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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9539452 [View]
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>tfw could probably earn couple thousands per week scamming people but too lazy

>> No.9491491 [View]
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>> No.9490203 [View]
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They're trying to orchestrate a mass suicide on anyone who threatens the global banking system. Are they gonna make an example of us?

>> No.8929610 [View]
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Bought silver instead of bitcoin back in 2016.

>> No.8892744 [View]
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I bought a shitload last June, and I've just hodl ever since.

I could of tripled my money by shorting, when the fuck is this shitcoin going to moon biz?

>> No.8753863 [View]
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>> No.8734329 [View]
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>Graduating College this year
>Apply for a graduate job in technology with a US Investment Bank
>Mentioned when being interviewed my interests in crypto, blockchain, their network etc. Was genuine as fuck.
>They call the next day
>"It was unanimous decision among all 8 interviewees, anon. HR will be in touch Congratulations."
>In total shock, thinking how the fuck does a guy who picked up an interest from a Kazantzaki Clay Sculpting website get hired by one of the biggest companies in the world.
>Spend the weekend getting absolutely shitfaced, watch wolf of wall st. take modafinil and fuck gf senseless.
>Feel like a fucking don, I was a shithead at school and took an unconventional route to get into college and now this.

>1 Week later
>HR send contract
>Read it and see that I'll have an induction this summer and be given the following booklets I need to read:
>Social Media Policy - "Pfff, yeah I'll happily delete Facebook"
>Code of Conduct - "Don't grab women by the pussy, gotchya"
>Conflict of Interest - "... wait."

I soon realise that it would be very likely that I might have to declare my crypto.
Will they make me sell it? What the fuck man. What should I do?

Crypto for me is a long game, it's my interest and a fun hobby browsing biz shitposting, I don't see how it'd really be a conflict.

tl;dr I may have to sell every crypto I have because of conflicts of interest.

>> No.8731709 [View]
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>Time by pink floyd starts playing
>realize I wasted my entire life so far

>> No.7353208 [View]
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Today was fucked, we went from record low volatility to 2008 financial crisis volatility in like 3 days

>> No.4380091 [View]
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All crypto is in a huge fucking asset bubble and I want to get out but I don't want to give up on the sweet sweet peak bubble gainz. What do /biz/

>> No.1443775 [View]
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>entire life have a fear of failure
>become paralyzed and unable to act
>end up doing nothing
>actually become a failure because I never do anything
>would always imagine myself hitting rock bottom then rising from the ashes like a phoenix
>now realize there is no "rock bottom" just a slow decline into death

send help

>> No.982222 [View]
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>tfw you can't make a phone call without having a shaky nervous voice
>tfw you can't even get past pre-screening

>> No.943572 [View]
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It's okay, they've won

>> No.758096 [View]
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If you don't know what you're going into, you're gonna have a bad time.

This is why I stopped with the sims, lol everyone else was getting negative feedbacks for it but I couldn't. Every negative (11) was removed (out of 600+ sales), every case was closed in my favor (26) because of how I wrote my description and how I spoke with eBay.

But all that said and done, it wasn't worth the $.50 I was making on each sale, so I pulled it. It's already saturated by now so no worries.

lol and to you again >>749569 , that part was copy-pasta, you really think I'd type all of that?

>> No.742879 [View]
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Russian, Italian and English (obviously).

>> No.735656 [View]
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No it was some company, "leasing".

Still selling the same thing, sold like 4 more today.

lol I got banned on Amazon...sales would've been better there. I would trade bans because eBay is easy to hop back on while Amazon is...something else.

Also, Amazon's form of "defects" is simply warning you that one of your items aren't selling well.

>Your item still remains the same spot
>Your fees are still the same
>No one gets a "Special boost" on their item
>Returns are easy and simple

While eBay

>Buyer wants to return?
Blame seller (even when they hit the wrong return reason)
>Buyer wants to contact you about item not working?
eBay makes them open a case instead of talking to us...
>Buyer scams you?
Blame seller
>Buyer wants to cancel?
Blame seller

I thought this thread was dying...

>> No.725236 [View]
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Fuck me...can't find it...nvm. The way they said it was a lot better...lol no offense.

>> No.721355 [View]
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Well don't advertise on 4chan for one...tried that for my Etsy selling weeaboo realted shit and nothing came out of it.

Spamming different tags (search result) on your etsy item isn't going to end well as well, had some listings closed because the REAL companies said I was infringing on their name...

Idk what you're selling exactly so I can't say anything...lol I'm an eBay guy, so I can't really help you here. Seems to be a marketing problem...

Try using Etsy's "Promoted listings"...just make sure to value it at .02 CPM (or just clicks)... or you'll end up paying alot for every time someone clicks on your listing and DOESN'T EVEN BUY IT...

>> No.714562 [View]
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On May 1st eBay is rolling out their annual bs update for sellers. This time/year they are decreasing your free listings from 100 to 20. So new sellers, instead of being able to list 100 things for free, you're not having to pay after 20 listing.

eBay is also placing in a new system similar to Amazon UPC/Barcodes where for you to even post an item on eBay, you'll have to have the product number. They're saying you will have the option to say "I don't have it" but we all know that's bs that will be removed after the 1st month or even not be there at all...

eBay is trying it's best to replicate Amazon when they are two very different platforms. I don't know how till this day eBay is still making money but if you can do a little research you can see it's slowly decreasing. Instead of bettering the sellers who make them profits, they hurt them by implementing shit tier updates like last years Defect System that almost ended me, and various other things that are now making it harder to sell on eBay.

That being said, you will have to have at least a Basic eBay store/subscription to sell well. Since I'm a medium to high volume seller, this doesn't bother me...but for the new guy/hobbie sellers...haha, best of luck.

eBay wants to become a Amazon/Wal-Mart hybrid

>> No.705358 [View]
File: 19 KB, 571x448, disturbed_frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get the first 100 users?

I build websites. I have a few projects that have potential. I don't know where to begin on building a user base. This problem is particularly important and difficult with websites that work best when there's a user base.

Anyone on /biz/ with experience with building a user base, or amusing stories of failed attempts?

>> No.698586 [View]
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why am I rushing this app when I don't even have a site up yet...

you know...never mind. I see my flaw...

>> No.678547 [View]
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It's like....you can't even read the thread anymore.

Why am I even up this late answering such a stupid question, I will never know...

>> No.667807 [View]
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Received that email and ignored it, no need having a store unless you advertise outside of eBay. You're already advertising on eBay so it's just a waste of $$$.

Stores give you discounts if a buyer buys through your store, as in he saw your ad somewhere other than eBay and it took him straight to your store.

lol...eBay really doesn't know what they want.

On a side not, finally Amazon/eBay thread is split again. Amazon mentality is different from eBay, no need mixing when sellers don't understand both platforms.

>> No.660653 [View]
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lol it's funny how I'm still up right now...I need to stop using Shark Tank as an excuse. To your question, thanks but I don't know it all, just learn from experiences...lol also I'm Nigerian so scamming methods/business all together is 2nd nature (seeing that Nigerians were the only people to run commerce back before whitey came and enslaved, let's not get into that).

Anyways, I laugh my ass off whenever I see an item and can tell it's fake due to low grade production.

>.99 items

are good for starters but just know you'll be losing money that way. I for one just used my real ebay acc (that I bought things on) to raise my feedbacks by buying $.2 to .5 things from bids (since eBay stopped sellers from selling anything lower than a buck on buy it now). Selling $1 items as a new seller isn't a bad idea but again, you won't make shit. Just find something that sells on eBay and match it from China, so you can at least get your money back (even though you're not making anything) while raising feedback/trust from eBay.

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