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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.1228301 [View]

AWE.... im sorry sweetie!
did ur mommy and daddy tell you that one day you would cross paths with A REAL LIFE princeton graduate and that he would be glowing and enthusiastic and want to be your friend?
sorry poor boy but i probably wouldnt want to be ur friend...
you think that in order to get into princeton you have to act all pc snooty and scholarly..
but really all u need is alot of brains and signs of a personality...
we arent any more mature than u or ur loser friends anon
we are just worlds more capable
but believe what you want...
listen to ur ego

>> No.1228306 [View]


all I can say is you fucked up if you can't make use of your Princeton degree. The whole point of it is the networking with the upper crust and the prestige of going to Princeton. Not "muh knowledge you can find on wikipedia".

Of course you'd know that if you went there

>> No.1228384 [View]

lol this must be what its like for people with 2.5 gpa's

>> No.1228541 [View]
File: 6 KB, 225x225, yeyeyeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dweeb that has made this hierarchy is so fucked in the head.. tell me the difference between statistics and finance actuarial mathematics when compared to Accounting? Obviously some nerd that has been raped by student loans trying to get a triple degree wants to show off.

>> No.1228772 [View]

Mike burry went to ucla undergrad.
Most of my classmates at ptown were overachieving library whores who spent 5 hrs a night studying in hs.
I actually didnt open a math or sci textbook from 7-12th grade. And i still got in.
The fact that it astounds u a princeton graduate would be on 4chins just shows you have a low opinion of people who crave politically incorrect free speech, and that reflects HORRIBLY on your intelligence. The people at princeton who you obviously masterbate to the thought of, bidaily, wouldnt even be able to make friends with the wall streeters who themselves were to dumb to see the crash coming. Thats how far down the chain u are

>> No.1228775 [View]

Inv4 "too"

>> No.1228779 [View]

Inb4 inv4

>> No.1228789 [View]

Hey guys.

I just graduated Jackson State university with a masters in African American History.

With an advanced degree, I should be entitled to at least 70-80k a year starting.

But all the jobs I've been applying to have rejected me and the only ones that have offered interviews are like fast food work and movie theater crew...

If I was white, I'd be rolling in a 100k job right now. Fuck this racist country.

>> No.1228793 [View]

i-is this what autism looks like?

>> No.1228827 [View]

>Major in what your passionate about

no this sentence is everything wrong with millenials. its silly to expect a teenager to have a passion for the pigeonholes that college provides.

1) the student is not old enough to have experienced any of the subjects in detail

2) college work is not meant to be fun so any passions that do exist would be challenged instead of nurtured

Instead the student should major in something that will allow them to have the lifestyle they want. "lifestyle" means the things that the person ACTUALLY enjoys (passion) but couldnt get paid to do (video games, sex, eating great food etc,). Training to accomplish hard tasks regularly and efficiently is the most important thing in college.

>> No.1228833 [View]

Can someone tell me why marketing is just meh? I may be a bit biased since I study it, but isn't it almost as important as the product/service you are selling? I mean you could have the best product, if you don't promote it right people won't buy it. Of course there are exceptions, but still. Also marketing managers earn like 100k.

>> No.1228835 [View]

>Major in what your passionate about.

I majored in African American History and now I have a job at Arby's and $85,000 in debt.

But at least I'm passionate about what I studied!

>> No.1228884 [View]


OK well your one example is a dude who went to med school. obviously your undergrad is irrelevant if you go to med school. also why are u creating random stories about me? seems like you're the same as those "library whores", completely detached from reality

>> No.1228902 [View]

Comp Eng is almost entirely about hardware and is basically a specialized electrical engineer. It's better to go either computer science or electrical engineering. There's a reason the top universities (in UK anyway eg. Oxford, Imperial etc) don't do comp eng degrees. Additionally comp eng earns less on average and is less employable than comp sci.

>> No.1228910 [View]

I didnt go to med school. Just chipl tho with the idea that no smart ppl hang out here. i wouldnt be surprised if there were hundreds of ivy grads swimming around in the chans

>> No.1228928 [View]


What's funny is no one said "there are no smart people on chan". That dude just started refuting it.

>> No.1229186 [View]

what would be a best mayor if i am interest in economics and engineering

>> No.1229203 [View]

There are many types of engineering. Do you have a preference or do you just care about money?

>> No.1229206 [View]

Do you mean minor in CS or Graphic Design or Web Design? Can you specify to your admissions that you are just interested in learning web programming HTML/CSS/XML type stuff and not C# stuff? That sounds p cool if so.

>> No.1229212 [View]
File: 35 KB, 500x594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was going to be a comp eng major but switched to comp sci at the very last minute

>> No.1229217 [View]

>ering. Do you have a preference or do you just care about money?
i like figuring out how things work and solving problems doesnt really matter as long as i get to do that

>> No.1229245 [View]

You are really negative about the time/money but do you consider that there are few actual literal skills anymore? Like, yeah of course, DUH computers and robots are going to take over the world.

Us fleshheaps are going to be mercifully jacked into The Matrix and allowed to die off relatively painlessly so robots can take over.

Almost everything can be replaced, computers will program themselves and propagate. CS field destroyed. Androids will learn self repair, Engineering field destroyed. Google replaces libraries & VR replaces museums. Anthropology Robots will discover that all of his happened before... just before we get Matrixed lmao.

What is left? Humans taking care of humans. The care that only human beings can provide. I am not just talking about making a surgery/suture bot but actually going through all the steps. No matter what, nobody subconsciously believes the robot cares for him/her.

All of that book knowledge could probably be uploaded into the brain by a bionics though but still in the end its a irreplaceable skill to know how to restore, repair the body and comfort the weak, infirm, and sick.

Its something only they can do and are allowed to do. To achieve being a doctor is just about the only few future proof jobs that exist and ultimate job flexibility and security. That is increasingly more special.

I think I agree that people are beginning to think training until 30-35 is getting retarded though and that computers/bionics/google glass type shit and using those devices should replace book learning.

All doctors should be easily able to pick up how to read the various computers that give diagnosis and won't cause their lives to be an utter waste though, any more than computers diagnosing cars didn't ruin mechanic profession.

>> No.1229458 [View]

Aerospace is 40 years behind automotive when it comes to manufacturing and is hugely different. We work in job operations, rarely batch, and never continuous. I've come across one or two people that made the switch. They find that the work really grinds down because every last little thing, down to the last rivet, needs to be documented and controlled.

Which is incredibly difficult when you consider that a single aircraft consists of about 2 million parts

>> No.1229484 [View]

CS isn't just programming. Additionally you don't need CS if you are just going to be a codemonkey.

>> No.1229506 [View]

Ayy are you in Toronto by any chance? wanna hire me? I'm in Michigan because I couldn't find a job in Toronto. I fucking hate Michigan and want to move back to Toronto.

>> No.1229521 [View]

Finance major here

I finished at a US university but through some fucked up circumstances I ended up in Eastern Europe.

Currently I'm trying to do my best to earn 550 euros a month (saving ~150 euros a month) but it's taking far too long. I don't have any debts to pay (thank fuck for that) but it's taking far too long. I don't want to go back to US so I was planning to go to UK, but in UK they need all sorts of certifications barely anyone heard of.

Any advice

>> No.1229544 [View]

>All these people falling for the college degree well give you a higher income.

It doesn't matter what you major into, what matter is the following.

1. How difficult is it to find a entry level job or internship i.
2. Is there job growth in your profession ?
3. Have you built connections in your industry?
4. Does the field offset the cost for higher education?
5. How competitive is your field's job market, and is it stable?

You can major in a good field, but it doesn't matter if your completing with H1B1 visas.

>> No.1229552 [View]

I'm a Computer Science new grad and I'm making 90k in LA.
If you can ace interviews 90k+ is pretty common as CS.

>> No.1229555 [View]

What is the most profitable and stable major? My whole life I've been interested in pursuing art. I still am interested in it as a career, but art school is clearly a huge waste of money. I'm interested in pursing a practical degree while doing art on the side. Any advice?

>> No.1229662 [View]

t. i think 4chan = more than .01% of societies opinions

>> No.1229683 [View]

I'm starting business studies in September, I doubt I'm smart enough for finance or econ

>> No.1229706 [View]

Take extracurricular or courses for art stuff. Get a real degree

t. Art major dropout, it fucking sucks and it is filled with degeneracy

>> No.1229711 [View]

Yeah I'm pretty commited on avoiding art majors. I'm from NYC, and went to an art high school. So many classmates went to SVA to pursue cartooning majors without a second thought despite the ridiculous amounts of debt they would incur.

>> No.1229722 [View]

Which art(s) are you main interest though? NYC is artsy fartsy center so I don't think you'd benefit larger from getting an art degree, as it is a lot easier to just go to places like greenwich.

Besides, it works a lot better as just a hobby. Let's say you love painting and you're a plastic arts major, there is an exposition of this artist you really like. Bam, can't afford it due to debt. If you're a biz/finance/accounting major however and have a job, you won't have to worry about the money

>> No.1229753 [View]

I'm pretty decent at drawing though I still need a lot of practice. Mainly interested in creating comics. From what I hear it's better to try and get recognition from original works published independently or online and become someone sought after, rather than getting a degree and working your way up through Marvel or DC. Would be fine as any kind of illustrator or concept artist too though. I know of a few sketch nights and programs that are much more affordable than college, and I'm sure there are a shit ton of programs I don't know about as well. Currently got a decent idea for a story that I'm working on in my free time. Figure at best it'll either be the start of something larger and at worst a rewarding hobby.

Curious about how I could take advantage of the artsy fartsy types though. I feel like there's gotta be some way to exploit all that shit. Lots of ignorant rich kids and stupid modern art galleries. I got a decent paying job but with the rent constantly rising, I'm not moving out anytime soon unless I step it up. That's why I want to start studying for something more practical.

>> No.1229763 [View]

Finance/accounting are here forever

>> No.1229766 [View]

This is the most correct answer.

>> No.1229780 [View]

I want to either Major in Economics or Computer Science.

However, I am good at math when you put it into simple equations, but I would like as little math as possible.

Which should I choose?
What kind of job could I get?
I am new to /biz/ so don't be too harsh.

>> No.1229786 [View]

Is there a lot of complex math in those fields, or is it mostly just equations?
I am interested in economics as a whole.

>> No.1229789 [View]

For econ you don't need to know anything beyond calculus, and then it's only plug and chug. For comp sci, math is somewhat crucial especially early on with loops and shit.

>Which should I choose?
Choose econ if you are in the US.
>What kind of job could I get?
Any office job.

>> No.1229790 [View]

You don't need to know anything beyond calculus, however having a strong math background is a huge plus especially if you are going into investments and market research.

>> No.1229791 [View]

Upper level Computer Science is mostly math.
Upper level Economics is mostly math.

By the way, college level math is WAY harder than high school level math.

Choose Accounting if you can get into a top 10 school for the major. You need to keep GPA high and get into the Big 4, or else you'll be fucked working 60+ hours a week for a 40K salary.

>> No.1229795 [View]

>>Which should I choose?
>Choose econ if you are in the US.
Why specifically for the US?

>> No.1229798 [View]
File: 51 KB, 667x621, compsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for nothing but everyone is running around here like Comp Sci/Engineering is a dead career. I hear nothing but the opposite from people in that industry, working as an intern already. The success rate of finding ANY job in finance is subpar at best and I rarely find anyone who doesn't want to off themselves by 40 working as analysts.

>> No.1230069 [View]

>Why specifically for the US?
Are you seriously asking me why it's a good idea to study economics if you are living in the largest and strongest world economy that has ever existed?

>> No.1230072 [View]

Finance major here

I hated math in high school because it was mostly bullshit (only 1/4 was calculus, rest was geometrical reasoning and spatial math) and once I went in uni, the math courses were a godsend.

>missing out mandatory internships/work experience

It does way more now than graduating with a high GPA, a lot of people I know who were more concerned about vacations spent overseas completely bombed their chances at working after university because they have no job experience acquired during their time in uni.

By the time you are out of uni, you need at least 3 months work experience if you're doing your Associate's, 6 months if you're doing your degree. The more the better desu.

>> No.1230080 [View]

>I hear nothing but the opposite from people in that industry
It's called being in denial.

>> No.1230084 [View]

yeah nah I'd definitely do a PhD. Some people want to play football, I want to invent and innovate technology. But all right, maybe the differences between engineering and applied phys starts to fade at the PhD level, makes sense when I think about it. I'll keep looking into it, but anyways cheersfam

>> No.1230101 [View]

btw OP here, I've heard a lot of good things about CS + mathematical modelling, a combination most people aren't good at because advanced level math is really hard for most people (so basically hard to outsource). A friend told me about a guy he knows who got a master's in comp sci and then went on to get a PhD in applied mathematics and apparently this guy makes fucking bank working working some finance job.

Can anyone confirm? Does this sound reasonable? It's what I heard anyways but yeah

>> No.1230101,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

fuck you and political science