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>> No.56986363 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, 1576406205602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey scrapfren!
>The black goo honestly just looks like really thick Silver Sulfide
Really? My apologies to the anon then, i didn't knew it could be this thick. Also the lack of homogeneous dissemination (only quartered to a fraction of the surface), led me to believe it couldn't be tarnish. Previous partial cleaning maybe?
Did you often came across this kind of tarnishing pattern on old coins?

>> No.56569123 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, 1576406205602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me think pressing multiples times the "0" key on your computer as a bankster is a bit easier than mining in space, just sayin'.
In one case you simply transfert existing wealth and goods, in the other you have to create it.

>> No.56503596 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, IMG_7118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, im rolling for mine too.
When i get my paycheck ill finally buy into link (assuming its below 10$)

Hahaha well said anon, im glad to still see such events happening, my gratitude for hosting this

>> No.56441070 [View]
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Seems like it, yes. Everything check out for the 4 reales coins.
Still couldn't find any info about the Manuel Barillas gold coins though...

>> No.55321826 [View]
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Would you guys consider lightly cleaning the two 5F coins on the bottom row >>55321242 here?
I plan to sell them to pay up for a portion of the lot, and i wonder if it would make them a bit more appealing if i did some baking soda/aluminum and acetone magic?

I know patina can be a good thing, but here it's a bit much, looks like it was baked in shit.. The Emmanuele II just above is how i love aging silver to looks like. Am i 'tarded?

>> No.25152067 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, 1576406205602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, i've really mixed feeling about JPM... In one hand i'm happy their constant manipulation allow me to buy cheapies, on the other hand they seem to never give up the goddamn thing. It have been over a fucking decade they inherited the lehman's silver short position, let it go ffs!
Why don't they leave silver free is beyond me.

At first i thought it was simply to cheap accoomulate, corner the market then dump it once it would reach an interesting price. But after 10 years of stacking over 350M physical ounces, they prefered to let go over half their physical position at a ridiculously low price (after the march dip) to fulfil only 3 months of COMEX delivery instead of letting the COMEX defaulting and make an absolute killing afterward.

I also thought they could have been hoarding on behalf of another entity, namely the US treasury, in case of a partial restauration of a silver standard to compete with the gold yuan/ruble. But it's not that either since, once again, they comex'd away 180M oz.

Then i thought they could perma-short it to serve the interests of the industrial sector, who love cheap silver, but it doesn't really make sense...

Really i don't see it. Why would JPM spend so much energy and money to permashort silver and hold hundreds of millions oz for 10 years (imagine the storage costs...) to then sell it at the absolute bottom. Nothing make sense. One could say it's just push the normies to stay far away from silver as a store of value for their savings, and to give them the impression that returning to a precious metal backed currency is impossible, but really it sound far fetched when the usual fud propaganda on talmudivision would do the trick..
I'm clueless really.

>> No.17522254 [View]
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This is the mentality. A few bux wont change anything once the great silver mooning happen. It just suck because we could have purchased a lil more silver with lower prices, but that's it. It's like complaining you purchased your BTC for $20 instead of 17, the end result is still you winning big time later on.
There are so many reasons to be bullish with silver. Between the chinese and russian central banks stacking, JP morgan hoarding it like crazy, the insane gold:silver ratio, the many industrial uses in new techs and big pharma, the unique properties of the metal, the ridiculous COMEX manipulation via futures & ETF, the rarity of the metal in earth crust, the lack of confidence in the current fiat system, the constant QEs pushing everybody out of holding cash and forcing investing in assets...

But at the same time... a little voice in my head tells me :
>"listen fren, if silver is so cheap now, it's because energy is cheap. Silver is nothing more than the cost of it's extraction, the cheaper the energy, the cheaper silver will get. If energy become expensive, you win, but if cheaper alternatives are found, or some tesla-tier technology of infinite energy is discovered.. you are fucked big time".

>> No.16565957 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, 1575954922651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked out, went for a walk and read 10 pages of "The Fall of Empires". My pledge for 2020 is going to be to read one book each month, figured I might as well start this month. If anyone has a great book that they feel I should read, please let me know.

>> No.16542112 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, 1575954922651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.16516340 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1386x1008, confused apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>unemployed for several months
>working on a video game
>not using a decent chunk of my extra time efficiently for it (eg. play video games or browse 4chan excessively instead of setting at least a few hours to focus on it)
>decide I better get a job as it's progressing slowly and then use a bit of the extra free time after work to work on it
>at least i will make money that way
>first time i went to an interview and got back my dad was disappointed
>he may have unrealistic expectations about my game
>few months pass
>fill out a job app for a place that only takes paper applications
>take the job app there, plus do other stuff, and eventually get back home
>dad thinks I went to go do something regarding my game
>probably cause I'm a shut in and rarely go out (besides going out around the house or going on a run)
>finds out later that i went to turn in a job app
>not sure how he found out
>disappointed that im wasting my time applying for a job

I wouldn't be able to stomach staying a neet at my parents expense for another 1.5 to 2 years (neet for about 6 months already) and my game ends up getting paltry sales. The absolute humiliation I will feel if they ask in such a scenario, it will be obvious as im sure I'll turn bright red or fumble my words.

What am I supposed to do!?

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