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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 589x429, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10008434 No.10008434 [Reply] [Original]


Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
Previous thread

>> No.10008440

first to boast

>> No.10008441
File: 7 KB, 199x253, S to spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not even watching the "how to trade options" video in the OP because I'm that stubborn

>> No.10008453
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Tell me next week's gonna be all right.

>> No.10008466
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I'm sure he won't blow up the market anymore

>> No.10008477
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put the gun down

>> No.10008478

My "sell" finger is getting mighty itchy.

>> No.10008481
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>> No.10008524
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"Baidu's iQiyi (IQ.O), is also splashing out on domestic comics, planning to spend 200 million yuan to sign Chinese artists and develop local characters, which comes on top of an earlier investment in 10 animation projects, the company said in May."

IQ is a news machine it gets good news on the weekend too.


>> No.10008556

ive lost so much of my gains from the past 2 months by hodling raytheon. i need alcohol

>> No.10008562
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All of us are buying JPM come monday. wow.

>> No.10008628
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Not until the DOW goes back to at least 25,000

>> No.10008646
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DOW broke down on Friday
Expect bloody week like elevator in The Shining!

>> No.10008735
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>> No.10008829

Hey. Where's your penis drawings?

>> No.10008970

DOW 25k
SP 2800
Bitcoin 0
Gold/Silver 0

>> No.10009011

W H E A T to $2000

>> No.10009077
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>like elevator in The Shining!

>> No.10009206
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Coinfags on suicide watch.
Oh man. What a comfy night. What a comfy weekend.
Can we get a happening thread on /biz/?
I just want to watch TVIX hit a world record rn.

>> No.10009261
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Sorry, the big boys are gonna push the price down so food companies wont have to raise costs

>> No.10009284


>> No.10009312

Only about 10 cents of wheat goes into a loaf of bread. The lionshare of the costs come from refining and transport.

>> No.10009346
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>> No.10009407


>> No.10009460

That's great and all, but the real question is how screwed am I for holding 400 shares of this.

>> No.10009488

Rat. Su.
Rat-su. Chan.
Rat. Su.
Rat-su. Chan.

>> No.10009513

kek i love FUDing shtcoiners

stupid fuckers are actually going to 1k

>> No.10009536


W H E A T T O $ 2 0 0 0 K

>> No.10009559


That's a lot of money lost

>> No.10009580

Same <3

>> No.10009644

oh yea. if it keeps cascading like this, its important to remember that these fuckers have no circuit breakers. it could continue onward just like the crashes of old down to essentially nothing

>> No.10009654
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Bitcoin is experiencing the legendary Red Dragon
It will be dumped beyond what the cryptofags can possibly imagine

>> No.10009677

i know
ive been trying to tell them but theyre all retarded.

i think the time to launch the jihad is upon us. while they are all getting slaughtered by their own greed

>> No.10009698

desu i think china isgoing to exasperate it and all move over into their state backed coins too. well have to see what it looks like tomorrow before we really know for sure

>> No.10009699

Is there a good way to bet on bitcoin falling?

>> No.10009744

nadex i guess, but your bets have to be in already

>> No.10009746

this is the most interesting monday for the market in a really long time. Can't wait to watch China open. I feel like monday is going to indicate the entire next 2 weeks movements.

>> No.10009767

if i remember last time, crypto led us on the euphoria part, and on the fall by a little bit

>> No.10009768

BitMex, you fucking autist
Futures market also allows it, but I can't into futures

Epic new maymay, friendo.

>> No.10009775

yeah it's going to be annoying as fuck if bitcoin drags the market down because people get scared over it

>> No.10009777

Made 20K profit on a 3K investment in Netflix options. Happy I didn't put a lot into crypto.

>> No.10009804

hey im here to trade. if BTC is indeed a major sell signal, from all the wealth get vacuumed up, im ready to do what i have to do desu

everyone here is.
its so cozy in here i can hardly believe it. the cryptards are literally eating themselves, its insane

>> No.10009807


>> No.10009823


the market cap boggles my mind. Maybe 90% of that is bank loans that they repackaged as sure things so we can get a nice crash

>> No.10009884

lol yup sounds about right

i suppose now is a good time to flip on the 1min realtime chart for BTC/USD and listen to komm süsser tod

the real question is what the fuck are WE gonna do if crypto actually crashes. i dont know if we can handle that sort of an influx all at once if it really goes to nothing eventually

>> No.10009912

i wonder how this is going to affect inflation, and fiat in a general sense?
its fucking insane whats been allowed to happen, really. im honestly surprised the banks ever let it get this out of hand

>> No.10009944

there's no market contagion risk right? It's kind of off in it's own land.

>> No.10009962

All this AMD to $40 bullshit is making me want to buy puts.

>> No.10009966

Alright boys

Romano's Macaroni Grill
or Chilies

>> No.10009971

dont fight memes

>> No.10010021


>> No.10010037

desu though it might work. could be fears this weak after hearing about nvidia glut and mining crash.

Don't think it matters in the long run but I could see AMD moving down this week depending on what happens. Monday is gonna be huge

>> No.10010044
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is it standard procedure to not include prices on the website?

>> No.10010052

we dont know as its never happened.

all i know is that whether or not crypto is real money, theres real money inside of it. if that real money goes poof i expect SOMETHING to happen.

>> No.10010070

macaroni grill for that bread

>> No.10010073

i think for chains like that it is. prices tend to vary state to state. they like to scrape the ceiling on you like that. ive been to chilis that were abnormally cheap in bumfuck towns before

even mcdonalds does shit like this

>> No.10010075

Would it be worthwhile to estimate the opportunity cost of BTC to figure out how contagious, if at all, this crash will be? so obviously because of the speculative nature of the amount of fiat that has been used to buy BTC over the years is a fraction of the so called Market Cap. But I was wondering, if we were to factor in the money sunk in on mining rigs and the electricity costs, to figure out the average mining pool's profit margin if we could get a real idea of the 'opportunity cost' of BTC? And thus see how many people are screwed in this happening?

or does no one care? Or is the panic just gonna sweep through irrespective of the fundamentals?

>> No.10010084
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Kek. No.
That's a sure sign that there's a Jew running the place and knows how to rape your wallet.

>pic related

>> No.10010093




>> No.10010101

I think in inspection. It's good for the markets. I like it as a blow-off valve. Speculators poured in and got burnt. Which is exactly what anyone would want to happen before it gets out of control.

Whatever bubbles are going in tech or the latest "get rich stocks" probably got less inflated due to it. This could be a good safety release just like the releases from Trump chimping out on trade.

Nothing is more unhealthy than unpunished speculation.

>> No.10010105

will this god forsaken board finally be purged of internet coins?

>> No.10010114
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another option I have is On The Border Mexican Bar and Grill

Not gonna lie, this Kids menu is way more robust. I want to try the corn dogs

>> No.10010124

if anything maybe more capital will go all in on netflix of china type things. Huge number of high risk specs could go back into things like that.

>> No.10010130

im more worried about all of them coming in here desu

>> No.10010134


Go to a local mom and pop shop. The food and prices are better.

Chains restaurants are shit-tier

>> No.10010138

dont worry, they arent old enough to make a real brokerage account

>> No.10010144
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and spend money??
Ive got a Chilies gift card hear
Its good for 4 restaraunts

>> No.10010148
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$1,000,000 by 2020

>> No.10010152

damn theyre going down for sure now. its honestly all ogre for BTC. this shits going to the center of the earth


>> No.10010172

I think it settles around 3k

>> No.10010190

>It's good for the markets. I like it as a blow-off valve
True, I always saw this as just a symptom of an overall need to park capital in places with higher returns than bonds.

>Whatever bubbles are going in tech or the latest "get rich stocks" probably got less inflated due to it.
I didn't think of it like that - but you're probably right.

Not for a while. Looking at the determination of some of the shills on here it'll be at least another 4 months before crypto and crypto baw threads reach a manageable fraction of the board.In the meantime prepare for more 0xshitcoin threads, boomer memes, and "golden bull run happening, right?" stuff.


>> No.10010203

yea its not going straight there, but theres absolutely no denying its going down much further than where it held in feb. itll have a time getting back into this 6k-9k range. i think this is gonna be like what happened to my buddy who tried buying the bottom in oil in like 2015. it ranged for three years and then he pulled out. lol and now IM making money on it.

patience will be a virtue if theres ever a time to /all-in/ crypto

>> No.10010208


Sell the gift card. You'll come out ahead

>> No.10010216

shorting GBTC on monday open. wew

>> No.10010227
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I found the Chilies stock
Its EAT (brinker restaurants)

>> No.10010232
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>New record
This is just. so. comfy.

>> No.10010239

I want to go to a prestiges chain like Maggianos Little Italy though

>> No.10010265

Interesting how you retards bury your head in the sand until BTC tanks a bit (still up 50% yearly btw)

This thread is basically /r/buttcoin general lol

>> No.10010278

>(still up 50% yearly btw)
you better hurry up and take profits anon

>> No.10010279
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You don't get it. The sentiment on bitcoin is fucked now.

>> No.10010285

eternal bagholder cope

>> No.10010298

someone had to hold the bags

>> No.10010327
File: 84 KB, 1024x577, 51566F6-xO0zIBDD7HzYRZyEGhDpMqQpArsSGxK0P0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from reddit

>> No.10010347
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>(still up 50% yearly btw)
>MFW yearly

>> No.10010352

25 spend

>7 dollar lunch combos:
California Turkey Club and
>Kids Menu:
Grilled cheese sandwich
Pepperpals mini Cheese Pizza

Bar: Gin and Tonic

Will this all be less than 25? I dont think this card is getting me into On The Border

>> No.10010417

ive been thinking about this since there was a really good 8/pol/ thread (fucking RARE) on it in like january after it topped. i think this will have an extremely bullish effect (if the crash continues) on coins such as XMR that have value in black market, and also i think that the communist party backed coins (off the NEO chain i believe, correct me if im wrong) will be held up by asia and the chinese govt itself.

perhaps THATS where all that money thats getting sucked out of the chinese market is going? to prop up their crypto (there are a TON of corrupt chinese govt officials who use crypto for its off-the-books properties). perhaps this could even be a retaliatory strike against US trade-war-hawkishness. it DOES seem that crypto may have some sort of direct effect on our market. thats a LOT of wealth disappearing at once

>> No.10010655
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for whatever reason, BTCs golden bullrun managed to dislodge silvers price action from golds. i wonder if BTC crashing will raise silver.

im really interested in seeing the effects this is gonna have on the global economy desu

>> No.10010700
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Information Dump (6/23/18):
- MU drops 4% despite earning beat, due to every historic memory 'boom' is met with bust; on massive sale in current position
- John Oliver gets banned from China; 'Belt and Road Initiative' 5 year marker yesterday; concerns raised over 'corrupt practices and financial sustainability'.
- I hate China still, nothing's changed there
- IQ drops 9% in a week, CSI 300 drops below 1 year lowest point; nanking and tiananmen square now considered 'tame' compared to the blood being shed in the markets last week
- KSA pumps out 1 million barrels a day; United States continues to increase production of 'sweet' low sulfur crude at little over 10 million bpd; OPEC produces 39.4 million bpd 'sour' for reference

Oil coming in has actually added to the price of oil, due to supply now meeting demand. Demand with no supply is meaningless loss in production. Oil go up.
Based on everything I've seen, which are too numerous to list off; I do not believe in the long term sustainability in a communist nation with a leader that has seized power and sustained it through lies, fear and thievery.

Play of week to be RAD and MU, whatever gets dipped this week or whatever's on watch-list trading sideways, puts on IQ or BILI possibly.
Sanjay of Micron Guide us.

Crypto is against the governments will. It causes a headache trying to track the currency, which it's only alleged uses are money laundering and terrorist financing.
It's done dude. The only crypto-currency that will have value down the line will be the crypto that only criminals use. Bitcoin's getting legislated to death.

>> No.10010788

>John Oliver gets banned from China
lol how did that happen?

what do you think BTC crashing is gonna do? i remember it lead our markets a little last time on the way down
i wonder when the real panic will set in? if liquidity starts drying up on the main exchanges? idk, cant go to bed, its crazy watching it burn like this. its fighting right now, but its not looking good

>> No.10010802
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The consensus is (and has been for several years) that it's a bull market, just brace for the crash, etc etc. But it has persisted for so long, I can't help but wonder whether it's the end of a mere cycle or the start of a enduring paradigm shift in the relative worth of capital and labour (the shift being markedly towards capital).

Will I look back at my PF in 30 years time and kick myself for not piling in half as much as I could have?

>> No.10010853

>5 years
>30 years

>> No.10010855


who the hell knows whats gonna happen to us desu senpai?
BTC is going down though.
i just thought to myself, if it can just close today above the low of feb, it might stand a chance. then i remembered crypto never closes. TOPKEK. its ogre for the cryptards. this board is going to turn into /anhero/ overnight if china dumps on em like i think theyre gonna

>> No.10010863

>But it has persisted for so long, I can't help but wonder whether it's the end of a mere cycle or the start of a enduring paradigm shift in the relative worth of capital and labour (the shift being markedly towards capital).
It's not.
And the pseudo-intellectual understanding of economics and genuine suggestion of a paradigm shift sounds like underageb& shitposting that belongs on 8/pol/

>> No.10010917

Get rid of gold and silver from your chart.
Look at the 2 lines that remain, there are several/many catalysts that are ahead of us, and the president is taking on a lot of opponents at once.
If you hear bad news (especially snowballing bad news) come out about the president, if you hear the president starting shit with OPEC, if you see anything happen that adds fear to the stock market on the whole or forex takes a tumble-- react quickly
hedge yourself for the coming 2 years; it's human nature to expect failure after a period of success, and much of the success is residing on president trump, that's my belief

>> No.10010972

kek i was just looking at how metals moved against BTC. id never even thought to do it. im way ahead of you with having the dollar up against absolutely everything i trade now tho

im thinking we got the same idea desu

>> No.10011046


Wages are invariably the largest expense in the P&L statement. What happens to this expense when automation truly gets started? How long will it take equities markets to reprice the companies that best exploit it?

>> No.10011160
File: 130 KB, 1418x681, BTC vs USD price action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i looked at the price action of USD and the alignment of BTC and you can see the normies FOMOing in in waves, and then see them experiencing total loss.

bretty funny

>> No.10011185

This is not the first time the idea has been posed. My macro economics book was published right before the turn of the millennium and it included a chapter on the "new economic cycle" based on innovation outpacing cyclical downturns. The dot com bubble popped a little over year later.

>> No.10011204

stop talking about bitcoin
this isnt the thread for it

>> No.10011236
File: 25 KB, 624x276, winniethebear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regarding our good old johnny boy, he got Xi so hard that the Chinese president got self-conscious
now if you try to use chinese twitter to talk about john oliver, you get a nice 404

oliver's still divisive though, but he's in a country where he won't go missing for an opinion kek

>> No.10011241

So I see the Euro, AUD, and Gold losing ground against the S&P 500... The thing is, how long is this gonna last? Will we see a reversal. The VIX seems to be getting more and more bearish each week, I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on something on the horizon.
>The dot com bubble popped a little over year later.

>> No.10011273

>Wages are invariably the largest expense in the P&L statement.
>P&L statement
You mean 10Q and 10K statement? Fuck, you're retarded.
>Wages are invariably the largest expense
It's already been made abundantly clear to me that you've never read an SEC filing in your entire fucking life, but this part is also very idiotically not true.
There's revenue and then there's expenses.
Tech companies tend to have disproportionately large wage expenses. Semiconductors, car manufacturers, and consumer staples probably not the same boat. They have raw materials to buy.

>What happens to this expense when automation truly gets started?
Did the industrial revolution ever fucking happen in the world that you live in?
>How long will it take equities markets to reprice the companies that best exploit it?
Maybe a couple days. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but unlike you, some people make it their entire profession to pour over those SEC filings.

Anon, go take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror. Here's a few pieces of advice:
Communism doesn't work outside of autistic theories.
Cut back on the drugs. They're not just bad for your health (caring about your health is gay); they're a drain on your wallet and time.
Take an accounting and economics class if you haven't already failed out of college. Maybe a history class too.

>> No.10011277

Thats pretty based. I though these talk show comedy people only talked shit on the USA and ignored every other country. Maybe I'll try giving him a watch again.

>> No.10011289

That's hilarious and amazing.
I didn't think that shit would manage to make its way into fucking textbooks.

>> No.10011292

How have emerging markets not been sold off any more than they already have?

The U.S. dollar is going no where but up and China will get JUSTed way more than the U.S. from any potential tariffs. All that foreign debt denominated in the almighty burgerbuck needs to be repaid.

I just don't understand how emerging markets haven't been sold down more, the growth story from China isn't what it was 5 years ago anymore and the U.S. is red hot right now with plenty more deregulation underway.

>> No.10011454


The best policy is very often to do nothing. I certainly wouldn't be significantly re-arranging my geographic mix because of one US President's trade war.

>> No.10012104

I want to get fired from my job. I know I shouldn't want this but I go in 7 days a week and work 12 hours I'm just fucking sick of it.

>> No.10012231

uh ok
this isn't the thread for that, unless you wanna be freed from that hellish existance you're putting out here through stocks
what the fuck do you do and how much money can you put into stocks

>> No.10012425

have u been holding ur shares of tvix 2scoops?

>> No.10012430

wheat stocks on Robinhiod? Pls halp

>> No.10012456

They gave me free hot chocolate @ Starbucks this morning ^_^
Longing SBUX!

>> No.10012478

If that's the case, why is /biz/ flooded with crypto? I'm getting into stocks myself and am interested.

>> No.10012484

Checked. How long did it take?

>> No.10012527

Deepest lore is that /biz/ was originally founded as a crypto containment board because there was a lot of mining threads on /g/.
However from my personal experience around about early 2017 whereas Crypto threads would account for, I would say, a quarter of all threads by years end they accounted for almost 100% of all threads on the board.
I suspect we had a 'normie' influx, be they people from other boards or reddit or summerkids... and the quality of the discussion dropped drastically. It's a lot like the massive influx that happened to 4chan in general after the fappening.

>> No.10012540

I'm not gonna ask you what stocks to buy. But what makes you personally think a stock is good which leads you to buy it?

>> No.10012691


Keep holding those bags then, anon. Sorry that one nocoin thread in /biz would trigger you so much.

>> No.10012696

a true sign of desperation, kindness towards the customer and general belief in a brighter tomorrow

>> No.10012783

if I had a million dollars!

>> No.10012816

Fappening was not as big as Trump election. That's why everyone complains about /pol/ spilling out to other boards - it's no /pol/, but the newfags from there

>> No.10013020

The chinks are devaluing their chink coins
We might be in the 2015 redux again...

>> No.10013124

margins getting squeezed
Short SBUX

>> No.10013154

>Deepest lore is that /biz/ was originally founded as a crypto containment board because there was a lot of mining threads on /g/.
I've heard this too.
Teh profit says otherwise tho
You could check the archives?

Nah lol that was for like half a day. I'd never hold a major stake in TVIX for more than a day or two.
I'm mostly in consumer staples right now

I'm excited! They better prepare their buttholes if they do -- their stock market is at a 6 month low, and Trump is totally eager to read them with more tariffs

>> No.10013271

I work 12 hours at a factory. The threads dead anyway rn and it's still money and self financial inprovement related so idc


>> No.10013337

This proves Trump is totally right about the chinks
This devaluation will affect every countries, not just the USA.
I read articles about their 2015 devaluations.The slant-eyed fuckers insisted it was done toward the path of a market based valuation of RMB

I hope emperor Trump issues a total ban on chink shits and favors exports of US bombs via B-52 express deliveries

>> No.10013711

Silver and gold a buy monday?

>> No.10013737

>95% cash
> waiting for a good bottom to form and waiting patiently.

>> No.10014170

what do you mean crypto led us? in 2008? pls explain. and is it even possible that something as small as bitcoin has any effect on the market at large? seems unrealistic to me

>> No.10014205

Milk farm > $1m

>> No.10014399


>> No.10014499

I remember when people would just shitpost about shitty business ideas and sucking cock.

>> No.10014511

I want to gay strip on the weekends. Is that good for a few hundred dollars?

>> No.10014522
File: 105 KB, 1415x685, BTC vs SandP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt here in the beginning of /biz/ desu i left on the fapenning and after hiro took control of the servers, as i knew the 2ch story "for good". i came back cuz this thread. its the only thing i use 4chan for

i do remember being here though and there was lots of people trading futures and shit. ask nikkei, he was around then and i think used to run those threads

look at this chart.
as soon as crypto went mainstream, and its glden bull run started, it started affecting our markets. look at how the major moves started in BTC then shortly after were mirrored by the S&P. BTC hasnt been mainstream for very long, so its hard to tell if it was just a one off coincidence or an actual relation. well see. but thats a lotta real money going poof

>> No.10014663

super nerd beta plan.

you won't make it.

>> No.10014697

Someone give me the inside scoop on HMNY. What’s the deal with this penny stock?

>> No.10014706

its shit

>> No.10014730

silver in particular has some catch up to play imo.
im long as fuck on silver rn

>> No.10014847

Maybe it's time to listen to buffet and not buy "stores of value" that don't do anything though.

>> No.10014971
File: 48 KB, 1416x688, silver trading range.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just trade it desu. i like silver as its pretty and have a flute thats solid silver that i got at an estate sale once, but idk if id ever buy it as a "store of value". i see that as a scam to try and take advantage of libertarians. if you ask the avg physical silver HODLer, theyll almost always tell you they went all in in like 2009. precious metals in the physical sense is very much a greater fool kinda thing.

but as for trading it, it ranges very regularly, reversing on major dollar shifts that affect gold. but its much more volatile. my favorite trade w silver is to wait till it peaks, and IV is super low, then buy 2yr long, bearish biased straddles. if it pops up any more, i sell my calls and double into more puts. then when it crashes i get MASSIVE vega as well as a shit ton of delta. ive done it prolly 3 times this year. its been very profitable. right now, silver is on its support and curling up, coinciding with a possible dollar pullback

either way
ic related is all you need to know to trade silver effectively imo. its VERY predictable. i like trading things like that

>> No.10014990
File: 32 KB, 627x422, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing all your money into spodify

Fucking weaklings.

>> No.10014995


He'll make more money on Monday than everyone on /biz together.

>> No.10015099

*avg silver HODLer went all in in like 2011

>> No.10015327

hey youre obviously making money off it, so i wont talk shit. but im of the camp that thinks that social media shit is in a big bubble. a lot of big money that WOULDVE been buying bonds these last 10 years, has left the bond market cuz no yields. they went on over to the equities market, and with about a decade of unimpeded growth in the tech/soc media sector, have pumped up those stocks to unreasonable heights (imo).

FB is a great example of that. they make most of their money selling their users data (to politicians, marketers/advertisers, govt intel contractors etc). without that, they dont have a lot to collect revenue off of other than targeted ads. i dont think its a stock that should be trading up above 100/shr. i think thats mostly speculation and brand loyalty (as well as people seeing historical bullishness, and assuming the same will come in the future)

since none of these stocks give out divs, their whole thing is that everyone assumes they will continue going straight up. if they stop doing that, im afraid that they could falter in a big way

>> No.10015346
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(stop talking, those ideas are too good
start shilling big 5 or drys or something before somebody hears you)

>> No.10015383

I work 84 hours a week manual labor getting about 1k a week little less than that... How do I invest this properly so I can be successful and move up in the world?

>> No.10015402


>> No.10015435

Going all in on Saudi Arabian body shops first thing

>> No.10015462

correlation not causation. not buying it until proven. autistic meme money has no appreciable impact on stock market

>> No.10015487

it's shit but it might just surprise us. or not and go to zero

>> No.10015511

This is my sentiment. I don't like any mobile/social media based companies. Or netflix.

Shits on hype and the growth is over.

>> No.10015545

i dont mind sharing the silver trade w everyone desu. i know lunchbro has been following me on it, and coming out very nicely. makes me feel good that i can help people in /smg/.

but its a very liquid ETF and options market, the options are cheap and with 1cent spread even out 2 years, and i dont see it as something where its small enough that some chucklefuck with a ton of money could really manipulate it. hell, its already FULLY manipulated

but /smg/ helped me when i was struggling at trading, so my SLV trading routine is the least i can do to give back. other than hedges that went the wrong way, i dont think ive ever lost any real amount of money on it.

hey im just pointing out that as soon as i started hearing CNBC talk about crypto, it started to forecast our major moves. its only happened 3 times (the run up, the first dump, and the second one). i certainly wasnt saying that its proven, just pointing out what i remember. crypto being mainstream is a new thing, and we dont KNOW anything about how it will affect the markets. if a massive amount of wealth is destroyed or gets locked up in it, i suspect that this could very well affect our markets, as even if its just NEET funbux, it took real money to buy it in the first place.

i was just saying that its something to watch. we will know theres something going on if we see it happen a few more times


>> No.10015652

The dumbest shit on the planet right now is people drawing triangles, shapes, lines, etc all over a bitcoin graph trying to find a "pattern", calling it bull flags, decreasing triangles, supports, etc

This shit is such garbage prediction tools. I seriously do not believe in this "draw on the chart" bullshit about supports, levels, etc.

It's just self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, some people have pre-planned buy and sell prices that effect how it moves, but holy fuck the predictive power of these things is minimal.

>> No.10015726
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Finally convinced to buy Apple and Msoft a month ago on Rhood after friends' encouragement. Put in my disposable income $9k....

... lose $180 in 1 month.

Wife is not happy. Friends are telling me to hodl and that itll go up.

Not even a coinfag and still manage to lose money wtf

>> No.10015781

>The dumbest shit on the planet right now is people drawing triangles, shapes, lines, etc all over a bitcoin graph trying to find a "pattern", calling it bull flags, decreasing triangles, supports, etc
yea. this stuff is helpful in real commodities because it can help you guess where people are going to eventually see it as undervalued. on BTC, since the whole thing is driven by sentiment, and the idea that if they hold it, it will go up, this "buy it while its cheap" mentality is wearing thin. more and more people are finally coming to accept that it is NOT going up, and will likely return to 1k or maybe even lower as more people start to think this way.
>It's just self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, some people have pre-planned buy and sell prices that effect how it moves, but holy fuck the predictive power of these things is minimal.
again, it depends on if the underlying has actual real world use/value. if its a thing and people want it, then they are somewhat useful for estimating where others will buy or sell in large amounts. but like i said, all the TA in the world will mean NIL if the market sentiment of BTC gets any worse than it is now

if people all think its going to 1k, it WILL

>> No.10015801


Not buying chad amazon shares.

>> No.10015808

>-$180 in a month
thats nothing anon
if ur gonna hang yourself for going down 2% in a month, then take all your money and put it in a mutual fund. youre clearly a faggot that has no reason to even try doing this

>> No.10015839

Oh shit I would have made over $100. Fuck. I was just scared to get anything over $1k cus my friends told me to diversify to reduce risk. I'll buy some if I finish with at least 12% this year. Otherwise fuck this I'm not losing sex over some nerd shit.

>> No.10015880

>180 in one month

I lose/gain that much in a day and I don't even think about it. If you can't handle 2% fluctuations you'll never be able to make it. Stop me a pussy

>> No.10015914

take your money out of the market now anon.
you have absolutely no business here. things go up AND down. if youre getting this emotional over "losing" 2% on your investment then you need to re-assess whether this income youre using is truly "disposable". my account fluctuates at least that on a day to day. idiots who think they can just put their money into things mindlessly, and that their money will just grow, are the MAIN reason why the markets are so fucked up rn. you need to tae your money out NOW before things get any worse. you have absolutely no idea what it is to invest

fucking this

>> No.10015918


>telling your wife about your investments

It's your job as a man to put aside money for expenses and have your wife spend it judiciously. The rest of your money should go into investments/savings that your wife should never know/care about. If this isn't the case, your wife is either a good digger or you're a cuck. Either way it's looking bad from the start.

>> No.10015921

stop buying meme shit that's overvalued and you literally can't lose money you retard. but even still if you hold you'll make money eventually. it's un-fuck-up-able

>> No.10015933

>but even still if you hold you'll make money eventually. it's un-fuck-up-able
its definitely VERY fuck-up-able if he gets this emotional off of losing 2% in a fucking MONTH

>> No.10015950

yeah by selling. where did i say he should sell? that's the only way to fuck up.

>> No.10015966

that doesnt matter.
hes a weak hand. hell sell. and then hell do it again. and again

>> No.10016050

Unless you're from some third world shit hole, $180 in a month is fucking nothing. You're not going to last very long if such is small amount is enough to shake you. The ability to control your emotions if probably one of the most important traits of successful investors.

>> No.10016075

You shouldn't put all 9k into two different stocks if you want stability.

>> No.10016101

> But what makes you personally think a stock is good which leads you to buy it?
I look at companies that I have intimate knowledge of the industry (for me, usually media and content companies) and read three years worth of financial statements and look at the charts for those three years. for example: if its a network broadcaster I look at the ratings on their tentpole shows and try and sus out if the fans are salivating for the next season

Sounds about right

>You could check the archives?
Might have to, but I don't really care if it was crypto from day 1 or not.

check'd. Oh yes, a lot of it was trolling, but seriously there were some real brainfart ideas. Like instead of googling the thing their first instinct was to put it on /biz/
>all in kneepads

>> No.10016172

What's a publically traded company that sells mostly stripper clothes? I wanna invest in degeneracy. Do prostitutes buy nice stuff or just the cheapest slut wear possible?

>> No.10016177

Only thing is that it's IPO was very recent, like back in april and it isn't social media, it's not even like soundcloud, it's just a music streaming service.

>> No.10016203

im just wary of things w such vague business models trading at 180/shr

im not entirely convinced that they make that much money desu

>> No.10016235
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>be me
>hear something about vegas cosinos installing metal detectors
>Looks up OSI
>Buys 10 shares.
>2 months later I lose 400$ and it looks that it'll never go back up.
>just gonna have to ride it out for a few years

FML but eh Spodify is working great, already made $300 profit

>> No.10016281

Well that make money the same way youtube does...ish Like they have advertisements and deals with studios. Also they have a premium service most people tend to use. Not too much going wrong there.

>> No.10016283

>What's a publically traded company that sells mostly stripper clothes?


>> No.10016285

do you realize how little those stories effect the revenue?

>> No.10016316

About a month. Still holding one just in case Netflix goes higher.

>> No.10016321

desu if you don't have at least $10k readily available cash, should something unforeseen happen, you shouldnt be on /biz/

>> No.10016331
File: 6 KB, 199x214, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was from /pol/ like it was a grand scheme to have them build many metel detectors in LV and then merge with another corp a few years down the line. But eh even though it seems like a fuck up, in the grand scheme of things, it seems that this is the normal bear and it'll come back up so I can sell it at no loss. Hell I might even make a little profit.

>> No.10016335

tho on one hand, ive had several things up on spotify before. speaking from experience, the "royalties" they pay for even relatively large amounts of plays (10k-100k) are piss all. so they definitely make money off of the musicians who are on it. i know because the last time i had a single get put on a a major spotify playlist, it got like 50k listens in a day. i think they paid me like 50 bucks or something lol. its like a penny a stream

they definitely are making money off the backs ff their musicians, and the service is subscription based, no? maybe they are more profitable than i thought, but still, 180 is high imo

yea see above. ive never used the service, other than being streamed myself

>> No.10016371
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>> No.10016480
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They might eventually divide the stock like apple? who knows? You can listen to it for free but you have ads, The premium shit is subscription based so yeah they make a good bit of money. We'll just see.

Though I see what you mean, for comparison, here's pandora. I guess investing in music streaming stocks are like opening pandoras box? eh? EH?

>> No.10016499

Also who the fuck are you getting 50k streams a day in a major playlist? You must be a pretty big guy in the music world? what genre?

>> No.10016512

>Taking investing advice from /pol/
Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.10016521

It's okay, I didn't JUST used pol, I was introduced to it by pol. Then I looked at some shit and EVERYONE and their mamas were saying buy so I was like "Eh... I mean what could go wrong?"

>> No.10016636

nah its just dumb luck. some brit guy that like a million people follow put a single of mine up on his playlist. people listened to his playlist, and i got taken along for the ride. i had no idea it happened till someone pointed it out lol

fame is fleeting i guess kek

i suppose its rock music. its definitely not electronic or hip hop or anything like that. i make electronic music for fun tho. but this particular thing was a one off. we sold some more albums online than usual but that ended within the week. its hard to establish a presence online due to how sorting algos work. your swimming in an ocean of piss

>> No.10016731

You get rewarded for being counter-intuitive to some degree. Everyone saying buy can be a sign of overvalue

>> No.10016753

now that i think about it, i think it happened because we got a review in one of those pitchfork sub-blogs. shake appeal i think it was? i cant remember desu it was like a year and a half ago

>> No.10016837

Hey guys I want to do a takedown post about netflix with a bunch of HIGH IQ analysis of why it's bad. Would something like that work? Would I need to get a website like "netflixsux" before and twitter before I tried the short?

>> No.10016851

jw how pros do FUD takedowns. Would you just write up a good meme caption for why it sucks and spread it after shorting? I doubt I would get enough reach to matter, but I feel like netflix is so flawed it becomes obvious if you see my reasoning.

>> No.10016858

NFLX will not be able to pay its debts pretty soon. see AOL circa 1999

>> No.10016864

>/pol/ convincing each other to lose money
I guess there is some good in the world

>> No.10016865
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only 4.5 hours until f u t u r e s

>> No.10016882

IT's a deeper flaw then that. I'm scared to short/put it though unless there's some way to wake people up on some of the flaws. Not AOL related/debt but the business model.

How would I do it? Buy puts then post the reasoning on twitter/biz for people to read?

>> No.10016904

I'm confident my reasoning / persuasion skillls related to this could work. If I'm experimenting would I do like a $1000 put purchase and then post the the reasoning? I guess if it makes sense enough it might spread.

>> No.10016909

god dammit i'm so fucking happy i have tomorrow off work and can autisticly follow the market with you guys all day even though most everything i own is long-term. feelsgoodman

>> No.10016948

>god dammit i'm so fucking happy i have tomorrow off work and can autisticly follow the market with you guys all day even though most everything i own is long-term. feelsgoodman

Market starts when Asia opens.

>> No.10016968

no FUD necessary.
just wait for the abolishment of NN to start to affect its earnings. it could show up either this quarter or next, but it most certainly will at some point. the reason NFLX has been so profitable was because obama cut a deal with them and made NN into legislation. this allowed them to push their bandwidth overhead (which is HUGE) onto all other websites.

them having to actually pay for their bandwidth is BOUND to make them lose money unless they dramatically change their model. and if they end up pushing that difference onto their customers, w a higher subscription price, i also believe this will affect them negatively. but patience is a virtue here imo. FAANG stocks tend to just go up because of hype and irrationality. at some point it will pop though. it has to

>> No.10016971

How does their market cap relate to their maximum realistic market/earnings? Everyone I know already has netflix. I guess a good question to ask is where the growth is going to come from.

>> No.10016977

Nah I want to experiment with it. Is there any legal shit about it, if I spread FUD and then short?

I don't think it will work but I really want to try (and watch as nothing happens)

>> No.10017027

if you were doing it on a massive scale and it actually worked, then most likely yes. im certain any one of these internet monoliths has a whole team of lawyers ready to sue your ass into the ground for libel/slander (even if youre correct).

i believe theres also some SEC stuff about doing things to specifically move prices as well. it all comes down to if its effective or not. if you cost them billions of dollars of profits in some indirect way or another, i have no doubt that theyd try to fuck with you in a serious way. not to mention the amount of money major banks and hedgefunds have at stake in the FAAANG memes.

all i can say is be careful. you dont want to pick a fight with that kind of money. let it happen naturally it absolutely HAS to at some point

>> No.10017044

Are you the grilled cheese anon?

>> No.10017047

Theyre dividend sucks

>> No.10017053

Sure, i would post a single image in this thread wiht my reasoning for netflix overvalue. Not any lies. just flaws in teh business model. Then a $1000 put buy or something stupid to test it.

You can post your reasoning for why something is overvalued and doomed correct?

I think you misunderstood it as twitter bots and a real campaign. It would be a single image with my reasoning.

>> No.10017106

Does anyone own "shares" in any MLPs? Thinking about buying the bottom but worried about tax headache. How much of your "dividends" do you typically lose to income tax from owning part of an oil pipeline?

>> No.10017133

Buying HMNY when it hits 0.20

>> No.10017151

>You can post your reasoning for why something is overvalued and doomed correct?
absolutely. if you make a concerted effort to push this belief in an effort to move the price in your favor, and it can be proved (with webarchives/snapshots etc), youre stepping into some dangerous territory imo.

>I think you misunderstood it as twitter bots and a real campaign
this is the only way to do something like this tho.
a single image is not going to be enough. especially if its only here.

>Then a $1000 put buy or something stupid to test it.
you will find out very quickly why you dont jump the gun on shorting FAAANG. no joke, i made money off that cambridge analytica scandal after reading through that cultstate thread on 8/pol/. as soon as i heard the words cambridge analytica (whom ive been aware of for years and have been suspicious of being IC contractors) in the MSM, i knew it was on. i bought puts. if i had done it earlier or later, i wouldve probably lost everything. i lucked out and it continued in the way i expected.

just be careful

>> No.10017195

dude, investors/analysts post this shit and go on cnbc to say how shitty a stock is they just shorted.

How is that not Market manipulation but reasoning why a stock is valued isnt?

>> No.10017237

I'd be rich :)

>> No.10017239
File: 362 KB, 1242x2208, DBA105DC-409D-47FD-975B-AFB002A24D12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s your portfolio doing bros?

>> No.10017270

OKay just read the thing on Market Manipulation. It wouldn't be MM, unless it's libelous / false rumor mongering type of thing. Saying you don't like netflix business model wouldn't count. Saying netflix is about to announce that they hate niggers would be.

>> No.10017313
File: 8 KB, 202x211, buckwheat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying netflix is about to announce that they hate niggers would be.

>> No.10017341

>dude, investors/analysts post this shit and go on cnbc to say how shitty a stock is they just shorted.
those guys are paid by banks to do this

usually the buy signal is the trying to off bags.
the sell signals will be them trying to grab more.
financial news is the original fake news.
theres a difference between them doing it for themselves, and you doing it for yourself.

again, i dont think anything you or i ever say or do will make a lick of difference to a huge company like NFLX. the only way that could happen is through a huge coordinated effort on behalf of a lot of anons. or some clever use of bots/shilling tactics on a MASSIVE scale. not to mention that they will then likely launch their own COINTEL program to disprove/cast doubt on your claims.

a good example of this is NN.
when NN was gonna get banned, i noticed something very strange. it seemed most of the argument was that it was gonna kill the internet forever. however, NN wasnt even legislation till obama made it so. there was always the much quieter opinion passed around that NN did nothing but benefit these large internet corps that used it to shift their bandwidth costs to the commoners. this allows them to make tons of money. and their shareholders/cohorts (ie US polis that passed the legislation). this opinion that NN was actually BAD, was always met with overwhelming force and opposition. and the tactics were VERY familiar to me from having hung out on /pol/s before. very obvious shilling tactics.

well, now that its been abolished for several months, its clear that it wasnt the armageddon everyone expected. what remains to be seen is if my original assertion that this was all a shilling campaign to allow FAAANG memes to stay profitable is correct. like i said, patience is a virtue. ive been thinking about this for years, and im not gonna just throw money at it to test it.

you can if you want, but id advise against it

>> No.10017348

Accounts are shared many times over. Netflix can raise their prices or change this, but not both.
Because the content is released to the consumer digitally directly, it is pirated instantly. At least conventional movies have a few weeks of theater sales before their IP gets raped.
The new studios haven't started to play hardball.
Netflix will be excluded from a lot of content in the future.

>> No.10017409

just remember that when going up against a whole team of lawyers to protect money of this amount, they can pretty easily just say that youre lying and fuck you up anyways.

the way to avoid this is what cultstate is doing. he makes every single one of his moves VERY public and explains it all thoroughly to those who are interested. he also makes his identification public as well. this way, if they ever wanted to silence him, they would have to just out and out eliminate him. but they cant now as hes already got the eyes of millions of conspiratards. if they rub him out, it will cause a streisand effect. its very clever (implying its not ALL just LARP, which im starting to think it isnt after talking with him many times over the years)

>> No.10017448

not close to my argument

I'll post it since I think netflix is too big for my post to effect or wake people up. I would have done this in a simple image with some pictures and simple sentences but I'll give you the messy non streamlined version

netflix fails at a business strategy level. This is obvious when we look at a different business in a similar entertainment sector. That is video games online sales.

the advantage of - on demand- video via internet is not being used by Netflix. Cable offered people large expensive packages with mostly worthless things they don't want.

Netflix is not killing this model but becoming it. Netflix is transitioning from an innovative no commercial on demand company that used old shows that they got cheap. Now they are becoming a super-large own-content cable company of the internet.

All that advantages of a-la-carte purchases are gone. You can't pick and choose what you want. You will be stuck with the 80% of netflix shows you never watch or want to watch.

It's not becoming a platform. It's losing platform status and becoming a collection of internet TV channels. Everyone is pulling content off which means netflix becomes 1 of many "packages" you can purchase. Not something unique like it used to be. It's becoming more common.

Look at STEAM in the video game space. It obtained market share and then offered pretty much every video game on the market through a platform service.

Netflix is not a platform. It doesn't take advantage of on-demand. It doesn't take advantage of specific fan backing. It competes with more and more competitors who also do original content.

Netflix is heading in the exact opposite direction of where it should be going if you want to highly value it. The crash is coming.

Netflix is Netfucked in overvaluation that will NEVER pay off.

The customers are not going to want to pay for a large package service of 80% shows they don't want.

Technology wise. . cont

>> No.10017452

The thing about MLPs and taxes is that it can be very simple or very complicated, depending on how much you own. If your dividends for the year for a given MLP are less than $1000, you will owe nothing due to the tax code. Even if you do have taxable income, the MLP will be passing along enough depreciation, amortization, etc..., that the actual amount you pay taxes on should be very small. Note that this is not tax avoidance, but only tax deferral as each distribution reduces your cost basis in the units and you are expected to take that into account when you sell the units. Another pain in the ass to consider is that you might be expected to file tax returns for each state your MLP does business in. If you purchase the units within an IRA, things can get even more complicated, so a lot of people recommend against doing this.

>> No.10017484


1. "ala carte" buy what you want. Doesn't apply to netflix. The best advantage of the internet is ala carte. Not having to pay for garden channels or lifetime if you don't want to. With netflix you are increasingly paying for all of these channels. Do you think the customers are going to pay for this content when it supposedly gets passed onto them?

Competition: Every day they get more competition. Much of it free in youtube/twitch and other services.

Netflix has a future but it's overvalued as though it was a platform and not just going to be a package of shows.

Steam, became a platform everyone uses for purchasing all video games. With a huge number of publishers, indie titles, etc.

steam doesn't have to pay to produce that content.

Technology: Extremely exaggerated how useful it is.

1. The content creators don't get access to the algorithms / information. So it's entirely on the purchase side to hopefully purchase content undervalued.

Completely meh. Focus groups and ratings always existed. So as far as technology goes there is nothing there but smoke and mirrors.

Netflix is extremely overrated. It used to be amazing but each day it looks less amazing.

>> No.10017492
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The last SBUX dump was cyclical / institutional money taking profits! The price only crashed so far because of weak overall market sentiment at the moment

SBUX adhere to FIBB levels perfectly
Strong bounce to atleast $53 but $55 possible !!!

>> No.10017506

So lets sum it up.

netflix is becoming a small cable package but it streams online instead.

Not revolutionary. Not innovative. The opposite.

>> No.10017508
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you are doing something right for once!

>> No.10017535
File: 209 KB, 1913x1041, c0742cdfcbd21fc589da66521332ff5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a platform

Netflix is an online cable package.

It's still valuable, but the price has become insane.

>> No.10017545

Hmm interesting, China just made 700billion yuan liquid for the banks to buy equities to try and save their market. Same as the feds did right before the great depression in the US. Look for a pop this monday on chinese stocks followed by a massive selloff.

>> No.10017565

Ive had KYN for a few months but I have no idea.

>> No.10017586
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>their dividend sucks
You might want to check out big bank dividend growth rate

>> No.10017588

Most of the netflix original shit it shovelware, they should have focused on better memes. Had they just focused on deals with studios to allow streaming of brand new releases prior to dvd release they would be on more solid financial footing.

They are pretty much old news as every conent studio is going to offer a streaming service for their content, like disney. Leaving netflix as the STARZ of online streaming.

>> No.10017596

They fucked up not becoming a roku like property.

guess they had ZERO people who followed steam since it started with HL2 until today. They made the opposite moves a sensible intelligent would have made.

Full on in original content. Trying to beat the industry on their own content instead of trying to get become the platform everyone sells their content on.

>> No.10017604

Yep , going short now is a safe bet.

>> No.10017612

Hasnt their "national team" always been around doing just that?

>> No.10017614
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lol uhhh

>> No.10017620


a good way to understand it for low IQ people here

Imagine if Valve with steam had gone "CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT" and bought as many game dev studios as possible to create a ton of VALVE games for steam. If Valve just focused on filling steam with ONLY valve games.

Valve did the opposite. Barely releasing games and focusing on platform, platform, platform.

I guess Netflix had no brains in control and went the content content content route after not knowing about how it works.

Seems like the ego behind "we make better content than all of them" got to them.

>> No.10017635

enter enter the next wave of Faang shorters!

>> No.10017643

Netflix has no technology

they went for creating content

they don't share algorithm info with content creators so it's not like they have any competitive edge in that regard.

>> No.10017645

youre not wrong anon
the problem is that most traders are well ware that NFLX does not have a profitable business model. they will keep throwing money at it because they know the normie hordes will continue throwing money at it, and they know it will outperform most things in the market.

if you want to do something to shake NFLX, you need to attack its brand, and you need to shatter normie confidence/trust in it. this is why i say that if youre actually serious about doing this, you are going to have to put a lot of effort into it, spam it to the normie HODLers and NFLX users, and get your hands dirty. even then its not guaranteed as people are glued to their NFLX accounts.

just dont be surprised if they (the big money whos investments youre trying to fuck with) then end up taking their gloves off and getting their hands dirty too. ive personally known folks who spent their whole lives trying to expose large banks by writing books. they have federal files that are several 100s of pages long (found this out when we went to canada. the border patrol was spooked at how big his file was lol), cannot go through any sort of security checkpoint without getting literally fingered, their mail is constantly opened/inspected by the TSA. theyve had friends and ex lovers be taken in for questioning on their whereabouts/habits, and theyve spent loads of money fighting off ridiculous charges in courts. all because they were too fucking loud.

you do not want to even consider this type of action seriously unless you are willing to take on a great deal of risk to your personal safety and well being. there is a lot of money in these things, and they cant just pull out. if you actually manage to do something to take them down, expect a retaliation

>> No.10017657

I have no puts/shorts in netflix.

>> No.10017665

plausible deniability is ur fren
use it

>> No.10017670
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doesnt matter of small spec opinions because Its still going to double again because its FAANG

>> No.10017672

I would have written a much more persuasive reasoning with images if I wanted to short it.

I think it's a ticking time bomb but like >>10017645
says. Timing it is impossible and I don't have the pull to convince people.

>> No.10017692

if they removed Netflix from Fang they would have to call it FAG and they cant allow that

>> No.10017702

just wait m8
if what i think is happening w NN is true, then the time will come. watch ER reports like a hawk

this isnt something that can be forced w out some sort of huge scandal/effort on the part f someone who is willing to possibly risk their life.

you simply dont try to fuck up this kind of wealth without putting yourself in harms way, either financially or physically

>> No.10017703

They would add in Tesla.

>> No.10017705

Yes and now they have a few billion more

>> No.10017722

I'm not fucking with it. No operation besides saying why I don't like it plus no personal financial interest in the stock in anyway.

I think you exaggerate though. You can find tons of ntflix bears online. Going bearish a stock isn't dangerous.

Spreading libel/bullshit or manipulating it would be.

>> No.10017724

i wonder if they will use some of this to prop up their state-backed crypto coins?

>> No.10017740

Then it would be FAGT

Also the NDX did something funny last week, it pulled down harder than the ES and the YM. Tech may actually be popping or at least correcting to the rest of the market this week. Choose your stocks wisely anons.

Oil is going to be strong.

>> No.10017742

>Going bearish a stock isn't dangerous.
im not talking about that
>Spreading libel/bullshit or manipulating it would be.
thats the point im trying to make. FAANG is unstoppable unless you are attacking their brand and their consumer confidence in a HUGE way. if there is a problem from NN being abolished, it will become apparent sooner than later. if not, they will likely continue to soar unless the entire market goes tits up

>> No.10017772

my grandparents house smells like Paint + Spaggetti sauce
this is the worst smell Ive ever experienced in my life, I feel sick

>> No.10017774

feel like Tech is safe unless self-driving cars don't pan out. I think that is the fulcrum for a tech crash. At least the non-social media tech.

yeah, I'm not going to run something like that. I just don't like the focus on content instead of becoming a la carte platform. Seems like anyone would want to copy steam's model.

I'm against shorting netflix for this reason. I don't see the hype going anywhere.

>> No.10017786

>I don't see the hype going anywhere.
wait for next ER
and never say "never"

>> No.10017805
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maybe Fang would go down for once if small specs would stop shorting
Big boys are dumping money in every single day because they know

>> No.10017839

I think the short squeeze stopped last week and the banks are going to take their gains now. Sector rotation away from chip stocks and into consumers. Might explain why pep and Costco are going up.

>> No.10017850

Costco is a buffet stock, it will always go up
PEP is the greatest stock of all time, it will go up forever

>> No.10017871

I see netflix down next week, TSLA up, and AMD slightly down by end of week after recovering.

>> No.10017881

I agree, but they have popped beyond their normal IV, this implies big money flows.

Since I know you like based plays, Look at what JM smuckers does this week.

>> No.10017891

so buy starbucks calls monday at open?

>> No.10017901
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>> No.10017908

>starbucks growth is all from China
You'd want to watch china and trump morning tweets.

>> No.10017915

no goddamit stop pushing the price down with your godamn calls
Short it so they Bog you and I make money!

>> No.10017983

China with emergency rate cut. BUY chink tech...$TCEHY

>> No.10017992

Real self driving tech is probably a few decades away, there arent enough smart cars on the streets to make it viable. Cars need to have hiveminds to make the tech actually safe and better for society. This means the big manufacturers have to be the ones to push it, not little marketshare companies like TSLA. Not to mention where does all this realtime data live and talk to eachother, probably some better quantum version of blockchain.

Such power is only doable in small scale right now. Yeah maybe a TSLA can keep you in a lane, but its nothing more than advanced cruise control right now. It cant even do traffic well and the tech is prone to issues during low light conditions.

>> No.10018000

How it effects markets will hit before the tech fully develops. It's more about the uncertainty of when and how than worrying about how fast it takes over market share.

>> No.10018001
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>> No.10018016

thoughts on SBUX?
thoughts on ZYNE?

>> No.10018036

Yes this will probably not last the week, Im guessing they run out of money by Wednesday or friday.

Plan on monday: Market buy IQ, stoploss 3%, sell half at +5%, move stop to buy price and let the rest run until it loses steam.

>> No.10018057

>quantum blockchain
stopped reading right there

>> No.10018058

>advanced cruise control

I think that's going to be mostly the way self driving goes for decades to come. Self drive on long highway stretches + automatic parallel parking. People are going to want manual control for majority of urban driving.

>> No.10018080

>few decades
>need hivemind
>need quantum

you're fired

>> No.10018116


Consulted i-ching regarding $IQ. Checks out.

58. Exchange
Line 2:

Trustworthy exchange.
Good fortune.
Aversion goes away.

An exchange that can be trusted. It goes well. Initial aversion to it will go away.

>> No.10018123

See, the probability of self-driving is still very skeptical among a lot of people. The shift between more probable/less probable is going to move the markets like a tsunami.

>> No.10018178
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All things considered; not half bad

>> No.10018182

what are some good biotechs right now?

>> No.10018256
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>> No.10018260

What is there to market though? No one has the tech yet.

>> No.10018324

/smg/ how much are you making per year in dividends? You are investing for the long term, right?

>> No.10018347

i make kind of alot in dividends.. and i don't even try to get dividends....

>> No.10018357

tfw researched a ton of blue chip dividend stocks and high yield MLPs but all of your money is tied up in a meme TSLA short and AMD long.

>> No.10018364

so do people that actually make money trading even fuck with options?

>> No.10018392

How much is kind of a lot?

Bro start making money instead of chasing memes

>> No.10018403
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Here is an example of someone going deep for easy $$$ on $IQ.

>> No.10018406

That's the long term plan, but for now I have to ride this out.

>> No.10018456

Another 12 hour shift bleh...
Someone tell me how to get further information life. I'm so dead physically

>> No.10018463
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Very bullish long term but it could be a bumpy ride to the top. Also institutions are loading IQ and not selling.

>> No.10018483
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12 hours? what are doing?? Why arent you living off of passive income yet?

>> No.10018491
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I want to protect this duck's smile

>> No.10018561

SWK: crashing through support #1 with no survivors... or a buying opportunity?

>> No.10018579

Cryptofags didn't believe me when I told them bitcoin was a bubble and look at them now. So many red flags when something goes up like 2000 percent too fast and too soon.

>> No.10018580

I'm buying some ALO on Monday, they've had a lot of insider trading lately and I hope they've hit the bottom

>> No.10018587

more than what minimum wage makes in a month im guessing.. dividends aren't what i go for at all but i sometimes hold stocks that pay dividends

>> No.10018588

seriously though, what ive learned is that theres always that one last pump/fakeouts to liquidate shorts or longs before majors moves.

>> No.10018613

bruh it's easy money

>> No.10018696

Fuck that shit and evidence is just coming out of actual manipulation of crypto. Crypto was rigged from the start.

>> No.10018760

so what's the prediction for tomorrow?

>> No.10018776

theres more money in a trade imo

>> No.10018784
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hands down
Its gotta be a green day!

>> No.10018815

>what did Satan mean by this?
First a church thread. Now a golden bull.

>> No.10018820

This is why I love my IQ bros always optimistic. You guys remind me of the nvidia investors and their optimism.

>> No.10018833

When biz and wsb have a bullish consensus on a stock like AMD it's time to buy puts.

>> No.10018853

Everyone becoming greedy and complaisant. A historic red day is on the horizon.

>> No.10018894

4:44 AM in China

>> No.10018914
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I sense a massive green day for banks tomorrow
JPM to 108
BAC to 29.70
C to 69

>> No.10018940

Manual labor at a factory

What the hells passive income?

>> No.10018957

The way to wealth is by taking profit or savings and putting into something with a good ROI.

Passive income is the ROI from those things and not via your own labor.

>> No.10018960



>> No.10018979

I mean I have nothing rn but I need money to start with so I can invest correctly. I'm going to finish school first than start investing right. One more year until I finish my associates.

>> No.10018982
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>buy a thing
>rent out that thing

doesnt have to be houses. It can be trailers, boats, whatever, as long as you have a good industry

I get 250 per week for life

>> No.10019017

Yeah, just don't spend everything you make on dumb things with no equity. Like starbucks / most expensive car possible per month, etc.

The other important thing for most people is building up credit. Which is how much people think they can get a return on giving you money.

>> No.10019040

Once I get out of college I want to build my own storage facility. It's just corregated metal and concrete

>> No.10019053

thanks.. .__. ima dumb 26 year old boomer.

>> No.10019061

True true...i been reading g all economic books just to think like an economist and see opportunity everywhere.

How do you get that per life?

>> No.10019083

A good practice is imagine how a simple tribal city works with currency. Like simulate how it works if you add more currency, different types of currencies.

Just go through a fuck ton of mental exercises on how an economy works. I think an intuitive and non-standardized model is good to have.

>> No.10019090


No one wants to shill me a stock?

fuck you guys

>> No.10019104


>> No.10019106


dollar cost average it

>> No.10019116

ILMN is a good investment. Small % portfolio though.

>> No.10019121
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>going to college at all

I rent niche equipment + a trailer thats used in all the big hollywood movies. My uncle in the film industry helped set this up for me though. You have to find your industry

>> No.10019137


>> No.10019179

i dislike tanya and am geared for a TSLA moon mission (by January 20, 2020)

>> No.10019199



I hope this is a TSLA week.

>> No.10019200

CVX will be up 10percent this week

>> No.10019247


thats not a biotech

>> No.10019304

30 minutes until Gold opens gap down to oblivion

>> No.10019322
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So is GBR going to move this week? T-the buy out? RIGHT??

>> No.10019329

cant wait for that new thread comfy, goodluck

>> No.10019353

RAD gonna move big get in tomorrow

>> No.10019381


seriously tho
first off
were at the solar minimum, a time when growing conditions in general are at their worst
theres been some drought type action in a few major places where wheat is grown.
this kinda shit early on is bound to fuck up a lot of the crop, and as far as i can tell none of that shits priced in yet

not to mention the dollar is showing its first sign of weakness in months

idk, i think wheat is unironically the next golden bull lol. that shit will just double like its nothing in like a month if the harvest gets screwed

>> No.10019383

Seeing shit like this makes me worry about whats going to happen when the bubble bursts. How over-leveraged do you imagine these "algorithms are going to take us to mars" people are?

>> No.10019392


>> No.10019402

you know they getting aquired right

>> No.10019418

No u do it

>> No.10019421


merger gonna be rejected by shareholders. price already strong uptrend on the news. earnings wednesday should only help

>> No.10019431


>> No.10019449

lol yea its prolly gonna be worth more than a buck fiddy at some point. relax. its a fucking oil company. WITH oil. theyll all make money

>> No.10019460


>> No.10019595

thats fucken insane

>> No.10019595,1 [INTERNAL] 
