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File: 413 KB, 1199x1367, Screenshot_2018-06-24-19-27-03-264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10017345 No.10017345 [Reply] [Original]

The maximum at which you can prevail is 4400 and that is an EXTREMELY unlikely scenario.

Despite that crypto was a bubble at 19k, it's small time compared to out there. Crypto will be competing against a stock market bubble, a housing bubble and a bond bubble. Markets that are well into the trillions and are all propped up by debt. All it needs is interest to kick in and create massive dominos of defaults causing, each market to turn the other way. A deflationary collapse will begin and it will be interconnected with all of the world's financial systems. When that happens the government will have to start hyperinflating their currency or suffer a civil war fueled by austerity.

In case of the first: Normies will rush to any tangible asset to venture off the hyperinflation. Cryptos that are ready for transacting with your smartphone and tablet will gain actual adoption

In case of no hyperinflation everybody will move their assets gold, silver and crypto, since those are markets that have not been propped up and check all the boxes for being money. I'm not even gonna talk about the reserve ratios they use with futures for metals.

It already has started happening.
Interest rates in italy spiked from near 0 to 2% overnight.
Russia dumped 50% of its us tressury bonds this july
In california there have constantly been more and more discounts on housing

You do the math for once

>> No.10017368


tick tock motherfuckers.

>> No.10017402
File: 908 KB, 360x640, 1521574798132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you do when everyone turns bear?


>> No.10017736

Erdogan winning thr election might be the black swan event for markets this monday, I mean you basically just saw the Ottomans vote for the anti-christ for life, that’s pretty bearish.

>> No.10017807

krupi is that u

>> No.10017824

back to plebbit u go

>> No.10017955

t. roach

>> No.10017986

More like, "crypto is going to tank during the recession when everyone sells in order to park their money in safer assets."

>> No.10018004
File: 95 KB, 960x960, 1529846533473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safer assets

>> No.10018045

Route 666 everyone, hop on.

>> No.10018075
File: 165 KB, 1280x640, Igor-et-Grichka-Bogdanoff-places-en-garde-a-vue-pour-escroquerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maximum at which you can prevail is $0.05 and that is an EXTREMELY unlikely scenario.

Despite that crypto was a bubble at 19k, it's small time compared to out there. Crypto will be competing against a shitposting bubble, a meme bubble and a reddit bubble. Markets that are well into the trillions and are all propped up by debt. All it needs is interest to kick in and create massive dominos of defaults causing, each market to turn the other way. A deflationary collapse will begin and it will be interconnected with all of the world's financial systems. When that happens the government will have to start hyperinflating their meme or suffer a civil war fueled by austerity.

In case of the first: Normies will rush to any tangible shitposts to venture off the hypermemeinflation. YouTube channels that are ready for transacting with your smartphone and tablet will gain actual adoption

In case of no hyperinflation everybody will move their memes to pewdiepie, markiplier and jack septiceye, since those are shitposters that have not been propped up and check all the boxes for being money. I'm not even gonna talk about the reserve ratios they use with futures for metals.

It already has started happening.
Interest rates in italy spiked from near 0 to 98% overnight.
Russia dumped 1488% of its us tressury bonds this july
In california there have constantly been more and more discounts on housing

You do the math for once

>> No.10018437

And tell me what is a asafe asset that is not owned by the majority and pumped by credit.

>> No.10018444

Man that is just fucking lazy

>> No.10018471

Gold is interesting under that scenario but you have to be careful about entry points and have to buy in after the deflationary selling has exhausted because it gets caught up in the deflationary selling during crashes.

But gold does well in fiat risk asset deflationary bear markets but it will not protect you during the actual stock market crash.

>> No.10019096


>> No.10019441

Wall street wants into crypto because the wiser of the bunch realize this

>> No.10020450

The fact that an asset is widely owned makes it way safer than something obscure like crypto.
If government bonds lose value, all the big institutions who sunk money into them are going to lobby for reforms to bring their value back up.
If crypto markets crash, no one with any power is going to lift a finger to help them.

>> No.10020480

TIPS basically should not lose money to inflation and the government pays its bonds. They will most likely not lose value for any reason.

>> No.10020515
File: 159 KB, 859x828, 1471807217044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe Bitcoin was created by a 160+ IQ think tank to bring in the one world government

>> No.10020646
File: 12 KB, 512x512, fx7uoJNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cryptos that are ready for transacting with your smartphone and tablet will gain actual adoption

>> No.10020931

Bitcoin fits the bill for the one world currency. The RFID chip in your hand makes sense too. It's been used at corporations all over the world. They will force a UBI when the next recession hits worldwide after stocks and everything literally go to hell. People that can't fend for themselves will submit to what they offer.

Ironically, Tether could be the currency.

>> No.10021140

youre not wrong

>> No.10021189

>retards think Chinese vaporware is a safe asset