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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.20723950 [View]

They have already agreed on the value. XRP is a utility token, it's value derives from what they choose to do with it.

>> No.20723983 [View]
File: 330 KB, 372x519, 1590930982478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the feeling of 2k pales in comparison to the feeling of refusing the mark

>> No.20724024 [View]
File: 475 KB, 740x1095, xrpnectar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon it

>> No.20724031 [View]

I appreciate the response, the people I am talking to are aware of what the news say but don't really see the underlying issues which I am slowly trying to bring to light. I like to think I am at the mercy of Jesus, but sometimes I do not know how honest I am with myself; have you ever had this concern?

>> No.20724099 [View]

I promise I will use the majority of my gains to help humanity. I've had plans of when I make it to provide housing for the homeless made out of recycled material from the ocean. Thank you for your words

>> No.20724147 [View]

Anon your thoughts on the ongoing Corona virus? Will they mandate a vaccine for everyone? Will the vaccine be safe, if not what to do?

>> No.20724151 [View]
File: 109 KB, 960x960, 72786208_10217454169359167_40361023156256768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray for God to open their eyes. You have no idea how powerful prayer is, add to that consistent prayer over weeks, months, years? Believe me, praying to us seems like nothing, but in the spiritual world it is like parting the sea. Be in constant prayer. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

I pray that every single one of you gets saved, the OP has the gospel message and I will share it once more here.

To those of you who listened, congratulations.

I did not do riddles, I did not hide information from you, I told you everything you needed to know, not only about XRP but about the elite Luciferians of this world and of salvation.

>Matthew 10:27 - “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.”

Many of you will be tempted to believe you are responsible for your immense wealth, but you are not and neither am I. All glory goes to Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is a gift from Him, make sure you do not turn it into a curse.

>James 4:6 - But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

The message of Jesus Christ has always been escape from hell, a free gift from the grace of God. Take it, as you have taken the lesser gift of XRP and you will truly be free from death.

To those of you who did not listen, it was your pride and arrogance that blinded you. Do not repeat the same mistake with salvation as you have done with XRP.

The consequences are far worse, the gut wrenching feeling you feel right now is nothing compared to an eternity in hell. Do not allow yourself to become miserable from this experience.

>Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

>John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


>> No.20724193 [View]

Nobody is still holding XRP except retsrds down 90%

buy LEND

>> No.20724211 [View]

What the FUCK are you schizos rambling about. That being said I have a bag just because /x/ is an interesting place. If you like /x/, chances are you hold some XRP shitcoins too. God bless you loons.

>> No.20724216 [View]
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>> No.20724285 [View]

>already pushing back the September larp date

Lmao like clockwork

>> No.20724329 [View]

It is funny, the day I found out my brother was announcing he is expecting I saw two doves pass me on the road, we found out they were expecting twins. On the day the babies were born I had two black cats cross me on the road. The babies were premature and both got sick but survived. I have never told anyone the second part and I have not been able to forget either instances.

>> No.20724417 [View]

it was never september it was always it could be september or plans push back lol

>> No.20724546 [View]

>a 20 cent coin going to 2000 dollars in less than six months
That is what, 10,000 fold? No asset has ever exploded like that in history. Completely absurd claim no matter what happens with the government. I hold 1400 tokens I bought for almost nothing, are you seriously telling me I can be a millionaire in a couple months?

>> No.20724596 [View]

so it also might be 2021 or 22 or 2046

plans change

>> No.20724616 [View]

no its 100% this year

>> No.20724668 [View]

it also was 100% EOY 2018, five different dates in 2019 and it was supposed to be CNY 2020 and then May 2020, latest date pushed was July 21st.

Every single one of those days was also 100%. Only to be "explained" afterwards that it actually wasn't but still was 100% correct

I'm already looking forward to the next "explanation"

>> No.20724729 [View]

I'm gonna believe you, only christians have the right to make it.

>> No.20724755 [View]
File: 145 KB, 946x2048, xrpmasterace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the previous price predictions were retards reading a riddle of 589 wrong the price was never meant to be $589. This year most the shit that was said is coming true and is happening.

>> No.20724763 [View]

I may not know you personally, but thanks for the prayers.

>> No.20724788 [View]


>> No.20724881 [View]

Please just neck yourself for the greater good. Your parents are worried about you. You're not the same when you're LARPing so hard.

>> No.20725026 [View]

Yeah I bet you dont say the same thing in your shit link threads

>> No.20725033 [View]

>Average man must be aware of satanists so Luciferians can prosper.
What the hell does this mean?

>> No.20725037 [View]

Persecution is coming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyIt8uTbfbk

>> No.20725067 [View]

I "know" of this anon, he is on the mark with alot of the research into XRP, but he also uses these threads as a platform to spread his religious nonsense. I dont get it.

>> No.20725170 [View]

Magic is real and so is God

>> No.20725283 [View]

Yes God is real but God is bigger than the Bible
Yikes if you repeat the same nonsense that he says like an NPC robot

>> No.20725290 [View]

Thank you for coming here and spreading the words of Jesus. I left this thread because I started to watch the documentary yous sent. Thank you for sending it!

>> No.20725369 [View]

Can one of you schizos reply to me so I can at least fantasize about being a millionaire?

>> No.20725515 [View]

MY understanding is that XRP will stabilize at a mostly fixed price because it will have to by design. These xrp tokens will be used as tools, they will have a utility to replace work force in the banks and each bank will have to have a certain amount of these tokens to handle their average amount of transactions that they used to have. The Xrp ledgers will be used through Ripple and Polysign to secure these transactions. Ripple will be used as a independent contractor if you will. Polysign will essentially replace SWIFT and offer expanded services that will bring together different forms of liquidation for assets. See Ops pic but also use your imagination. The XRP ledger will have a fixed price so that it doesnt change much as these assets are being exchanged (which will happen in seconds). But the reason the price of XRP will go up because of the massive need for these ledgers in all the worlds banking systems. They will have to keep these ledgers for when they use them. So what happens when they become needed? because XRP will eventually have a fixed amount, then the price of these ledgers will go up because of scarcity. I could be totally retarded, but so far that is what ive gathered. Im more than happy to talka bout whether or not what I just said was completely retarded.

>> No.20725631 [View]

>when you see XRP be at 2000 USD, you will feel emptier than you did before
Yeah right

>> No.20725729 [View]

I kind of think I will too desu
All this money and the world is collapsing

>> No.20725734 [View]

Can you share what your portfolio looks like?

>> No.20725743 [View]

well realistically we know its not going to 2,000

>> No.20725873 [View]

Isn't this whole thread about $2k xrp?

Money in itself is not a curse. It's you who determine good or evil.
With that kind of money I'd get some gifts for my parents/brother, buy a house, start a family and invest the rest. Maybe donate some.
I'd wear the exact same clothes, eat the same food and live the same lifestyle.
Doesn't sound depressing to me.

>> No.20725923 [View]

Now see I've heard of similar ideas before but with other tokens. What makes XRP so unique in particular? Why not something else?

>> No.20725991 [View]

Nice snake oil

>> No.20726012 [View]

The difference is that Ripple has massive connections that no other blockchain based company has, you can see it on their website, it’s clear as day and thinking that they won’t use XRP is very cacabrained

>> No.20726014 [View]

All the connections to government officials. As well as the execs at ripple and polysign having tremendous respect in the industry and are generally regarded as professionals. At polysign you have

Tim Keaney
Vice Chairman
Retired Vice Chairman of BNY Mellon, Head of Asset Processing & Global Markets.

And David Schwartz who was a former member of the NSA and some have said (I have not proof) that he was apart of the first team that worked on Bitcoin.

Also, You have the interesting case of Judy Shelton who has liked "XRP the standard" and essetianlly is calling for the return to the gold stadard with cryptocurrency function, she said "A back to the future" with the gold standard. She was just nominated by the federal reserve committee to go before congress to be approved to the federal reserve. she was recommended by Trump.

>> No.20726029 [View]

Oh thank you baba cuck

Already signed and agreed



>> No.20726066 [View]
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Also one of the former members of Ripple is now working for the federal reserve shes the tiny Asian in the middle right

>> No.20726138 [View]

What's your XRP stack look like?

>> No.20726189 [View]

Just a modest 10k. If it really will explode like I hope/think it will then I wont need much more than that to pay off my business start up bills and live a happy life.

>> No.20726192 [View]

The evidence of shwartz is in the bitcoin logs from back in 2010

>> No.20726291 [View]
File: 758 KB, 890x667, xrpticketjuly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to moon. who has their golden ticket?

>> No.20726326 [View]
File: 982 KB, 696x488, xrplink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sui stack is 25k xrp. it was 650 link when i swapped the otehr day

>> No.20726335 [View]

Not yet, there’s much to go through, expect a speculative run before adoption though
I’ll be frog posting here mean while to point out the happenings. Next meme date is August, the lawsuit will be thrown out the window

>> No.20726335,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

what's next help us help us

>> No.20726335,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Oh! And there's one more thing I forgot to say! FUCK YOU XRP NIGGER HOLDERS HAHAHA!