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>> No.28841769 [View]

Legal briefs


>> No.28841780 [View]

I don't know what that is, link me a video or something
I have no idea how to do most of those
what's big 5? is it cheaper then amazon?

>> No.28841814 [View]
File: 604 KB, 516x678, 1613371491136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The family
>Not jews but Christians
>Its true I saw it on Netflix
Fuck off BabaCucks. Name a date or just stay silent. Most of /xsg/ have always defended BabaCucks (including me). And what for? For nothing. Only for a bunch of nigger riddles. Come on even the Da Vinci code book/movie had better riddles.

>> No.28841822 [View]
File: 805 KB, 999x769, 1605919590114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i totally agree. i hit one set every couple hours throughout the entire day. changing weights often to hit different max reps. getting shredded since covid. i just rotate through the main power lifts each week

>> No.28841824 [View]

Hmm, have you ever heard of Monk's Isometrics? Pretty interesting.

>> No.28841880 [View]

Chris Carter was definitely clued in to some stuff. That Lone Gunman pilot episode that predicts 9/11 perfectly is just ridiculous, literally impossible for that to be a coincidence.

>> No.28841932 [View]

doesn't matter. learn:
>overhead shoulder press
>bench press
>barbell squat
>power clean
these will get you yoked. then add:
>bicep curls
>tricep extensions
>calf raises
>bent over rows
>front squats
once you are getting into a groove and want to hit more muscles. all can be done with a barbell. forget the resistance bands and dumbbells until you have these basics down.

>> No.28841999 [View]

Precisely why I'm watching it now as an adult, I used to love this show as a kid and I watched it with my brother, but never really understood it, this was a long time ago. There is a big chance that cryptocurrencies get discussed so I'm waiting for that hidden gem.

>> No.28842040 [View]

Say you're trying to do more push ups but can only do 10, don't try and do 11 in one go, instead through out the day do 3 or 4 at a time and slowly increase that number. That way instead of struggling to do 11 you did 30-40 per day without much effort. You can work your way up to doing hundreds of push ups or pull ups like this.

You can do this with other barbell or dumbell movements as well. You probably won't have hundreds of pounds worth of weightplates at home so volume is important.

>> No.28842240 [View]

my bench set was bought at walmart. it isn't great, but i don't care. big 5 is a cheap sporting goods store in commiefornia
i have never been big on bodyweight exercises because i could never do many pushups. good suggestion tho, maybe a good place to start

i would also recommend you start smoking tobacco. gets your testosterone up and makes you get really into the next set. many great powerlifters (and cyclists) are tobacco smokers. use a pipe, or cigar

>> No.28842271 [View]

Eh, no thanks, i don't need cancer and lung damage

>> No.28842275 [View]

u mirin' brah?

>> No.28842326 [View]
File: 13 KB, 644x800, 1613085206945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern science finds that smoking 1-3 cigars per day does not significantly affect your chances of getting cancer

>> No.28842359 [View]
File: 425 KB, 1130x900, carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i would also recommend you start smoking tobacco. gets your testosterone up and makes you get really into the next set
Jesus christ this is the worst bro science I've seen in my life. You know how much elite athletes love to fucking puff cigarettes, dude. dum

>> No.28842374 [View]

Modern science considers trannies not a mental disorder anymore as well
I'm not touching the shit, especially when it's almost killed my mother, fuck off

>> No.28842380 [View]

London is ready my fren. It is good you don't hold any.

>> No.28842404 [View]

Nicotine gum is the big one. They used to use chewing tobacco.

>> No.28842436 [View]

umm sorry sweaty but i am a globally-ranked couch surfer and i definitely wouldn't be able to operate at the level i do without the judicious use of tobacco and kratom

>> No.28842453 [View]

don't smoke cigarettes, those are dumb. do not inhale tobacco, but the mouth absorption of a pipe boosts your testosterone without significantly affecting your risk of cancer and doesn't fuck up your lungs

>> No.28842503 [View]

obviously the tobacco is not necessary. but keep your testosterone levels up and just get the basic power lifts down

>> No.28842510 [View]

The really really juicy part starts at the 8-minute mark, holy fuck.

>> No.28842584 [View]

so what, buy supplements?

>> No.28842596 [View]

He's not wrong on the fact that smoking gives testosteron however I wouldn't advice to start smoking. You are better off eating garlics or drinking garlic juice.
>Garlic supplementation increases testicular testosterone and decreases plasma corticosterone in rats fed a high protein diet

Also you don't need fancy equipment. Have you seen those dudes in jail?

>> No.28842660 [View]

So xsg truly is filled with bots. I wouldn't be sad aside the fact the thread remains.

>> No.28842669 [View]

stop jerking off so much. maybe d-aspartic acid if you have low T. lift more and sleep more. this anon seems to know something i don't about garlic: >>28842596

>> No.28842705 [View]

Only a few of us are humans at these hours in the night.

>> No.28842730 [View]
File: 69 KB, 512x424, 1604906101456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's fudding himself

>> No.28842763 [View]

well, fuck

6 more months at the very least

>> No.28842766 [View]

Xsg needs to fade away, no good is had anymore

>> No.28842802 [View]

what the fuck, garlic juice?
also im not sure im the same as a rat

>> No.28842817 [View]

I really really think that , anyone who was destined to find it, already did. You may be right.

>> No.28842822 [View]
File: 60 KB, 680x658, 673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4channers Are Eating Onions to Be More Manly

>> No.28842828 [View]
File: 90 KB, 813x587, EsnJ16RW4AAsnjN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all good things come in threes, it all begins in london 589$+. the mayflower lands in september.

trump is a loser

>> No.28842861 [View]

>no good is had anymore

>> No.28842863 [View]

nothing will be more beneficial than starting the lifting routine. don't worry about garlic juice yet
and maybe eat some onions >>28842822

>> No.28842926 [View]

>in twitterfaglarper we trust
Yeah. /xsg/ is fading. Sad to see. Barely worth lurking anymore.

>> No.28842930 [View]

I've eaten a raw onion by itself like an apple before, it actually isn't that bad

>> No.28842937 [View]

Stop advertising your twitter account, its on private and you have half of twitter blocked.

>> No.28842992 [View]

when is gensler sworn in

>> No.28843013 [View]

I remember the onion saga on /fit/ do Americans really find eating onions so strange? Or just (((Journalist Americans)))

>> No.28843024 [View]

Oh i meant o n i o n s instead of garlic but garlic works similar. Also has anti-bacterial effects. Honey too.

Same. I've learned it from my mother kek.

>> No.28843029 [View]

>this article wasn't cited a lot so it bad
what the fuck kind of logic is this

>> No.28843053 [View]

new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.28843116 [View]
File: 246 KB, 1600x1063, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The less cooked the garlic the better.

Could be a while to get confirmation unfortunately.

>> No.28843392 [View]

Yup Myk HYN lead me to XRP THE STORM
along with many many many 'coincidences' the last month.

>> No.28843459 [View]

cugs is a insider whether you like it or not

>> No.28844157 [View]
File: 14 KB, 271x277, doitus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy any and wait for flare net launch...

>> No.28844644 [View]



>> No.28844831 [View]

Is the patent confirmed or did they just file it.

>> No.28846215 [View]

Well, it's finally happened. I'm seeing XRP mentioned everywhere, it's either an outgrowth of confirmation bias or I'm losing it. Also good to see some green back as we predicted, last weekend saw a lot of red, ironically SKY was booming but now not so much. We're all gonna make it bros.