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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.22565942 [View]
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I got 800 uni. Should I sell now or is there a chance it will go up in price?

>> No.22369948 [View]
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Has the bear market ended yet? Can we come back now?

>> No.21025587 [View]
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How does this work? Do you pay with fiat or crypto?

>> No.20957433 [View]
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How come barely anyone on /biz/ tries trading stocks on Robinhood anymore?

>> No.20925472 [View]
File: 191 KB, 460x480, Emoji_Icon_-_Thinking_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth has gone up 60% in the last month. It will prob 2x by Aug.

If you are getting less than that then you are underperforming the market's base currency.

In hindsight I should have just everything in eth.

>> No.20557284 [View]
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Why do morons keep throwing around terms like 20x-50x for coins that have already have a market cap with top 200?

Even just a 10x will take a coin from say #190 to #60. By that point your coin will be even bigger than established players.

The truth is you missed the boat. If you want anything close to a 20x, you're gonna have to search through a mountain of shit for those undiscovered gems that probably don't even have a listing on the coin sites.

>> No.20462741 [View]
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Where do whales get their capital from to have so many coins?

>> No.20351775 [View]
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Is wagecucking no longer a viable way to make money?

Lets face it, being a wagecuck sucks ass. Unless you're in something like High Finance, Biglaw, Medicine etc (Aka for the top 5% of people) you 're probably in a shitty job that doesn't compensate you enough compared to the hours and effort put into it. With constant rising expenses, increased rental and of course inflation, it seems like you are losing out more each year. Not to mention there are less and less jobs but more and more people. That means the workers bargaining power is getting squeezed out every year.

I was wondering why so many are trying to go intro Crypto, Robin Hood, Dropshipping, Streaming, IG-ing etc. I thought its coz they were impatient fucks who felt like they were too good to get a job and wanted an easy way out.

But as I get older, I realized late capitalism doesn't fucking work. Doing stuff the "right" way is no longer viable. Look how many people are having dead end jobs and still can't even pay their fucking rent. How many rich people actually got rich by working anyway? If I bought BTC 10 years ago and held on, I would be able to retire already. Thats right, I don't contribute any damn value buying some internet coins but somehow I will have more money than 100 wageslaves combined. I will have my own house, own steady income from using the money to purchase dividends stock, own schedule etc. All of this defines the traditional way of thinking to work for my living. But I don't give a fuck. I don't wanna work. I wanna actually have money!!!!

>> No.19548557 [View]
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THIS UGLY SON OF A BITCH IS FUCKING ALL YOUR WALLETS and basically, you are fucking stupid

>> No.13107029 [View]
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>fuck off retard, the left hasn't given a shit about workers for 30 years,
>1990, when liberalism won and communism lost
Really makes you think

>> No.12833704 [View]
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I thought /biz/ was an arse board. There's been a sudden influx of foot posting...

>> No.12045726 [View]
File: 191 KB, 460x480, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone risk investing in crypto after this year's abomination? Institutions proved it's a terrible investment vehicle.

Distributed ledger tech is here to stay, but the same way people don't pay for TCP/IP packets, we'll look back and laugh at the idea that people thought buying crypto currencies was reasonable.

>> No.10585927 [View]
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If I never felt jealousy in my life does that mean I have no drive?

>> No.10539028 [View]
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Why do you care what your shitcoins are worth in fiat? Shouldn't you be happy you got out of fiat in the first place? I mean, crypto is going to replace fiat anyway, so there's no real need to even think about converting your shitcoins back to fiat because crypto is so widespread and everyone accepts it as payment and crypto cannot be devalued like fiat through printing.

>> No.10455877 [View]
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Why is it illegal to shoot someone who is stealing from you even if they don't pose a threat to your life?

Example: If I wake up in the middle of the night and hear someone breaking into my car it would be illegal for me to shoot them. So what am I supposed to do? Just let them rob my car while I sit around waiting for the cops to show up like a cuck?

I should be able to protect my property from theft.

>> No.10450246 [View]
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>have 330k in cash that i dont know what to do with -- the market isn't crashing so probably going to DCA into things

>go talk with a charles schwab advisor dude because why not and it's free

>he's a nice guy but basically he just gives me boomer propoganda

>> No.10410856 [View]
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If the IRS has the technology determine who is avoiding taxes on their bitcoin trades then why don't they do our taxes for us?

>> No.10342106 [View]
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If a state receives more money in taxes than it gives, why don't they increase the income tax on their citizens?

How is it fair for other states to pay the bill?

>> No.10167367 [View]
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Every time I search a chart on tradingview I have to change it to Binance instead of the default Bitfinex.

If it is indeed a better exchange, why?

>> No.10115662 [View]
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If Rome never collapsed?

>> No.10014285 [View]
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So if we break past $6k we'll be in an uptrend?

>> No.9872256 [View]
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what does helium smell like?

>> No.9857216 [View]
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who's using who in this relationship?

>> No.9606606 [View]
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>Sell, it will go to 30K
>Don't sell, it drops to 4K

What do?

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