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>> No.52954695 [View]
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This is how you get wacked.

And then take half your HEX. Prostitutes don't need to see your wallet.

>> No.50061055 [View]
File: 9 KB, 320x320, photo_2021-01-08_12-31-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28675034 [View]
File: 9 KB, 320x320, hex1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRT reg? How old are you? you know TRT is a FOR life thing right? Anavar is weak at best and is usually for beginner lifters. Anavar is weak AF steroid and effects your liver heavily. Injecting Testosterone is literally a lot more healthy on your body then actually taking an aniva pill. Don't be a pussy. Answer these questions and I will actually give you answers back.

>> No.28673574 [View]
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Sex life. Asian girlfriend is passed out drunk AF in bed behind me. She is actually rich but I have done well in investments in the last few years. She bought a $2,000 St Leron? Purse today or w/e the fuck you spell it. Can post pic.

>> No.26375740 [View]
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>The real moon mission starts monday.
I have 1 call option that I bought at $20. My fucking butthole has been puckering all day and I am buzzing off adrenaline.

>> No.26281735 [View]
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So you bought eth at under 100 and its 1400~ and your complaining? Nice larp.

>> No.26189533 [View]
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You do know the creator, Richard Heart, is white and streams on youtube right?

>> No.26093567 [View]
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Tranny is up 800k~ and everyone else here made money but you.

Go back to plebbit. You bring nothing of value.

>> No.25856135 [View]
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I am pretty torn. It might pump because of the hype and most people not realizing what happened. Should I invest a few grand then quick sell and try to get in later after the dip?

>> No.25754616 [View]
File: 9 KB, 320x320, photo_2021-01-08_12-31-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love HEX so fucking much. never had so much fun making mad gains

anyone betting against Richard Heart is going to lose. stay poor nohexers

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