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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10020915 No.10020915 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does health insurance work?

>> No.10020929

every country will heal you for free

>> No.10020928

you pay 10x as much for health care because a bunch of fat retards can't pay for their own life extending surgery

>> No.10020943

>because a bunch of fat retards can't pay for their own life extending surgery

Also because medical corporations and the pharma industry jack up the prices on everything because they can

>> No.10020984

in the USA? not well

>> No.10021008

>go to socialist country
>get on welfare
>have health insurance

>> No.10021260

>go to socialist country
>get on welfare
>your kids get raped by shitskins
>explain that you dont like that very much
>go to jail
>get raped by shitskins, then killed

I'll take the expensive healthcare, thanks.

>> No.10021282

What if you are a shitskin?

>> No.10021317

pay while ur healthy.

stop paying when ur sick

gives doctors incentive to fix u

>> No.10021335

you have to buy it on the free market from locally based insurance cartels within a small window of time each year called "open enrollment"

>> No.10021336

It doesn't. You work for the insurance company

>> No.10021343

it doesn't, you have to move to a 1st world country.

>> No.10021352
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It's easier to get opiate then it is to get antibiotics in the USA, while you can get antibiotics easily in third world shit holes. This is truly the biggest tragedy facing america today.

>> No.10021421

>go to jail for being a self hating shit skin
>get murdered by other shitskins

>> No.10021428

You pitch in to help cover medical cost whenever your friends/family got sick/accident, they'll do the same for you

>> No.10021481

this is a big part of the problem. all the bullshit you need a perscription for is so fucking expensive and totally doens't require a doctors visit in most places. In Korea my wife got birth control OTC for like $2 a month. In the USA it ends up costing a fortune.

>> No.10021513

it took me two straight weeks of shitting blood, seeing an urgent care, my primary, getting a stool test, then going to the emergency room and getting a CT scan before they FINALLY gave me the antibiotics that are fixing me.

>> No.10021538

it's funny because it would be cheaper and less time consuming just to fly to costa rica for a week

>> No.10021548

>have some pain in my elbow for a few days
>go to doctor
>briefly explain what's going on
>I'm fucking 27 years old
>doctor doesn't ask any questions or examine/prod me for pain or other symptoms
>he offers me morphine right then and there
>this doctor went through a decade of med school to push drugs
i fucking hate (((modern))) medicine

>> No.10021561

I'm gonna be fucked by the ER bill, and my health plan doesn't even kick in until 2250 dollars

>> No.10021586

What did you have the ebola virus or something?

>> No.10021588

Have a medical problem. Pay an emergency care facility a few blocks away from where I live 150 dollars to see me within the hour. Pay 75 dollars for the prescription. First time I have seen a doctor in months and that visit cost me half of what it would be to have health insurance with a high deductible/co-pay. Scam.

>> No.10021589

you pay for health insurance and then when you need it they don't pay for anything

>> No.10021610

I don't even know man, the stool tests came up negative for every bacteria. the ER gave me meds for bacteria and amoeba infections. so it could be one or the other

>> No.10022214
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You work five hours every week to pay for Pablo's antibiotics and Dindueesha's diabetes medicine. When you take your family to the hospital, Dr. Ranjeev and Dr. Chong still charge you $1000.

>> No.10022857

I work in risk assessment for a health insurance company

Most of you are wrong


>> No.10022929


Good thing you were a good responsible goy and paid $3000/year for that ER bill that won’t even be covered.

>> No.10022947

>not taking it for fun


>> No.10022958

>27 year old thinks he's still a young kid
sorry boomer you have arthritis now. doc just wanted to help you out but you decided to have a mid-life crisis about it

>> No.10022960

>Pay cash
>get first line antibiotics for any sickness
>if it doesn't work, get second line antibiotics and so on

>has insurance
>must get blood works, ct scan and shit before prescribed the same antibiotics if you paid cash and stay for at least one night for """observation"""

>> No.10022968

Higher premium means less upfront cost before the insurance kicks in.

>> No.10022978

How about neither? I want to open a gym that includes health insurance for members. Immediate subsidies for attendance, gains, slimming, etc. Would ve cheap bc most there are healthy. Include liability waiver in signup so that gym related injuries arent covered.

>> No.10023005


$100 says this is similar to the model Amazon is working on.

>> No.10023067

>I want to open a gym that includes health insurance for members.
>Include liability waiver in signup so that gym related injuries arent covered.

>> No.10023093

you bet a jew that you will get severely sick or injured.

if you do: he pays for your extremely expensive treatments

if you dont: you pay him some money

its as retarded as it sounds. just dont smoke, eat reasonably and exercise once in a while

>> No.10023109

Redditfag pls go.

>> No.10023202



>> No.10023229


>you them monthly premiums
>they deny you services

>> No.10023252

in Burgerland? it doesn't

>> No.10023254

>Also because medical corporations and the pharma industry jack up the prices on everything because they can
The (((insurance company))) determines the price of your health care. Talk to any medical billing department. They hate those kikes more than you do.

Cash pay rates are like 40% or less than what the jew gets billed.

>> No.10023268

That's disgusting. Lay off the receiving anal for a while faggo

>> No.10023280

1. You hand over 12% of your earnings
2. You get what you’re given
3. Muh NHS

>> No.10023295

I have had juvenile diabetes since I was 14, am now 30. Never been able to afford health insurance, got gibsmedats insulin in Washington state and moved to Texas to get a job, but can't get gibs and missed the enrollment window for my jobs overpriced health plan. Currently taking Walmart insulins that cost me around 60-75$/month and am constantly going to DKA or hypoglycemia at work, but suck it up because of fear of being fired. I make 9$ an hour right now.
How fucked am I?

>> No.10023312


Why no Medicaid?

>> No.10023328

Because have job and white. Also tried for medicaid but didn't qualify, because have job and white.
>job is literally pharmacy cashier

>> No.10023345

Not to be a dick but evolution is real.

>> No.10023355

It sounds like you need to be on rapid and long-acting insulins. They're very expensive without insurance but the companies that make them have patient assistance programs that you can apply for. I have patients that get them for free from my pharmacy.

>> No.10023371
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Thats some heresy right there most foul nonbeliever.

>> No.10023411

Forreal that doctor sounds like the bomb I don't wanna go to my shitty doctor's office anymore

>> No.10023466

I'm buying two types of insulin from wally world, the fast acting and long duration types, along with syringes and keep an ice pack with them so they don't cook in the heat.
How does one go about applying for patient assistance programs?
I don't even have a primary physician down here, I'm just trying to make some money and not starve atm
I tried walking 12 miles to an endocrinology clinic for free samples of insulin and discarded vials, but they didn't have any... Any places that could hook me up with freebies? Can't really afford anything at the moment

You know, anon... I keep wondering if I'm not some zombie slave for (((big pharma))) and they are wringing their hands in delight at my miserable existence... Would be nice to have a working body

>> No.10023473

Should have taken the prescription and run

>> No.10023517
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There was some old doctor in eastern PA that got busted for this shit big time. Among several bottles of opioids he was selling to people, the police also found $1 million in cash he had stashed.

>> No.10023525

You're taking the ReliOn insulins which aren't as effective as the newer generations like Humalog/Novolog (short) and Lantus/Basaglar (long). Search for 'Lilly Cares Foundation' and 'Sanofi Patient Connection' on google. I think Novo Nordisk has ways of helping you as well. Search and find out.

>> No.10023568

Thank you for the help anon, you're a gentleman :...)
How can I give you a tip for your advice? Got an LTC address?

>> No.10023593

>be American
>can't afford Healthcare with your 4$/hr minimum wage
>a third of the population is niggers and spics
>get robbed and raped daily (higher rate of crime than any country in the eu)
>can't afford to get sewn up after being shot at school (which you also pay for)
nice try burger

>> No.10023600

I'm already a richfag from from my day job. Your thanks is enough. ;)

>> No.10023605

I will never forget you, kind anon :...)

>> No.10023614

In America we have a working justice system where if we call the cops, they will actually come and kill the perpetrator. And maybe your dog. In the EU they will just tell you it's in the perpetrator's culture to commit crimes and you should accept it, so it will go unreported.

>> No.10023634


decentralized healthcare on blkchain

>> No.10023658

>be yurocuck
>pay 96% of your yearly income for """free""" healthcare
>get a coldsore and try seeing a doctor
>two years later, still no doctor and now you have AIDS as a secondary complication
>die like the fag you are

>> No.10023665

Not burgerland

>> No.10023672

>america has working justice system and law enforcement
call the cops as a white woman and you'll be shot dead in your car
call the cops as an old white man and you'll be shot dead while asleep in YOUR OWN BED
be at the wrong place at the wrong time, get wrongly called out in a line, enjoy the rest of your life in prison even though you're innocent

Americans are so fucking delusional

>> No.10023680

do you mean one the consumer end or the business end?

Insurance companies generate revenue from premiums-payouts
pretty much that

>> No.10023683

look how much I triggered the American Lmao

>> No.10023685

>pay exorbitant prices including monthly fee* for doctor to tell me I'm mostly ok
>shaniqua calls 911 and takes a leisurely ride in da amberlamps to the emergency room and gets same thing done for free
*plus tip

>> No.10023694

Don't know because my employer pays for all of it. I just know my deductible is $3k, after which they pay for everything, then I go to the benefits team and get them to refund half of what I paid.

>> No.10023702

innocent whites don't get shot. aggressive trailer trash whites and dindu nuffins get shot

>> No.10023709

do you not read the news you delusional cuck?

>> No.10023716

no i don't read fake news

>> No.10023724


American police are literally trained to white genocide

>> No.10023742
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So we gave Mohammed a gun and he decided to culturally enlighten that white woman? shocking

>> No.10023749

>Americans hiring sharia law supporters as their law enforcement
keep digging that hole delusional burger
would you like to compare crime stats between actual white eu countries and burgermuttland?

>> No.10023758

EU countries just don't report their crime and convince themselves it's not happening

>> No.10024052
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>In America we have a working justice system

>> No.10024082

America is literally the worst country in the world if you aren't a super rich kike
yet the bootlicking mutts will defend your video because "Lmao I saw a black person in there xDD"

>> No.10024086

>How the fuck does health insurance work?
It doesnt.

>> No.10024111

>t. guy who has either never been to America or is so poor he needs EU-level handouts

>> No.10024177

All justified. Back to plebbit with you moralfag niggerworshipping yurocuck.

>> No.10025178

I have a qt3.14 gf thank you very much

>> No.10025247

>macing protestors

How's the communism treating you un-American piece of shit?

>> No.10025331

I think you got it wrong
communist is the webm poster

>> No.10025466

the simple answer is that it doesn't

most americans have never left america though so they are content with it

>> No.10025482

you are not wrong
>t.waiting for a foot operation since 6 months

>> No.10026258

When it's privatized, it's a business with bottom lines and sometimes a person can't afford to be healthy. This is fair.
When healthcare becomes socalized, it just turns into another "convince everyone to keep doing this through social pressures so it doesn't crash and burn". Fuck the idea that everyone deserves to be healthy and society should support that. The biggest deciding factor of your health revolves around not being stupid about what you do with your body and whay you put into it.

>> No.10026343
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Get trauma cover (it includes life insurance)
If you get diagnosed with any major illnesses, including cancer, you get an instant $100k (or whatever amount you choose) - no questions asked, no need to go through private system. If you're in australia, use oaktree.com (arbitrarily, objectively awarded best insurance products for customers, multiple years in a row).

Private health cover in my country costs around $105 a month for a healthy 22 year old, and around $250 for a 40 year old, and if you get private, it'll leave you outta pocket. I'm 22 and pay $23 a month to know that if I get cancer / a serious illness, a terminal disability / illness or die, I'll get $100,000 into my account. I also pay $15 a month for an extra $50,000 cover for the same things from another insurer, which also covers my homeloan if I get injured and can't work. Finally, I have life and permanent disability insurance from my superannuation provider (our equivalent of a 401K) for $350,000 if I get very sick or die.

I've had a ruger .243 blow up in my face, requiring surgery, was walked straight into emergency, got surgery, and never payed a cent. Later, I had to be hospitalised overnight with x-rays, blood tests and scans; never payed a cent. To0 care, and all through our public system - if I had private cover, I would have been thousands out of pocket to cover gap payments.

>> No.10026376

*top care.

Feels good to know that if I die, my partner won't have to worry about a mortgage and won't have to work for a year or so. Additionally, my mother, father and sister will have something from it.

It's relaxing to know that if I get cancer, I can quit my job and pay for private treatment if I need it, and not worry about my mortgage or stress about anything - just focus on getting better. Definitely worth the peace of mind.

But then again, I'm a risk consultant and as such, am probably predisposed to think this way.

>> No.10026429


>> No.10026623
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>be poor amerifat
>get shot by Pedro
>try to call police
>get shot by Jamal
>police finally arrives
>get shot by police
>hospital bill is 200,000
>get sent to private jail with jamal and pedro because can't afford to pay bill

>> No.10027127

>be american
>told do what you love
>pff what kind of idiot would fall for that meme
>do the smart thing and do what father does
>get in because son
> get taught by person who works in the field instead of some liberal with a piece of paper
>grind work until 50k at 19
>start investing/jew retirement plan
>live better than 98% of eurofags because didn't fall for college/do what you love meme
>play vidya and shitpost

>> No.10027242

Ohhhh, mutt got mad!

>> No.10027651

>wait 1000 years to see a doctor
i fiinished your green text story for you, yw

>> No.10027978

it works that people who actively live a healthy life pay equal sum of money as people that actively live an unhealthy life, so that unhealthy people can be treated and cured because of their unhealthy lifestyle

if I could design healthcare system, I would incentivise people leading a healthy life so they have to spend less, while people who are actively ruining their body with cigarettes, alcohol drugs just because "its my fucking body" should pay a hefty premium to discourage such behaviour

and FYI who else thinks "its my fucking body", no it's not, there are a plethora of other microorganisms and bacteria that all work in harmony to keep "you" alive, yet you actively ruin them. stop doing that!

>> No.10028045

you dumbass, healthcare insurance already works like that. If you are a smoker you have to pay more

>> No.10028055

My health insurance does this with smoking, but only smoking. How would they keep track of who is doing unhealthy things. People lie all the time

>> No.10028107

fat people are an easy target, same as drug users.

> inb4 you dont know if somebody takes drugs

uhok and it's different for smoking? of course you can find out

>> No.10028163

German fag here, im really thankful for the health insurance here.

It's unironically really great.

>> No.10028180

for smokers, fair enough I admit defeat

however, there is no incentive for people living a healthy lifestyle, that engage in sports activities or eat organic and homegrown food for example. we still have to pay as much as the rest and will in most cases never see that healthcare money spent on us. it should be allocated for physical injuries and operations, something that can save lives, not to treat chronic diseases that could've been easily avoided just by living a more healthier life.

>> No.10028181

In a healthy country its a safety net for everyone. In an obese nation like the USA I'm paying money to keep fat niggers and spics who are on benefits alive so they can continue to leech.

>> No.10028233
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I haven't been to a doctor or dentist since 2011.

>> No.10028382
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How old are you? If under 30 and no assets you’re better off not having it and saving the money monthly.

>> No.10028600


>> No.10028639

i dont know...i live in europe...you just go once a year and they give you the healthcare card for free and you get your top-notch healthcare (you pay like 30-50€ for small shit like blood tests but if you get seriously ill than its all free)

>> No.10028843



>> No.10029126

you pay monthly and when something happens where you need to use the insurance your company tries as hard as they can to not pay anything. American insurance is a scam. European/japanese insurance actually cares about their customers and the difference is night and day.

>> No.10029227

ever heard of finland

>> No.10029385

That doesn't mean anything, you ever heard of pegging?

>> No.10029531

yeah i dont know anymore. i supposedly have "really good health insurance" here through my job in the usa. I never really have had to use it. well, a few months ago, i had a medical emergency, then had to be taken from hospital to emrgency care place via the ambulance, then had to stay for 2 days. i got like 3 separate bills, totalling like 28k. my "great insurance" is covering about 10k of it, the rest is on me apparently. and i dont have 18k just lying around, so not sure what im going to do. become homeless i guess.

>> No.10030070

I heard if you wait and don't pay the bill, the hospital will send you an application to reduce the bill if you provide your salary info. That way they will work with you on a payment plan