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10019354 No.10019354 [Reply] [Original]

In university and got this image as an answer and a laughter... How do you fight this shit and the herd of idiots?

>> No.10019375

Since when do you need to fight them? Since when does the herd of sheep decides where it goes. They'll be forced into the blockchain. Just become filthy rich with it and shit on them in a few years.

>> No.10019378

You don't fight them, they will be asking soon how it really works anyway. Let the herd be the herd

>> No.10019388

let me be clear: troll them so they don't have another retarded answer back. But I guess getting filthy rich and then laughing at them is the best.

>> No.10019391

cum on their graves when they die pf starvation because they ignored the one world currency

>> No.10019398

also send them a brainlet pic in response

>> No.10019401

Shepherds don't care what their flocks think.

>> No.10019414
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Send them this image

>> No.10019450

Explain the obvious advantages a blockchain has over a standard database. Surely you can think of three.

>> No.10019495

They laugh at you because you shill your shitty internet coins that are useless. How many times do we have to repeat this on biz? Blockchain is useful but does NOT and will NOT need cryptocurrency to be used. Perhaps do as >>10019450 said and explain what makes blockchain itself better. Dont mention cryptocurrency and maybe they will take you more seriously

>> No.10019515

saved, thanks :D

>> No.10019532

what the fuck? who said I shilled any goddamn coins?

>> No.10019559


bringing up anything remotely mentioning crypto will get you laughed out of the room in most places. Not sure what you said as I obviously didnt see your presentation but I'm just letting do NOT mention crypto when discussing the uses for blockchain. Even if you think somehow think there are decent cryptos it is in your best interest to not bring it up

>> No.10019569

>letting you know*


>> No.10019576

simple response

[Do I need a website?] ---- > [No]

>> No.10019589

Those idiots are the reason its still possible to make money in this.
It has none. Theyre completely different use cases. Also, "blockchain but not crypto" is how you know someone is larping about being a crypto expert

>> No.10019590

Anyway OP, follow my advice and dont bring up crypto. I know this from experience

>> No.10019592

>paper is useful but does NOT and will NOT need currency to be used

>> No.10019610

You don't, let them stay poor

>> No.10019628

>Also, "blockchain but not crypto" is how you know someone is larping about being a crypto expert

Nobody cares about being a crypto expert because it's useless. Blockchain is the only hope of any of this stuff being adopted. Your "vision" of a "decentralized currency" "destroying the banks" doesnt mean shit. Nobody cares

>> No.10019645

what a stupid response jesus christ.

>> No.10019693

funny, also my thoughts about your post exactly.

Educate yourself on the history of money.

Also Jesus wont save you.

>> No.10019699

By "expert" I mean 105ers like yourself who did a crypto cram session one weekend a month ago and now shitpost all over the internet pretending to know what theyre talking about. Programmable censorship resistant money is a revolutionary concept. DLT is a meme.

>> No.10019701

Take a basic econ course and you'll just how stupid a decentralized and deflationary currency would be.

>> No.10019734

Blockchain is the inefficient solution looking for problem

>> No.10019736

I never claimed to be an expert. However I do know that no crypto right now will ever be used. People would never adopt some decentralized shit they cant control or have access to unless you had a worldwide revolution and even Tyrone in Africa knew what crypto was. Perhaps USD, EUR, etc will be turned into digital currency but it will not be how you think cryptocurrency should be

>> No.10019744

You mean, like ,gold ?
Indeed very stupid.
Dude Keynesian economics pushing inflation and GDP and debt are about to cost us a shit ton of suffering.
I'm not saying it's imminent or that it will be the world ending crash, but the recession, probably worse than the 2008 is comming.
And it will hurt like fucking hell.
Now, tell me how fiat and what's going on with debt is better than cryptocurrency, that is used as intended?

>> No.10019749

why so some liberal jackass can spew keynesian economics that was invented nearly 100 years ago.

current 'economic models' are about as accurate as predicting the weather.

pick up a copy of "The Ascent of Money" then let us know your "thoughts"

>> No.10019764

>we use gold as everyday currency and not a store of value in this day and age

Stopped reading there. Try not to be retarded thanks

>> No.10019765

LMFAO get rekt op

>> No.10019779

have fun using gold/BTC for an ever growing population with no signs of slowing down

>> No.10019782

Youre claiming to be an expert by stating your opinions as if they matter, when you should be reading quietly instead.

>> No.10019790

You can suck the dick of money printing press all you want.

>> No.10019795

>expressing an opinion is claiming to be an expert

That's some nigger logic right there. Would you mind telling me what shade of brown you are?

>> No.10019799
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question shoulda been "WILL i need blockchain?"
theyre so stupid

>> No.10019800

Decentralization is not just some “stick it to the man” concept. It provides more security than any other possible current data security solution, and it does so at a fraction of the cost of any other solution. Companies will want cheap data security. You do realize how much our global economy suffers from money hemorrhaging out of companies and banks due to hackers & fraud, right?

>> No.10019806

Let's hear more about the presentation.

>> No.10019815

Haha yeah nice trolling. Thanks for ruining what could have been a good thread. I guess if you cant contribute to society you might as well go around ruining stuff instead.

>> No.10019817

We don't use gold as every day currency for the last 50 years but we did for thousands of years with good results.
We changed that for political reasons mainly.
So we have a history of a millenials of using gold as a currency with its problems and all, and around 50 years of using fiat backed by debt....
GEE I wonder, which one is an experiment?

What I said was that hold was never a bad idea so comparing crypto (BTC to be specific) to gold is accurate and is NOT a bad idea.

>> No.10019836

I agree decentralized is a good thing. But afaik it is a pipe dream because when you fuck up a transaction in a centralized currency there are people you can call to fix it. Ofc you can say "well just stop being dumb" and maybe thats true but that's not how you get people on board. Also, I cant think of a single business that dare trust their finances and data with a platform that has no one behind it and that if it is hacked they lose everything. I think we all know crypto isnt invulnerable to hackers and fraud

>> No.10019863

I'm taking about every day currency. I never said BTC cant be a store of value. Also we used gold before because we had a stagnant population and not many choices in the market. For example you can buy 50 different cellphones or 50 different types of t shirts.

It was a good thread until YOU claimed to know more about crypto when it turns out you dont

>> No.10019919

I never claimed to be an expert. I said that you dont know what youre talking about, which you dont.
"Blockchain but not crypto" is always the first nocoiner position after denial.
If you seek the truth you'll wise up eventually. If you dont, you'll eventually be going long on rope with peter shiff and the rest of the stubborn boomers.

>> No.10019955

>I never claimed to be an expert.
>Youre claiming to be an expert by stating your opinions as if they matter

Word to biz, never listen to brown people for financial advice

>"Blockchain but not crypto" is always the first nocoiner position after denial.
If you seek the truth you'll wise up eventually. If you dont, you'll eventually be going long on rope with peter shiff and the rest of the stubborn boomers.

Haha le boomer meme! Do you actually have the arrogance to think you're smarter than every billionaire and financial institution in the world? Do you honestly think you're on to something that nobody else has thought of? ROFL. They wont buy this shit because IT HAS NO PURPOSE. The only worthwhile thing to come out of all this was blockchain itself.

>> No.10019961

>>We never had a stagnant population. We had wars and sickness that controlled the population growth, but actually the population was steadily growing across the globe for millenia.Well at least until now.
Birth rates across the globe(yes, even if Africa) are steadily declining since the 90's at least.
We are growing in Africa and Middle East ....and that's about it, and we are not growing as fast as we used to, actually at around 40% of the 90's rate. The rest of the world just hit the reverse.
We are not in a population growth cycle.
>>more choices
We stopped using physical gold for the convenience of it, but we used gold backed currencies up until about 50 years ago.
And do you know why we stopped?
Because of the emergence of brain dead Keynesian economics and the fact that it gave the governments a hope of borrowing more than they could repay so they can win elections and end the recession in the 70's. They didn't really end anything, they just prolonged the suffering but the people could buy more shit and on the surface it looked like it was working.
I can go more in depth here because that's just scratching the surface and I didn't even touch the great depression in this dissertation lol.
Fiat became backed by trust in government only.
That's the power that people gave the government by getting rid of gold.
Complete control over their finances.

>> No.10020048

We are not in a population growth cycle.

>implying there wont be another one.

Yes you're right the government buys more than it can repay but that is a side effect of having a currency that you can control. Sure our debt has gone up but so has our quality of life and that is because people have an incentive to spend USD every day. A deflationary currency would result in people hoarding everything and business would die in a day except for things like medicine, toiletries etc. you can say goodbye to the life we live now.

>> No.10020057

>ethereum is extremely uselful because you can make smart contracts that are processed on a distributed worldwide comouter
>wow anon what can you do with a smart contract
>well one project is 0x protocol and has a token zrx
>wow whats it do
>well it trades tokens of other smart contracts
>but why do you want to trade tokens
>to get rich
>but why do they increase in value
>because other people want to buy them
> but why do people want to buy them
>so they can get rich
>but what do they do to increase in value
>you can use them to make a smart contract to trade tokens
>but why do you want to trade tokens
>to get rich

And so on

>> No.10020060

You don't need a blockchain though. Nobody does, Society was doing fine before the cancer of cryptocurrency came along. It's a blight, a mirage, rat poison squared. You are a greater fool.

>> No.10020104

>The only worthwhile thing to come out of all this was blockchain itself.
Explain how you decentralize without an incentive?
If you come back and say you don't care about decentralization, then blockchain is useless and a regular database is far better.
'Blockchain not Bitcoin' is simply a undefendable position because Blockchain will not work without a currency to pay people to run the network.
You can be 'blockchain sucks'. That's consistent.

>> No.10020106

Also I dont get where this idea that "everyone must suffer" comes from. There are millions of ways people can fight inflation and a recession but they arent educated on their finances so they let it happen and people now have ammo to shit on the system that brought them all their toys.

>> No.10020113

steem is useful. it incentivizes content creation in the form of videos and essays and allows for micro payments. don't you think media creators should be paid for their labor without middle men?

>ok but why would anyone buy and hold steem?

because the value of a token is proportional to its use on a network. If the network gains more usuage over time, the price of the token will reflect it. Likewise, the currency itself gives you influential, directly exercisable power on the platform.

>> No.10020119

We will have bitcoin services and banks for the people that don't want to take responsibility for caring for their assets.

>> No.10020126

>society was doing fine

not really. a lot of people had their life saving stolen or made worthless due to their governments.

>> No.10020131


>that sad 30 year old boomer wannabe Warren Buffett

>> No.10020149


Well first off I never said it had to be decentralized. Businesses would have their own network. There is no need to pay the people running the network because they are doing it themselves. As i said nobody would store their shit in the same network everyone else is using. The future is companies implementing their own and using that. That is what these companies want and that's the only way it would be adopted.

>decentralization is a meme

>> No.10020158

Again, that's a pipe dream. Good luck getting people to insure something that nobody can control and theres no way of getting your funds back

>> No.10020189

>>deflationary currency would result in people hoarding everything and business would die in a day except for things like medicine, toiletries etc. you can say goodbye to the life we live now

1) you are implying that people hoarded gold for millenia and that we did not improve the quality of life throughout this time.
I don't agree with this at all and to refute it I would like to ask you a question:
What incentive does the government have right now to lead a responsible monetary policy?
By responsible I mean-> do not borrow more than you can produce or give back?
If your answer is -> none, 0 or zilch, then we have an understanding.
So I propose that cryptocurrency, as a "new gold standard" is a way to introduce said incentive.
Gold or any asset that backs fiat produces an incentive to spend reasonably by making people remember that it's finite and it can and will run out.
Any business run like our government would die in a day and many did. Reasonable people know not to borrow more than they can repay, right? Well, wrong, because people are not reasonable. That's why
>>our lifestyle
Is not sustainable right the fuck now. Most of the people are in debt, so much so, that we have a debt bubble, and that debt bubble is going to pop and soon-ish, and then, what happens to
>>our lifestyle
Can you look at the US(a healthy economy according to most) debt to GDP ratio?
Can you deduct where is it going?
And does it show any signs of slowing down?
So, concluding, gold or crypto may not be the best of the financial system tools but these are the best tools that we have now.
You don't live in a healthy economy with prospering people, you live in a debt ridden shithole of one sort or another, that is just competently masked by brainwashing and clever words and the book fixing methods that would put any business owner in jail in no time.

>> No.10020294

>you are implying that people hoarded gold for millenia and that we did not improve the quality of life throughout this time.

Except we just starting booming in tech very recently. We had stagnant growth technology wise for ages until the last few years. your argument that people had the same quality of life back then as they do now is wrong.

So do you think if we changed to a crypto/gold backed currency people would out of nowhere smarten up? Because that's not true at all. There would be ACTUAL suffering and the only people who could enjoy life would the elite. A debt bubble popping is nowhere near as catastrophic as the complete stoppage of spending and just hoarding a currency forever. Like i said not everyone suffers in a recession and there are ways to fight it.

>> No.10020315

I agree with you however that our government needs to stop its spending. Also the debt problem can be solved in more ways than just changing USD completely. It wasn't the only factor that got us into this mess and it wont be what gets us out

>> No.10020332

>bringing up anything remotely mentioning crypto will get you laughed out of the room in most places.
As it should.

>> No.10020341



>> No.10020367


please bet all your money on crypto and gold.

>> No.10020375

>Crypto is useless
Call me when I can send money online to others without needing to worry about kiked payment processors saying I'm too much of a bad goy for it to go through without using crypto.

>> No.10020390

>with good results.
Literally no. Imagine having this little knowledge of bank runs and practically fucking annual depressions throughout history

>> No.10020403


This is an imaginary problem practically nobody is actually having

>> No.10020414

Yep, I'm just imagining paypal closing my account.

>> No.10020430

are you imaging your shitcoins being stolen from exchanges too?

>> No.10020447

this is why the only crypto that will succeed will be xrp

>> No.10020448

>keeping crypto on exchanges instead of private wallets
>Hey I'm going to get away from banks but then just trust other centralized companies instead
Only retards do this.
>B-But your private wallet can be compromised too
Sure there's other types of retards who can't into security.

>> No.10020456

Jesus fucking christ, stop trying to tell CS faggots about blockchain. I'm an uneducated neet making 5 figures writing basic dapps and "consulting", and that wouldn't happen if even 1% of these tards invaded the space. You're in CS yourself? Good for you. Shut the fuck up, start coding, enjoy being a millionaire by 2020.

>> No.10020464
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It's true in most of cases.

>> No.10020475

wikileaks had that problem

>> No.10020479

In a gold rush, would you be handing out maps to the gold mine you found??
Let IT mongs chuckle with a false sense of superiority and let /biz/ refresh blockfolio. By definition not everyone can be the 1%, so don't give away your seat.

>> No.10020500
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this, i made my own crypto, do about 1 hour programming a day, occasional marketing work and monitoring social channels and i've made over £45k from a project i started in january, doing fuck all work and shitposting all day

my mates at uni laughed when i told them i was gonna drop out for a crypto startup, i suppose they just wanna be wagecuck slaves like everyone else

>> No.10020507

You dumb fuck, Tyrone in Africa actually uses crypto. See Zimbabwe. When the population loses faith in the government or a government becomes insolvent, crypto overtakes. Go back to lurking and being silent, don't spew your garbage.

>> No.10020510

Why would you keep them on an exchange and not.... you know....exchange them?
Some people deserve to lose money

>> No.10020517 [DELETED] 

Enjoy not having a job when the bubble pops. Wow you can make money in the middle of a bubble look at how smart you are! Theres a reason bankers/investors etc. are always at the top it's because they see this stupid shit immediately and know that it has no use. A CS fag may know how it works and how to build it but he doesnt know just how stupid it is in daily life or why it's better than the current system. But hey a neet who sits around all day coding knows more about the market than people who get paid to study this every day of their lives right?

>> No.10020530

>chainlink literally solves this problem

God I am so comfy

>> No.10020536

He's an uneducated NEET, whether he has a three year or five year gap on his resume will make no practical difference if he later needs to go work a minimum wage job, in the mean time he's making more than he could elsewhere.

>> No.10020547

He literally made no claims of being an expert or even semi intelligent. Who hurt you?

>> No.10020555

>working minimum wage the rest of your life

kek. Is this what you CS fags do?

>> No.10020565

Because he thinks it has a future. It's a bubble I'm saying enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.10020575

You realize we're talking about an uneducated NEET, right? If he even goes to get a job instead of just living off his parents its going to be minimum wage.

>> No.10020594

he claims CS fags are doing the same thing as him and I telling him hes in for a a rude awakening in a couple years. By all means make your money now I guess. However I think getting an actual job in the CS field is far better than what hes doing unless you cant beat out the pajeets. CS is a fucked field in general atm.

>> No.10020609

>he claims CS fags are doing the same thing as him and I telling him hes in for a a rude awakening in a couple years.
Are you illiterate? He said that they could but he's glad that they don't because they'd be competition to him and kill his income.

>> No.10020624

can you fags explain to me why would ANYONE use your crypto currencies to do any kind of transactions, when they could simply fork the code of any random shitcoin and use it privately?
also, other than supposedly being better for transferring money than fiat, what is this technology good for?

>> No.10020629

Oops. I got heated from retards shilling crypto earlier and didnt read everything. My bad

>> No.10020667

>also, other than supposedly being better for transferring money than fiat, what is this technology good for?


>> No.10020685
File: 360 KB, 600x580, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looool we got ourselfes a BRAINLET here!


>> No.10020702

Fuck off dipshit

>> No.10020720

keep buying your chink coins idiot.

>> No.10020726

>can you fags explain to me why would ANYONE use your crypto currencies to do any kind of transactions, when they could simply fork the code of any random shitcoin and use it privately?
New cryptos are more vulnerable to being attacked as hash rate is lower and its difficult to get people to start accepting it. Additionally low liquidity makes it difficult to go back into fiat. For those of us who actually use crypto there is no reason to try to make your own unless you're just trying to run a pump and dump(which a lot of people have made money by doing to scam gullible fucks).
>B-But there's no actual use for crypto
There are three legitimate uses for crypto currently. Evading government confiscation in 3rd world countries like Venezuela when their economy goes to shit which we saw last year, people who are blacklisted by traditional banks and payment processors being able to transact with one another, and buying things on darknet markets. Is crypto still massively overvalued? In my opinion yes it is but its definitely not useless like the permabears are now insisting.

>> No.10020827
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>> No.10020882

Just make it centralized and you won't have to deal with this hashrate nonsense.

>> No.10020900

>just make it centralized
And it immediately becomes useless for all of the use cases I just gave.

>> No.10020950

hence why it has no purpose in the real world. crypto will only be used to buy drugs in the future

>> No.10020971

>3rd world commie countries don't exist
>financial institutions blacklisting dissidents doesn't happen
>buying drugs is not a purpose

>> No.10020992

2 of those are so rare that it could never overtake fiat

>> No.10020997

>it won't overtake fiat
No shit.

>> No.10021062
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>> No.10021121

>real time cross border settlement is not a thing

>> No.10021569

it becuase for some reason the Compsci crowd do not understand the FIN crowd.

They just don't seem to intersect....why I am not sure,

Probably because fin is regulated by some weird gov regs, FRB, Economics

IT is all bout logic gates and loops, compilers, arrays and pointers, subclasses etc.

>> No.10021607

what you mean gold? that I can teleport, make invisible, and weighs nothing and exchange without counter-party risk, also you can't put capital controls on it, or tax it....

That just about fucks every economy text to date into irrelevance.

For a start, govs are fucked. Tax base is gone.

>> No.10021645

you don't understand quantitative easing do you, or why you $ is not buying as much as it used to?

why your wages are declineing vs cost of living.

No everything is good, keep being my slave.

>> No.10021693

>implying crypto could operate in 3rd world authoritarian hell holes

>> No.10021719

>being a retarded nigger that didn't even keep up with Venezuela last year

>> No.10021840

Crypto is already banned in Venezuela.

>> No.10021847

>its banned so you can't use it to evade government confiscation
Holy shit you're retarded

>> No.10021875

>the government won't ever find out.
>the government will always let you use the internet.

You're the retarded one here.

>> No.10021901

How will they stop people using the internet?
How will they find out?

>> No.10021904

It was banned prior to last year and yet it was the main thing that people utilized when the government started trying to take everyone's shit as their economy crashed into shambles. This was on every news site throughout last year starting in the spring you utter imbecile.

>> No.10021911

So, the internet is useless for venezuelans because of the off chance that the government might ban it.

>> No.10021936


The picture is right though. I've been telling you dumb faggots ETH is a big ponzi piece of shit.

Currency is really the only use for blockchain and some other things that can be pegged to the security of the Blockchain (ie Land ownership)

Dump your ETH before it returns to zero dumbcunts. Buy BCH aka the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10021982

>Currency is really the only use for blockchain

>Dump your ETH before it returns to zero dumbcunts.

>Buy BCH aka the real Bitcoin.

wow you have a really sad existence. It's like you're consistently on the wrong side of everything.

>> No.10022141


Deluded bagholder detected.

Post on /biz/ after I'm right, I'll happily send you $10 in BCH and another $5 for a bus ticket so you can go down to the local hardware store to buy some rope.

>> No.10022161

>Currency is really the only use for blockchain
Why go with BCH instead of Monero?

>> No.10022205


Because Monero can't scale, has no real usage or adoption and will get banned the moment the first kiddyfiddler gets caught using it to buy CP.

Besides all these points, you can do anonymous transactions easily on BCH anyway by either using a coin shuffle service or the Electron Cash addon cashShuffle to automate the process.

>> No.10022256

>muh child porn
You realize that people also buy kiddie porn with BCH as well, right?
>you can do anonymous transactions easily on BCH anyways
Using an additional method not inherent to the crypto itself does not count.

The only real reason to prefer BCH over monero is that it has better scaling but I'm not convinced its really needed, the amount of people that actually use crypto instead of merely speculating is very small and I don't think that will really change.

>> No.10022287

So crypto is useful on the off chance that the economy of your country might utterly collapse while the government remains nice enough to let you keep using the internet without any restrictions and crypto is backed by the fiat of other countries with functioning economies and where crypto isn't banned.

>> No.10022295


Perhaps but it's not known solely for illegal products and services. Monero won't ever compete with something like BCH or even BTC simply because the obfuscation techniques required to maintain a high level anonymity cost in other areas, such as larger blocks and hence costly/slow transactions.

That is unless Monero embraces large blocks, which it won't because they obviously want to encourage the average pedo to be able to operate a miner from their basement and discourage larger mining operations like the recent 4 way fork that occurred like last month.

>> No.10022385

>Monero won't ever compete with something like BCH
Monero and BCH are the only competitors in this space, everything else is garbage. I think there's room for both though.
You're joking, right? After this market crashes all the way to the ground that shit is going to die once the moonkids that are only here to try to get rich quick forget about crypto and the only people left are those of us who have been for years. People aren't going to forget the shit that Maxwell pulled as far as commit access goes.

>unless monero embraces larger blocks
Monero utilizes a dynamic block size instead of a static one like bitcoin. Implementing things to reduce the proportional hashrate of companies utilizing proprietary mining equipment protects the network as the same thing that allows them to have a more cost effective hashrate also allows them to easily attack the network if they so chose.

>> No.10022407

You are clearly missing the other anons point. Why would any company use block chain over a database? There are only two real advantages to blockchain:
(A) Immutability - which you said companies won't want
(B) Decentralization - which you said companies won't want.
A centralized database is superior in every way, so why exactly would any company use blockchain?

>> No.10022445


I meant BTC in terms of the centralized piece of shit it will become in the future. The LN is designed to fail and will make way for Blockstream's Liquid sidechain in the next 6 months to a year.

Eventually BTC will morph into a new Ripple/XRP competitor with all the BTC coins locked away and unspendable of course and the Blockstream IOU coins replacing them.

>> No.10022499

That centralized piece of shit is going to die. Noone is going to be buying bitcoin in mass for years because everyone that is the type to get in for speculation already got burned recently so new buyers won't come back in unless there's a period of organic growth. The problem for BTC is that there's no source of organic growth because people who would buy crypto to actually use it will be looking elsewhere after BTC was removed from so many vendors, both in terms of bitpay and darknet markets. Blockstream dug their own graves and they deserve their fate, the only thing that might save them is if they find some large investors to keep this market from collapsing further. If we have a multi year bear market they are completely doomed.

>> No.10022529

All I said was that if blockchain is to be used it would not he decentralized nor have a coin to go with it. Theres a chance it could never get used and it all goes to zero. However I dont think it will go that far down

>> No.10022539


>> No.10022555

>inefficient solution
wow nigger, does your tribe use a currency that is recognized worldwide or do you still trade monkey foreskins? try sending loot from some asian shit hole to a refined white nation. takes 4-8 days and rinses about $20 from your balance for the transaction. geee i wonder what type of system could provide greater efficiency...bitsomething...bit...bit....fuck you nigger

>> No.10022559

What a great and powerful lie.

>> No.10022561

>rinses about $20 from your balance for the transaction

oh so you are talking about bitcoin

>> No.10022686

Centralized Jew shits like credit card, paypal,schiffgold are superior for transaction than cryptos even with the help of centralized Jew exchange