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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.14512358 [View]
File: 87 KB, 652x522, sadshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit, the FUD and dump got me. I lost 15% of my stack. But I've solidified my understanding of CL and the strong backing it has. I won't shake again.

>> No.690974 [View]
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>be me
>be 18
>tried making money by investing small amounts since 16yo
>try to earn tiny amounts of extra money just for self satisfaction and... well you know money.
>get presented with amazing sounding investment, its a pyramid MLM. I lose £400
>start giving money to old friend from school who sells weed, make £70. then his world turns to shit because of that business being all gangster and shit and I leave him alone because he's scared and stressed, havent spoken since. lose £200
>start up a candle company and start selling them in a family members business. I realize candles are an over saturated and under priced market full of surprisingly good candles that fuck my amateur candles up. Lost approx £150
>set up forex account, learn forex, open practice account, imready.jpeg, market turns hella volatile suddenly, "welp, I've committed now" I pay for the course, I pay for the monthly advice and the fees. costs me about £600, wipe out my account £1000 gone, back in the game shit is going well, lost £300 about 4 hours ago back and forth and back and forth :(

I'm not going to give up on forex, I might give up on my candle idea, not sure yet... i have a job and earn good money and will probably start getting rich when I open a business which by the way things appear will be about 2 or 3 years from now. but until then all i fucking want is a way to say "I MADE THIS MONEY, NOBODY PAID ME, I MADE IT!" goddamn just like £50 a week for god sake... :(

>mfw trying to be above average wealth is the hardest most testing thing I've ever tried.
>mfw i realize it takes years of trial and error to get rich
>mfw all I want is an extra bit of money and I just cant do it and have to rely on my wages

this is what successful people do, they try and they dont give up. And I wont give up on my dreams guys because one day I will achieve what I want to. I've learnt a lot especially that I never do enough research, i'm working on it.

So tell me /biz/... Does this shit get any easier?

>> No.687918 [View]
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Biz, i have come to the conclusion that if anybody ever asks to borrow money off you, the majority of the time you wont get it back. I'm done with lending people money. fuck it, never fucking again I don't give enough of a shit anymore about these fucking vultures in my life. any of you guys ever been fucked over lending people money? because for me, enough is fucking enough! *angrily cries*

>> No.629892 [View]
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> be me at 16
> close friend at school
>says he's going to drop out to become a hairdresser
>we stay in touch over the years
>this guy constantly gets spoken badly behind his back for choosing to be a hairdresser I joined in sometimes which I regret
>I concentrate on studies
>2 years later
>i get a levels
>meanwhile my friend gets a job down in london after two years of working in his hometown
>we talk on facebook
>he makes £10 an hour at 18 in london
>earns average of £10 tips a day
>boss tells him that soon he'll get paid more
>meanwhile i'm spending £1000 to go to thailand for 8 weeks
>he may not be earning tonnes but thats still money which will be a long time for me to get with the decisions i've made
>i say to my self "it doesnt matter i'll earn waay more than him in the future"
>get back home
>go to uni
>speak to friend
>we're both 19 now
>he's earning £15 per hour as a hairdresser at 19.
>tells me he wants to open his own salon
>go back to uni for a year
>baarely talk
>on facebook i see he's won a hairdressing competition and is in hairdressing magazines
>message him to say well done
> he says thanks, but he's clearly had enough of working for someone else
>month later i'm in london with family, I see him in the salon he works in its £35 for a haircut.
>I wait for him to finish work
>he cuts my hair at his flat
>best hair cut of my life
>we go for a drink at a bar he tells me he has a meeting with a bank for a business loan
>i go back home and we chat on facebook here and there
> I finish university with a second class degree in history
> look for job
> cant get one
>£50k worth of debt
>3 months no job
>get a job at costa
>i go on facebook (didnt go on for ages because i deleted it for a while).

>> No.621258 [View]
File: 87 KB, 652x522, mfw sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing wrong with network marketing is the lack of faith people have in it. that's it. MLMs are perfect business models but they're are too many shills, so people lose faith who have already invested and then what the shills say becomes reality...

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