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>> No.57377489 [View]
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im losing a lot of money right now

>> No.57299103 [View]
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anita diaz nuts

>> No.57289440 [View]
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because fuck you, thats why

>> No.57257203 [View]
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>> No.57244520 [View]
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people making a big deal out of this SEC hack "muh biggest market manipulation of all time"

I will be completely honest here as someone who trades this market very actively I did not see the tweet and would not have noticed it in the chart. The last 24 hours is completely normal movement for the range we are in

>> No.56779050 [View]
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so its a mark cuban backed ethereum killer that is purpose built for decentralized finance but doesnt have apps yet right?

i mean this is the type of dogshit scam that can pump really hard in a bull market but lets be honest, its going to be forgotten within 5 years and will never get any meaningful defi TVL. basically the american version of NEO endorsed by Mark Cuban so boomers will feel safe, is that correct?

>> No.56113024 [View]
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are you ready for 7 more years of "just one more rate hike to go and then up only"?

the fed will hike to 15%+ but everyone will keep thinking the next hike is the final one

>> No.55939033 [View]
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i dont talk to strangers

>> No.55910748 [View]
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im getting completely out of the market. I cant afford to lose any more

>> No.55754798 [View]
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>for sergeys final betrayal, he will kill defi

>> No.55615732 [View]
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no i dont hoard millenial minerals

i hold digital gold though in the form of ethereum

>> No.54859686 [View]
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was pic related being constantly posted on /biz/ some type of illuminati predictive programming for this massive pepe bullrun?

>> No.54755632 [View]
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fuck off back to your sewer chuds

>> No.54631940 [View]
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why do they only have orange juice futures and not beer futures, wine futures, soda futures, etc. why orange juice specifically?

>> No.54335653 [View]
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best i can do is mid 7 figs portfolio and sub 24% bodyfat

>> No.53993798 [View]
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when i sell it goes up
when i buy it goes down

so im just going to jerk off and play video games now. go ahead. crash the market, Id love to see it

>> No.53895570 [View]
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privacy ID is an oxymoron
maybe he thinks chainlink holders are just regular morons

>> No.53870626 [View]
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my ballsack smells like salt and vinegar chips dipped in franks red hot

how can i profit from this?

>> No.53768775 [View]
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>The statutory price of gold is set by law. It does not fluctuate with the market price of gold and has been constant at $42 2/9, or $42.2222, per fine troy ounce since 1973. The book value of the gold held by the Treasury is determined using the statutory price.

>> No.53757792 [View]
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this exact thing happened today in a token im in, and theyve been doing it for a few months now with declining participation

>> No.53737419 [View]
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the only way out of this one is to get a new phone and move at least 2 states away. it may be painful but its time for you to reinvent yourself and start a new life now

>> No.53736080 [View]
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>it's that easy. just do the opposite of over confident retards
thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.53729293 [View]
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yeah but dumb smart people didnt. stick that in your pipe and smoke it

>> No.53728676 [View]
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no he doesnt

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