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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10032606 No.10032606 [Reply] [Original]

im a antisocial neet retard who needs to have some way to support himself

a normal job like mcdonalds or something is not on the table

what is a actual legitimate job that you can do on your computer at home

i just want to make like 15k-20k a year usd its all i want

ive never been able to support myself even a tiny income im 25 and still at my parents

>> No.10032637

Same as OP. I just need a job that can make me $15k a year.

>> No.10032656

accounting clerk. you just pay some bills here and there for 15/hr

>> No.10032674

Data entry my guy

>> No.10032693

ya but you cant actually acquire these jobs

how do you acquire a job

it never seem to connected with me

i know about craigslist but theres not really jobs there besides like calling people on the phone for sales

or like maybe some programmer shit but thats like 20 years experience and 10 different languages and shit you need to be proficient in

>> No.10032813
File: 59 KB, 1080x810, tumblr_p8mat3S0pM1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a lost cause

there was 1 search result for data entry and

it seems overwhelming i would have to like go force myself into learning all the things in this completely random business

when im not a people person oriented im very awkwaard

theres no way im going there aand talking to people and pretending like i have skills and then learning all the ins and outs of their business

its completely overwhelming

theres in reality not possible to make a living im forced in my parents house forever and they treat me like subhuman trash

>> No.10032845


I'm in the same boat OP, I'm about to graduate from an accounting degree at a decent uni but I have no idea what to do after I graduate. I don't think I'm going to get a great grade but I'm sure I passed nonetheless. Any recommendations brehs? (I live in London btw)

>> No.10032874

unless you run your own business or are an extremely talented software dev the working from home thing is a meme

>> No.10032887

>theres in reality not possible to make a living im forced in my parents house forever and they treat me like subhuman trash
probably because you are rude, ungrateful and lazy. go get a McJob like the rest of your retard generation before u get replace by a kiosk in 6 months

>> No.10032888

virtual assistant and customer service work from home but they're slave drivers.

i did leapforce/appen before - rate websites but that was a while ago.

there's also teach english to chinese kids with a webcam, got good reviews online but again, people to deal with

you can bid on freelance sites making websites for people but that's a skill you need and you'll be bidding against pajeets. better to go out and shill that skill

>> No.10032894

Grow weed

>> No.10032915
File: 79 KB, 1280x839, tumblr_p8vr6vFhln1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be a super human to make it in real life

i dont know how people do this shit and have regular jobs

right it seems like theres nothing

for me i dont have the mental patience to acquire a degree in the first place

whats a business that you can own


what type of business

i hate my parents they let me go homeless on the streets before no way i respect them ever in my life

why cant the parents ever be the bad people you just always put the blame on the poor millenials with no money

the young kids need the sympathy not old people who already have their positions in life set in stone


>> No.10032918

Do yo have a degree?

Honestly, regardless, just join the military - they are hurting for people and you get work experience and job placement after it is all said and done

>> No.10032942
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no degree

cant join the military id rather be dead than follow orders like a slave

>> No.10032954

Don't listen to this guy, go join the military.

Boomer's hate when their kids enter military service, and you'll never have to see them again if you don't want to

>> No.10032982

>cant join the military id rather be dead than follow orders like a slave

You sign a contract, you abide by the terms of that contract, and get paid and get benefits for completing that contract.

If you can't follow an order from a boss who pays you, then maybe you are right you can't follow an order from someone higher ranked. In that case, since you truly are useless, you better just send me your address so I can put you out of your misery

>> No.10033034

Bro you sound retarded. It's not about being a slave it's about gaining life experience and extreme discipline. If you are fat, which I'm guessing you are it will improve your fitness. You need to develop a different mindset you have now. Asking for handouts on this board but you don't want to go out and work because you don't want to be a slave? Come on listen to yourself

>> No.10033037
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p545wqS2oT1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its about the human dignity of being woken up at 5 am and told to do push ups pr some shit

you cant have happiness or human respect for yourself in that

im sorry

for me death is better than that

money isnt worth anything if you have no freedom

>> No.10033078
File: 626 KB, 1200x1919, tumblr_p8ithyolLx1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


especially if the guy is yelling at you when you wake up at 4:30 am

can you imagine that shit

oh my gosh just shoot me after 1 day

>> No.10033096

It's about discipline. If you have the mental and physical toughness to withstand that then you have an advantage over the general population in day to day life. It's all about the mindset and your mindset is horribly pessimistic.

>> No.10033099

>follow orders like a slave
Literally every job ever, even work at home types have to follow orders

You have your duty day, then you take your uniform off and can do whatever the fuck you want (short of criminal shit or smoking weed).

You join the military you:
1. Get to live as far away as possible from your parents
2. Do not have to see them if you don't want to. No one forces you to go home on leave - you get a 1 week christmas leave, you can jump on a free air force flight and take a trip to Hawaii instead
3. Get to knock out some schooling online for free
4.get GI bill and a bunch of other benefits including home loans when you complete your term of service

I don't know what to tell you man, you and I both hate the lowest tier of wage cuckery, but I had a fucking blast in the military.... then again I got to shoot at people

>> No.10033100

from what I can tell you have no human dignity left to lose

>> No.10033138

Basic Training bullshit ends after you complete the basic Training bullshit yo fucking tool.

>Hurr Military life is 100% hell like Full Metal Jacket or Jarhead said it was

>IRL it's alot more like Heartbreak ridge - work hard, play harder

>> No.10033149

Wow. this is on a whole new level of cold

>> No.10033174
File: 392 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_p7y7p04L101s2yc47o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also they make you take vaccines and shit if you join the military


what am i a dog


its nice that you get to get away from your parents

its honestly not enough though youll get paid some money but it will not be enough to support yourself without a job when you get out

youl have to become a wagecuck when you get out

and have to deal with being a slave in the military and you probably cant even use the computer

what the fuck is a non normy going to do without a computer

id be bored as hell

and loathing each day

>> No.10033179

>super human
>doing average day to day tasks

>> No.10033206
File: 174 KB, 630x945, tumblr_p8iv7wQCzy1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cuz you can communicate with people for me communicating with people is extremelly difficult

normies just talk and it flows the talking part is easy for them

for someone who is introverted its not possible to make it in life

you cant make it in life if you are socially avoidant because nobody will think youre good for their business and you wont even go attempt to get a job anywhere because you have to talk to somebody

>> No.10033251
File: 157 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p7y7kc9u071s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just never connected with me

why am i 25 and still at my parents house

they been telling me theyre going to kick me out on the streets every single day and theyve done it before multiple times

i have to live through this because its so hard for me to figure out how to make money and support myself

>> No.10033252

You have no dignity, and you have no pride, you are a worthless ant and human life has next to no intrinsic value whatsoever.
You are no more than a clump of cells believing he is something more than an ape - the product of a jaded society and failed parentage

You cannot function as an individual in your current form. I am advocating you attempt something different, functioning within a team, where your lack as an individual is made up for in combined efforts. It just so happens that in a military those efforts align towards killing or supporting the mission of killing.

>money isn't worth anything if you have no freedom
Again you sign a contract. You get to read that fucking contract, you have time to research what military life entails. You are given downtime overseas, and you have a duty day that ends 3-5pm in garrison with weekends off state side - after which you get to fuck off, decompress, get drunk, fuck skanks, play vidya, etc - except for the rare field excercise, and you know 1+ month in advance when that shit is coming

>> No.10033262


If you didn't sound like a big enough fucking loser already, this one line makes me wish you'd get some disease and die a shitty death. You should thank whatever shitty god you believe in that science has given us vaccines.

You sound like a lazy fuck that's too stupid to learn how to escape their social anxiety. Fix your shitty social skills then start applying for junior positions you ass.

>> No.10033276

thank god I come on 4chan to laugh at people like this and I'm not actually like this.

>> No.10033288
File: 67 KB, 550x774, tumblr_p8iuo6Ovb21s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again you sign a contract.

ya and thats why i would never sign the contract and im explaining it to you dude

i would cry if i had to go to some middle eastern country and be bored as fuck and being forced to do all these meaningless shit

and then killing people i dont believe in killing anyone for one

its ALMOST worth it just because i get to move away from my parents for a few years at best

but i still think its not worth it

>> No.10033365

That's all basic training bullshit. The point is to toughen you up, make you function on limited sleep, and push you past what you thought you could physically do.

>hurr durr it all sounds so bad

I dunno man, you complete the final 15 mile ruck march (it's only like 6-9 miles now) ending a week long ordeal, finally dropping your ruck (feeling amazing when you finally do so) to the award field to get blooded, and then finally getting blooded? Best fucking feeling in the world, short of lighting brown people on fire with incendiary rounds

>> No.10033387

>Wow. this is on a whole new level of cold

Emotions are for women and the weak.

This is afterall /biz/

>> No.10033404

If I may ask, where do you live OP?

>> No.10033409
File: 320 KB, 1199x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im too beta to "fuck skanks" too so i cant do that

and imagine the human dignity you lose when you have to tell them you have to go back to your military concentration camp later that night

thats you dude

i wouldnt feel any achievement from that

i dont really give a shit about working out or "toughing me up"

im not interested

>> No.10033443

>its honestly not enough though youll get paid some money but it will not be enough to support yourself without a job when you get out

I pulled over 45k my first deployment as an E-4 - with Hazardous duty and jump pay and BAH.
You have to remember, even in garrison - THEY FEED YOU, CLOTHE YOU AND PROVIDE YOU HOUSING.

Every dollar you get paid, you get paid tax free - without those considerations of feeding or housing yourself, and if you live off post they cover your housing costs in full, with money left over to stock the fridge and pay the bills

>> No.10033456
File: 172 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_palgbwa1GJ1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south florida broward county

its shit

maybe my life wouldnt be so bad if i was born in another place


maybe not though because i dont see myself being able to wake up in the morning to go wagecuck for 8 hours

i dont have the energy and dont have the capability to get up at certain times

i cant do it my brain cant handle it

its like youre constantly being forced to reach a deadline you have constant anxiety in your brain FUCK FUCK FUCK I have to wake up to wagecuck tomorrow

its hell. its a fact of life i dont think i was meant to live period

>> No.10033468

I've gotten 3 jobs off Craigslist, including my current one. Make about $50k but insanely expensive area.

>> No.10033469

I'll be honest with you op, life is pretty shitty, and it seems ITT you're trying to find a way to live a non-shitty life which might not be possible unfortunately.

life is bothersome, most people are miserable, and no one offers an alternative. accept or you'll die of either starvation or depression.

on a concerte note, what about cleaning office buildings? you don't have to communicate with anybody

>> No.10033482

>and have to deal with being a slave in the military and you probably cant even use the computer

>what the fuck is a non normy going to do without a computer

Every post I've been to has wifi and/or plug in networking supplied, and that's in the Army, which is alot shittier than Air Force or Navy accomodations

Some of the best posts have Fiber internet

Not only that, but you could always go for a military job that deals directly with computing, like Cyber security in the Airforce, Navy or Army - but of course not limited to that because there are a ton of jobs from supply, to admin, to intel that require computer profieciency

>> No.10033504

>let work from home meme

Not gonna happen.
Leave your house or stay poor. It's that simple.

>Bbbut I'm awkward and introverted!
Too bad.

>> No.10033546
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you cant be in the military forever dude you cant just be a NEET and magically theyre going to keep paying your rent

"off post" my ass

dude im never doing it period military is hell

everyone pretends their job is comfy when i know its not

everyone says that theyre just playing games the whole time its not true i dont believe anyone

for me to do what you do i would be suffering

cleaning office buildings but waking up at 8 am and working till 5 and then doing it again and waking up in time every day? i cant wake up every day its against my biology

>Too bad.

exactly thats what ive found

i found the hard way the reality of the world and im too pussy to kms

>> No.10033600

>i would cry if i had to go to some middle eastern country and be bored as fuck and being forced to do all these meaningless shit

There are plenty of things you can do with boredom and the downtime you are going to experience overseas. I brought a gaming laptop with games pre-loaded, and a external HDD loaded with movies, porn, and I had access to shitty haji internet or shitty satellite internet, so I would download games on Steam before I went on patrol or a big, multiday mission. Besides that there's always someone to talk to going through the same shit, and the ability to work out

>and then killing people i dont believe in killing anyone for one
Killing isn't something you believe in, killing is reality, Killing is the ultimate sexual act, the final realization of mans infinite passion to compete. Killing is as natural as breathing, it is a fact of life.

But again you don't have to be a stone cold killer, you don't have to do that job, you can do any of a myriad of support jobs behind the scenes. You just have to be prepared to kill, because it is the military and you may have to kill in self defense of your own life and the lives of your comrades

>> No.10033610


>> No.10033653

lol you haven't even tried to work in your life. You just want people here to either validate your lack of work ethic or throw a tantrum insisting it's impossible (like when you gave up on find a data entry job after a single google search)

I used to be in your position. Getting up, working, it all sucks at first but you get used to it. What helped me was remembering that it's always hardest at the beginning.

Get up and do something productive. I don't care if it's 5 minutes of searching for a job or studying programming or whatever. Do 5 minutes. Do it every day. Increase incrementally, even if you only go up 5 minutes a week.

You can do 5 minutes can't you anon? Nobody is that big of a bitch.

>> No.10033660

>im too beta to "fuck skanks" too so i cant do that
You literally just have to live in the Barracks.
That's it.
Large group of guys convinces a large group of girls to come back to the barracks, girls get swapped around like trading cards, and suddenly that idiot from weapons squad ends up marrying the Stripper everyone has banged.
Then you wake up on sunday next to some chick - no idea who, you didn't even go out the previous night, you stayed in the barracks drinking and playing fuck fuck games, some of the bro's brought back chicks - barracks rat's, and now you get to watch 30-60 women walk the walk of shame

It's all good fun
Wear a rubber

>> No.10033674
File: 73 KB, 600x900, tumblr_parj3h4OgB1s2yc47o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 youre in the military stop downplaying it

i hear the same shit from people who work 100k a year jobs who supposedly just post on 4chan all day

thats not how it works

did you even have your own private space? or you sleeping in a bunk bed with other people

that right there alone is a terrible experience

sometimes you just want to be left alone

just being there would cause you to go insane

its like prison except you might get to use your gaming laptop to watch a pre downloaded movie in the few hours youre free and make sure you get to bed on time

no thank you m8

>> No.10033682
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Night time security? You just sit around and will likely only see a few people per night
Library? Just stock shelves in silence, and do automated-tier responses to people asking to find or check out a book.
There honestly aren't that many good work at home jobs that don't require a lot of skill like programming, this is coming from a robot from /r9k/ that has been, and is still in a similar situation as well. The only things you could do are stuff like Amazon Mturk, ebay flipping, or get lucky on fiverr or youtube. True free NEET is pretty much impossible to achieve without wagecucking for at least a year or two every so often, or magically getting lucky like lottery or some shit. Remember that living a minimal life without going out often or splurging on expensive shit isn't really that expensive at all. Ignore this militaryfag if you don't like military unless it's a true last resort, try to find something that requires minimal social interaction. It'll be difficult regardless and you'll likely feel like shit but the goal here is to find the least shitty job rather than finding a perfect comfy one that likely doesn't exist. But you have to try anon, even if you fail it will be more acceptable to others around you since you at least make an effort. Good luck pal

>> No.10033697
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i dont believe in degeneracy so the idea of everyone having all this sex makes me sad and depressed straight off the bat

>> No.10033701

imagine being this much of a boot licker

>> No.10033733
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p79am7eyzz1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boot licker

ya theres the word i was looking for thaNKS m8

hes a bootlicker

i dont know exactly what people do in the military i just know its going to be more slavery than wage cucking already is

>> No.10033766

Just do as many interviews as possible. I was in your situation when I was 18yo and I ended up getting a decent job at AIG doing data entry, sorting mail, managing the archive etc.There was little/no social interaction (I personally don't mind it though), free lunch, my own office, I could show up late if I wanted to and I could browse the internet during work. Stop wasting your time and get off your ass.

>> No.10033783

>m8 youre in the military stop downplaying it
Was, i'm in college now on a free ride, because I was in the military.
To be honest I loved it, I joined not because of some feeling of hopelessness, but because I legitimately wanted to fight (9/11 happened when I was a tween). But towards the end I was getting sick of some of the bullshit and opted not to re-enlist again.
6 years of service

I still play with the idea of re-joining under a different branch, doing something not as demanding, because when it was all said and done it was the best experience of my life

>> No.10033834

You can literally just show up to/call random companies and ask if they have any jobs available. Tell them what you're good at (e.g. excel) and offer to send your CV. That's how I got all of my jobs before university. Also, ask your friends and/or family if there are any available positions at their work.

>> No.10033849
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what did you do to get interviews just walk up to random businesses

im not cut out to talk to people for the interview ill spill too much spaghetti

and how do you live with yourself with 8 hours of "sorting mail"

i thought people were supposed to be happy and doing what they love

>> No.10033862
File: 332 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_p7uiqwjt6Y1s2yc47o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not good at excel though i offer literally 0 skills and i dont want to lie because they will find out when im on the job and am a literal retard

and whats a "CV" i dont have ANY resume shit

you sound like a well adjusted norm

>> No.10033870

I met a hooker who quality checked uni papers, she was dyslexlic too but somehow made it work. People with poor English skills often want this.
Could buy things from online auction sites like gold/jewellery and resell on eBay.

>> No.10033935

>did you even have your own private space? or you sleeping in a bunk bed with other people
I had my own private space in Garrison stateside - a large dorm split with sheetrock -2 entry doors for each side and a locking wide frame door between the halves .

During one deployment I lived in an air conditioned and heated re-inforced bunker, and there were bunkbeds and framebeds.
This was in a combat zone, on a Forward Operating Base, where we would take pretty regular mortar fire
At the nearby Combat Outpost (onna hill, a platoon got rotated in and out every few days), we would sleep on cots, in a sandbag dugout bunker - which a shitty window AC bought from a PX that we would have to hose because of sand ingestion.
That took a bit of mortar fire and regular small arms fire as well

At the larger, safer posts, like at the major airbases overseas - Kabul Airbase for example, the accomodations were nicer - reinforced concrete structures with proper dorm rooms were the norm - usually 2 to a room with a divider - this is more common for people who aren't in combat jobs. Again all of the above except garrison were overseas conditions

>> No.10033941

I sent like 20 emails with my CV to different companies and called a few too. I got one job through one of my friends.

I did it for 6 months during my gap year. It was a great job desu. I was also managing the physical archive, finding old documents in the arcive, scanning documents, redirecting emails etc. No one knew how much time my work took (except the guy who had the job before me) so I spent a lot of time drinking coffee and browsing the internet. You can't really wish for much more than that if you don't have an education, your own business or you're willing to work really hard.

>> No.10033957

CV: "A curriculum vitae is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. It is akin to a résumé in North America"

I'm not American. Perhaps you don't use the word CV.

>> No.10033976

>you sleeping in a bunk bed with other people
They aren't just other people
They are your squad mates
You are part of a team
They watch your back and you watch theirs, you get so comfortable with them you didn't imagine you could be such good friends with someone.

Can't be a boot licker if you are wearing the boot

>> No.10033994
File: 119 KB, 985x1280, tumblr_p8vr05FgHz1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya like i said i have absolutely 0 skills and no resume and no "CV"

im not going to just make up shit

and theres no way in hell im emailing random businesses when i offer them nothing

i just want a 15k a year so i can not live at my parents house

to be honest

i wouldnt even know where the fuck to start if i had to "email companies"

what the fuck

now youre just imagining youre in a glorious movie with a real purpose or some shit when its all imaginary youre fighting for literally nothing

people getting their face blown off in these wars for no reason it costs trillions of dollars

>> No.10034006

Perhaps you could practice some basic excel? There are tons of free videos on youtube. 30 hours of practice should be enough to be able to do most data entry jobs.

>> No.10034015

When has anyone ever needed an excuse to fight?

>> No.10034056
File: 24 KB, 306x306, 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to a cryptoboard
>"hurr durr how can my NEET ass make money?"

how about you learn how to trade crypto, perfect job for you.
>don't need to interact with people
>don't need a boss
>just comfy TA and gains

>> No.10034057
File: 351 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p7yfaqWPaL1s2yc47o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still have no resume

i dont know what companies to email saying i just watched a youtube video on excel

>> No.10034061

Well, it worked for me. You're (most likely) not going to get a comfy job if you aren't willing to put any effort into applying for jobs. Isn't there some sort of website in the US where companies post job openings?

>> No.10034085

You can just google how to make a resume... It's not that hard. Just write that you have experience doing data entry/working with excel.

>> No.10034093

NEET's don't have Capitol

>> No.10034096

Screen printing and printmaking. Not a bad gig and kind of fun. You might need a little schooling but try for some connections.

>> No.10034115
File: 180 KB, 600x800, tumblr_parit3eKOr1s2yc47o2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gambling dude you can just as easily lose all your money
and its a
bear market dude every coin is going down down down

and yes you need money to do it

its not a real way to make money guaranteed

>> No.10034116

I own a business in Broward and have a work from home position available for someone with moderate computer skills. 20 hrs a week, 14.50 an hour. You interested?

>> No.10034139

I don't mean to sound rude, but you seem a bit too lazy. You'll have to put some effort into getting a decent job. Ask ALL your friends and family members if they know of any job openings at their job.

>> No.10034154
File: 214 KB, 640x960, tumblr_paqfnueLjw1s2yc47o8_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure im interested youre probably memeing tho

its not about being lazy i would be willing to do lots of manual labor

its more about the intricacies of wage cuckery which puts a large barrier to entry

>> No.10034177
File: 268 KB, 1280x1201, tumblr_p540qzt99Z1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and even if i am a lot lazier than the average person i dont care i want to live a meager existance of 15k a year and nto be totally miserable while im doing it

is that my fault for wanting a decent life where im not crrying

>> No.10034188

you don't even need that much to start.

you should look more into it and do your own research, trading can be very profitable.

>> No.10034218
File: 428 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_pa6rx9KejR1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be for people who bought bitcoin/ethereum years ago

but just because it can doesnt matter youre just as likely to lose everything

you cant let the winners trick you they got the good side of the stick

theres people who post on here every day explaining how they lost hundreds of thousands

>> No.10034252
File: 272 KB, 1035x1280, tumblr_p9a961vE9A1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not lazy its lacking energy and willpower to do the full blown wage cuck experience

>> No.10034257

yeah I am, I was going to fuck with you but now I don't have the heart to.

I do really own a business, in Fl. not Broward though. The job opening part was a complete fabrication. Try working for the county. They're a bunch of lazy dorks like you and offer quite a few wfh jobs. I know someone who works for the county clerk of courts office and they have ton of wfh people who do basically jack shit all day.

>> No.10034271

I tried to give you some simple advice (learn excel, write a cv, apply for as many jobs as possible, ask friends/family, find a website with job openings). All of those things are extremely easy to do. If you aren't willing to do those things then I can't really help you. Good luck I guess.

>> No.10034299
File: 481 KB, 1167x1800, tumblr_p5axjlpI2W1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would but think about having to actually talk to these people and pretend to show interest in their business and have to learn everything about it and convert my life based around this shit i dont really give a shit about and put a smile on my face

it turns me off

when people say get a job its like a whole entire life sentence of misery

its not that simple

i dont want to talk to the guys when i go for an interview and i dotn want to talk to them when im at work every day

i dont like them and want nothing to do with them i just want my money

>> No.10034303

you are probably too dumb for it anyway, truly a shame that you got the wrong kind of autism, would have been your perfect job.
I guess your best bet is to sign up for retard welfare, play a mental retard and receive bucks.

>> No.10034320

Learn basic excel skills (30 hours), write resume/cv 3 hours) send 50 emails to different companies asking if they have any available data entry jobs (4 hours). It would literally take you <40 hours of work to almost be guaranteed to get a decent job offer.

>> No.10034326
File: 169 KB, 640x960, tumblr_paqfnueLjw1s2yc47o2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course trading crypto sounds ideal i already bought some link but its way down ive lost money so far

and im all in theres nothing i can do with that im certainly not selling any of it right now at the bottom

what are you supposed to do when every coin is going down down down everyone is losing right now nobody is winning right now m8

>> No.10034338

You belong at McDonald’s you entitled cunt, go work there you neet and grow up.

>> No.10034345
File: 88 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p7vvcbaTrT1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in the process of getting autism bucks but i dont really want it anymore because my mom sabotaged it

she went for guardianship rights over me so she can control the money when i get it

so now i wont even have the freedom to spend it how i want so im not really interested in my own autism bucks i might have gotten

so im pretty much in rebellion mode not going to show up to court they might take me to jail or some shit

>> No.10034368

>already holds Link
so wtf do you want to hear from us?
so just sit on your ass and wait til the singularity, afterwards run a node or something for passive income.

get that shit sorted out. why don't you stop sabotaging your life?

>> No.10034370

>rebellion mode
DBA leech off parents and shitpost about how things cost money but I don't want to work for it mode

>> No.10034394
File: 406 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a lot of link im a poor neet

it might help me out later on but its not going to let me be rich or anything i dont think

>get that shit sorted out. why don't you stop sabotaging your life?

did you not hear what i said
she sabotaged my neetbux

its not about working if i could go dig 100 ditches a day for decent money i would do it

its all the ulterior bullshit that comes with modern day wage cucking that has made a barrier to entry that puts me out of the market

>> No.10034414

Yea sorry Anon but that's just how the world works. You're not going to get a perfect job with no skills/experience. No offense, but it really sounds like you need to grow up.

>> No.10034435
File: 124 KB, 914x1280, tumblr_p8vr6vFhln1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well im never going to "grow up" in the way you want me to

i cant do wage cucking i cant wake up at a time when somebody else wants me to wake up

my biology only allows for a variable sleep schedule not a constant one

it seems like im going to die and suffer my whole life

i would rather be put out of my misery t.b.h

because i know my life is just going to be unending suffering with a mindset like mine

if you dont conform

>> No.10034441
File: 4 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is your mommy mean to you? and why do you hate your mother?

>> No.10034457

> its not about working if i could go dig 100 ditches a day for decent money i would do it
There are TONS of jobs with little/no social interaction that require no formal education. The "barrier to entry" is you're too entitled/lazy to write a resume, go to job interviews, use google etc.

>> No.10034474


>> No.10034481

software developer. learn react native, I'm hiring.

I'll start you at $10/hour to learn react native and work on projects i give you. I'm dead serious. Once you become competent I'll give you raises based on what you can produce. The faster you can produce the quicker I'll promote you.

email hu7nr@slipry.net and we'll go from there

i can pay in crypto or USD.

>> No.10034482

Unironically, how does one make friends after college? I've finally exited my depression but have no real means of building new social relationships outside of work.

>> No.10034484
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_p79akfNwxP1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. cuz i live in her house for all these years

2. she kicked me out before/treats me like trash

you cant call me lazy when i just said i would go dig 100 ditches

you lying scumbag

maybe all those things IS part of what puts off people from the modern wage cuck system

>> No.10034490

wear kneepads
don't forget to charge

>> No.10034498

> my biology only allows for a variable sleep schedule
Do you actually believe this? You're just too used to not having any resposibilities in life. Everyone can get used to a constant sleep schedule.

Also, that girl looks like my gf.

>> No.10034512

so whats your plan when you become homeless or forced into a mental asylum?
also you didn't even learn how to manipulate your own parents? thats weak.

>> No.10034514

Can I do this if I already have a regular job?

>> No.10034516

I'm a lying scumbag for trying to give you honest advice for the last hour or so? I guess it's the autism, but you're a huge asshole. Good luck. I'm not going to waste any more time on you.

>> No.10034526
File: 512 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_p8351jC4ve1s2yc47o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its true i had a job at a supermarket once and i would constantly have issues i would stay up 2 days in a row sometimes and work 2 shifts without sleeping just to cope with it

i have brutal anxiety if i have to wake up the next day

even doctors appointments ill be constantly thinking about it the day before and it turns my life into a nightmare

for me im not comfortable going to sleep at a certain time the rest of my life

to you it sounds strange but thats how i work. i cant live without staying up late and being free in that way

>> No.10034541
File: 385 KB, 1200x1919, tumblr_p8itlfY3Ra1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, that girl looks like my gf.

that didnt help my depression that makes me 10x more sad

i didnt need to hear about your girlfriend and how she looks like this girl

i dont have a girlfriend and im a virgin at 25 and wont ever have one due to many inssues

>> No.10034549
File: 268 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_p3an6ja1lY1s2yc47o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not an asshole you just called me entitled/lazy

you threw the insult

i was just replying back because i dont like being called names

its not advice when you say that shit

>> No.10034623

become a crypto trader already and stop whining.

>> No.10034641
File: 1.97 MB, 540x300, tumblr_p600kmluFx1uy6fwao1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im all in on link (which isnt very much)

and link is way down theres no way im selling any at the bottom

so i cant trade

>> No.10034653

> not willing/unable to wake up at the same time every day
> No education, no experience, no skills
> not willing to write a cv
> not willing to learn some basic skills such as excel that would allow you to get a job with no social interaction
> Not willing to send emails to companies
> Still expects to find comfy job working from home with flexible hours that will make you happy
This will never happen. You want a great job but you're not willing to put any effort into finding one. That's you being really entitled and/or out of touch with reality. I'm going to bed. good luck..

>> No.10034664

im not entitled because i dont want what you just said

i never said im entitled to one

i said ideally i want to make 15k a year to get out of my parents

i dont want to commit my life to typical wage cucking correct its not for me

so when did i say i was entitled to your job

i dont even want it


>> No.10034721

once link moons you will have some money you can use to trade to make a steady income. til that happens you should DYOR and learn how it all works.

>> No.10034725
File: 211 KB, 549x415, homer-writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a crypto trader is your choise of profession that fits the criteria. low effort, limitless cash flow.

>> No.10034743
File: 215 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_p66wucZU2k1s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think thats a good idea

i think just keeping my link and selling it to USD one day is a better idea rather than risking all my gains

>> No.10034755

Dude honestly at this point, you should probably just neck yourself.

You have no usable skills, you are out of shape, a sexless virgin NEET with no one who loves him, with anxiety issues. You are prideful with nothing to be proud of, believe you are special in a world where no one is and everything and everyone is expendable.
You have "Morals" and abhor degeneracy, when you in fact are the degenerate. You live a life without purpose, believing everything should just fall into place for you without any effort on your part whatsoever. You bitch about suffering and you now not suffering. Life is an ordeal, life is suffering, life is struggle. We struggle against others, we struggle against death, we struggle to define or even justify out pitiful existence. There is no reason for your continued existence. You aren't even worth the cost of the lead that goes into a bullet.

Your life has no value and it never will unless you make value, for you to get there it's going to require effort and physical and emotional discomfort, or as I said earlier, just neck yourself and hope the afterlife is more forgiving than this purgatory

>> No.10034772

As I said, you'll never find a job like the one you want. You'll have to lower your expectations. No one wants a typical wage cuck job, but people (like you) still do it because they have no skills, no education, aren't willing to work hard, too dumb/lazy to start their own business, have issues etc.

>> No.10034789

I 100% agree with this except the part about killing yourself.

>> No.10034824
File: 165 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p7y7kc9u071s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya that sounds like a shitty awful world shouldnt be tolerated

id be down with dying but too much of a pussy myself to do it


exactly maybe ill never find it im just
asking for the .00001% chance someone says something i never thought of
or just cuz im bored i made this post

i dont really expect anything to change

>> No.10034845


I would gladly serve a life sentence followed by the death penalty for raping this bitch, I'd die smiling as they injected me with that shit.

>> No.10034859

>I 100% agree with this except the part about killing yourself.
He hasn't given or been open to any other options.
He believes he is above getting paid for his labor - yes the market is shit but there are steps you can take, like getting educated or learning a marketable skill.

He either changes who he is fundamentally, down to the very fiber of his being, and creates the value he so desperately needs at great effort and discomfort....

Or he necks himself and nothing of value was lost

Either way I'm just about done with his pity party, and you should be too

>> No.10034866
File: 889 KB, 600x900, tumblr_paqf5wetiY1s2yc47o2_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you rape her that just validates her even more

im such a princess that someone wanted to rape me ahhh yes

girls want to be raped they have rape fetishes

>> No.10034882
File: 186 KB, 600x900, tumblr_p8k0glGKeW1s2yc47o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt know where to go if i did get educated or learned a marketable skill

lmao who do you talk to

and who am i who do i think i am to try to justify my ass in front of their business

it all seems too sketchy to me i dont like the way the world operates capitalism etc

>> No.10034954

>ya that sounds like a shitty awful world shouldnt be tolerated
That's the world you live in. No one gives a fuck nor do we care about your "problems" beyond the brief pang of sympathy or passing instinct to offer advice from the few on this thread, myself included.

If you can't recognize that you live in a shitty, awful world than you are deluded, hell I would off you for a klondike bar and some cold hard cash.

The world isn't a la de da playground

>> No.10035028

>i wouldnt know where to go if i did get educated or learned a marketable skill

You have access to the worlds greatest collection of knowledge at your fingertips, right the fuck now, you are using it. The whole breadth of human knowledge and experience, at your fingertips, you literally just have to use google

>it all seems too sketchy to me i dont like the way the world operates capitalism etc
The world doesn't like you either

>> No.10035038 [DELETED] 

Based Anon. Give advice to people who want to change. It's a waste of time to try to help this guy. I'm heading to bed.

>> No.10035056
File: 53 KB, 500x382, homersenemy24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least op is realist, most people lie themselves they like their jobs or whatever. and most people are not highly introverted or autistic it's much easier for them to just follow orders. also op has no student debt

many people have no traditional jobs anymore it can be done. freelancing jobs are becoming more popular, poker is still highly profitable for experienced players. get on autism bux too

>> No.10035066


I wouldn't be content with just raping, full bore sex slavery would follow

>> No.10035080

Based. It's a waste of time to try to help this guy. As you said, he's clearly not willing to change and/or do anything that isn't comfortable. I'm heading to bed.

>> No.10035124

This thread is amazing, biz is better in the last week than it has been for months

>> No.10035137

You don't have to like your job, just do something you can tolerate - I'm pretty damned introverted by all reasonable measures but I can definitely follow orders, not only that I can recognize when one is fucking stupid of inefficient and offer a better solution.
I get pissed off enough at my job or my boss I either quit or short the stock as a coping mechanism - after all If i short the stock I'm betting against their livelihood, and if I'm getting fired it's because I was laid off because they are contracting and I'm killing on the short position anyway to give much of a shit.

Employment is a game, there are many ways you can play it, but one of the most fundamental is to get the people you are working for to over value you

>> No.10035180

I'm actually becoming convinced that the military or necking himself is the only way.

He doesn't have the willpower to do anything so he needs to be told what to do, and when he fails or objects he needs to be covered in scar tissue. He needs to be beaten out of his stupor

>> No.10035266

What skills do you have? That is the first question you need to be able to answer. Once you have some skills, then you need to find a way to convert them into income without exposing your physical body to the gaze of the uninitiated.

>> No.10035311

>underrated post

>> No.10035418
File: 23 KB, 412x253, 1298427970710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are great for giving suggestions to this guy, but there's an obvious issue that needs to be addressed and that he's not going to do anything about income, or his life, until he fixes his social anxiety.
This guy is a hard 4chan denizen, the more you NEET the more the social isolation compounds itself.

Anon needs to google how to fix social anxiety and follow the steps, before his only system of support collapses around him; his parents. This dude is one step away from anhero, which he's too pussy to do, for now. Social anxiety is most easily fixed with exposure (cognitive therapy) and MILD assistance of certain drugs, some of them available over the counter. Gradual increase of exposure would fix anon up enough to get the will to do something (ANYTHING) back.

BTW anon; the first step would be to stop using retarded 4chan buzzwords like 'wagecuck'. As a hard introvert with a bad former case of social anxiety can tell you; your workplace can be the most fun place of all with the right people. You think there aren't other channers out there? You just need buddies. Life is worth living, but you need to bounce out of rock bottom.

>> No.10035437



>> No.10035746

It's because you don't get out of your comfort zone. You just have excuses. I'm introverted and I had to just get used to it.

>> No.10035853
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, fb_icon_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my friend. Are you interested in serving your country while receiving neetbux?

>> No.10035868

are you retarded? that shit only happens in basic which is like 8 weeks

>> No.10035885

you stupid fuck. No one stays in the military forever. You get years of disposable income to make investments, your VA loan to put a down payment on a house and your GI bill to go to college and get a higher tier wagie job.