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>> No.18680468 [View]
File: 93 KB, 750x1032, giovanni-gentile-840c964d-44e2-49e7-9e6c-1b87892e68c-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commie, Marx's theorys are nearly 150 years old now. We've learned some things since then. Mainly, the field of evelutionary psychology has come about, and the fact that in group preferences exist on a genetic level.

I'm going to say this real quick, Marx was mostly right about everything he said related to economics. Capitalism is undoubtedly shit, and it's clear at this point that the powers that be are consolidating power.

With that said, Capitalist aren't "causing racism" they're exploiting it. Now, when I say this it isn't to defend them, it's to prevent people from having a gross misunderstanding of the situation. People are tribal and racist by nature and for any economic revolution to succeed it must take that into consideration.

The diversity shit pushed by neoliberals (and that includes republicans) is dangerous preciously because of how it interacts with human nature. You cant have a successful revolution with disparate unrelated ethnic groups. You unironically need an ethno state to make it happen. This where the likes of Giovanni Gentile gets his criticism of Marx right, he understood the rootlessness of cosmopolitanism and how it breaks down sociatal bonds.

People are racist, let's quit talking about whether or not that's a good thing and just accept that it's the way it is, once we are willing to do that we can come up with a workable solution. But Mark my words, until you are willing to accept that fact, you will never get your revolution.

>> No.17922722 [View]
File: 93 KB, 750x1032, giovanni-gentile-840c964d-44e2-49e7-9e6c-1b87892e68c-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just dropping by to say that Communism won't happen until you accept race realism, build a racially homogeneous society (look at every communist country that could pull it off, they weren't "diverse") and understand that materialism is evil and that Marx bastardized the Hegelian dialectic.

Read Giovanni Gentile, he was the first and perhaps, the only real philosophical fascist. He does not outright reject Marx, he just critiques and evolves his theories.

A socialist society is impossible without a community of like people who are engaged in spiritual socialism (we aren't talking about the "soul", for the dipshits who will come at me with anti-religious ferver).

I encourage every leftist in this thread (and righties, too) to read Gentile's works. Fascism came after Communism, as such it gets to enjoy the luxury of being able to critique it. It is, technically, more dialectically advanced.

>> No.17739254 [View]
File: 93 KB, 750x1032, giovanni-gentile-840c964d-44e2-49e7-9e6c-1b87892e68c-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the more dialectically advanced Fascism comrade!

Read Gentile's works! Don't fall for materialist lies!

>> No.17725997 [View]
File: 93 KB, 750x1032, giovanni-gentile-840c964d-44e2-49e7-9e6c-1b87892e68c-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and read some Fascist / NatSoc literature. Not Hitler, he wasn't a philosopher, nor did he have much interesting to say. You need to Read Giovanni Gentile. He was a hegelian philosopher and scholar, much like Marx. But he offers a critique of Marx that can only be delivered in hindsight.

You've read Marx, now read his counter part. Marx was not infallible, buy he was certainly on to something.

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