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File: 28 KB, 617x442, Screen Shot 2018-06-25 at 5.22.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10027541 No.10027541 [Reply] [Original]

This market is rigged, you can't make money in it unless you're a reckless retard. Fuck it, I'm out.

>> No.10027548

Cry me a river faggot.

>> No.10027549

shorted the bottom

cya fag

>> No.10027560

This is why you cant make money faggot.

>> No.10027590


Honestly if you did not see the obvious buy after that first big green candle then YOU are the reckless retard.

>> No.10027649

You deserve to be poor for shorting the bottom and not at 9.9k, you stupid faggot.

>> No.10027670

no the problem is that you are greedy bastard

>> No.10027674

>FOMOed into another bull trap
>calls me a retard

This whole market is made for retards like you. Manipulation after manipulation.

>> No.10027688
File: 51 KB, 568x178, iJustSoldEverything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have not bottomed yet
cope: the post

>> No.10027692


>> No.10027706

denial stage: anger

>> No.10027720


We're no where near the bottom yet.

>> No.10027739

Awwwww.... whassa matter? Poor shorter got rekt?


>> No.10027751

I'm not angry because of the longterm trend, I know it's going under 5k this summer. I'm angry because of those fucking spikes out of nowhere. This time there wasn't even bullish divergence on RSI. Just some retarded bull decided to buy, that's all.

>> No.10027753

It's literally just a bunch of pajeet trade bots throwing money back and forth to entice actual traders into throwing thier money in so they can scoop it up. Anybody unironically trading right now is the biggest retard on the planet, bull or bear.

>> No.10027754
File: 101 KB, 363x275, 1519380247735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping

>> No.10027758

stop being a greedy fag and set stop profits and stop losses

>> No.10027771

Why the fuck are you still paying daily attention at this point? Either sell or shut the fuck up

>> No.10027793

Because I'm 15% down since February and want to cash out as soon as possible. I can't fucking trade like this. Hate you all and crypto in general.

>> No.10027802

It's going nowhere but down, either sell or shut the fuck up I don't know how many times this needs to be said

>> No.10027824

I was equally pissed about the quick plummet from 6200+. It is just manipulated bullshit of one form or another, but I'm keeping some money in because I think eventually it'll be worth more than it is today. Try not to worry about short-term moves too much.

>> No.10027860


>> No.10028308

OP is right.

Of course no one here will say that since everyone here is 16 year old boy. Just look at "Net worth now/ATH" threads and you'll know.

>> No.10028328

its now or never to be honest if it dont go up further in the next couple of days then we are heading to 3200

>> No.10028352

maybe don't be retarded? for example right now it's an easy short, bitcoin is going to 6k by the end of week

>> No.10028359

bought 100k thanks op

>> No.10028380
File: 122 KB, 600x801, sergeydoingalittlelightreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha brilliant. I bet you've been posting smug bear threads telling everyone we're going to 3k.
Shorting the bottom is the definition of being a reckless retard.

>> No.10028400
File: 102 KB, 785x757, 1475862709317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly perfect wave
>I can't see curves

>> No.10028565

I didn't sell, we're going to continue down and idk. If it goes much lower as I expect I'll buy more.

>> No.10029382

buddy im up 50% in 5 days using leverage to play the pretty obvious movements right now. youre a retard for not trading right now

>> No.10029398


>> No.10029428

>being too impatient to HODL

>> No.10029480
File: 153 KB, 312x621, selling the bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't acknowledge your own mistakes you will never make money. Why did you short the bottom? It's not that hard to look at the daily RSI. CNBC literally told normies it was time to buy. You were spoonfed yet still you decided to short. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10029502
File: 166 KB, 888x1120, 1494094119246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNBC literally told normies it was time to buy
sauce? i want to show my retarded sister that selling now even if you are making losses is THE most retarded thing to do

>> No.10029539

>$130 dollar downswing to a $200+ upswing today alone on BTC/USD in under a 3 hour period
The weak hearted are stepping out, this volatility is astronomical, the kind of shit that makes and breaks men. For those of you HODL set up some short positions to leverage, this ride is fucking bumpy from here on out.
This is the kind of shit the day trading professionals live for - short quick gainzz

>> No.10029565

Trading isn't a one way ticket soi boi, if you don't do the research and have the intestinal fortitude then you are just fucking gambling

>> No.10029576

HODL and SHORT, make money when it bottoms out, keep your HODL position for the next big bull run or wait until the halve

>> No.10029592


>> No.10029643

>It is just manipulated bullshit of one form or another
No shit - unregulated, decentralized markets are full of market manipulation pump and dump schemes and we're seeing alot of FUD out there - you gain alot when you recognize when and why they are happening and adjust fire to compensate. You can mirror the same moves as these fucks by being quick on the ball.

>> No.10029678
File: 522 KB, 850x998, dan-larimer__73843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than pretend to know what I'm doing in this manipulated market, and falling for the hodl meme, I've taken half out. Still up massively from where I started off last year. If it goes up I've still got chips in the game, if it tanks I can rest assured I have taken out a fair amount and potentially buy more up. But charlie lee was probably right, a bear run potentially lasting a year of two. Its bitter to think how much it was in january but fuck it, this shit could go below 3k fairly easy. Its just bots. Everyone who wanted in is already in, there are no new players to the game especially after whats happened. Only have money left in pic related.

>> No.10030158

Ride the bear down baby, short.
Anyone fully devoted to HODL or fully cashing out after >10K is losing in this volatility

>> No.10030214

>CNBC literally told normies it was time to buy
and then some whale made them lose money a few hours later