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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10021729 No.10021729 [Reply] [Original]

>"What's often missed by the cryptocurrency is going to die broken record media is that after the next wave of regulation, wall street is showing up to the party with all their locked up capital. That's tens of trillions of dollars entering the space eventually. Future is bright"


>> No.10021743


>muh wall street

faggots think wal lstreet will ever buy their bags lmao

>> No.10021784

So why the fuck do so many of these insiders keep saying it's going to happen?

>> No.10021801

Its already happening just slowly. Tokenization of assets is going to be the next bullrun.

>> No.10021841

What coins does that mean I should be buying now? Are BTC and ETH safe bets to pump?

>> No.10021888

There are a few. Tokenizing assets is just what everyone is talking about and what every bank, VC and exchange is looking into.

Find things that have strong connections to governments and banks with a goal of tokenization of assets along with other financial instruments. That is where the next bull run is starting. BTC and ETH may or may not pump.

>> No.10021925
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>> No.10021931

Checked. It seems like XLM might be an example of what you are talking about. What do you think of XLM?

>> No.10021946
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Also, checked and confirmed.
Awesome how these lucky digits go to the realest responses on threads.

>> No.10021964

So, XRP is looking attractive now.

>> No.10021984

why wouldn't the government just issue its own crypto backed by it??? Do you actually think people are going to drop trillions into an entity that is backed by literally nothing? For example the USD is behind the US military

>> No.10021991

Why would wall street money flow to meme currency?
>implying it didn't in 2017,kek

>> No.10022018
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>> No.10022045

no it's not happening. there are zero asset backed tokens available. asset backed tokens require firm regulations nigger. hasn't happened yet

>> No.10022347

Yeah, that dude is nuts. That 50% drop in price over the course of a month probably killed off the interest of serious investors.

>> No.10022357

Wall street got in last year and sold during bullrun. Idiots

>> No.10022430

So why the fuck do these insiders keep claiming big money is going to come in? Are they all bullshitting us or what?

>> No.10022478

The simple answer is yes.

The more complex answer is yes.

>> No.10022480

There are no insiders

>> No.10022506

Google JNT.

>> No.10022518
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>> No.10022525

oh yeah that arab shitcoin that can't even release a wallet after a year is totally gonna revolutionize banking.... most deluded hodlers out there

>> No.10022553

>1 minute and 30 seconds after I posted that it was fudded
That might be a record. But everyone should do their own research instead of just trusting him or I. Look through their medium. They are working with a central bank, a commodity exchange and two VCs despite what this anon tries to imply.

>> No.10022594

listen faggo I am from reddit and was the first person to shill this on /biz/ but then they changed what the token is about and now they haven't released shit about the project in 4 months (except feature creep) and they've delivered NOTHING. Not even a beta version of the wallet. Then you got them taking this whole 'we're professionals, we're coporatizing our communication", but then they go to shit like having meme contests and briefly flashing announcements of news on their twitter and then deleting it.

I fud this coin all the time because it's completley in the shitter and lost me a ton of money

>> No.10022614

>Yay, regulation
People have completely lost sight of what bitcoin is supposed to be.

>> No.10022615

You were one of the telegram moon boys who got salty. But thanks for outing yourself. It takes a real moron to say that the the things listed above are nothing and that they have said several times they are focused on enterprise clients and FIs which they have and are lined up. Regardless DYOR people.

>> No.10022631

>gs listed above are nothing and that they have said several times they are focused on enterprise clients and FIs which they have and are lined up.

Ok, then why are they flashing fake news on their twitter? Why did they fail with the new website and fucking Jwallet?

They can't deliver anything retard and the project will die

>> No.10022654
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Welcome to /biz/ now get the fuck out

>> No.10022671

what u think a ponzi is

>> No.10022677

They didn't fail with anything and are very open about everything. They were told to take the news down because the other party was not yet ready to announce. It wasn't fake simply premature. The website and jWallet did get sidetracked a bit by jCash which is where they were focused but now is just waiting regulatory sign-off as they focus on other parts of the project. You seem too emotionally unbalanced to be in crypto. I bet you constantly lose money on everything and then blame the developers that you sold before it started going up.

>> No.10022682

Absolutely. Imagine being able to buy stock shares that you actually own as crypto, and be able to keep the in cold storage, trade them, sell them, send them to someone. All the advantages of crypto married with the stock market. On top of that, think of all the other assets that could be turned intro crypto. The future is bright.

>> No.10022690

>wall street
>all their locked up capital

that's not how wall street works...

>> No.10022695

lmao. pure delusion. wall street will not drive the price up.

>> No.10022703

no I blame the fucking shills which why I'm trying to warn people of all the obvious red flags around this project in spite of what bagholders say

>> No.10022707

>locked up capital
locked up by whom?

>> No.10022713

>decentralized stock shares that you actually own, can keep in cold storage, trade them, sell them, send them to someone
>thinking Wall Street is going to intentionally harm their own profits by allowing themselves to be cut out as the middleman
Not going to happen.

>> No.10022746

>Cryptofags claimed they will liberate the world from fiat currency
>expects bull run from incoming massive fiat currency
Crypto and fiat will burn down to zero all the same

>> No.10022756

They are not one large group, but a swarm of selfish decision makers. Many are salivating at Binance profits, some don't care at all.

>> No.10022797

>red flags
>I can literally link you to the Central Bank of Jordan website which is banging with pictures of Talal as they confirm that Jibrel is working with them
>I can post news articles about Jibrel becoming a licensed financial intermediary allowing them to operate in several regions including the UK
>Somehow they accomplished nothing and there are red flags

You really are salty and will die poor.

>Central Bank of Jordan
>Financial intermediary

So tell me the nothing they have done?

>> No.10023196


>> No.10023206

Please die

>> No.10023241


If that shit is not a screaming sell signal I don't know wtf is. Those are words of a very desperate man. If you own any ADA I wish you luck....you're going to need it.

>> No.10023291


Just sold my ADA for some more BNB.

>> No.10023329

lol ada is going to 300 sats again cap this deluded hodlers

>> No.10023439

There’s a cryptocurrency aiming to do this, the mainnet is soon too.

>> No.10023571

What the fuck are you talking about? Why would this be necessary?

>> No.10023650

that happened when blockstream took over, all I care about now is money

>> No.10023781
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>no it's not happening. there are zero asset backed tokens available.

Imagine being this shortsighted about the future while also being wrong about the present.

>> No.10024129



hint hint.


>> No.10024339
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because if suckers believe it then it raises the price of their bags. It's bullshit, they might even be so self-deluded as to BELIEVE it. Like that episode of the Simpsons where Bart is at Kamp Krusty and keeps rambling "Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming"
>Institution money is coming, institution money is coming

>unironically. There aren't any insiders.


>> No.10024396

This, you don’t simply get to deal with central banks.You get vetted for every aspect of yourself and your business, and even then if all good most get turned away.Central banks won’t touch anything remotely scammy.99% of crypto wouldn’t even get a meeting with a central bank.Jibrel is already working with 2.