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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.11621599 [View]
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Wow you sure showed us fudders with that 10% pump.

>> No.11608812 [View]
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All blockchains keep your funds secure by using what you can think of as a huge range of numbers for available wallets.
You literally pick one at random, that number (your private key) can be hashed into a wallet address (fancy math talk for a one way math operation).
Only the person that uses that number can sign the transactions on the blockchain, any other number would produce an incorrect hash.
Now the range of numbers you pick from happens to be so huge it takes computers millions of years to check them all for balances.
Your wallet is literally just a number in a huge range of numbers, the only time you ever need to interact with the blockchain is when you want to send a transaction (not receive) where you use your number to sign a transaction and broadcast it to all the blockchain peers. If the math checks out you just sent funds.
You can just generate your number offline and the resulting address using a piece of paper if you want (wont be very random though) and you now have a wallet. This is how "cold" wallets work, the user never sends from it so they never need to go online and broadcast a transaction, they just send funds to it from an exchange.

>> No.11517106 [View]
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Most people were in BTC derivatives (alts) and they have already been fucked in the ass with 80%+ losses, and BTC is down 66%, what more do you want ?

>> No.10930064 [View]
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If you were nice about your shill I would have not done this.
You are fucking pathetic, your life has been consumed with watching the orderbook for the shittiest of shitcoins on a DEX with like 3 BTC in liquidity. You find some kind of relief when one 14yo makes a .001 BTC purcahse and pumps the price in the green for 20 minutes before the next .001 sell order.
This will just constantly bleed until mining difficulty adjusts, just accept this and move on.
Alts are moonshotting right now and you are missing it because you are too much of a newfag to realize that you bet on a losing horse.

Stop being religious about this shit and start making some money.

>> No.10873717 [View]
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Just fucking stop dude.
Unload your bags and free yourself from the slow bleedout.
This shitcoin will not make any moves for at least 60 days when the hash adjusts down to the difficulty and rewards are being distributed.
I can say with near 100% certainty it will slowly bleed until then.
Either HODL like a faggot or make up some sats on some of the crazy alt activity we have right now.

Your choice Anon.

>> No.10824697 [View]
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If 90% of the people on /biz are wrong than would you not concede that it is possible or even likely that you are wrong?
Your like a boomer with his "American Motors" stock.
"they make a good product and it works good enough"
Nano is the future gramps technology moves fast.

>> No.10811528 [View]
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I fucking warned you faggot, I am pre-computing blocks like a mother fucker right now.
The new bandwidth reductions do not come into play until Sept 1st. So this coin is at it's most vulnerable right now as a couple people can spam it to hell.

Reflection attacks are a bitch.

Enjoy the dump when the network grinds to a halt faggot.

>> No.10760098 [View]
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>He doesn't know how volume statistics work

Binance is a drop in the bucket my dude, big dogs trade with leverage.

Did you honestly believe you discovered some kind of statistic everyone else missed when you were just browsing on your chink scam exchange?

>> No.10557235 [View]
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Show me a faucet origin account that has not dumped their bags.
Start here:

>> No.10555990 [View]
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Hmm lets look at the top 10:
1. Bitcoin- From a tech standpoint inneficient as fuck and long times for basic transaction verification
2. Eth- Until there is sharding and some form of POS, pure hot garbage useful only for creating more ponzi coins
3. XRP- Essentially just pings into a central server that is "verified" by the fact that it holds the most XRP, currently the creators run this show
4. BCH- Wow we took the same couple thousand lines of code and made the blocks bigger
5. EOS- "Decentralized" but has a constitution and extreme censorship, same problems as Eth from a useability standpoint
6. Stellar- SCP wow so revolutionary , but again just pinging into centralized servers
7. Litecoin- No difference from BTC, initially made its mark by being asic resistent , but no more, but muh faster block times
8. Cardano- literal vaporware, releasing anything would just dump thisgarbage
9. Tether- Centralized as it comes
10. IOTA- Tangle cannot scale, been proven multiple times no solution even proposed yet

>> No.10482121 [View]
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If anyone is wondering the N word is Nigger.

>> No.10326384 [View]
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I was waiting for an actual floor and this looks like it.
Witness me , I am about to break one of my core rules and buy a currency coin. The normies like this shit too much, they will buy my bags eventually.

>> No.10086392 [View]
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This happens every National Camera Day, get with it

>> No.9809311 [View]
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This all smells like the pow fad we had like 2 months ago with pow3d and powm, pro tip it ends badly.

>> No.8818004 [View]
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To all the NewFags that have only ever seen red portfolios.

Green Dildo Time.

>> No.6047968 [View]
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why would Korea dump their own coin???

>> No.5550063 [View]
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dude you are so delusional sorry you picked the wrong coins Iota, Wabi, WTC (which is a good one) but had you been a little more intelligent and delved deeper you would have seen the signs VEN was going to come out on top all along. WTC was beating it there for a while so I don't blame you for being fooled. Tortoise and the Hare and all that.

>> No.5385471 [View]
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>What a shitty shill
>A 4th tier local city isn’t a national government partnership lmao
>Anyone expecting 10x is going to be disappointed as fuck, those bags must be heavy huh
There are 2 geographic areas and 2 levels of governments starting with the name Gui'an in the release.
The first is Gui'an New Area, a big area between two major cities of Guiyang and Anshun, sized at 1795 sqkm. The second is Gui'an Free Trade Zone, which is a zone designated for international trade and exchange within Gui'an New Area, this Free Trade Zone is a function of Gui'an New Area, which is much smaller, and located within the New Area. The old news portion is building of the world's first blockchain town partnered with the Management Committee of Free Trade Zone.
VeChain's exchange is being built within the Free Trade Zone.
However, the biggest NEWS is the taking over government administrative functions with E-Government running on VeChain Thor for the entire Gui'an New Area, yes, the 1795 Sq Km area, Not the Free Trade Zone.
Press release:
Special Economic Zones (SEZ):
VeChain Adoption for Gui'an by Boxmining 6:29 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLDe42aAKH0&feature=youtu.be&t=6m29s

>> No.5082858 [View]
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