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>> No.58091142 [View]
File: 73 KB, 720x960, the absolute retardation of american 'anarchism'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what a smoothbrain.
Anarchy has a natural order that emerges from below and outside the system. Having top-down structures is not the only way to achieve order, and as praxeology, the fatal arrogance of rulers and the current world's madness demonstrate, it is indeed the best way to obtain disorder. Since democracy and "modern states" have existed, we have had a bloodbath of a century, with WW1 and 2, and every other war since, thanks State.
Maybe the problem is not me, who wants to use words respecting their etymology; maybe the problem is you, a cuck who don't know shit about it, allows words to be bastardized and relates them to things that have nothing to do with their original meaning, simply because the Jew dogs (antifa, acab, blm), the lackeys of power, the shapers of public opinion, use them in that way to describe civil unrest, property destruction and revolutionary communism. Cucks like you are the reason why yankee culture bastardized into oblivion the word "liberal," whose etymology comes from "lībĕr," Latin for "free man," and "lībĕrālis," meaning "honorable, courteous, generous." But you damn retards turned it into libertinism, leftism, and wokeism, which are nothing more than forms of submission and enslavement of the free man.
Thank God not everyone in the world is this retarded, as the only place where "liberals" is so bastardized and turned to shit is the anglo world. Fuck them and fuck you. Can't say the same about "anarchy.", as has been bastardized since long before, but I'll keep using it as the fathers of philosophical anarchism intended.

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