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10040685 No.10040685 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10041024

not this time

>> No.10041029

how naive

>> No.10041035

Pretty solid bear flag again.
We're going to retest 5700 or something.

>> No.10041061

exactly because you've all been conditioned to believe this is why it will happen
keep drawing lines fags

>> No.10041131

Easily. Lower low virtually guranteed. Alts have been dumping hard all day.

>> No.10041154
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why has he forsaken us?

>> No.10041249

Nobody cares. Stop posting this shit trying to get put in a screencap. It's not funny anymore. In fact, it's autistic. Nobody is literally screaming. It's all a big fucking meme.

By you posting this same shit every time btc takes a $2 """"dump"""", you're perpetuating the idea that this is "fun". It's not fun. In fact, it's fucking retarded. Good people have lost thousands, and here you are making a mockery of them, and laughing at the expense of their feelings.

What if someone here is on edge? What if they really are this close to ending it, and you've just posted this shit in order to make it seem funny, but in turn you've turned them off to any possible hope whatsoever? You're a real piece of shit for doing this and I hope you find peace off the internet, because you sure aren't finding it here, even if you're trying to find it at the expense of someone who is really hurting

>> No.10041265

that 30 yo boomer who thinks copypastas will moon

>> No.10041268

Reddit is that way

>> No.10041277
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yup.. it's the exact same pattern as two weeks ago

>> No.10041513
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The question is will we go below 6k today?

>> No.10041527

most likely yes

>> No.10041533

Your mom goes below 6k.

>> No.10041535

We won't go below 6k. I'm comfy with my long.

>> No.10041544

not really possible

cant go under $5,800 for any significant amount of time. miners dont sell below $6k guara-fucking-teed.

any breach will return to norm once sale pressure is lost.

fucking economics

>> No.10041551

we're most likely going to 4.8 bro

>> No.10041570


>cant go under $5,800 for any significant amount of time. miners dont sell below $6k guara-fucking-teed.

>miners will choose 0 cash flow over less cash flow

fucking brainlets, years ago energy producers kept pumping well under the commodity's "break even" price. The price goes up not because they stop, but because the weak hands who can't operate at a deficit fold and production is lessened

>> No.10041571

ye tell that to the multimillion mining farms lul

hope you enjoy this screenshot in 2020 when we have NEVER gone below electricity costs since 2010

>> No.10041589


1) costs them more to stop production of oil etc.

2) bitcoin doesn't dry up like oil lol

ur literally just adding to my argument.

they will hodl until price is profit.

>> No.10041599

Cost of mining is barely under 6k in Israel. Know your place, cattle.

>> No.10041604

dude, you're going to eat your shit
im not saying bitcoin is going to be 4.8k forever
im saying we're going to 4.8 temporarily
which is a lot more likely than you stomping your feet and going "LOL NEVER HAPPEN"
shut the fuck up, nerd.

>> No.10041617

k guys, whatever gets you through your day.
just don't act all surprised when all those things you super-duper really thought because you read them somewhere else online aren't magically protecting you from the inevitable shit-dip.

>> No.10041620

herp derp

>> No.10041630


Ya know, that's some anger/despair. We're close to bottom now - only another 3k to go.

>> No.10041643


you don't know shit about oil or trading, GL with the bags homeboy

>> No.10041647
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>> No.10041897
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>just don't act all surprised when all those things you super-duper really thought because you read them somewhere else online
Don't project yourself onto me assfaggot. 3k is as much of a meme as 100k was, 4k is as much of a meme as 50k was. All the tradingview gurus, all the twitter TA "experts" and various other shills, even the retards here who made bear apu edits are shoving 4k down everyone's throat, urging to short or sell. Yet there's no reason whatsoever why that magical number would be the ultimate bottom beyond a literal meme.

Meanwhile we're roughly bouncing off the same levels since feb. Feel free to bet against the jews. But hey, we'll get to 4k because the internet told you so, right?

>> No.10041935
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settle down, cutie pie. we'll see who's right soon enough. grease up!

>> No.10041957

SEETHING coincuck

>> No.10041959

>Meanwhile we're roughly bouncing off the same levels since feb.

Oh wow it's down near the previous recent bottom for a second time. That definitely means it won't go below that because reasons

>> No.10041978
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medium article?

lul try the last 20 years of gold production math.

still above 90th percentile cost.

u cant argue with ecnomics /biz/ but what do i care ur gonna get wrecked when u see these screenshots in 2020

>> No.10041993

literally cant fall below cost price.

>as many people can dump gold as btc but they don't

>> No.10042007

>literally cant fall below cost price.

Some people will stop mining if it costs too much to produce, and then difficulty will adjust accordingly in time. You people thinking it literally cannot go below production cost are goddamn retarded

>> No.10042021

>muh 2020
what is that, some kind of cope mantra
relax anon, we're going well under your magic cost barrier for a bit. it's gonna be okay. we'll go back up.

>> No.10042024

what you described is LOWERING the production cost NOT going below it.

sure... show me a chart when difficulty goes down THEN maybe btc could drop to $5k

but difficulty is going up every month.

>> No.10042074
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>> No.10042090


He wants us to buy low

>> No.10042107


Reddit, you need to go back

>> No.10042110


are you retarded or something? Or just 16?

Yeah, dudes are just going to go insolvent to "stick it to the man!!!!" because BTC is below producing costs. You know that's what everybody is hoping their competition does, right? And that's why NOBODY is going to stop producing. You're actually going to see DOUBLING DOWN to increase cash flow to compensate. You obviously have no experience trading this sort of thing, but I just LOL at the fact that somebody is naive to think that going below production cost = everybody stops producing, fucking lmao

I would use more parallels from the energy sector, which was in a nearly identical situation a couple years ago, but I feel like it would be wasted effort on literal 16 year old mongoloids who can't grasp such a basic concept

>> No.10042196

>No other sizes of this image found

>> No.10042216
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>> No.10042286

[X] told
[ ] untold

>> No.10042300

to the moon faggots

>> No.10042335
File: 48 KB, 1283x891, 2daMOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the moon on the other side of the planet right now?

>> No.10042383

i didnt ever say that faggot...

what i DID say is going below production costs = miners stop SELLING

they still produce obviously.

>> No.10042403

(^which obviously means over time price goes back up to production cost+

>> No.10042432

if you go up slow enough it will come to you

>> No.10042470
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>> No.10042547

youre doing god's work

>> No.10042556
File: 195 KB, 317x275, 1529840470825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's here.
Release the drones

>> No.10042593


>Waaah waa uaaaaaah sniff byyyh

>> No.10042635

i never left, pumpkin.
what's woooong, cutting too close to your richie rich dreams?

>> No.10042641
File: 235 KB, 580x349, Boggu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, father.

>Release the drones
You think you can stop the memes?