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10025235 No.10025235 [Reply] [Original]

19,CompSci,Developer,Entrepreneur,Bitcoin Enthusiast (or whatever it will be in the future).

Been grinding every since I was 10, started off with sweets and chocolates.Then fake shit from dhGate to school mates then buying and selling on eBay and then started developing apps, moved onto web ventures and now I'm developing for my business and also trading on the side.

I work 10x more than anyone I know, which is bad. Either I'm not as smart as I think I am or I'm dumb enough to stay surrounded by idiots.

I feel like everyone in the UK, my age or in their 20's is a fag. No drive, no passion for what they do. Constantly in a cycle of watching the new hot tv-show, wanking to their mobile screens or having kids.

Feel like the trajectory is get a job, pay mortgage, die.

I feel like my chances of truly making it (billionaire) are higher moving to pajeet land (india) or America providing I don't get shot or stabbed by niggers.

Its a fucking joke what the UK has become, ruled the world => started industrial revolution => now all its got is the NHS.

What should I do, I have enough to move somewhere else.

I don't see great things happening from the UK technology based, thats the point of this post

btw=> I moved here from Africa when I was 3, no way a white britfag would have the same dedication as us brown/light skinned/arab niggas to strive for bigger and better.

>> No.10025274

Shutup you fucking dork faggot

>> No.10025280

Why did you leave us? South Africa is booming! Come back.

>> No.10025301
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just try to find something that makes you happy. money helps and is necessary up to a point but money doesn't magically make you feel that life has meaning.

>> No.10025442


>btw=> I moved here from Africa when I was 3, no way a white britfag would have the same dedication as us brown/light skinned/arab niggas to strive for bigger and better.

i was rooting for you until this part.

fuck off back to monkeyland you nigger.

>> No.10025448

what makes you think it's up to chance?
you either can become a billionaire, or you can't.
And with your attitude I'm sure you can't.

>> No.10025480

I will become a billionaire South-African btw ask me anything

>> No.10025490

>becoming a Billionaire
>What should I do

by 2020?
buy 1000 bitcoins

>> No.10025868
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Ticker symbol: BCH

>> No.10025901

you ask others for guidance, you define yourself as "entrepreneur" and "grinding" and "ebay"
you have a small-time "hustler" mentality and that shit cannot be fixed if you started at age 10. whether genetic or environmental, it's too ingrained in you
you CAN become a millionaire through doing what you're doing now. and you should do that. but you will never ever be a billionaire

>> No.10025908

Get out of the white man's lands you fucking monkey and go back where you belong. You'd unironically be happier and more successful in africa anyway, and the brits will be happier to not have to look at your wide nose, thick lips, kinky hair, and shit colored skin.

>> No.10025952
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>4,493,500 estimated population
>However, beginning in 1818 thousands of British immigrants arrived in the fledgling Cape Colony, looking to join the local workforce or settle directly on the frontier

Here you go you absolute retard.

>> No.10025984


>> No.10025985

as long as you think life is a competition you will always be a loser

>> No.10026007

I suspect 'becoming a billionare' always has to do with luck, i.e being at the right place at the right time. crypto is a stark example of that

>> No.10026036

Why are you targeting a billion?

Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Nassim Taleb's "Fooled by Randomness", and instead pick a higher probability way to get to like 40M.

>> No.10026071

>us brown/light skinned/arab niggas
this is why you should read the entire post before acting like a condescending prick

>> No.10026125

I sincerely apologize, is hard work when the entire world only sees your country as African and expects you just to give up your country to Africans. I jumped the gun.

>> No.10026148

Why noT?

>> No.10026163


The UK has over a hundred billionaires living here, but the majority of them are people who made their fortune elsewhere and then moved to the UK to enjoy an aristocratic lifestyle. Your best chance of making yourself a billionaire in the UK would be marrying a heir/heiress.

A programmer who wants to start a business would be better off moving the Silicon Valley. That is where all the capital is right now, it is also where all the people who want to work on start ups live.

>> No.10026177
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>> No.10026180

this. holy shit. actual wisdom so rare on biz.

>Feel like the trajectory is get a job, pay mortgage, die.

and what the fuck is your trajectory, then, huh? get a billion dollars, have an empty pathetic life thinking the whole world is against you, die?

my suggestion, go drop heroic doses of LSD and reflect upon your place in the universe. you will realize you are on the wrong path, because you are deluded into thinking you are separate from everyone else, but really we are all in this together, and we need to act like it ffs.

>> No.10026209


Well said

>> No.10026236

>I moved here from Africa when I was 3
>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become
>us brown/light skinned/arab niggas
>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become, ruled the world =>
>brown/light skinned/arab niggas

>> No.10026247

>really we are all in this together
>us brown/light skinned/arab niggas
>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become
>moved here from Africa when I was 3

>> No.10026276

migrate mate, no chance do make it in the UK unless you win the lottery

>> No.10026311
File: 113 KB, 416x416, CED7D533-5ACE-41A6-9541-C272755385B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could see your face the day you finally realize you’re a slave.

>> No.10026461

Assuming this is not a bait (who am I kidding right?) I see couple thing you that could be improved:

> Been grinding every since I was 10
> I work 10x more than anyone I know
is partially right about your problem, you put a lot of effort in hustling but without consideration if this is a good investment, your work/time/effort etc are the cost you pay to deliver value - and market mostly cares about that value not what it took to produce it. If you've been here more than a day you know we laugh at people who follow labor theory of value and call them socialists. These have trouble understanding how for example a female model just posing for photos can make millions - it not what you put in it's what other people pull out of it.

You need to look for opportunities where value produced is disproportional to the costs,

> No drive, no passion for what they do
Passion, faith, confidence mostly affects your internal state. They can be beneficial to you, but ultimately what matters are the actions you take and effects they have on the world.

> everyone other than me is a fag
Understanding that other people have other priorities is one of requirements for being good at businesses, it results in them valuing things differently what enables the trade which makes us wealth. If you will keep thinking of others as a trash you will not be able to attract and keep talented people.

> my chances of truly making it (billionaire) are higher moving
is wrong
is right
It depends on both things you directly control (your skills etc) and things you have no control and sometimes no knowledge about. In such situations you resort to strategies that minimize your loses when bad things happen and try to increase "luck surface area". It's similar to risk management - you need to assume some things can not be predicted/controlled and find a workaround.

>Either I'm not as smart
Fastest CPU is wasted without a good software.


>> No.10026513

>fake shit
>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become
>fake shit
>I moved here from Africa when I was 3
>fake shit
>brown/light skinned/arab niggas
>fake shit
>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become

>> No.10026563

I know exactly what my meaning in life is, I want to rule nations. I want more scientists in government. More research, more funding. fuck all the other bullshit that doesn't work and just distances classes with each other.

Sometimes I have dreams of having an empire. I know theres bad conotations to that but I think its just my huge desire for power.

>> No.10026571

Not black and im not racist, but all my white friends honestly don't grind. Just drink,fuck,drink,fuck. 'Living life'

>> No.10026575

top fucking kek

>> No.10026582

Anon, do what makes you happy and make yourself comfortable. Chasing $$$ in your bank account past a certain point has extreme diminishing returns.

>> No.10026588

You don't know enough about me to make that statement. Yes I did start with the hustler mentalitity but as I said I've moved onto development and actually running business. Managing small teams and making sure deadlines are met, standards are kept up. Coding style is linear. I'm not fucking about. I own the first,only, fairly big bitcoin organisation for a small african nation. Managing a small team of 5 plus 6 writers.

>> No.10026610

For you it's empty but I have bigger dreams that simply cannot be attained with a couple measly millions. With my trajectory I can be a millionaire in another year providing I have another year like this one.

Space,Medicine,Materials. So much shit that you and your grandma can't even envision that I want to do. I literally have dreams about them every night. I need to accomplish them.

I can't without capital.

The most recent re-occuring dream is having my own country.

>> No.10026618


Running your own business is being a slave??

Some people like to work you fag, who better to work for than myself.

>> No.10026639

Not trolling but as you say, on 4chan you cant prove for or against so what the fuck..,.

Thanks for your advice and yeah it is the cliche, work smart not hard.

But I have started to do it since starting some actual businesses. Managing teams to get others to do manual work for me whilst I can focus on roadmap ideas and securing partnerships to expand our reach whilst the workers keep it running day to day.

I honestly don't think I'm better than everyone, I know I may sound like that but as I say. It's the groups I'm associated with. I group up rough, chavs and the sort. Most of my old mates deal weed now.

I'm trying to find people who work as hard as me or even harder or as you say smarter. But its hard to and the ones I have met, are wierd social freaks.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll be saving this thread to look back to :)

>> No.10026667


People are not understanding, the $$$ allows me to do things in life that I really want to see happen during our lifetime.

I want to be the one to cure cancer, I want to be the one to send man on mars (fat chance but you understand me)

I want to be the one to bring peace to the middle east.

I want to eradicate most viruses.

I want power...

>> No.10026669

Grow up and get some perspective. I work in the City and people like you are routinely removed from the recruitment process in the early stages. You flog Bitcorns to brain dead African criminals in some unregulated shithole and think it qualifies you to look down on others who are happy with their lot. There is nothing wrong with being happy with your life as it is.

You literally think you’re a great enough man to run a worldwide empire. Based on what?

Expose yourself to actually successful people and you’ll see how you pale in comparison. You need to grow up.

>> No.10026686

You sound exactly like my Syrian friends. Do all you arabs have an inflated sense of self importance?

>> No.10026708

Why do you want to accomplish those goals? I'd assume to help people? If that's the case, then why are you parading around the fact that the average pleb "can't even envision it"? That mentality will get you crushed and burnt out in a few years. Your disdain for the average layman, which is tenuously based on your inflated self-worth, is a massive vice. I guarantee you are not even as close as intelligent and special as you think you are.

I go to (probably) a better school than you for CS/Engineering, and have seen the same young freshman and sophomores come through the startup incubator/entrepreneurial scene all bragging about how great they are, how much they've already made, their next great idea, how much better they are than the normies on the street... then they get walloped by the next asshole who has a slightly higher IQ or better idea and they crumble. The ones who succeed and actually create something of value (not some dropshipping-tier affiliate marketing "muh side hustle" whatever business) are the ones who appreciate people. Who want to do good and solve humanity's problems, but don't use some sort of disgust for everyone else as their stepping stones to success.

You're 19, you already are calling yourself "CompSci" and all of these other labels. Let other people figure that out and focus on your work and helping others. You used a picture of Bill Gates in your OP. Do you think he went around shaking his dick at people and talking about how he has some vision that the average idiot can't recognize and he's lusting for power? Or do you think the guy just dedicated himself to something he was genuinely passionate about? So much so that he made the decision to drop out of an incredible school (left the 'trajectory' you mentioned) and fully embrace the risk? What risks are you taking, OP? What problems are you solving? "Space, Medicine, Materials" aren't a problem.

>> No.10026715

>work smart not hard.
no no no this is not what I tried to tell you. people who fell for "work smart not hard" meme are like in that story about rabbit racing with turtle - they go "oh I'm already ahead of wage slaves working just 4 h a day" and they stop going ahead....

>> No.10026718

are you an anime character? is there demon blood running in your veins?

>> No.10026720


I actually have worked under literal world-class researchers in Space and Materials. You wouldn't believe how minute and specific the problems are that need to be solved. You're a dunce if you think "Materials" is something special that no one can envision. Faggot, that's exactly what the average layman envisions. The actual people who DO things in the field and actually create things are the ones who can be specific. Don't be a vain idiot.

>> No.10026763

youre seriously trying to become a billionaire in the first world and you're not white? how fucking delusional are you?

>> No.10026768


I'm confident in my abilities, I've made money using my skills. I've worked for these proffesional successful people that you talk about when I was freelancing and they are pleased with my work.

I'm not going to attack you because I know nothing about you, but maybe you need dream if you think I need to grow up.

My older brother is a wage fag, earning 6 figures per year for a security firm. I have friends in industry that I've made from participating in worldwide open source projects at Google, Facebook,Samsung. Are they the successful people you're talking about.

Maybe you're just scared at how far ahead of you I am already but again, I don't know you but still, I digress.

>> No.10026775

Post your telegrams or make a group, lads. It's always good to know fellow businessmen

>> No.10026791

You see the easiest thing about success is waking up every day, deciding what needs to be done and then doing it and not stopping until it is done. Even if it takes 20 years, the slow grind is why most of us fall short.

The most successful people I know are very smart but not so smart that it puts them in a league of their own. The most successful people I know seems to have a discipline, ambition and self confidence that us mere mortals do not posses. They also do not complain, like ever. They just do what needs to be done, if that means studying for 10 years with little to no compensation then working 10 years after that for 11 hours a day, you will not hear a peep from them in complaint.

I personally know one billionaire and one extremely successful scientist. These people are relentless in their pursuits and you never know what they are thinking, their advice is almost always the best course of action even though it is hard as fuck to follow.

>> No.10026792

stay in your country and be the great things that happen in the uk faggot

>> No.10026796
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>Why do you want to accomplish those goals? I'd assume to help people?
Oh, you sweet summer child. He doesn't care about the people suffering from cancer or furthering mankind scientifically. He only wants to do those things because he believes it will elevate the way others look at him. If he could cure cancer, but he got no recognition or money from it then he wouldn't care about doing it. He just wants fame and fortune. He'd make a great 1980's drug lord.

>> No.10026851

I very much doubt you go to a better school, IF you're in the UK.

Without boasting (you brought it up) I go to Oxford, I'd prefer to be in America or China for CS or engineering but I digress.

CompSci is what I'm studying at University, I'm not giving myself a label, it's literally what I'm studying, I don't know why you brought that up desu.

Apart from that, I really do appreciate the rest of your comments. You took the time to write all that and I'll digest it later in details and think more about what you said.

The thing about creating some sort of value, not dropshipping. I was doing that eBay Amazon shit when I was 14-15. If you read what I wrote I mentioned everything I did in cronological order. My last 2 businesses have been web ventures. The first we stopped after MVP stage and the later is in development with talks of funding in progress.
Risks? Didn't go into Uni at all this year. I'll take a picture of my attendance if you want. Sat the exams without revising and got 90% averages.

I'm not boasting but you're testing me and this is the only way I portray that I know what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.10026884

You want me to be a Biologist, Chemist, Physicist, Doctor and an Entrepreneur.

Being an Entrepreneur is the fastest and easiest route that enable me to fund all these projects and make sure they are seen through to hopeful fruition.

>> No.10026898

You can believe whatever you want about me not being ambitious or successful. Whatever makes you comfortable. Change your personality or you will fail to build successful relationships with the groups and individuals you can leverage for your goals.

From one once delusional 19 year old to a currently delusional 19 year old: good luck in your future.

This reads like a post from the OP.

>> No.10026937

Not me/

And don't get me wrong I will defo look back at all your comments later and try soak some of the good, well written advice in.

I'm always open to change, being able to adapt is the single most important thing in succeeding in my mind.

>> No.10026980
File: 44 KB, 576x432, 4fbd6e32e37ea9cb4d73bfef253c2a0a57e5903f428140eb676d863e6c57bbd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a fucking joke what the UK has become, ruled the world => started industrial revolution => now all its got is the NHS.
>btw=> I moved here from Africa when I was 3, no way a white britfag would have the same dedication as us brown/light skinned/arab niggas to strive for bigger and better.
Start a religion where black skins kill themselves hoping to revive as a white man.
Use the power to kill your degenerates and propagate the white race through mass breeding and quality control.
Make killing babies socially acceptable in a professional manner.

>> No.10026989
File: 209 KB, 510x346, I_understand_everything_now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This reads like a post from the OP.


>> No.10027021

So you think you're smart but you want to move to India, a country with an infamously incompetent IT sector and worse hygiene

Maybe you don't actually know as much as you do

>>>>>>Bitcoin enthusiast