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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57800851 [View]
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Prior to 1913, income tax in the US was exactly 0%

>> No.56298641 [View]
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>> No.56159082 [View]
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>> No.56044119 [View]
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>> No.56027960 [View]
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>> No.56026868 [View]
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Is an online Bachelor's of Business Management purely a waste of money?

My friend is doing WGU and says they've been having a good experience. I have a community college associate's degree (worthless) so I'd start halfway done already. Maybe it ends up like, 6k and 14-18 months later I'd have a generic bachelor's degree in business before I'm 30. It'd be just more officecuck shit but considering I have a few years of work experience, I feel like that + a generic BS in business would open some doors to me that are closed by the robots filing my resume directly into the trash when they don't see the word "Bachelor's" on it.

Currently I make $54k as a property manager, it sucks dick but for now that's enough money to get by and put a little away to afford something like this.

>> No.54688463 [View]
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>be directionless young man
>stumble on a young woman on dating apps, who happens to demonstrate positive traits for motherhood and child-rearing
>Date for a while before she heads off to school
>She goes off to develop a high-powered career in a real American industry after graduation
>decide to develop myself professionally to keep up with her, with her being my only real long-term motivation for self-improvement across several years
>Successfully build a comparable professional career before reconnecting with her
>She has since changed her identity to non-binary and adopted a literally botanical primary-name and they-them pronouns
>excommunicates me for being unable to fully accept her as a genderless entity despite still wanting children who look like her before she turns 27

How would you deal, /biz/? I honestly feel hopeless.

>> No.54650340 [View]
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Very possibly. I think my temperament is pretty well-suited to it, by which I mean I am a short-tempered and demanding asshole who wields indignation as a cudgel whenever, for any reason, I can't just have my way the way I want it. At least that's my experience in dealing with lawyers interpersonally.

Except instead of being well-paid in a position that rewards that behavior, I'm a lower-middle-income officecuck whose performance reviews say things like "Should be mindful to communicate in a manner that emphasizes a team-player mindset".

>> No.54393534 [View]
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>all this thread and basically two mentions of alcohol
Wild. I guess maybe they're sick of talking about it.
Myself, I'll fast all day and then come home from work, slam 6-8 drinks, and eat a huge fucking indulgent dinner. Last night it was gyros and fries. I wouldn't mind but I'm getting fat. Doesn't help I moved to an office job from manual labor last summer but the bad habit stuck. Kinda hope that with the seasons changing I can lose some weight cycling this summer. Did Dry January and sobriety looked great on me. Didn't really lose weight but not having a sunken bloated pig gremlin face was great. I miss being proud of my body and not somewhat ashamed of it. I used to be cut, dude. I'll never be like that again but I just feel weak.

>> No.53609807 [View]
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>Foods on the Cheap
>Eggs. Eat them.

>> No.53594603 [View]
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>ywn be just a carefree schoolkid putting full-time-job hours into TF2 ever again

these memories are so distant it's as if they might never have happened.

I miss 24/7 Convoy so bad bros

>> No.53386014 [View]
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In this thread share your most Sigma male approved advice. I'll start
>Never pay for insurance. Ever. Unless it's free it's just throwing money away

>> No.53276803 [View]
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How do I escape the $40-60k Per Year Hell?

>> No.52766853 [View]
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I'm a property manager and getting steadily more annoyed that I'm working for the people I am (company is fine, the clients are pissing me off) and I just want to have a foot on the ladder already. The money I earn is shit and I'm trying to be patient and hope an opportunity comes along. But I'm literally like, researching what all the owners actually paid for the units or buildings we manage and it's driving me up a fucking wall knowing what they must be worth now and how much income they bring in. Fuck dammit. I can't even afford a condo in this city.

>> No.51691590 [View]
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>it's real

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