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>> No.58768544 [View]
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Reminder that these niggers are here for the singular purpose of sliding this thread with complaints about discussion of the other stock. This has the effect of preventing discussion of both stocks while building fatigue on this topic for genuine GME holders.

They will never discuss the details in earnest. Sneed them.

>> No.58686236 [View]
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Checked and I don't want to meet anyone pilled. Give me my money and let me fuck off someplace quiet.

>> No.58608610 [View]
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Yeah they are shitting their pants hard because DFV's calls can rape them at any moment

>> No.58165632 [View]
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>all the million dollar ideas are too fucking complicated to execute unless you're an autistic savant
>starting your own company in general is a huge risk and requires insane amounts of time devoted to it
>only option is to gamble on coins or work at a fagman for big bucks
>if you dont do that, a middle class life or worse awaits

Why does it seem so hopeless for the regular man? I feel so defeated knowing that generational wealth is all about luck. Am I doomed to be a white collar slave?

>> No.58068264 [View]
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This is just a small correction, we're gonna be back to 70k soon, cope and sneed kek, I won't sell shit, not even my super

>> No.58044091 [View]
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You want Moksha.. liberation. Your karma also just leads you to a "safer civilization" which is nice, but also just a comfier prison. The goal is Moksha. Always has been. Recognize the Self, remove the Thinker from the Thought, and identify with the former, realize the eternal awareness, the watcher in the soul, that is you, that is I. Meditate on the space between your eyebrows, Kumkum powder can help stimulate that area as its a soft pasty spice (why the Yogis do it), that's where the Watcher in the Soul opens its eye. That's where YOU open your eye. See first, then you can know the map.

>> No.57827712 [View]
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Ken Griffin is a dastard and a scoundrel

>> No.57187854 [View]
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Alright, thanks. I bought in already so might as well go with it

>> No.56869203 [View]
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Debt securities and equity securities are both securities, my brother in bag holding.

The warrant prospectus is File No: 333-267173 which you can read here:


It's not spin. You're being a retard.

File No: 333-267920 referenced by >>56868085

>We are making offers (the “Exchange Offers”) to exchange our 3.749% Senior Notes due 2024 (the “2024 Notes”), our 4.915% Senior Notes due 2034 (the “2034 Notes”), our 5.165% Senior Notes due 2044 (the “2044 Notes” and, together with the 2024 Notes and the 2034 Notes, the “Old Notes”) for new 3.693% Senior Second Lien Secured Non-Convertible Notes due 2027 (the “New Second Lien Non-Convertible Notes”), new 8.821% Senior Second Lien Secured Convertible Notes due 2027 (the “New Second Lien Convertible Notes”) and new 12.000% Senior Third Lien Secured Convertible Notes due 2029 (the “New Third Lien Convertible Notes” or the “New Third Lien Secured Notes” and, together with the New Second Lien Non-Convertible Notes and the New Second Lien Convertible Notes, the “New Secured Notes”). Holders of the 2024 Notes will have the option to exchange their 2024 Notes for New Second Lien Non-Convertible Notes, or New Second Lien Convertible Notes. Holders of the 2034 Notes and the 2044 Notes will have the option to exchange their 2034 Notes and 2044 Notes for New Third Lien Convertible Notes.

>> No.56080924 [View]
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Some days I think about burying my shares in the woods and trying to live off the land like my ancestors.

>> No.55280128 [View]
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a small group of people is in charge, even for BTC and ETH.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.55225198 [View]
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I've earned nothing thanks to this fucking board, besides headaches and depression kek, I ain't taking advices from any of you anymore, I'm only going by myself kek, and that's exactly what I'm doing with Nilo

>> No.55125434 [View]
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The question is when.

>> No.54899377 [View]
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A checking, saving, emergency fund? Is that sufficient for money management?

>> No.54888871 [View]
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Hi, I hope I'm not late

>> No.54761574 [View]
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Jesus fucking KEK, I can't believe you really trusted these idiots, but can't blame you tho, something like that almost happened to me with Nilo, gladly I had the chance to research it a little before getting home

>> No.53964109 [View]
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stay a while and listen

>> No.53567797 [View]
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It's obvious now ballooning warfare is the next big thing. Which companies produce military specced balloons?

>> No.53424071 [View]
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>> No.53409548 [View]
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Everyone was cheering for the SEC when they went after ripple and XRP. Only now are people realizing the reality of the situation if ripple loses. Everything will be a security outside of BTC. Prove me wrong, pro tip you can't.

>> No.53250719 [View]
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>wanted to get in on BBBY
>realised that's just greed and greed is the worst investment strategy
Instead placed 1k in poo 1k in horse and 2k in western magnesium since I still believe Mg is criminally overlooked by everyone (steel production, lightweight alloys, limited amount of suppliers).
Have a nice day, frens.

>> No.53094065 [View]
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we'll get there bud. we'll get there

>> No.53059542 [View]
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>> No.53057794 [View]
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