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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9996883 No.9996883 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/,

I think I've stumbled onto something here - and I'm not quite sure how to interpret the data. Princeton has this website initiative known as the Global Consciousness Project, here is an excerpt from this website explaining it's purpose:

"The Global Consciousness Project collects random numbers from around the world. These numbers are available on the GCP website. This website downloads those numbers once a minute and performs sophisticated analysis on these random numbers to see how coherent they are. That is, we compute how random the random numbers coming from the eggs really are. The theory is that the Global Consciousness of all Beings of the Planet affect these random numbers... Maybe they aren't quite as random as we thought."

I do believe though that there is a correlation between the colour of this dot, or the degrees of randomness of data points, general sentiment, and the market on the whole.

Can anyone help me decipher this information? We will need to assess the degrees of randomness and lay them out over the BTC chart to assess potential correlations which might allow us to interpret future market movements.

The website can be found here:http://noosphere.princeton.edu/gcpdot/

>> No.9996891
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>> No.9996904

Can confirm have manifested reality into the world today.

>> No.9996908
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>That is, we compute how random the random numbers coming from the eggs really are
what do eggs have to do with this

>> No.9996926


I'd like to know more about this as well - will do tertiary research.

>> No.9996935

>he doesn't know about the eggs

>> No.9996942


"When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures."


>> No.9996963
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Picture: Proven, and stark, statistical deviation from normal expectations of randomness.

I will analyze some of the historical data points and see what the randomness quotient was during last year to see if there is a correlation between the deviation and BTC price.

>> No.9997015


Link to major political or social events within from 1998 - 2015 and the statistical deviation during.


Of course they don't have current data for us to analyze - unless someone can find it?

Interesting, there is a major pattern of deviations around 2007-2009 during the financial crash and the time BTC was created...

>> No.9997058

How do I delete this thread? It says it's too old to delete.

I'd like it removed please. Moderators?

>> No.9997122


It's too late for that, and too interesting. But I am too tired, and will analyze all this later.

>> No.9997176

Yeah too late OP, I'm already deep down the rabbit hole on this one, thanks.

>> No.9997184

I watched a lecture by the guy who heads this and it was pretty convincing. They generate their random numbers using the orbits of electrons or some shit, and apparently before and after certain world-wide major events the patterns deviate to a degree that's statistically almost possible if it were random. Points to evidence of some sort of global consciousness.

This isn't going to help you make money in the market though.

>> No.9997188

*almost impossible

>> No.9997192

No but understanding the process is done can help us look for real world examples in the market. helping us predict the next action.

>> No.9997199


Does consciousness determine events or vice-versa?

>> No.9997213

That's a good question, probably both. But I'm far from an expert in this.

>> No.9997218

Here's the lecture btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQXoMI130KY

>> No.9997220


Very interesting stuff isn't it. Almost don't want to know the answers to these things - though I suspect people exist that do - and they profit from it - not saying they profit from a financial sense but could really be used in lots of avenues

>> No.9997226


Thanks, I'll watch this.

>> No.9997276

there are laws of nature that determine the state of the matter which enables "consciousness"; however, consciousness then materially arises AS a material constellation. While thinking however, we don't actively navigate by determining which neurons to fire but we think our thoughts whose logical correctness and purpose we can determine and judge by thinking. The neural activity is the "physical side" of our thoughts and we "use" our brain to think just as we "use" our feet to walk.

>> No.9997313

op op op, you know not with which forces you play

>> No.9997324


I mean to say, does the deviation in consciousness result in these major events, or are these major events the cause of the deviation in our consciousness?

>> No.9997330

does gravity cause mass, or does mass cause gravity?

>> No.9997353

stop shilling your useless shtty NRG coin.

>> No.9997370

there is no causal relation, just an identity, so far at least, according to the Einsteinian field equations.

I'd say neither. You have to be precise about what you mean with "consciousness"; if you say it's something immaterial, ethereal, then it has no way to act upon matter; if you talk about the neural activity, then well, yeah - there is electromagnetic interaction and somewhat a "superposition" of EM fields of the neural activity of minds (but there is at all times) and physically, this of course is a part of the interaction term one has to consider when computing the quantum physical evolution of said random number generator. However, I would find very likely that the local electromagnetic potential of the RNG system is much stronger than the superposition of minds.

>> No.9997380

in plain words what does it mean a Christoffel symbol

>> No.9997386
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You won't convince anyone. I've read studies produced by nobel laureates on the subject of Extra-sensory perceptions. Null Hypothesis have been rejected on the basis of 1 in a billion/trillion/ sometimes TEN trillion chances. Yet, nobody cares. What is considered science is as much data as it is political

>> No.9997390

if you cant awnserwr this thaen syop shiilling your mutherfucking coin

>> No.9997398

that's something entirely different but it indeed appear in general relativity and I'm not shilling any coin. So basically the christoffel symbol is a sum over derivatives

>> No.9997401

The best way to make people care is to figure out how to utilize it in order to accumulate wealth, power and influence, and tell everyone how you did it. People will be forced to acknowledge it them. And if that can't be done, what good is it anyhow?

>> No.9997412


Money is always a great motivator of change, but it annoys me to argue with Science advocates. They shit on religion but backpedal when presented with anything that contradicts materialism.

>> No.9997416

NFY your ar a fucking idiot trying to star a religion the hive mind religion.... it exists but no one can prove it.. muther fucker..

>> No.9997425

how can something that occurs materially contract materialism?

>> No.9997426

In my experience, it's usually the poseurs and pseudo-intellectuals who outright dismiss the spiritual/metaphysical realms. There are lots of spiritual and religious scientists, it's just that they don't talk about it because it takes away from their credibility in the eyes of fedora tipping "logicians", who happen to be the ones signing their checks.

>> No.9997440


Materialism is a philosophical position. It doesn't mean "something that occurs materially". It usually posits things like Epiphenomenalism, the casual closure of physics, the non-existence of deities and other spiritual beings etc

>> No.9997441

no, read again my writing. I'm explaining all of this scientifically; no religion at all and I'm actually stating that I think that the effects of a superpositioned global mind or LOWER than what occurs due to local EM fields. I completely REFUTE the claimed connection by OP

>> No.9997457

it's very strange to argue for the non-existence of something. And I'd like to understand materialism as: what happens materially is all of what happens.

>> No.9997479

so you r saying that the quantum computer from the future is right on 000000000000something something hash is real...it sounds like a religion to me----

>> No.9997484

cos you know superposition translates only in a quantum world not?

>> No.9997502


>> No.9997538

to compute the quantum physical evolution, you can simply use the available equations from quantum physics, such as the Schrödinger equation with a potential. The potential can be macroscopic and there you also have macroscopical superposition, e.g. look at water waves; the same holds true for electromagnetic waves. never talked about a quantum computer.

>> No.9997551

You might be onto something here /biz/. Maybe we could attract /pol/ and /x/ attention.

>> No.9997591

Link 1k eoy check em

>> No.9997610

but waves explain it selves by fractals why i should look on to somthing that bold chrinyer can just colapses the wave not the reallty...what colapses reality is the quantum world....we cant probe it...yet

>> No.9997629

Yes and materialism is obviously wrong, since for example the physical body is not the same as the subjective experience which correlates to that body.

>> No.9997643

so when we can upload to a ssd threal perosn will die while the "copy " existst in a binary world constructed by the new world order....this a fuckin religion dud you cant say that miles away...

>> No.9997664

How many independent experiments have been performed? Why is this afecting only that specific rnd number generator but not others?

I want answers.

>> No.9997681

What are you trying to say? My only point was that for example the brain as a physical object, and the thoughts, feelings and emotions of a person are two different things, so not all that exists is material.

>> No.9997708
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>> No.9997746

im trytng to say that when a person can copy it selves on a magnetic field ssd hd etcc the real person will no die but is not the original person who inspies the life to go ard on it

>> No.9997751

This reminds me a great deal what we unconsciously do with the checking up dubs, trips, and quads when summoning KEK

>> No.9997769
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>mfw meme power is real

>> No.9997951


The generators are in different locations around the world, in order to see how the data changes in different places at different times (according to events)

>> No.9998173

This is actually really interesting. Is this our key to the golden bull run?

>> No.9998177


Bullrun is guaranteed

>> No.9998191


It seems that if we believe it is, then it is. If we collectively come together as one and bring this idea into consciousness then, perhaps.

>> No.9998226

These random numbers seem to get skewed by events that a lot of people are consciously aware of. I wonder if memes aside, there is actually something to "gets" on this website? /pol/ have been using them for political purposes and things always shift in their favor. With the upcoming 9999999 all of us will have our eyes on whatever the post is and that could affect something

>> No.9998265

If you want one that is more accurate then these RNGs should be set up where trade volume is high

>> No.9998284

Maybe this thread was created in anticipation to the get - op later tried to delete the thread unsuccessfully

>> No.9998507

summon kek we need chaos at the banking system

>> No.9998515

The excerpt lost me when it started talking about eggs

>> No.9998524


EGG's - acronym

>> No.9998543
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The dot is orange now guys...

>> No.9998546 [DELETED] 


>> No.9998555


Markets recovering...

>> No.9998569


>> No.9998582
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>> No.9998588

this thread did that

>> No.9998601



>> No.9998609


>> No.9998612

nice trips

>> No.9998619

Sounds really gay.

>> No.9998625

I WUZ close

>> No.9998627


>> No.9998644

"the physical body is not the same as the subjective experience which correlates to that body"

it doesn't just correlate; the "subjective experience" has a material side and foundation. There is no subjective experience without matter. I've explained this earlier, see: >>9997370
You fall for a wrong division of body and mind as something separate.

>> No.9998656
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>> No.9998670

i suggest you perform a statistical analysis of the correlation between this and market movements

>> No.9998714

tl;dr people discuss trends all the time, and this "random number analyzer" fails to account for fads and discussion of trends

IE - news segment snapshots of statistical data, popular memes, slogans, etc.

its not some mystical force, just a schizoposting goof

>> No.9998725

never gonna make it

>> No.9998726

What are you even talking about? How do you "account" fads and trends affecting a box sitting on a table producing random numbers?

>> No.9998743
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Red as a fucking tomato now guys, something's happening?

>> No.9998757

/biz/ did this

>> No.9998762

because if the box happens to mention a number that is already a fad, it is assigned special statistical relevance

another alternative is that the website is a simple hoax, and uses something like a seach enging trend analysis to produce "spooky" results, while the way these results are created are kept secret

schizo's are not to be trusted, they do anything to appear relevant, and most of their antics on the internet are like an episode of scooby-doo

they shizopost, they try to spook people, then somebody figures out their hoax or their stupidity and unmasks them, then they fade into obscurity until they want to try again

its a lot more likely that its a hoax, than somebody stumbling upon the true nature of reality

>> No.9999154

Everyone in this thread needs to read The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind right fucking now. It's the only real quick rundown of human consciousness how it actually is that is widely available.

>> No.9999175

If you don't feel like reading it I can answer some questions about it as well.

>> No.9999263
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You can't seek that which you don't want to see; to see is to seek, or really, to be.

There is more to me than me; and me is all of we.

Patterns and glances and happenstances;
whatever are the chances?

'You can hold the line only so long'; if you believe, are you really wrong?

Darkness and the night beget the light; the world turns to that which is always right.

>> No.9999273

counsciousness is a meme, we're not different from a dog or a rock, particles in our brain just react chemically with other particles

>> No.9999275

Stop being a cryptic faggot. Much of this is easily explainable and understandable to most everyone with a little guidance.

>> No.9999281


>> No.9999287

shut the fuck up stacy

>> No.9999294


>> No.9999356

Most useful TL;DR is that our minds are a bit more interconnected than we give credit for. Notice how the dot goes red early every morning? That's when most people are getting their daily dose of doom porn from the (((media))). It goes down sharply when people get on with their day. Next time you're in a public area with a news station playing, observe how a particularly jarring headline commands everyone to observe the television, including yourself. It's an almost primal urge that everyone in the room is feeling.

Also look into the 100th monkey effect.

>> No.9999516


you are fucking retarded, dude
it is morning all day long somewhere in the world

>> No.9999547
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>> No.9999566

thanks but "red dot every morning"
its always morning somewhere

>> No.9999865


>> No.9999882


>> No.9999897


moot points, but I have always held the idea of there being somewhat of a global consciousness. But it may be the huge influence media has on us. Not just MSM, since you could enter any community of your choice (FB, Reddit, 4Chan...whatever) and land in your own designated group think tank, consuming the same articles, sources and ideas as others quite similar to themselves. Anything you see, shapes you; even on a subconscious level. I guess this isn't news to anyone, but I would not be surprised if a global consciousness in a large part is driven by the internet in this era.

(If we ever were to reach sentient AI in the future (whether 50-250 years), then it would sound like a deterministic step. Us feeding data from reality into internet input output way, while the data shapes us towards AI and/or some sort of Singularity. At some point I figure AI would need more input from the real world and drive us to produce it for it. Perhaps even shape our world view through the media to satisfy whatever is needed for the input)

This has nothing to do with the dot.
And I am probably legit crazy.

>> No.9999912

The Buddha frowns upon speculation

>> No.9999929
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sounds stinky

>> No.10000046


>> No.10000095


>> No.10000216

The chans will be victorious!

>> No.10000272

What ever happened to JoobFag anyway?

>> No.10001186


>> No.10001190

He's right you know.

>> No.10002024


>> No.10002248

What colour is it now?

>> No.10002280
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I checked. Why's it blue...what did you guys do?

>> No.10002360
File: 31 KB, 570x806, DF8BC04E-83D7-4028-9547-76C029BB7178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all in this together
Never underestimate the power of negative thought
My BTC stay stinky 1k eoy

>> No.10002367

Watch the dump in the next few hours sell blues I think will be the trend in bear markets

>> No.10002388


For one hour I did not think about the price and how it would affect my future outcome. Anyone else? Eh

>> No.10002427

No no no like this:

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.10002960

Are there any developers here?

Someone should hack a way to overlay this chart with the BTC price. The correlations could be very interesting.

>> No.10003260

literally whales

>> No.10003406





>> No.10003587


I am going to meditate for 10 minutes and try to get it up to red and then down to blue really quickly.

>> No.10004495


>> No.10004580
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>2012 was 6 years ago