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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27598928 [View]

We all agree we're in for a rocky few years at best. Nwo coin etc etc. Has anyone ever delved into the tarot maps of meaning? I finished reading Joseph's campbell mythology book, an Interesting read, the symbolism is thick in the dungeons and dragons books. Margaret Weis

>> No.27599018 [View]
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Who says every vaccine is loaded? The first people getting the vaccines are old people and frontline workers. You can't kill those. You also can't start giving people loaded vaccines straight away. They've also said one vaccine won't be enough, so they've left it open to people getting multiple shots. Give everyone a few rounds of placebo, then when the fence sitters trust it's safe, break out the poison, whatever it may be. They obviously have the ability to ensure certain people get the bad vaccine (probably everyone ITT and on 4chan in general). Gotta think like a Jew when it comes to these things.

>> No.27599250 [View]

you should look up the definition of eugenics before you post.

>> No.27599313 [View]

It's the same thing, scaled up.
Your response was emotional, not logical.

>> No.27599732 [View]

What part of being a "human" you don't understand? I'm perfectly aware of what you're trying to do, rationalize the culling of a population for a "greater purpose". Now, think about ancient civilizations, and their genocides. What has their genocide brought, today? Where are the ancient Romes, Greeks, Spartans, etc? Genocided, not publicly of course, periodically. And absolutely no evolution came of that, but a single victor controlling (The Red Shield owning the Catholic Vatican), have them, or they evolved? No, they live comfortable on their gold towers, not caring about anyone or anything but their immortality. And their lies of “for a greater purpose”, lies being told for two thousand years.
There is no evolution here, you and every other that thinks it's "redpilled" to cull a society for a "greater purpose" are either 1-ignorant high schooler that just read some Harry Potter tier book about human evolution or 2- those that are part of the machination of genocide. The biggest bluepill that there is, falling for the “evolution through cullin” meme, or that “it’s what humanity needs”
Rethink your decisions, and words. For what you, and the other anons wrote in here will be what you see on your tombstones. And you will be brought to ask for your crimes before.

>> No.27599804 [View]

yet, here you are seeing through their little game. that's what I meant by critical thinkers.

>> No.27599857 [View]

If I had a spare $2000, I would buy a flashlight,
put $1990 in it, shit on it, trow it all into the crapper, take a dump and fush it, and I would feel more wise then having buyed XRP, just saying...

>> No.27599897 [View]

If they really wanted to poison everyone, they could just put it in the food or water.

>> No.27599921 [View]


>> No.27599974 [View]
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>am I attracted to this person?

Men are now so deprived of sex and women are now in such a position of reproductive power that huge amounts of women that wouldn't have reproduced in a natural world now have access to men far above their level due to supply and demand problems, so men are breeding down. Also alcohol.

>shall I reproduce with this person?

Sex no longer comes with the assumption of reproduction. There are tons of women I'd fuck for a while but not reproduce with. This means that babies that wouldn't have been produced in a natural world are born because contraception fails

>oh no I'm pregnant - better book an abortion

Regardless of whether or not the child would be genetically successful. Most pregnancies are Stacys sleeping around with Chads on tinder, so a good chunk of the aborted babies would have been good genetics. Smart people with career prospects are also more likely to have an abortion than poor trailer trash who see babies as welfare magnets.

>oh no I've got a genetic abnormality and no-one wants to breed with me

See first point. People are also now materialistic and self centered. A baby to show off on instagram is more important that stopping the continuation of a bad genetic line. Eugenics is absolutely not being practiced every day, quite the opposite.



>> No.27599983 [View]

Are you a mere "human" or are you an intelligent consciousness with room to grow?

Your rant was pathetic.

>> No.27600031 [View]

you could at least come up with your own jokes

>> No.27600033 [View]

oh i fucking hope

>> No.27600129 [View]

They are, lol. Take a look at the West, people turned into inhuman masses of fat and sinews. Poisoned by sugars and processed foods. Fucking birth control in our water, along with pesticides like atrazine and flouride.

>> No.27600287 [View]
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>same thing, scaled up
>emotional, not logical
tfw you don't even know how stupid you are

>> No.27600325 [View]

should I buy XRP or wait for a dip? it looks like it already dipped.

>> No.27600444 [View]

Stupid niggers in these threads

>> No.27600499 [View]

>your rant was pathetic
Nice argument. Seems like it hit pretty hard there bud. Bluepilled to the max

>> No.27600515 [View]

Why do redditors always reach for fiction?

Fine. If I'm Spock, then in that universe I represent the advanced alien species that gave humanity a hand up in order reach the stars.

Work on your insults, at least.

Or better yet, work on real arguments.

>> No.27600601 [View]

buy now

you can always buy more if it dips some more later

>> No.27600609 [View]

"I know you are but what am I"

>> No.27600669 [View]

Wow a nwo plane with a Bill Gates logo flew over my head!
If only I'd spent more time preparing as an individual with obtaining skills tools comfort luxuries instead of arguing moot points on the internet

>> No.27600758 [View]

>word salad
unironically fuck up your suicide attempt tranny

>> No.27600764 [View]
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How close do you really think we all are?

>> No.27600788 [View]
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>Implying I'm not posting anti NWO posts in between sets


>> No.27600812 [View]

Incredible what the light can do to the darkness, even in a mere sugar cane virtual plantation.
To every other anon that sees it, this is how you do must do it. Be like Jesus.

>> No.27600855 [View]

Don't be mad, anon.

>> No.27601005 [View]

Just like your Marvel movies!

>> No.27601006 [View]

I'm distilling my water for exactly this reason
>inb4 muh minerals in the water

>> No.27601015 [View]

5 years til moon i can taste it anons

>> No.27601101 [View]

Probably see massive volume as gme/black swan increased hot metal action in world greenlight the payment rails. Probably see precious metals skyrocket in price. The deficit be talked about on MSM . Probably an airdrop for xlm once jed is done. Then a massive liquidity problem from the game stopping there'll be a few day pause then the entire dex will greenlight massive volumes for further stress test. The rich, middle, poor will be robbed. Then, price will sky rocket.

>> No.27601130 [View]

Jesus, I really did hit pretty hard, poor anon just broke itself into nonsense

>> No.27601197 [View]

You should buy XLM instead, look at XML graph and XRP graph:
XLM nice highs and lows, growing trend
XRP Pump and Dump scam, wasted money

>> No.27601207 [View]

I feel the same way.

>> No.27601317 [View]

The one world order has already happened. It's a done deal. Just enjoy what you can like the fire works

>> No.27601476 [View]
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most definitely in Act 3 of 3. who knows what point in Act 3 it is though.

>> No.27601537 [View]
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5 years is not much .. better than working for 25 more.

how long do you think that will take.. i feel like were a few days form a huge bubble pop.

>> No.27601582 [View]

I did a spicy poop and my asshole is burning

>> No.27601631 [View]

Do you fags know if others crypto like Chainlink, Eth, Bitcoin have also their insiders and riddlers on 4chan, plebbit and twitter ?

And if so, does XRP have the most ?

To my knowledge, only XRP has so much of a mystery aura around it

i know that Linkies have a supposed insider, "42", but seems like a low energy larper

>> No.27601968 [View]

I'm not sure, they're definitely dragging out the game to make a point. I saw someone mention the deficit for the first in a long time. The entire hyperinflation from the last year alone has pumped u the prices of everything especially tether. I think the tether suit will crash crypto after the stock debacle or on the same day. I think jpm has shorts at 15g for bitcoin. I don't know my friend. I hope its sooner rather than later. I'd like to purchase an acre and build a library/homeschool situation with work sheds for my neighbors kids. People need hope and purpose more than money.

>> No.27602284 [View]

I think the 08 housing short was 13 years ago with biden. They'll probably line it up exactly with that frame work bail out banks with trillions then greenlight the ripplenet

>> No.27602367 [View]

>I'd like to purchase an acre and build a library/homeschool situation with work sheds for my neighbors kids.
Nice gesture.
I think I'll do similar things too.
>People need hope and purpose more than money.
That, they do.

>> No.27602590 [View]
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Reminder that Ron Paul has the best homeschool system for kids

>> No.27602682 [View]
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Not for long.

>> No.27602839 [View]



>> No.27602870 [View]

why didn't i get algo all those times i thought about it when it was cheaper

>> No.27602985 [View]

We are still a couple monthes away. Plans are always, always delayed. Moves and counter moves. May or later

>> No.27603043 [View]

I have some, but I have more XLM than ALGO and that's frustrating right now.

>> No.27603063 [View]

Right. I think the "revolution" will come from generations raised on working by day reading by night cutting wood for fire to cook and heat with. I think the best way to combat Bnw/1984 marriage is those who can build, repair, and teach others. I've been finding the others and I have a good network of folks on a similar journey. I dont mention having xrp but if I picked up an extra acre and built a few community projects I dont think anyone would complain nor ask. I personally just mention I save every cent. Imo mums the word on ripple being paramount. I'd probably issue a library card on something like the xrpl to help fund more of these projects or to help folks like thomasSowell, Denzel Washington, jeffert Henderson find more platforms.

>> No.27603393 [View]

we live in a post-satirical age