or they would if I was as pathetic as you as to actually give a fuck. Go accomplish something with your life. You should be better than her, not triggered by her mere existence idiot.

>> No.10039902

They get sponsored by companies looking to advertise on social media based on their reach and impressions and paid for the post, similar to how youtubers do sponsored videos.

>> No.10039924

Is that what that is? I knew they were all involved with arabs, but not sure what's really going on there.

>> No.10039929

i knew one similar to this...went on a date with her and she wasnt interested because I am only net-worth half a million. she had just come from dubai and used a nickname instead of real name on her profiles; Aurora something. these whores realized that their only chance at gettin rich is thru their beauty. Russian women immigrants in europe know this too; their main aim in life is landing a rich husband

>> No.10039944

Sounds like they understand their role in lfie.

>> No.10039956

well you cant blame them; they are sitting on a gold mine. pity they end up as arab cum rags. but i know 2 of these 10/10's that landed rich husbands

>> No.10039973

Just FAP to her and get a real woman after that.

>> No.10039991


pulls back the curtain on these disgusting thots and the shiekh special. Know a thot thats always traveling and flexing expensive shit on the gram, but lists her job as ‘entrepreneur’? She a ho. If she breathe she a thot!

>> No.10040004

sucking the juice of of that fat arab cock

I wonder what the fathers of these whorelets would do if they only knew what their little princesses are doing while they wagecuck

>> No.10040016

They are trying to make easy money off their looks, same as we're trying to make easy money off gambling with internet boardgame money.
Most of those will try to sell exposition on their profiles to bars, clubs and other public places. Some of them escort on the down low, or have a nudes Patreon (which is a great way to make a shitload of money off not really doing anything btw) or cam.

>> No.10040019

Virgin detected.

>> No.10040020

Her face looks JUST'd in every pic.

>> No.10040022

Can I fucking puke my guts?
This kind of whore are models for newer generation. And if the model is "sell your ass to filthy arabs" instead of work hard and love yourself" future isn't going to be bright.

>inb4, I go back to /pol

>> No.10040033

sucks to be them
but at the same time imagine being an arab and knowing no matter how much oil money you have, you'll never be desired and neither will your offspring
everyone has their own personal hell, even if it's better to be rich than poor

>> No.10040038

one thing 99.9% of us men dont understand; women have no sense of honor or pride. have u ever wondered why the expression "a man's word is his bond" exists and not "a female's word"? honor and respect is a man's creation. a woman would gladly fuck an arab/negro if it stays a secret from her followers

>> No.10040042

>you'll never be desired
but neither will you. r9k taught me that I rated myself an 8/10 when in reality i am 5. we all over-rate ourselves

>> No.10040053
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>implying if you looked like that you wouldn't get fucked by arab niggers for 100$k a week.
plus you get to say you "travel the world" or some shit and just generally get drunk and party and get paid for it.

>> No.10040071

roastie detected

>> No.10040078

Says the guy on /biz/ desperately trying to get rich by trading useless 1s and 0s

>> No.10040101

meh, men rate men poorly
i had a 10/10 gf, she conned literal NYC jews out of thousands of dollars just to talk to her online
there's no bigger ego boost than getting more for free than what others pay for
i was kv before her and i'd probably rate a 3 or 4 on r9k, if it can happen to me it can happen to you

>> No.10040116
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>> No.10040117

what's with the projection itt, butthurt shitskins or self-hating whites?
1. i wasn't making a statement on all arabs, just the ones who need to pay for pussy
2. i don't trade shitcoins, i work in a blockchain starti and come here for the memes
3. ur a fag

>> No.10040129
File: 35 KB, 696x603, chart-12-696x603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i work in a blockchain startup

you are very late to the party
the fad is dying; see chart
the ponzi collapsed
late by about 2 years

I hope you didnt spend a lot of money for your startup because suicide is now illegal

>> No.10040131

I knew a couple Model Mayhem girls from my gym and they live in a strange 1/2 girlfriend 1/2 prostitute zone where guy date/buy them shit.

>> No.10040152

why would i spend money to work somewhere??? and i'm getting paid in eurobucks, not equity. that startup has been in blockchain since 2015 and has absolutely no relation to public hype or valuation, we have a working product used by businesses. hint: it's something several shitcoin ICOs pretended they would solve in 2017, while our app had already been in use for a year

>> No.10040156

>>Stable, depoliticized and decentralized currency systems are useless

>> No.10040176

How much do you make?

>> No.10040190


Yeaaaaaah. nope

>> No.10040207

>hint: it's something several shitcoin ICOs pretended they would solve in 2017

what your company failed to realize is that blockchain existed since the 90's and there was never a demand for it and there will never be

better alternatives exist

>> No.10040228


>> No.10040244

liar, what app? You are fucking lying you neet

>> No.10040252

>>Lets go back to the dollar

>> No.10040273

The US has nukes. Does Satoshi have nukes?

>> No.10040288

"i'll just tattoo this retarded phrase right in the middle of my chest"
>girl logic

>> No.10040319

KPIs nigger. If she's got followers and shifts product, TPTB won't care that she's only 6/10. She probably has better numbers than many actual models.

What it boils down to is having tits and being willing to sell yourself online.

>> No.10040322

How do I long one of these whores?
t. voluntary incelibate

>> No.10040327

do you have a source on that?

>> No.10040332

This op you are a faggot loser

>> No.10040335

The us having nukes will not convince me to buy their overprized products, friend
Nukes also dont help the us to control the internet, or e-commerce, in any meaningful way
Your attitude is pqrt of the problem, by the way
Many usa peeps think they can brute force everything
>>But we can huuurrrr

>> No.10040339
File: 7 KB, 422x394, 1448065481163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this, i was wondering what was up with these hoes
sad that these instagram whores are defining modern womens culture

>> No.10040359

Her face is 6/10

>> No.10040434

>but muh eastern European and Asian girls know how to act like true women. Not like the ones in the west

Only fucking suckers believe this. These chicks are just smart enough to realize they have to play the game to win. That's the only reason they act domesticated. Fucking rubes.

>> No.10040601

How do these chicks win? Even IG thots with millions of followers don't make more than 50-60k/year with endorsements. People are smart now, they know these thots are paid to advertise bullshit products, therefore their advertising power isn't translating into strong sales anymore.

So they spend their 20's thotting online, building a salacious and thotty history that can never be removed from the internet. By 32 they barely have any savings are grasp on to an abuse chad who will cheat on them and treat them like the unsuccessful fame whores they are.

Great life.

>> No.10040649
File: 13 KB, 185x272, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirsty betas follow these thots to fap and drool over. Thots capitalize on this. The solution is men should stopping acting like dogs.

But yea I have to admit is fucking frustrating that some bitch can earn money by showing her tits and I'm living in a dump.

>> No.10040655


If she's a 6/10 face
My gf is like a -2/10 face

>> No.10040692

>Normal looking girl
>6-7/10 face
>Way above average body

Anon how high are your standards? No she isn't a model but certainly not normal looking girl.

>> No.10040714

The only hard work a woman needs to do is raising her kids.

>> No.10040715

It's common knowledge that IG thots going to Dubai are prostitutes. Theres some site like "find the sponsor" or something who helps track down the guy fucking these thots and paying for it. This belongs in r9k unless you're trying to find how to make money in this field yourself.

>> No.10040736

Fucking Mongolians.

>> No.10040757

A lot of them go into sales and do good if they aren’t too crazy-I hired a bunch to sell vacation condos for a couple weekends and asked they show up looking professional and 1/2 came looking like porn girls pretending to be office girls. Sold a bunch of units though.

>> No.10040840
File: 39 KB, 508x524, pp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meh, men rate men poorly
>i had a 10/10 gf

looks like men rate girls poorly too

>> No.10040875

found the guy buying up the thot's amazon wishlist

>> No.10040917

He's right about it existing for a while, just like internet existed for decades until it started getting mass adoption

>> No.10040979

>Yes they're starved for attention, money or both.Eventually they'll end up in dubai as porta potties


>> No.10040987

I'm not arguing that he's wrong, I'm just interested in reading about it

>> No.10040996

>>but muh eastern European and Asian girls know how to act like true women. Not like the ones in the westOnly fucking suckers believe this. These chicks are just smart enough to realize they have to play the game to win. That's the only reason they act domesticated. Fucking rubes.

ah intelligence at last

>> No.10041125

The point is that when she will have chikdren, she will rise them like shit and contribute to an even more retarded and shitty humanity.
That and the fact that she is a model and many other girls want to do the same.
(Not a clothing model, a life model btw)

>> No.10041147

Male thirst epidemic.

>> No.10041922


Naw agreed anon. The current state of white women is sickening. But they get what's coming to them - Arabs aren't known for being the nicest human beings. I know a few that went that route, all either got horribly beaten or their mongrel kids did.


No, we wouldn't. Little thing called pride. You might view yourself as a cumbucket for the goatfuckers, but that's on you and you alone.

>> No.10041990

>why do they all have the muslim sex trafficking tattoo

Wait wut? Proof?

>> No.10042079

Tattoo. Ruined. SHAME!

>> No.10042126

You say that but you haven’t had adults drooling on you since you were 11 years old. Easy to say how you’d act when you are a fat smelly retard sitting in your mom’s basement instead of getting constant attention .

>> No.10042250

this is why I stick to picking up girls at the bar/club lol

>> No.10042268

this. it's not really their faults, they dont know better. denying it is just your confirmation bias/belief of moral superiority. lol

>> No.10042334

no, many of them truly are just more modest and don't like the idea of sleeping around with 1000 guys.

>> No.10042395

is there any downside to going long on a wife who you outclass in every way (especially looks) ... i figure a poor, unattractive woman (but who is nontheless somewhat intelligent and innately nurturing) would be the best option for investment in children

>> No.10042423

Women do not think rationally-they will figure if you were willing to fuck them then you are on their level.

>> No.10042436

this. people honestly fool themselves?

stop exaggerating the number to help your point. the point is that women only suppress their sexual appetite because they are afraid of societal shaming. if they can sleep around in a way that they won't be shamed, they'll do it.

I met a fuckload of small town chicks when I was on vacation in Cuba. They looked like 'nice girls' -- when they got drunk they went fucking crazy, had threesomes, sucked off random guys on the beach, etc...all because they know it would stay there. No internet, no judgment. True female nature. If you can't beat em, join em.

The truth is the women that don't sleep around are the sheepish ones that are scared of being judged by the crowd.

>> No.10042471

wait ... so if i'm richer, more attractive, more politically connected - basically prince charming - and she is poorer, less attracted, more powerless ... she'll somehow think that we're equal (and that she can do better). how that fuck does that work.

>> No.10042487

Because you picked her.

>> No.10042522
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I can speak for Eastern Europe since I reside in that god forsaken land.
It is unbelievable difference.
Western landwhale is more entitled and degenerate than 8s and 9s here.

>> No.10042523

Women like her use her body to try and persuade men to be sugar daddies. It's really nothing for a girl to give her pussy up. They know it's enough to bag whatever it is they are after. Their supply of victims never runs out as long as their pussy has power.

>> No.10042532

bro are you this fucking retarded?
the logical shit doesn't matter, it's all about your behaviour.

>> No.10042598
File: 32 KB, 258x245, 1E95D7D3-2484-4827-87F9-887911544288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks of roastie fade away
>money she made in her youth wasted on stupid bullshit
>ends up poor, ugly and childless
>nobody gives a shit because every day a young hot cunt enters the field and the supply of hot cunts is not running out

>> No.10042647

Men role has changed with modern society, and do men change themselfs to fit if it didn't mean going against their way to see the world.

Women know for 50years now that things have changed. And so they adapt. But the one leaving their pride and "living the dream" when young became both societal model for yougers and a putrid person dead inside (who said hungry stooopid feminists?)

To sum up, men evolve but keep and spread long term working value.
Women evolve their values to be shortest and shortest term and spread it.

>> No.10042661

my behavior sucks though. i'm terrible with women. not cruel or weird, just ... terrible.

my entire life strat was to invest in myself until i had enough money, looks, power to overwhelm a girl enough to settle down with me and start a family.

this isnt going to work?

>> No.10042690

you'r a faggot.

>> No.10042706



>> No.10042712

>late to the party
the party is fucking over retard

>> No.10042764

62k€ (before taxes)

do you have reading comprehension problems or are you a visitor from r/buttcoin? as said in previous post, we have a working product used by businesses, there has been positive cashflow for the past 2 years. sorry buddy, nobody cares about your opinion on blockchain

ok lol
three more hints: we're based in france, we're authentification/distribution related and our tech uses bitcoin rather than ethereum
at this point i'm practically doxxing myself, but i trust /biz/ to be so lazy the minimal google search work required will be too much

>> No.10042813

I didn’t write the rules bro

>> No.10042828

no, you fucked up and fell for the beta cuck provider meme

women would literally be more attracted to a guy who approaches them at the club like ey bonita come here you sexy

focus on what would've attracted women 10,000 years ago because that's what still attracts women today.

>> No.10042849

based instagram thots

>> No.10042856

Throwing in my 2 cents to this discussion. I have thought about the same thing.

I myself am working and own a small company where my gf is quite wealthy thanks to her connections to culture. I cant blame these instagram "Whores" i name them rather than "Models" but the thing is, wouldnt you do the same?

Inb4 you start calling me a faggot jew finding a rich gf. I did not know her, i did noooooooooot. I actually found out later. We have had discussions on this matter and the matter of the fact is, the easier you can get money, the easier your life is. One person has to only make pics while the other has to work in a shitty factory (ive done that) transporting shit, breaking their back and hating life overall.

Thing is though this is a new generation thing while i myself am quite young as well (25) ive been handling some recruiting and youngsters cant keep up with the work anymore what we faggots used to. They either quit or dont show up for work. People are getting lazier, but i can say what i think is the problem.

Social media....

Ever since this fucking craze happened that people can post half-nude pics on the social media, it caught fire. Dont know how it came to this. I myself havnt posted on social media for like 1-2 years. Sometimes occasionally i post something random, but its so good to be out of that social media. Probably some peeps just watch free "Porn" on instagram and get their dick hard. Thats how the thots sell it. Its basically selling pornography but in a legal way. Thats why this is working.

>> No.10042888

You’ll be fine

>> No.10042970

nice larp, mec!

>> No.10043804

My wife created an Instagram profile and on her first day she had 5 unknown Saudi guys following her and liking all her posts. Really made me think.

>> No.10043843

It's literal sex trafficking. Muslim men customarily pay bride price for their women, and many are allowed to be polygynous.

>> No.10044030

How much did you get for her?

>> No.10044132

Not sure why some of you are offended by these thots sucking arab cock. I mean, what do you expect when Trump is deep-throating Israeli and Saudi cock all day?

>> No.10044156

I think the Arab deal is mostly Euro chicks except for the real spectacular American girls.

>> No.10044164

90% of the world population would want to fuck her. Yes she is not special but she appeals to a huge market...men. Thats why shes valuable

>> No.10044436
File: 555 KB, 1000x1000, 1529556337831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've twice had the experience of raising a woman up only for her to not be grateful and instead go off thinking she can do better.
First was supporting a smart happa girl while she was in uni for engineering, as soon as she got that diversity internship from Google she saw her self as far superior than me and quickly soured what had been a cute 3 year relationship.
Another was teaching a short chubby chick how to eat well and exercise. I could see the potential, and gave her the training and knowledge she needed to look hot. She lost a lot of weight and just as she was getting hot she met a new guy at salsa class "so I think it's best we don't talk anymore" to be fair I was keeping her at arms length till she was hot enough for me to bone, but damm all that work and I didn't even get to reap the reward, she was pretty sexy slim waist with big tittys by the end.
You will NOT get loyalty or gratitude from any female of any species.
This is why our wise forefathers didn't empower women.

>> No.10044492


I'm not even an /pol/ incel but this is the most BLRRRUUUUUUUMPPPTFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! post I've ever seen

>> No.10044655

truth hurts brah

>> No.10044853

So what you're saying is that they found better guys than you?

>This is why our wise forefathers didn't empower women

Nah, they just knew they could pull pussy where faggots like you can't. So you whine about it on 4chan. I bet you never even fucked them you friendzoned faggot.

>> No.10045092
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3 goats, 1 sheep and a camel.

>> No.10045389

They pay for shipping?

>> No.10046213
File: 1.16 MB, 200x200, peep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek lmfao, this.

>> No.10046248

The real question is how to create the male equivalent? Im sure there are older chicks who would pay to fuck a younger attractive guy

>> No.10046352

There's a lot of shit going on with Instagram these days. if they're in skimpy clothing, they're yachting - IG is how they hook up with rich oil niggers in Dubai, they get contacted on there to come for the weekend so some sandnigger can shit on their chests, for $5-10k.

If they're not yachting, they're just attention whores. Every woman thinks she can model, and like /biz is for neets to larp at being 'investors", IG is for whores to larp at being "models".

>> No.10046365

That whole thing was 2010. IG sponsorship isn't even a thing anymore.

>> No.10046378

Every woman has a price. Once you learn that, and can prove it personally, it changes women for you, forever. It's the ultimate woman red pill. They all have a price. Every fucking one of them.

>> No.10046555

Poor naive boy; you can't read

>> No.10046625

Financial price or "price" as in she is motivated to become a an artist and you just happen to know a little dealer down the zipper?