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File: 60 KB, 828x594, 64365474253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10030400 No.10030400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>how you doin?
>ah you know, can't complain
>I hear you

>> No.10030406
File: 257 KB, 640x1136, C9AF64D7-5F55-4DCB-811A-2EF35CFF4576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10030409

>its monday

>> No.10030415

you whining about small talk in this thread?

yeah small talk sucks, but if you had a personality maybe you would be able to make the other person laugh, etc. but you don't. so you make bitter threads on a chan, kek.

>> No.10030418
File: 50 KB, 383x453, 1529624108369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about you?
>ah you know, same shit, different day
>gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.10030421
File: 56 KB, 372x348, 1529917623948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really got into World of Warcraft lately. Remember that?

>> No.10030429

I don't want to become a boomer.

>> No.10030432

>you whining about small talk in this thread?
I don't think he is, its just meant to be funny

>> No.10030438
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>> No.10030449
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why they are cool af

>> No.10030467

name something more boomer-core than fantasy football

>> No.10030487

Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.10030509

>just chasing the almighty dollar

>> No.10030516

How do i not become a boomer like this? I dont drink monsTer nor am i bald. What do?

>> No.10030524
File: 38 KB, 381x353, 4531251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fellas how we doing today

>> No.10030536

Alright I'm man enough to admit when I've been one-upped. Well done.

Okay. Name something more boomer-core than Buffo Wild Wings.

>> No.10030537

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10030547

Got any more?
Fucking boomers and their weed culture.

>> No.10030574
File: 123 KB, 1200x788, 6FE78BC4-08D3-4C2B-8BD9-E01AEC2F4833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is what it is

>> No.10030578

Sign me up for boomerville. To be fair FF isn't really a big thing in my country so I can't be that boomer-y.

>> No.10030647
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doing good mates

>> No.10030666
File: 524 KB, 638x1136, 5509508D-778D-4298-9C4D-5A335AD969D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing fantasy football at BWW (the dubs, the old buff, the old buffaloo!) while drinking bud light and sweating from the mild wings, and flirting with the millennial female bartenders and over tipping them to compensate for your clear boomerness, andcreferring to your co worker as a “hot shit”.

You refuse to let your friends pay, on this fine eveningn on the town, you don’t even flinch as you pick up the $26.50 tab, knowing your crypto cold wallet is your key to getting rich, and quitting your overnight job at cvs.

>Cortana, play don henleys greatest hits.

>> No.10030684
File: 18 KB, 247x226, small boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that boomer giving small talk under 5'9''

>> No.10030922
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>he how's it goin?
>about halfway

>> No.10030969

fucking kek

>> No.10031062
File: 2.91 MB, 309x313, tfw leaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could be better

>> No.10031076

best meme of 2018 desu

>> No.10031153
File: 33 KB, 383x353, 5808979076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*woman walks past*
*turns to nearest person*
>what i wouldn't give to take her for a spin am i right?

>> No.10031169
File: 15 KB, 270x230, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about that weather

>> No.10031192

>nice sweatshirt, catch the game last night?
>I don't actually watch sports, got this for free from work
>oh cool

>> No.10031204
File: 12 KB, 474x623, 30yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fellas see the niggerball game last night? Tyrone McNugget sure knows how to shoot some hoops!

>> No.10031212

As a gen Z. I see millennials the way you see boomers.

>> No.10031229

its always amusing how badly people on 4chan fall for submarine marketing

>> No.10031241

>welp would you look at that
>some view eh?

>> No.10031243

Workin' hard or hardly workin?

>> No.10031244


>> No.10031249

I have a bunch of louisville cardinals gear because my grandfather wore it and it was given to me after he died. cardinals bumper sticker on my car too (it was his car). I get a lot of comments and I always have to do this, people are always weirdly disappointed.

>> No.10031250
File: 1.87 MB, 720x960, argumentforracemixing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about submarine marketing

>> No.10031255
File: 37 KB, 640x591, i_held_a_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not understanding the 30 y/o boomer meme is about millennials.

>> No.10031261

im a 33 year old boomer and i find this highly offensive

>> No.10031266
File: 32 KB, 381x353, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another day, another satoshi

>> No.10031268

Maybe you already are one oldfag

>> No.10031276
File: 21 KB, 399x400, C3F3BC80-9996-438C-9EC7-A4B2084E35E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hey, how’s it going?
> Good, how about yourself?
> Oh, you know, just living the dream.

>> No.10031277

>Ladies you are looking good tonight!

>> No.10031288

8/10 times I can bluff my way through it but sometimes they ask for opinions

>> No.10031298
File: 194 KB, 675x601, 5D467A33-882D-4AFC-BB00-F9CF839131F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you hear about that accident?
>no, what happened.
>I don’t know but, heard it was pretty bad.

>> No.10031311

>I see millennials the way you see boomers.
As a early Gen Y, I see Gen Z as pathetic boomer emulators, or more often than not even more pathetic by emulating "Millenial Culture"

It must be lonely knowing that Boomers will die off and hand the world directly to Gen Y

>> No.10031326
File: 323 KB, 646x595, 1529673733497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just another day in paradise

>> No.10031348

Cortana lol you nailed it

>> No.10031364

Oh so you are 14 years old or younger? Nice, shouldn't you be doing your fucking homework for summer school?

>Hurr Durr Gen Z
>IRL Gen Z is 2005+
>So you were born after 2005
>INB4 durr no Gen Z is after 2000
That wouldn't make any fucking sense, a generation is ~20 years, and Gen Y born before 1995 ALONE is already 3x the population of Gen X (a 20 year generation)

Get a fucking grip

>> No.10031372

>>Cortana, play don henleys greatest hits.

tip top kek. A cherry on top of the post

>t. 27 year old boomer

>> No.10031403

Tits or gtfo

Is that boomer to post

>> No.10031406

Nice boomerpost
>t. based 93 gen alpha

>> No.10031415
File: 108 KB, 828x594, 30yob1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oi cunts!
>fukin a

>> No.10031432
File: 9 KB, 253x199, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been with your boyfriend?

>Ten years.

>Wow! Have you ever had sex with anyone else??

>To be honest...I'm constantly having sex with other people.

>> No.10031434

a boomer unironically said this to me today

>> No.10031450

I like the boomer meme. It represents millennials collectively coming to the realization of us getting older. And millennials are probably the first truly collective generation. I don't mean socialist shit, I mean true interconnection through the internet.

>> No.10031475

lmao I lived for 1 year in Burgerland and this stupid shit cracks me up everytime

>> No.10031477

>tfw no submarine

>> No.10031480

Kill me now. I hear this as often as "hello"

>> No.10031536

Most of you in this thread are idiots. You hear first gen meme's all day from boomers and whine about it. You all need to appreciate your history.

>> No.10031537

Livin the dream

>> No.10031549
File: 31 KB, 340x270, 74F9772C-C0E5-4881-88FE-1411985F88E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can’t complain hehe, even if I did, who’d listen? Hehehe

>> No.10031585
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 0438u403t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10031598

having worked with this breed once, as well as been in the army, this hits home. lolo

i hate those people. I couldn't wait to gtfo the army for that very reason

>> No.10031630

fuck...thats me

>> No.10031678

every fucking time

>> No.10031807

gtfo? ever heard of ptpa?

Boomers: 1
Tide Pod Racers: 0

>> No.10031880
File: 106 KB, 1024x620, 4D6E46FC-BB97-492F-A846-E57200C390AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how’s work been?
>every day’s a holiday...

>> No.10031903

gone fishin'

>> No.10031911

as a 30 years old boomer, i see you gen z kids like the teens in back to the future

>> No.10031920
File: 22 KB, 376x349, 1525225224430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>workin' hard or hardly working, right guys?

>> No.10031922

I'm great! I was the poster that was worried about going to jail a few weeks ago... And now I am freee!

>> No.10031959
File: 223 KB, 496x384, god dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad.

>> No.10032007
File: 24 KB, 305x313, 1529009040363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just doing what i can, with what i got

>> No.10032441

>well you know when life gives you lemons you make hard lemonade hehe

>> No.10032662
File: 38 KB, 383x353, 1529953919728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

livin off the fat o' the land

>> No.10032802
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I don't get these quotes. Are they an amerimutt thing?

>> No.10032846
File: 61 KB, 633x640, C5022F8E-6B82-485C-8A9D-1C108F83BB52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Cup has been pretty good.. I think Nigeria has a good chance!

>> No.10032867

>hey what´s up?
>not much, and you?
>not much too

>> No.10032871

>Ahhh ya Win some, Ya loose some. Amirite?

>> No.10032967
File: 340 KB, 500x752, trollguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turn 30 next year. Gonna start using these phrases now.

>> No.10032972
File: 131 KB, 828x594, 564576687684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah momma would you look at the owls on her? HOOT HOOOOOT!

>> No.10032987

I took a week off of biz because I had my newphew come stay with me. Whats with the increase of boomer threads, they seemed to die off for awhile but now its like back in full swing.
t. boomer

>> No.10033041

yes for canada too
they're typical openers or replies for work acquaintances or neighbors. people you don't really want to talk to but have to.

>> No.10033043

>tries to pay contactless
>squinting at the screen
>after it beeps and the millennial waitress nods
>"did it work?"

>> No.10033048


Oh my god, I've always wondered why is it whenever I'm on holiday or just out in a boomer there's always that one fucking boomer in a Tommy Bahama shirt, with a receding hairline, a beer belly, and knock off Oakley sunglasses who goes up to random women and makes really really awkward one liner dad jokes followed by thinly veiled sexual innuendo and then sort of aimlessly wanders around doing this.

This post made me realise that it's people who take step 1 way too far. Like stop giving a fuck means don't let the failures get you down, it doesnt literally mean lose all awareness of appropriate and inappropriate behaviour and all ability to gauge other peoples interest and comfort.

>> No.10033062
File: 8 KB, 234x215, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh yep, back to the old grind.
How we doin today boys?!

>> No.10033071

Haha don't talk to me yet Steve, gotta get my bean on first!

>> No.10033102
File: 754 KB, 230x237, 1526353978115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "having a personality". Assign qualities to it.

>> No.10033446
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>how you doin?
>same old, same old. you?

>> No.10033486

i fucking love this meme, holy shit

>> No.10033491
File: 34 KB, 655x527, 677909785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what is the point of these conversations if neither person is actually interested in starting the conversation that way?

>> No.10033526
File: 352 KB, 1531x2047, DgUrscoW4AAdUKV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they were introduced, he made a witticism, hoping to be liked. She laughed very hard, hoping to be liked. Then each drove home alone, staring straight ahead, with the very same twist to their faces.
The man who’d introduced them didn’t much like either of them, though he acted as if he did, anxious as he was to preserve good relations at all times. One never knew, after all, now did one now did one now did one.

>> No.10033531

Not if you have autism man

>> No.10033543

it's the protocol handshake, just like two modems screeching at each other for a few seconds before you can download naked ladies off the BBS

>> No.10033562

You will never get it if you're an autist anon. You are not ment to. There is no meaning except most people like to talk to each other. Does not matter what it is.

>> No.10033605

>how you doin?
>well, I could complain but nobody’d listen!
>welp, I’m heading out
>had enough fun have ya?
>hey rick, did the wife let you out today?
>workin hard or hardly workin?

>> No.10033628

this is giving me ptsd flashbacks

>> No.10033695

Things get awkward and uncomfortable if people stay quiet around each other for too long

>> No.10033703
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, 1528143235571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at all the gen z cope in here.
Keep holding our bags, maybe bitcoin will hit 10k again this year, kek.

>> No.10033726 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 960x960, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally me

>> No.10033748
File: 6 KB, 233x216, 1528724118440s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That 30 year old boomer who thinks Bitcoin is finished.

>> No.10033749

I am alive and so are you.

>> No.10033791

not bad, can't complain
haha, yeah

>> No.10033804
File: 5 KB, 250x179, 1529950721523s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10033835

Theoretically is it possible to make someone bald secretly?

>> No.10033837
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>> No.10033863
File: 7 KB, 233x216, 30yoboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10033868

I'm 22 years old and this thread describes me so perfectly I'm laughing my ass off. I work a shitty job, go fishing, do fantasy drafts at B dubs and always give some dumb boomer platitude when asked how I'm doing. Only thing is I don't drink monster

also I'm balding. Keep up the good work fellas. Keep on keepin' on heh you're alright *pats you firmly on the back and walks away*

>> No.10033883

>haha just need to ask the boss- ehhh the wife hehe if I'm allowed out this Friday lads
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.10033921
File: 195 KB, 562x714, F77F74A9-597A-43AD-B7AA-CB9560FFD510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta got the ground running, ain’t no spring chicken ya know!

>> No.10033933

>Whats with the increase of boomer threads
bear market is rapidly accelerating our aging

>> No.10033936

>”hit the ground running*”damn these useless things (holds up hands and wiggles fingers hehe

>> No.10033958
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1461380917077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break time!
>yeeeeep time to break it!

>lunch time!
>yeeeeeep time to eat!

>break time!
>yeeeeeep time to break it!

>> No.10033960
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 1527626968973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken burgers in the canteen today brother, better get down soon

>> No.10033980

>hey Bill, how was your weekend?
>oh same old same old, not long enough!
>haha, yeah, Mondays, amirite?
>yeah, this week can't go by fast enough
>haha yeah

>> No.10033993

the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
someone who can engage in discussion no matter the subject. is amicable and entertaining like a host. respectful and open to different ideas and willing to play in thought experiments instead of shooting down concepts immediately.

>> No.10034029
File: 16 KB, 640x480, 1522463825216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hows it going?

>Not bad

*concerned look*

>What's wrong?

>Nothing, I said "not bad"

>Oh, I thought you just said "bad"

>> No.10034046

>*sip sip sippppp*
>*slurps the residual liquid off the top of the can*
Ahhh...Anyways, Anon remember this: "Nothing in life is certain except for Death and Taxes!" Remember that, sport!
>*noogies you*

>> No.10034265
File: 33 KB, 259x444, 1526922384168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo doggy, I don't normally go for those oriental girls, but hot damn!

>> No.10034300

>be me at 10 years old
>play baseball for a year so I got a cardinals shirt as a uniform
>wear it to a restraunt with my parents
>some crazy old guy starts yelling at me about wearing

I didn’t even like baseball.

>> No.10034344
File: 59 KB, 828x594, 0403FEE0-99ED-4F20-A5A1-C5F6B4BA15DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yep, smoke em you got em

>> No.10034352

4chan has this amazing ability to both be very insular but also extremely self critical. I imagine it's trolling but I'm sure 90% of people browsing here now have a legitimate fear of becoming a boomer whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.10034355

Is it bad that I say all of this shit? I mostly just try to keep the convo short and get people to go away though.

>> No.10034386
File: 1.75 MB, 400x279, 1526257474114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will inevitably become a boomer

How do I prevent this descent?

>> No.10034397

>Do anything fun on the weekend?

>> No.10034398

Nah you fucked up. Boomer is suppose to have delusions of grandeur, or at least importance, but put only the smallest amount of work into fulfilling their goal. Cheating takes actual follow through. It would be more accurate to say she no longer loves her boyfriend but is afraid to move on.

>> No.10034413

>Doesn't think 90% of the posts here were made by actual boomers

>> No.10034421

Recognition of another person. Basic human decency and custom.

>> No.10034434

>I saw a mudcrab the other day.
>Horrible creatures. I avoid them whenever I can.
>Breton trash

>> No.10034458

The joke of the meme is that even though we hate boomers and want to make our own way in life, we've more or less ended up as casual and unachieving as them. It's just a collective realization that we've become what we made fun of, and we have a better appreciation for our own (lack of) abilities.

Essentially this meme is millennial acceptance of becoming our parents.

>> No.10034466

>Haven't had my coffee yet!

>> No.10034467

Lots of people die before they are 30. You know what to do.

>> No.10034500

You have no say in this matter, sweaty

>> No.10034565
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1526669306325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a good one

>> No.10034568
File: 303 KB, 1032x1242, 30yearoldcomic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10034629

Take er easy

>> No.10034632
File: 135 KB, 801x1200, 411506FE-DCF8-47C2-A5E2-742F6D590A65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10034642

t. boomer

>> No.10034648

Comfy as fuck.

>Don’t take any wooden nickles hehe

>> No.10034651
File: 63 KB, 675x601, 1529870372504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to play sports in high school

>> No.10034658


At least it makes me feel better being a boring 30 year old boomer knowing all those other boomers were just lying to me back then.

>> No.10034683
File: 73 KB, 675x601, 1529625543941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid, we used to spend our summers at this marina down in south NJ and the entire place was literally all blue collar, alcoholic Boomers. I swear this shit went on every single weekend, along with some other crazy shit. People would get drunk and fall in the water, hit on other guys wives, etc. All the while listening to the same 70's music like Jimmy Buffet Kek

>> No.10034694
File: 284 KB, 1200x1200, DgGTxotUcAUd5ey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10034695

Why did the boomers put so much emphasis on high school? I don't even remember what happened back then and I'm a millenial boomer.

>> No.10034704
File: 82 KB, 406x462, 87ADD737-3338-4255-86AE-CF06DCED0D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Facebook status: all settled in for American pickers, and then the new pawn stars at 9. Updates to follow.

>> No.10034705

is this real life lol

>> No.10034714
File: 55 KB, 497x501, 1476562823374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referring to your co worker as a “hot shit”
>Cortana, play don henleys greatest hits


>> No.10034716


>> No.10034717

>hey U too now.

Also repeating any statement for emphasis:

U TOO NAO...u too now....

>> No.10034723
File: 22 KB, 485x443, ijj1aSW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

payday's tomorrow

i'll bring kolaches

>> No.10034737

>I'm 22

>> No.10034749

>think I'll trade crypto instead of coming to work
>ahh that's the life

>> No.10034754

>Fuckin gen xer’s

>> No.10034761

22 year old boomer spotted

>> No.10034807

>how are you?

>im good

>> No.10034817
File: 494 KB, 1200x800, D55439A9-5184-4CE9-937A-C9E48B2443DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are preachin to the choir brotha!

>> No.10034846

>This thread

Literally me on discord/steam playin' vidya with dem rascals.

>> No.10034849
File: 46 KB, 500x280, ccs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8d ago: Boomer has a new weekly high score in Diamond Dash Mobile!
>6d ago: Boomer has a new weekly high score in Diamond Dash Mobile!
>6d ago: Boomer was playing Diamond Dash mobile!
>4d ago: Boomer has a new weekly high score in Diamond Dash Mobile!
>3d ago: Boomer just got a new high score in Candy Crush Saga!
>16h ago: Boomer started playing some Adobe Flash tier tank battle game!

>> No.10034853

Alright it was funny but now it's personal

>> No.10034863

>How are you?
>I'm good thank you, how are you?
>Good thank you

>> No.10034872



>> No.10034886
File: 60 KB, 694x559, 1301496640488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's more about being boring depressed twats than being a boomer.

>> No.10034890
File: 119 KB, 380x349, woodstock boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*smokes weed recreationally*

>> No.10034891
File: 37 KB, 385x350, 77433634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take it easy

>> No.10034912

>[boomer dad] is playing Cash Show! Come and play with me! Enter my invitation code and I will get an "Extra Life" in game!

>> No.10034941
File: 167 KB, 296x436, Oh Fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10034966

Summer jabronies

>> No.10034979

>you wouldn't be anywhere without me

you don't even realize you've become bubs

>> No.10035003

Holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.10035019

He really is a tragic figure isn't he

>> No.10035087

>how's it going
>ah you know I'm here
>ha that's all you can do

>> No.10035128

It's posts like these is why I can't leave this shit hole of a website.

>> No.10035143

>Did you see the game last night?

>> No.10035236

Watching football

>> No.10035302

As a millennial I don't think about you at all.

>> No.10035377
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>I hit the home button on my phone, how come I'm still at work?

>> No.10035465
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>it is what it is

>> No.10035510

i do this but i usually say, "ya prune some ya mindops some, right?"
no one ever responds

>> No.10035520
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> that high energy full of hope teenager that doesn't realize he will become a 30 year boomer

>> No.10035532

I hear that annoying phrase so much at work!

>> No.10035649

>Thank you a lot

>> No.10035651

> be me full autismo
>barely speak to other people
> work at a hospital
> room full of men
>ultra hot nurse comes in. Massive milkers
>she goes out of the room.
>nobody said anything
> I can't hold it " dude, I would tap that"
> entire room chimps out about the massive milkers
>now people talk to me and use exactly this phrases
>I'm starting to use them too
>are Boomers trying to turn us into normies

>> No.10035672

>Just wanted to check in

>Can we sync up later?

>Just want to make sure we're on the same page

>Let's make sure we're in alignment

>Try to work on your soft skills

>> No.10035735

>how you doing?

When someone asks you this, it's because they feel obliged to.
Give them something different, break them out of their automatic monotony. Break into a story if you have to.

>Oh mate, fuuuuuck, just came from that vietnamese place down that side street and lord do they have some good chicken burgers. You ever been there?
>oh brah its heaps good, where do you usually catch lunch?
>oh I usually just bring mine
>See, I feel like I should be doing that more but I'm not a great cook, whats something simple that you like?

It's not hard, social retards.
If you want to get REALLY autismo about it, start high or with exclamation and bring it back down slowly to normal level, it focuses people on you. Then ask an open ended question such as the
"See, I feel like I should be doing that more but I'm not a great cook, whats something simple that you like?"

>> No.10035742

thanks for the webm

>> No.10035756

what for?

>> No.10035760

Tfw you are all 15 year old millennials who don’t get this joke.

>> No.10035776

Fake it till you make it.
Social confidence is like anything else, you just have to fuck up enough time until your not fucking up anymore.

If you cant think of a single reason why you'd want to be the kind of person that people feel comfortable around and look up to then your never gonna make it.

>> No.10035783

What happened to this dude?

>> No.10035798

Looks like I'm not a social retard. Mostly know that when they ask me gow I'm doing at work it's either to ask something of me or for me to say it back so they can tell me some story. Like when my supervisor popped into my cubicle saying she had tp go somewhere (work related). Clearly trying to talk to me when her business was in the next cubicle. Felt forcefully obliged to ask why when I already knew what it was about nor did I care to actually hear about it.

>> No.10035809

Unironically good advice.
Starting at a level of engagement slightly above what is expected helps turn it from
>awkward conversation that we BOTH know is just a formality but we're both too cucked to break social norms


>a decent conversation

>> No.10035811

That's why blacks are superior. We skip all that shit and just exchange dabs and keep it moving

>> No.10035823

Ugh had my supervisor get comfortable with me. She is super annoying and low self esteem. A decent chunk of her personality that I see at work is repulsive. Have distanced myself and have no plans on being friendly at my next job.

>> No.10035832
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>how’s it going boomer bob?
>Ah you know, just livin’ the dream

>> No.10035875

>hey what’s up

>> No.10035893

my boomer status is now confirmed
22yo how did boomeritis hit me so soon

>> No.10035915

Welp you win

>> No.10035998

to be fair submarines basically market themselves

>> No.10036032

>hows it going
>spectacular, breathtaking, amazing, mind-blowing, so good, so fucking good, unbelieavable

>> No.10036115

Yeah, of course approaching women and getting turned down isn't a bad thing at all.

>> No.10036123


>> No.10036191

You're literally half to blame

>> No.10036805

we prefer gen z

>> No.10036832


Jimmy Buffet / Margaritaville / cheeseburger in paradise.

>> No.10036838

Same, these memes are literally me, except I don't care about sportsball.

I'm also 29 so I guess I'm literally a 30yo Boomer at this point.

>> No.10036843

out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker on a cadillac
a little voice inside my head said dont look back you can never look back
but those days are gone forever I should just LET EM GO AND

>> No.10036852

This all hits way, way too close to home, lol.
>living the dream
>it’s Monday
>at least it’s nice outside
>did you hear about that accident? Heard it was bad
>gotta do what you gotta do

I literally say this shit all the fucking time at work. Constantly. Goddamn it..

What else am I supposed to say though? What one-liners can you say to politely end a conversation and walk away without sounding like a boomer?

>> No.10036870

say that its amazing and youve never been better

>> No.10036878

Well said, brother

>> No.10036887
File: 65 KB, 604x496, zoomer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... pretty spot on, my boomerang.

>> No.10036891


>What else am I supposed to say though? What one-liners can you say to politely end a conversation and walk away without sounding like a boomer?

Just accept yourself boomer. A boomer is a boomer.

>> No.10036896

whats the origin of the monster drink meme? also who is the target for monster, is it more 30yo boomers or 12yo kids drink it as well?
t. clueless boomer

>> No.10036903

>What one-liners can you say to politely end a conversation and walk away without sounding like a boomer?

Absolutely nothing. You're trapped

>> No.10036912


I live in burgerland. Do people not have these meaningless greetings where you're from?

>> No.10036913

Monster zero is a /fit/ meme, but I'm clueless as well of how these got mixed. I don't even know where the boomer meme originated. I just started seeing it everywhere at the same time.

>> No.10036945
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>another day,another dollar.

>> No.10036988
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>> No.10037006

>More like another penny!

>> No.10037032

Fuck this hits hard
I’m fuken 23 already I DONT WANT TO BECOME A BOOMER

>> No.10037043


Nooooooo I say this too fuck

My big one is “just livin life”

>> No.10037067

real shit

>> No.10037078
File: 80 KB, 960x581, EDF01140-00EC-4EC1-9BA1-7EA2EACD0F80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know what they say
>worst day of fishing is better than the best day at work

>> No.10037088

He dieded

>> No.10037089

This is douche Product Manager buzz speak not boomer related.

>> No.10037109

You're just growing old. Soon you'll have a wife, kids, grandchildren, etc etc. Unless you're suffering from arrested development, you too will stop being "with it".

>> No.10037353

he reached 30 and became boomer and died of old age and elderly apathy

>> No.10037420

This is the kind of shit that makes me nauseous.

>> No.10037782

Knock on wood!
>knocks on a table

>> No.10037818

>Anon I'm bored
Well hey there board, I'm nail!

>> No.10037932
File: 8 KB, 588x409, 1521357896885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 18 year old boomers get blown the fuck out by their own personal, visceral, and crippling existencial crises which, if they have not expirienced by now, will experience soon. And for the rest of your life.

Every living thing on earth dies alone.

try not to neck yourself, kiddo

>> No.10037937

I had a manager who used to do this. He was in his 30s and a gigantic cuck

>> No.10038001

>don't give [boss's name] more than he's worth!
>don't do anything I wouldn't enjoy!

>> No.10038087

>that comfy feel when a Black 50+yo boomer calls you "my man"

>> No.10038140
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It is what it is, brother. You catch the football game last night?

>> No.10038149

The mailman at my usps always use to point out chicks and code name them COD (cash on delivery)...

>> No.10038150
File: 28 KB, 640x480, dream car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you realize you are boomer.....

>> No.10038170


>> No.10038206

If you have to ask, you're already a boomer

>> No.10038232


>> No.10038247

>I will have a large pbr and an order of chicken fingers please

>> No.10038278


This is truly it, you hit the nail on the fuckin head. Margaritaville is the boomer anthem.

Bonus: the Boomer's mecca is KEY WEST, FLORIDA. My boomer dad just retired and is unironically having a party there. A friend of mine is a bartender nearby and has worked at the keys and he confirmed this all for me years ago, years before the Boomer meme. It's all drunk boomers wearing hawaiian shirts listening to Margaritaville.

Who here /makingit/ to the Florida Keys?

>> No.10038297
File: 12 KB, 300x168, buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James William Buffett (born December 25, 1946) is an American musician, songwriter, author, actor, and businessman. He is best known for his music, which often portrays an "island escapism" lifestyle. Together with his Coral Reefer Band, Buffett has recorded hit songs including "Margaritaville" (ranked 234th on the Recording Industry Association of America's list of "Songs of the Century") and "Come Monday". He has a devoted base of fans known as "Parrotheads".

>> No.10038305
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Early bird gets the worm son. You should stop checking your internet money so late, it's bad for your eyes.

>> No.10038338

>So who do ya barrack for?

>> No.10038421


>> No.10038768

It took me years and many instances where I was called out for being antisocial to have people uncomfortable to start these fluff one liner "conversations" with me, but after reading this I see its worth it. I've got like 15-20 people I can have real conversation with and others just nod respectfully and I nod back to acknowledge each others existance at work, or from neighbours or from relatives at meet ups. Wife's family either hates me or her two sisters love me cause we actually have real conversations about their research projects [one in physics, working towards astrophysics, other in mathematical theory].

>> No.10038809

>the trouble with Poland is they always try to walk it in

>> No.10038814

edit it to be the 20 year old boomer

>> No.10038879

>I'll buy ya a point!

>> No.10038886

Are there really that many 18-21 year old nu-millenials on 4chan?

>> No.10038903

Yes. The place is a normie shithole now.

>> No.10038923

i love boomerposting

best thing since pink wojaks

>> No.10038954

On the other boards yes. Oldfags in their mid-late 20s/early 30s migrated here to /biz/, hence boomerposting.

>> No.10039043

Shitposting in blue collar jobs is WAY better than the etiquette & bullshit jargon of white collar cuckery

>> No.10039236

lol what is this thread. I love stopping my work and have meaningless conversations with my co-workers. I'm not some fucking robot. I'll get paid to talk thankyou very much

>> No.10039323

fuck its so true man, my internet business always struggle when I stay late and cant get up early. I get top buck when I get up like 6am

>> No.10039410
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ii'll make you feel comfy.
Feels like yesterday i was early 20s and feeling old as fuck and out of place.

I'm 28 now, still way behind in life but finally not a total autist with women. Which is a godsend for me.... anyways. Make shit happen... today.... this week... this year

Nothing will fall in your lap, you will be a boomer in a week so make your time count

>> No.10039542

Fuck, teach me senpai. I'm 24 and rapidly approaching boomerhood, still can't talk to girls for shit and feel like it's all going to end in a flash without anything happening. Which is a shame because I'm apparently attractive enough for girls to be interested in me.

>> No.10039781
File: 15 KB, 275x275, racks-on-me-1-275-275-1493760140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you don't want advice from me. I... goofed a lot in life. Did lots of drugs.... (still do )
Wasted a whole bunch of time in gloomy faggotry depression (still do sometimes)

but i can say is, as you get older... you care a little less what ppl think of you. So that's on your side

You gain experience in life, and learn what works what doesn't. You learn just being nice, but bland and boring DOESNT work.
Basically... my advice is. Learn to be witty, make jokes and have fun when with thots. Don't take everything literally and give boring answers. There are plenty of dudes that are below average looking who have boned many women. They always have a personality tho, drive for something.... or they are just plain funny.

Wish i could take my own advice.... still workin on it

>> No.10039830
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>walk into elevator
>hey, only 2 more days til weekend
>haha yea right on can't wait

>> No.10040767

Not a newfag but I don't get the connection between monster energy drinks and 30yo boomers. Is that what they drink?

>> No.10040777

Based anon btfo these pretentious losers

>> No.10040935

>welp, I’m heading out
>is it five already? day flew by!
Kill me.

>> No.10041349

Also weed wackers and leaf blowers

>> No.10041592


Lost it at Cortana desu

>> No.10041732

how long of a conversation can you type out in only boomer speak?

>> No.10041792

Don't be fat and avoid fast food consumption