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>> No.59661524 [View]
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>there is someone out there that didn't participate in these scams and his portfolio still went down 30% since 3 days ago

>> No.59277099 [View]
File: 7 KB, 224x225, IMG_2723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so autistic I sometimes have to consciously remind myself that you can’t do that IRL

>> No.56660910 [View]
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I buyed

>> No.53220519 [View]
File: 7 KB, 224x225, apu-sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw retirement age is 67 in your cunt
whose going to hire a 60 year old lmao

>> No.51510403 [View]
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please call the bitcoin headquarter. The CEO has to do something

>> No.50537480 [View]
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>19 years old
>1.77 btc
>65 xmr
>1 avax

will i make it bros? i worked in a nursing home and saved up to buy this stack. i hope it can turn into $180k so i can put a down payment on a home after uni and start a family with my gf that ive been with for 4 years now.

>> No.50456998 [View]
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I have a side hustle that's making a decent amount of money right now. Where can I find investors so I can expand my project with good talent?

>> No.50420845 [View]
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I don't want to make it because I want to go on expensive vacations, eat good food or gets lots of pussy. I want to make it because I want to spite the people who've wronged me.

>> No.30349112 [View]
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I'm getting filtered right about now since it's also my first time buying crypto. What's the fastest way from my bank account to a couple of monero's?

>> No.29787071 [View]
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you dont sell your ADA ever, you deposit it to a pool and yield farm with it from june on

>> No.29658252 [View]
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BSV bros. Please be honest. Are we gonna make it?

>> No.29461433 [View]
File: 7 KB, 224x225, download (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt sell but im so scare. Please make it stop plz

>> No.29457883 [View]
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Will it be ok old timers?

>> No.28500021 [View]
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Any shitcoins on binance going to moon soon? I am a tard who didn't sell MILK and HOGE top. Please be gentle

>> No.27027156 [View]
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mommy, are really all bears dead now?

>> No.26237421 [View]
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>> No.24641046 [View]
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Mainnet launch and listing around Christmas/New Year when most people are with their families and either aren't checking up on crypto news or aren't trading, just why..

>> No.24537475 [View]
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how do i protect my son from the great reset?

>> No.24300719 [View]
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>> No.24143562 [View]
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it has to reach $10 for me to make it

>> No.23664829 [View]
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dont do it sven

>> No.23422395 [View]
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bitcoin is pumping, i am in a fren thread, why am i still depressed?

>> No.23209055 [View]
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the jannies will come soon

>> No.23032245 [View]
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is the tank ok?

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