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1000198 No.1000198 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy and hold they said
>It will make you money they said
I just need to make this thread to vent a little. I started investing with B&H around June, and since then the market has pretty much taking a huge dump, and I'm down 10% this year.

Not that great of a start to my investing career. I know it's all about short-term long term, but sometimes you just need to vent a bit.

>> No.1000201

lets see those positions

>> No.1000211
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I'm running about 25% in a global index fund, 25% in a Swedish index fund (I'm from over here), 10% in a Swedish bond fund, and the rest is divided up between the US, Europe, and Asia.

Specific fund names won't make much sense to any non-Swedish people.

>> No.1000227

You're a fucking moron for investing in a dying country. Check the fucking gdp per per capita figures and who is emigrating vs who is coming in.

Swedish bond fund when the interest rates are zero, what the actual fucking fuck.


>> No.1000233

or invest in a negative beta stock considering the market was/is declining...

>> No.1000240

Nah, buy and hold is perfectly fine when you don't have vast amounts of assets. You just have to realise that when you purchase bonds or an index fund you're essentially investing in the currency /country

>> No.1000245

oh gotcha.

>> No.1000248
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Hardly think the country is "dying". And the bonds are corporate bonds, not government issued bonds, since they are sitting at basically 0% interest, as you said.

>> No.1000250

You've been in for, what, 6 months? You may have to wait for years to see good gains. The whole point is to hold until you need money, not to watch the market and panic every time something happens.

That said, how could you invest in Sweden seeing firsthand your country be cuked?

>> No.1000259

Yes, I realize it's about the long-term. As I said I just made the thread to vent a bit.

>That said, how could you invest in Sweden seeing firsthand your country be cuked?
Well first off I live here, and I will be living here for the next couple of years at least. They say to invest where you live, and that's what I've done. One of the reasons is because of currency fluctuation introducing more risk. Second, I've actually taken a smaller part in Sweden than most people over here do, and even most financial advisers (Not that I use one, but the general recommendation) recommend that you do. I sit on about 25% Swedish stocks, whilst most people recommend about 60-70% of your stock portfolio should be Swedish. Kind of like when American investors recommend 60% US stocks for their US investors.

Third, the country is not a cuked as the rest of the world makes it out to be. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of shit wrong over here with mass immigration, but it's not necessarily worse than the rest of Europe. You have to remember that people outside of Sweden will only hear the worst news.

>> No.1000464

>falls for this memes

He is investing in multinational corporations. Almost all the biggest companies in the Swedish stock market have like 95 % of their profit from abroad. Swedish stock market(the large cap at least) has little to do with Sweden specifically. And as far as I know our economical growth is still amongst the highest in Europe.
And to you OP I say this: don't panic, keep buying, wait it out.

Remember this guy: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennart_Israelsson

Buy and hold isn't about what happens in 6 months, or a year. It's about 10, 20, 40 years.

>> No.1000470

You don't invest in Sweden as a country if you buy Swedish index funds you goddamn moron. It's the same as in America, you invest in big multinational corporations. Only think making them any more Swedish than a American, German, British, Russian etc company are their owners and names.

>> No.1000583
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So swedish stocks are denoted in dollars? Holy fucking shit, leave!

If you are planning long term, you want to invest in a stable country. This is why I sold my European denominated securities in 2012 and bought dollar denoted equivalents. Not the best timing, but it still got me an extra 23% because the euro took a shit. Also American shares outperformed European shares.

You're not just investing in a company, you're also investing in the currency. If you ever want to exit you will get swedish currency which I perceive as more volatile than for instance, the dollar.

>> No.1000595
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> put it all in Vangard they said
> still in the red after 6 months

>> No.1000627

So I shouldn't invest in Swedish corporations because the crown is volatile?

What do I care about that on a 40-year scale? Sweden isn't going to become a failed state whatever memers believe.

And correct me if I'm wrong, almost all international trade is in dollars anyway, so what's stopping a Swedish company from simply using crowns if Sweden, theoretically, went to shit(which it won't).

Sweden will change though, no doubt about it. The change is mostly going to make us into a "normal" country that is no big socialist welfare net because it won't be sustaniable in a segregeated society. We will basically become Singapore.

>> No.1000636

>population growth
>economic growth

The Swedes may be a dying ethnicity but Sweden as a state is more virile than most European states.

>> No.1000778
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Are you me?