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>> No.59375691 [View]
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stable coin vibes demand that we raid another board to keep our minds busy. suggestions?

>> No.53970223 [View]
File: 29 KB, 600x525, 1674652643257873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am with you op. dumped my eth bags a few months ago and topped up btc bags. xrp will lose against sec s00n and then everything, including the mother asshole of all shitcoins ethereum, is going to hell in a handbasket

>> No.53539977 [View]
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>> No.53429779 [View]
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I'm so fucking sick of Vitalik. People think he's a genius, the dipshit only NOW talks about privacy after he made it a fomc approved coin that relies entirely on Big Money fucking small money (PoS). Too little too fucking late. I am so excited Gensler to rub his Jewish hands all over Vitalik and fuck him in the ass. Buy Monero btw.

>> No.53189601 [View]
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i had to learn social skills myself at a late age, and hitting rock bottom in high school feels like a win to me
since then ive made long lasting friends, got fit, bought a house, and got a job i really like
i cant say my life was that bad but i was raised to be an autistic pussy and my biggest challenge is to undo it
suicide is for faggots, i refuse to let this creature outlive me

>> No.52571846 [View]
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I just worked it out
>be glowie
>make btc as a test
>bring out cbdc to fully enslave the goyim
>"fuck you we will just stick with btc"
>whip out "satoshis 1 million"
>dump all at once
>kills btc, now there is only goyim destroying coin

>> No.52549850 [View]
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it would appear so

>> No.52545200 [View]
File: 29 KB, 600x525, 1668407751812944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every year the same story. Everyone dumps their coins so they can buy useless stuff. It's tiresome.

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