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>> No.20698070 [View]
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Been following the stuff you say, I dig it. I made some greek philosophy post stuff weeks back when some Anon said having a child was the only way to force one into a moral life or some dumb shit like that.

It's hard as an individual to know what's true in the end. The expanding brain meme feels like it could go on forever, and so in life too every time I start to think I'm getting it, another more complicated layer of abstraction gets added on and I realise I started from the wrong point. It's why I see the pol types and lefty twitter as two sides of the same shit coin. They're stuck at layer 2 abstraction reinforced by peer polarisation and group think when in my experience, the more deeply I look into our societal systems, the more complicated and nuanced they get, and the less these simple "It's the Jews" or "It's the Fascists" models fit, and as well the more these differing worldviews on who to blame our ills on begin to look like the same wrong view.

While I don't claim it's true objectively, what became evidently true to myself is that the individual unit is of utmost importance, instead of group identities and group warfare. Starting from that point, and accepting it as a bedrock belief allowed me to turn my life around completely in the span of a few years, where I've lived as one who accepted complete blame for fixing the shit happening in my own life, despite knowing that I've been fucked over by people and groups of people. I went from NEET to employed professional, from depressed and anxious to excited and curious about the world, and best of all I went from out of options but to an hero to opportunities blossoming all around me, and a million different paths to great success suddenly appeared before me, where they must've been all along but somehow I was blind to them by my faulty worldviews.


Looked super old and busted up, probably logging the trail, although it was right beside this creek as well.

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