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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.12746050 [View]
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what exactly went wrong?

>> No.5852263 [View]
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What's a good coin to buy and HODL right now, looked into quite a few already but can't decide on one. Appreciate any suggestions

>> No.5311202 [View]
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Cryptocurrencies wont exist in 3 months

>> No.5288190 [View]
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Last 3 digits of your posts tells you which coin you invest $50 in from Coinmarketcap rank. ROLL BITCH

>> No.5285394 [View]
File: 407 KB, 1803x1020, DQmZ1oqMG55JzH59usAiynrUdamCoGJykacyZsFeHrcSfW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a coin to go all in on, looking for at least 15% gain in the next 12 hours

>> No.5093242 [View]
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I have made some solid money off of crypto because I got in earlier than most and the market has been going gangbusters. Thought I knew what I was doing but come to realize that I do not, and actually know very little.

This is why I come to 4chan. My portfolio has mostly consisted of BTC and ETH, with some minor holdings of NEO and LTE.

I believe that BTC will crash as BCH takes over market cap. I would like to hold a portfolio of mostly, if not all alt coins.

I currently hold some ARK and ADA but not enough to be happy when they moon. I am a long term believer of NEO and would like to hold onto this.

Any suggestions of how I should set up my alt portfolio moving forward? Ideally a 4 coin mix.

>> No.5027416 [View]
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Does anybody else feel like this is too easy? I started with $700 a few months ago and now I'm at 5.5k.

I made a few good trades, a few shitty ones, but it feels like no matter what everything just keeps going up.

Is crypto life on easy mode?

>> No.4449522 [View]
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What exchanges and wallets do you guys use? How do you guys convert local currency into crypto and crypto into local currency? What do you do about taxes?

>> No.4397034 [View]
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What ALT coins you guys think are super promising?

Currently 100% in Link but wanting to diversify.

>> No.4341787 [View]
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This thread is for real /biz/nessmen.

Does anyone know of any index funds based on Cryptos?

Maybe like CoinMarketCap 30 or even 60?

I know it's a volatile market and the difference in value between coins, even in the top 30, is huge.

Say if we set up an index fund, would we base it off 1 unit of each currency (1 coin) or say 0.2 BTC of each coin?

Also, if any Spergies are on this thread please do the maths for ROI over the last 3/6/12 months.

>> No.4051682 [View]
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Hey, just got into stocks. Whats the best Cryptocurrency to get into? Been looking into Ripple. At 20Cents a share cant be to bad?
Looking mostly to Invest with Growth any Input of any other companies.? Thanks Guys.

>> No.3699472 [View]
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Hey guys, newbie getting into crypto here. Im wondering if there are there any discord/chat rooms around?

I made a group with my friends but they all lost interest and would rather just get high, drunk and play video games :/


>> No.3396488 [View]
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Is this the crypto-bubble bursting? Or is it just a dip like all the others. If it's a dip what are the premium buys right now and why?

>> No.3336284 [View]
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I hope it hurts. I hope you saviour this moment seeing your precious gains disappear into the black abyss

You thought everything was going to be rosy and only go up from here huh? Well I got news for ya kid

this is exactly how I have felt everyday for the last 3 months of my life as a digibyte bag holder and while my bags are now forsaken

this is just the start of your pain

Buckle up kiddo.

>> No.3198139 [View]
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Best crypto gains to get in on and sit there for the long game at this moment. Any any important info for someone like me just starting this journey. Work full time would like to be able to free myself one day and buy a house or land to live wildly on.

>> No.3157723 [View]
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Are cryptocurrencies the first economic system that's established on the internet?

>> No.2842334 [View]
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So /biz/ I am relatively new to the crypto game and am currently just HODLing BTC for the most part. I am thinking about getting into some altcoin trading.

What are the signs you look for when buying an altcoin ? How do you make the decision which one of these many coins to buy ? Any telltale signs you have seen that indicate a possible moon mission ?

>> No.2795842 [View]
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How do I invest in cryptocurrency? I have coinbase but I got a little lost in the registration part of it. What websites do you guys use? Can someone give me a good step by step on how to invest in a coin, I have the money, just need to know how to get my hands on the cryptos.

>> No.2748889 [View]
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Explain in one sentence what moves the crypto currency valuation.

>> No.2606394 [View]
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I wanna get into crypto trading. How much money do I need to start, and what's some reading material to learn the cryptocurrents good?

>> No.2502595 [View]
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Real coins with top notch fundamentals that are gonna 10x soon.

>amazing devs from BTCsuite.
>pos+pow innovative design.
>integrated voting system to avoid the same shitstorm that btc and ltc had.
>probably gonna integrate lightning network before ltc.
Current worth 200 mill but should be ltc level pricing and above.

>amazing team with top academics from france and china with support from their academic institutions
>have 10 years of already done software to laverage.
>already had a chess game run on their distributed offchain network that was connected to ethereum as a proof of concept.
>working on rebranding with a PR company(new ebsite and logo n the coming weeks) which was their only weak side.
>releasing a full working product on november.
>biggest competitor Golem is made of a bunch of inbred polaks.

Current priced at about 70 mill, easily 8x that value in coming months.
Lets face it poland has never innovated in anything. Can you really imagine some shitty polish startup being worth billions? You know thats bullshit, they just have good marketing.


>> No.2475422 [View]
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ITT you showcase your favorite coin and proves it is by far the best coin there is.

>> No.2454354 [View]
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What coin went down the most during the crash? I've been holding BTC and waiting for a good altcoin dip.

>> No.2346511 [View]
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Can anyone recommend some good crypto podcasts by people who know what they're talking about?

I'm on the road 2 hours a day to get to and from work and would like to learn more about crypto during that time.

If not podcasts, just good videos with people talking about crypto. The longer the video and the smarter the person, the better.

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