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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27393875 [View]

You could not be more wrong. You have got to be underage. Theaters that went all in on selling alcohol and food beyond just candy and popcorn actually fucked themselves. It added the full overhead costs and regulations of a bar and restaurant on top of their already low profit margins, which come almost entirely from the snack sales. Ticket sales have not been what a theater makes money on in decades, they use that money merely to cover the costs of renting the films from Hollywood studios. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, how theaters operate, or how business in general works. Dear God, I hope no one here is listening to you for their financial decisions.

>> No.27394113 [View]

>pissed he lost money
I still don’t see the issue here

>> No.27394246 [View]

oh god man, lmaaao Rich from ReviewTechUSA was going all out on this.

Once a fat fuck always a fat fuck

>> No.27394771 [View]

thast not what makes him retarded, thinking anyone can predict a stock indefeinetely is what makes him retarded, gambling what he cant lose makes him retarded

>> No.27394806 [View]
File: 97 KB, 487x650, 1569820907882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't go to theaters to flex on the wagies and make them clean up messes

Never gonna make it

>> No.27395113 [View]
File: 142 KB, 1817x841, 1612207411171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're unironically retarded if you sell this legendary breakout

>> No.27395211 [View]

Just dumped my bb and Nokia once I made a profit. Dumped it into amc to lower my average share. Not got 21 shares around $14

Suck my cock hedgie I'm going to fuck your wife in front of your kids

>> No.27395853 [View]
File: 21 KB, 375x375, b9rJuXpm_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only reason AMC tabked last year was because of a once in a 100 years freak catastrophe. It wasn a bsuiness on the decline like fucming Gamestop you morons. Once the oandemic starts to go away theaters will slowly begin to recover and their value will begin to rise again.

GME is the dumbest inversion for holding since right as of now it is quite literally just being propped up by sheer will and memes. Theres nothing substancial to hold it up. Once we all get bored and start to sell our shares there will be nothing for gamestop to defend itself with.

You wanna be part of the memes? Cool hold all you want.

Do you have 2 or more neurons in your brain? Fucking sell now even if it is at a loss.Theres no other way gamestop is going than straight to the fucking ground.

>> No.27396030 [View]
File: 266 KB, 521x937, 1584632797330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's for you king

>> No.27396089 [View]

what happened in 2017?

>> No.27396222 [View]

That's literally all financial advice.

>> No.27396406 [View]

You only lose if you sell.

It will go back to $20 after GME is over. You fucks have money but no patience.

>> No.27396421 [View]

>Taking advice from biz

>> No.27396465 [View]

There is also a large amount of share dilution going on as AMC sells shares to pay off their debt.

>> No.27396657 [View]

covids not going anywhere either. vaccines won't magically make it to away

>> No.27396894 [View]
File: 139 KB, 1374x773, 1612203048493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try shlomo, hope you like poverty

I already set my Sell orders $500+

>> No.27396918 [View]

Why? There's no reason why it would

>> No.27397067 [View]

no one cares about cinema in the age of Netflix. AMC is dead unless they pivot into something else.

>> No.27397101 [View]
File: 36 KB, 720x765, 1610644971432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking financial advice from anonymous strangers

>> No.27397342 [View]

AMC was already below this level before covid restrictions were put into place. Why would it exceed pre-quarantine price after the pump and dump is over?

>> No.27397423 [View]

>I turned 80k into a million. You guys lied to me

>> No.27397678 [View]

People were shopping at Lowes just because they wanted something to do

>> No.27397701 [View]


Didn't they already do this on Wednesday?

A flatline around $14 with very little movement one way or another is strange.

>> No.27397705 [View]
File: 263 KB, 618x298, 1565728432377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those meme threads did nothing

>> No.27397787 [View]

Hedgies are paying their bills for them, and they will get a temp boost from Hollyjew blowing their load.

>> No.27397806 [View]

Don't buy with market orders. Always use limit orders so you can buy at your preferred price. And if I remembered right you should always buy when the marlet opens, never buy at closing time. So you can avoid buying high fren.

>> No.27397944 [View]

It's just the /biz/ way.


>> No.27398032 [View]

>Uses money he would miss
How is this anyone's fault but your own? Why would you put in THAT much if you didn't actually believe in it?

>> No.27398061 [View]

I absolutely love this board. I lost a lot of money over the last week buying everything that was shilled to me - GME, BB, AMC and even fucking XRP. All of the buys were at the peak and it all just came down. I am schizo now thank you

>> No.27399089 [View]

>dying business model
The reason why they make so many capeshit films is because it got nomies to go back to the theaters, Capshite is boring on your shitty sound bar and 55in TV, that shit is only good with gigantic sound systems.

>> No.27399120 [View]
File: 27 KB, 526x398, Dimond Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for the shill distraction to get your attention away from GME.

Silver is a scam too.

I have Dimond Hands

>> No.27399534 [View]

>why would I pay $30 to see capeshit in a theater with a mask on?

Imagine keeping your cuck muzzle on in a dark ass theater.

>> No.27399623 [View]

>There's no reason why it would
>Dumps 90k into it
Nice LARP faggot

>> No.27399931 [View]

The did this already- imagine the next earnings report, “ yea we deleted 6gorillion in debt”

>> No.27400158 [View]
File: 12 KB, 254x354, 546536857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on

>> No.27400219 [View]

tons of fat retarded third worlders are imported into america every day and they love taking their little goblins to the movies

>> No.27400319 [View]

Hedgies pulling desperate tricks

>> No.27400532 [View]


They're most likely gonna get the charges dropped here in the very near future. It will go back up, just leave in what you're comfortable forgetting about. Plus XRP general on here is called schizo general for a reason.

>> No.27400667 [View]


>> No.27400935 [View]

What's that a screenshot of?

>> No.27400941 [View]

13.46 to 14.27
Might but another dip tho ngl

>> No.27401129 [View]

>Loses 30%
>Cries about financially ruined
You still have the majority of your money left, quit moaning you faggot.

>> No.27401325 [View]

actual basement dweller detected

especially with capeshit , moviegoing was still such a popular pastime before COVID it was honestly baffling to me. R-rated Joker made a billion dollars at the box office, everyone saw that movie. Even sonic did well. If you think theatres were dead before this, you're actually retarded.

>> No.27401349 [View]
File: 40 KB, 374x374, 1482382325738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market sentiment vs price range, high demands with no sellers yet the stock value is fluctuating around $13 dollars, I'm a newbie retard but shouldn't demand cause a surge in price?

>> No.27401695 [View]

Someone on Reddit said that AMC is only shorted 20% and that it's going to tank? I got 70 shares up in this bitch, someone who knows what they're talking about tell me why AMC is gonna rip soon

>> No.27401748 [View]

I keep making all my money in rash emotion driven trading. Thanks /biz/

>> No.27401799 [View]
File: 253 KB, 562x340, silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is fake news

>> No.27401843 [View]

Movie theaters are doomed. Corona isn't going away, ever. It's a seasonal virus now. The only thing that might change this is the fluke mutations that might knock the current versions out. But that's not very likely. It's more likely that you can win back money lost on amc by selling cheap and investing everything in gme.

>> No.27402598 [View]

>once people are free to gather and socialize again
It might take years before the civilized world collapses into full out civil war and chaos. And then you will have the standard mass depression, starvation and struggle for survival before humanity can start to form civilized nations again. I don't think AMC or even the stock market will be around to see that happening.

>> No.27403389 [View]

apps are restricting the number of shares you can hold at any time. This prevents a large number of normies from investing