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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.27598762 [View]

bump, thanks everyone who replied so far.

>> No.27599033 [View]


Q1: Yes. I'm done being raped by gas fees
Q2: also yes
Q3: yes
Q4: I don't think I'd make the effort of doing it without metamask. It's too convenient.

>> No.27599204 [View]


Q1 - Gas fees are annoying, although xDai is good

Q2 - I would offer a suggestion for you to look at building on elrond (eGLD) not really in the limelight developer wise

Q3 - Not really a fan of staking, although I really do see the positives, I'm too eager ahaha

Q4 - I Wouldn't mind trust wallet to be used as well

thanks anon, good cunt

>> No.27599492 [View]

I would. I trust Metamask, so that would facilitate the decision for me a lot (as someone who has very little knowledge about xDAI).

>> No.27599538 [View]

>trust wallet
checked, and it's a good idea as well
thanks anon

>> No.27599612 [View]

whoops wrong address,

this one


>> No.27599617 [View]


>Q1: Building only on Ethereum is super costly for users right now. Would you use the dapp if built on xDai chain? It requires users to convert ERC20 DAI to xDai through the bridge. Do you think it will hurt adoption? ETH gas fees are so high, I'm affraid it requires either a L2 or another scalable L1.

Yes, if its better.

>Q2: would you use the product if it was built on Cardano, Polkadot or other L1?

Anything that is better than Eth.

>Q3: would you enjoy a dividend-based staking mechanism, where you receive, at the end of each week, some dividend in DAI, from value generated on the platform, additionally with token staking rewards?

Hell yeahhhhh

>> No.27599896 [View]

I know you already hit 30 addresses, but in case you decide to do more. Sounds like an interesting concept and I'd love to give it a shot.


>> No.27600101 [View]

I will consider all the addresses here until the thread is archived. You all have been very helpful

>> No.27600451 [View]

last bump, then. Thanks everyone, make sure to watch for future thread and the coming airdrop to the addresses you provided.

>> No.27600847 [View]

Thanks my man. Definitely looking into this coin.

>> No.27600934 [View]
File: 91 KB, 736x552, 1612116779241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth 0x76b257607380a75621a1405c551d7c1ef32777d5

>Q1: Building only on Ethereum is super costly for users right now. Would you use the dapp if built on xDai chain? It requires users to convert ERC20 DAI to xDai through the bridge. Do you think it will hurt adoption? ETH gas fees are so high, I'm affraid it requires either a L2 or another scalable L1.
Yeah I'm sure it will hurt adoption, though can't disagree with the gas fee argument. Depends on what you're aiming here. Will you be able to list it somewhere accessable? If yes then fuck eth.
>Q2: would you use the product if it was built on Cardano, Polkadot or other L1?
Was gonna ask if you looked into cardano under the first answer. As long as it's functioning and is accessable.
>Q3: would you enjoy a dividend-based staking mechanism, where you receive, at the end of each week, some dividend in DAI, from value generated on the platform, additionally with token staking rewards?
Free moneyz yes
>Q4: we think offering a metamask-based access is critical to reach a broader audience. Do you agree? Would you use something else if the dapp requires it?
Depends whaf is that something else and what are the fees desu. Why not list it on multiple places? I guess it can be costly but the pay off will be good. Although idk I'm a brainlet

>> No.27600940 [View]

Thanks man.


>> No.27601068 [View]


>> No.27601226 [View]

if you can answer some questions at least, that would be good, thanks a lot.
thanks for this, that was my main nono point with xDai.

Really think that being on Uniswap asap would be a big + for adoption/token price

>> No.27601471 [View]

I'd use it on xDAI.
Probably not on Polka, cause I don't know how polka works, but otherwise ye.
Divvies in DAI would be nice, and staking rewards would be based.
Metamask based access would be hugely beneficial, but how exactly are you supposed to tie in xDAI to metamask?


>> No.27601518 [View]

Sure, although Im a newfag and don't want to fuck up your data since I don't understand it very well.
Q1) Not sure - still learning. I will do anything to avoid gas fees though since Im investing a small amount
Q2) Not sure
Q3) hmmm maybe. dividends are taxable so maybe stock payout instead.
Q4) metamask would be smart - accessibility = good

>> No.27601585 [View]


thank you sirs

it will hurt short term adoption, but long term it will be the better option

prefer ada/dot over eth

more rewards are always going to be welcome

metamask/eth foundation has the most user base

>> No.27601604 [View]


Q1: the way I see it people get hurt more from losing a certain amount then they get happy from recieving, they will always prefer lower fees, doesnt matter how
Q2: I hold abit of cardano and I believe in the project so any use for it is always welcome
Q3: staking is mainly my income at this point, low risk raise to the top is the way to go and I mostly support projects with dividents of some sort
Q4: metamask is comfort king, anything not cold stored passes there because its easy to use as a pitstop for other apps

Hope im not too late ;-;

>> No.27601752 [View]

yeah indeed.

>> No.27601840 [View]
File: 26 KB, 400x263, 1611935034825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how the lsiting process works. Do you need to pay them to be listed or something? Aim for binance. No one wants to pay $30 fee for a small transaction.
Make sure to present your shitcoin well. First thing I'm looking at when checking out shitcoins is their website, how well it is made, graphic eye candy etc. I know it's retarded but really gives the coin some solidity compared to other altcoins.

>> No.27602078 [View]


1. Yes, i want to avoid the gas fees they have been killing me
2. Yes, I don't know much about these but don't seem like blockers
3. Yes this sound good, I always love staking and dividends are truly appealing
4. I think it's a huge plus but not critical if you use other similar services


>> No.27602079 [View]

Q1: Building only on Ethereum is super costly for users right now. Would you use the dapp if built on xDai chain? It requires users to convert ERC20 DAI to xDai through the bridge. Do you think it will hurt adoption? ETH gas fees are so high, I'm affraid it requires either a L2 or another scalable

Yes I would still use it. You need to find an easy onramp for noobs though.

Q2: would you use the product if it was built on Cardano, Polkadot or other L1?

Yes see above

Q3: would you enjoy a dividend-based staking mechanism, where you receive, at the end of each week, some dividend in DAI, from value generated on the platform, additionally with token staking rewards?

Yes I think that's a great idea and would encourage more staking

Q4: we think offering a metamask-based access is critical to reach a broader audience. Do you agree? Would you use something else if the dapp requires it?

I kinda agree, but like I said earlier if you can find a comparably simple onramp other chains would be fine (and preferred due to the way lower fees)

Thanks op good luck with the project!


>> No.27602080 [View]


Hey, I already posted a little earlier in the thread; I just thought it might be helpful to give a little more in depth answer to your question. It's honestly hard to tell larps from actual posts these days.

1. As somebody who has been entirely priced out of the alt market because of gas fees over the past few weeks, I'm desperetly waiting for more projects to utilize xDai, it's really frustrating to see high APY farms popping up all over the place, but it's not even worth it then to stake a small stack.

2. Absolutely.

3. Yes, things like this provide liquidity while making up for slight dips here and there and discourage swing trading.

4. Never had an issue with metamask, but I'm more than open to trying something more specific.

>> No.27602303 [View]

>the way I see it people get hurt more from losing a certain amount then they get happy from recieving, they will always prefer lower fees, doesnt matter how
Unironically this. Doesn't matter what shitstorebumfuck eschange you list it on (to anons that is) as long as there are low fees and easy navigation.
The only way to grab the normie audience is through listing on big exchanges. Or I guess having some ex ETH developer in their team.

>> No.27602777 [View]

> how exactly are you supposed to tie in xDAI to metamask?
it's a quite simple process


sure, but the first weeks will be uniswap only, like many projects. We'll do what we can to be listed there.
interesting opinion.

we reached 50 replies, thanks everyone.

>> No.27603086 [View]

This looks actually nice.

>> No.27603212 [View]

>we reached 50 replies, thanks everyone.

>> No.27603292 [View]

Q1: I don't have a strong opinion on this one, but gas fees suck hard with ETH2.0 a loooooong way off. Happy if xDai - your project could be the excuse I need to give it a try

Q2: probably yes, same as for Q1. Hodling a small bag of ADA for 4 years

Q3: Yes sounds great, as other anons said will depend on the wider tokenomics

Q4: Metamask best choice for adoption


If you can get an exchange listing will increase normie adoption / reduce cross chain swap hassle

gl OP!

>> No.27603333 [View]

okay, if you can tell me your honest opinion on using a L2 on metamask vs using Cardano & Yoroi extension? (provide address, I'll add you to the list)

>> No.27603627 [View]

> Q1: Building only on Ethereum is super costly for users right now. Would you use the dapp if built on xDai chain? It requires users to convert ERC20 DAI to xDai through the bridge. Do you think it will hurt adoption? ETH gas fees are so high, I'm affraid it requires either a L2 or another scalable L1.
I agree, gas fees are too high, even in the morning, the gas fee is ridiculous. I wouldn't mind converting though, if it's faster, then why not.

Q2: would you use the product if it was built on Cardano, Polkadot or other L1?
I'm optimistic about Cardano. Polkadot, not so.

Q3: would you enjoy a dividend-based staking mechanism, where you receive, at the end of each week, some dividend in DAI, from value generated on the platform, additionally with token staking rewards?
That would be a great sales pitch and I would want to have some.

Q4: we think offering a metamask-based access is critical to reach a broader audience. Do you agree? Would you use something else if the dapp requires it?
I've been using metamask this whole time, it's way easier.

My metamask eth address: 0x6F0618bDa287325788C978277E0eDd8B7A191FA0


>> No.27603769 [View]

Do you know when youre going to launch it anon? Im quite interested

>> No.27603787 [View]


Q1 : yes I would use it
Q2 : Yes as I am interested in those aswell
Q3 : Yes, I do like this system
Q4 : Would stuck to Metamask

>> No.27603812 [View]

1. Yes, xdai-chain is understandable.
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes


>> No.27603909 [View]

1. It will hurt adoption if the bridge isn't seamless
2. Possibly
3. Yes definitely
4. Agreed. Wallet connect is ok too.

>> No.27604100 [View]


>> No.27604550 [View]

>Q2: would you use the product if it was built on Cardano, Polkadot or other L1?
I honestly don't know much about crypto and don't really understand what this question means lol.
I appreciate the offer tho

>> No.27604707 [View]


>> No.27604717 [View]

Alright then, you've got me hooked, what's the token ticker?

>> No.27604758 [View]

post er es een reply met "

q1: Probably would consider using it but yes, it will hurt adoption.
q2: Polkadot seems promising, maybe..?
q3: Definitely.
q4: Definitely needed in the beginning, unless others start taking off.

>> No.27604878 [View]

yeah the gas fees suck especially for newbs/students/whatever who can't put a lot of money in, especially in a new coin. If you put in 200 EUR, almost 10-20% gets eaten by gas, that's ridiculous

>> No.27604898 [View]

Alright, since you're a newfag, I'll help you out a little.
Layer one tokens are tokens that other tokens can be created upon. They're like Ethereum, Polka, and Cardano. ERC20 tokens are Layer 2, where they float upon their token backing and function semi-dependently upon their layer one's.

>> No.27604955 [View]

in the coming weeks! Testnet is coming soon, ICO will follow. I'll make threads later and reference this thread for all of you, to be able to follow up.
Good to know.

>> No.27605114 [View]

token isn't out yet. Aidrop will happen when the token is live.

>> No.27605308 [View]


A1: Anything to take market share away from the bloated ETH network is a good thing. I don't think it will hurt adoption. we can make guides on what to do to get your coin anons will be able to figure it out.

A2: These platforms have nowhere to go but up. A quality product on one of the alternative chains will be very attractive

A3 : Sounds like a good incentive to drive adoption.

A4: no we can figure it out. metamask is ok but everyone associates it with the ridiculous gas fees. any alternative would be welcome at this point.

>> No.27605471 [View]

So your question is if I'd rather use something build on the ETH network, i.e. through MetaMask or on Polka/Cardano?

>> No.27605721 [View]


Cardano, you could even apply for a grant and get biz to support you.

>> No.27605743 [View]

yes, it's really about: would you be okay having to use new tools/coins/wallet extension or you would really prefer metamask, to keep habits?

>> No.27606299 [View]

I guess I can answer that: I would definitely prefer to use familiar tools, like metamask, over learning a bunch of new technologies. My guess is this goes for most people like me who are a bit into crypto but don't have a full understanding of how all the ecosystems work.


>> No.27606624 [View]

Q1 : I would not mind, ETH gas fees are so fucked rn anyway, if you have multiple interaction with the smart contract your DAP will be unusable IMO. Not sure we can count on ETH fundation to deliver either.

Q2 : Yes no objection to either ADA or DOT (personal preference for ADA tho). I think you can squeeze a better deal from them, they are desperately looking for killer-dapp

Q3 : Free money? I'm not big into staking but sure why not.

Q4 : Looks like metamask is the only game in town for the moment, would not mind using something else either, but not sure you can expect your user keeping up with 10 different wallets plugins

Wallet : 0x4c58eB194430624b4647afaA74aD9585A4F0f50D