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>> No.7745096 [View]
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It's possible, since AXA is actually an innovator in this space. Check out Fizzy if you haven't, it's an AXA project that uses smart contracts for flight insurance, and as far as I know it wasn't announced yet when these contracts were deployed on SmartContract.com.
That being said, as the guy who originally uncovered the hackathon thing, it doesn't make sense that they would use AXA's logo for a hackathon if they wanted to keep a real partnership under wraps, and it doesn't make sense that they would neglect to mention such a prestigious partnership if they were trying to win the hackathon.
Also I've uncovered an old powerpoint used by Sergey that included contracts from other big players, including Maersk and Macy's (pic related). When I checked the contract address he had changed the names to generic ones, like "Global Supplier" and "Large Buyer, Inc." I think he just got in the habit of using real companies as placeholders, not realizing autists on the internet would uncover them and read so much into it.

>> No.7745145 [View]

So institutional-level money are starting to be admitted into exchanges. More secure, regulation-friendly exchanges (such as the one you alluded to) are coming online soon to help facilitate this. It would follow that they would begin to buy in at as low a price point as possible. Is it reasonable to expect another (final) dip in BTC/ETH as per the meme chart/return to mean?

>> No.7745162 [View]

that's extremely plausible. Too bad, the only other real reason to think they had anything to do with axa was "insiders," though fizzy is on ethereum so chainlink could be an option

>> No.7745187 [View]


It would not be unreasonable, if I were to use an analogy then imagine a hostage hand off, the exchanges are handing off BTC for a suitcase full of money, and the institutions are about to make her their slave. During this very high tensity situation it could very well happen that bullets start flying and she gets injured, but they definitely won't let her die.

I'm going to actually stop drinking now haha.

>> No.7745238 [View]


>> No.7745272 [View]

i think

>> No.7745303 [View]

Thanks AB, really appreciate your time.

Quick thoughts on QASH and the World Book? They were the first exchange that came to my mind last thread but they're not European.

>> No.7745309 [View]
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AB what are your thoughts on our boy Sminem?
Can I get a quick run down for AB

>> No.7745316 [View]

if you had all the inside knowledge , why won't you use it for your own gain ? why would you risk it to share it with a bunch of autists ?

>> No.7745317 [View]

This makes me sad, but it’s probably true.

>> No.7745327 [View]

hey AB you didn't get a chance to answer this last thread
are linkies going to fuck this over by doxxing and harassing potential link partners at IBM, swift, etc?

>> No.7745328 [View]

he is. hes buying link

>> No.7745349 [View]

this is how humanity works. some people pay it forward anon.
also, if he has a horde of true believers also buying under him, the network only gains value.

>> No.7745363 [View]


Yeah man biz is going to doxx IBM and SWIFT. Might as well just sell now.

>> No.7745394 [View]

It's CoinMetro. They're looking to be the next Coinbase, with crypto ETFs, and they have the chops to pull it off (they also operate an established Forex market).

>> No.7745410 [View]

someones been missing the multiple threads of people raiding chainlink fund and linkedin to harass everyone potentially involved with link

>> No.7745415 [View]


>10% to 'angel investors'

Pure cancer. Not to mention a very sketchy roadmap:

Beta version of the exchange online (Q2)
BACE tokens are tradeable (Q2)
The Final version of the exchange is online
International banking partnerships
First ICO's listed on BACE

So the formatting isn't very professional, grouping Q2-Q4 in a roadmap makes it seem vague, that's a huge window. What international bank partnerships? Sounds like an easy promise to back out of, and First ICO's listed, don't estimate WHEN an ICO will be listed if you don't have one in mind. Simply state when the platform launches.

Bace is a joke, do better research, even the little things I pointed out can spell trouble for an ICO.

>> No.7745462 [View]

Totally possible, I'm not delusional. But if he changes the old placeholders, why did he not change the AXA one? Especially since the most recent contract was from December 31, 2017?

>> No.7745478 [View]

The ico has ended recently and the tokens aren't on exchanges right

>> No.7745498 [View]

Ripple and Chainlink do two completely different things. Don't see how they're related.
What's your opinion on the interledger project?

>> No.7745508 [View]


Because, the implication I believe, is that AXA is legitimate and the other ones were placeholders.


Hasn't started yet. No more questions about this new exchange, you should decide to buy it because you like it, not because I shilled it. Read the team and the WP.

>> No.7745531 [View]

AB, if you are still here, you just got blasted on JNT.

>> No.7745540 [View]
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i guess im actually retarded because everything ive searched yields no results. sorry i failed u ab at least i have 5k linkies

>> No.7745556 [View]
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also Sergey often gives the flight delays as one of the use cases for smart contracts

>> No.7745564 [View]


A protocol is not an exchange, from my understand interledger is almost as ambitious as LN, since it wants to be able to allow for interchain transactions. It will be interesting if it works out but it doesn't really affect any of the aspects of blockchain I'm particularly interested in.

>> No.7745579 [View]

there u go anon

>> No.7745594 [View]


admiral blaster nobody thinks you are a shill, you just valuable insight that gives context to a lot of things you are having us research. bless u either way

>> No.7745658 [View]

It's down 15% in sats since this thread started, additionally I never said it'd go down in price, only delusional liars claim to predict price movements over short timeframes without direct inside knowledge. Either way it's trash and will go down eventually.

>> No.7745698 [View]

I'm guessing he figured it was too late, since the AXA contracts had already been discovered and publicized. Although I don't know why he wouldn't clear up any confusion publicly. He probably wanted to prevent more rumors around a Maersk partnership from starting.
To be clear, I'm not FUDing. Link is my second largest hold. But from my research most of the partnership rumors are overblown, with the most promising possible exception being DocuSign. There's more than meets the eye there, but I'm still in the midst of my investigation so I don't have anything solid to reveal yet.

>> No.7745794 [View]
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i figured it wasnt xcm cuz he said he has 30% of his stack in it and the ico hasnt started yet. maybe yet again im just a retard idk. either way bless u too

>> No.7745869 [View]

I also noticed this anon. Unless there was a private presale. It's the main (I'm guessing public) token sale that's not started yet. Xcm looks like the one

>> No.7745893 [View]

How can i get a hold of you on discord?

>> No.7745933 [View]
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lol dont even try

>> No.7745938 [View]

there were presales and flash sales for xcm so it's probably the one

>> No.7745980 [View]

I am doing him a favor.

>> No.7746025 [View]


Send me whatever discord link you have here: a7d8bt+1uj02miq3tozw@sharklasers.com

I'm actually curious to see what an 'almighty' group you have, full of finance 'insiders' like me.


I would never endorse a coin that had a private sale, flash sales on the other hand, would be totally kosher.

>> No.7746039 [View]

ya i checked im a retard, they had a pre token sale dec 21st to jan 21st

>> No.7746076 [View]

The interledger is project is more ambitious. LN is a system that increases btc transaction speeds. Interledger is intended to connect nodes of all payment types i.e. bank to crypto, crypto to crypto, bank to bank, using the underlying ledger. Pretty much creating a massive transaction extranet. Nodes would act like traditional hosting servers and would allow those that host the node to get paid out in their currency of choice. I honestly believe that's what we'll use in the future if they can actually pull it off, it's just that one dev worked for ripple, the other created a system that had serious security flaws

>> No.7746115 [View]

>Because, the implication I believe, is that AXA is legitimate and the other ones were placeholders.

Yup. Exactly the point I was making to the other anon. Obviously speculative, but it seems strange that they were all changed yet this one remains.

>> No.7746123 [View]


Right I'm comparing it to LN not in the size of its scope, but in the likelihood of it realising it's ambitions, i.e. very little to none.

>> No.7746144 [View]

What're your thoughts on Dennis possibly leaving Always Sunny for A.P. bio

>> No.7746153 [View]

To clarify, LN doesn't actually increase tx speeds, its to be used to create payment channels to decongest the network

>> No.7746195 [View]

He's not denying it outright.

check >>7745415
for when I mentioned bace

Regardless if it's the one he is talking about coinmetro sounds dope as fuck. I might grab some coins.

>> No.7746211 [View]

Thoughts on NAS? Seems like could be a legit contender in dApp platforms and different enough from ETH that they could coexist (NEO and others too similar IMO). Only problem is they are relying on LN for scalability which makes me hesitant

>> No.7746257 [View]
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do you think link will ever reach the memed 1k price? lol

>> No.7746344 [View]

Boy do i have news for you

>> No.7746398 [View]

capping off an epic thred

>> No.7746409 [View]

are you more for bigger blocks in the btc debate then?

>> No.7746409,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Assblaster, are you saying Jibrel Network Token is trash? Why?

>> No.7746409,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

holy fuck lads xcm just hit 0.2