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>> No.15187964 [View]
File: 99 KB, 907x510, dumb npc cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big cities
Wow the exact same dirty overcrowded cramped hive copy-pasted hundreds of times across the globe! I'm sure that at the end of your life you'll be happy you spent your limited time and money going to sardine-can like complexes to see slightly differing configurations of tall buildings, poor people slums, druggies at clubs, and trash-laden public transportation.
>go on hikes
Pointless walking around for hours, getting nowhere and achieving nothing except staring at some stupid trees and rocks and the "rare three-striped red finch" that looks exactly like a regular fucking finch but it has a tiny red line somewhere on its plumage and thus you have seen an amazing endangered beast and this thousand-dollar excursion is the "experience of a lifetime".
>muh museums, muh ruins
Any historical, architectural, or artistic value can easily be analyzed through a picture, which is all you'll have left anyways in a couple months or years. There's nothing you gain from actually seeing them except pointless, self-masturbatory egoism gained from feeling "cultured" (read : going to stare at some rocks for a couple hours and blowing your hard-earned money to give it to the tour guide, someone much smarter than you)
>muh food
An utter meme, what kind of double-digit moron gets excited over what is ultimately just a rearrangement of grain, meats, vegetables, and spices that will be shit out by you in a couple days anyways. If you willingly spend your money "travelling" to eat "exotic" food you could just drive 40 minutes to get you deserve to lose it.
>muh weather
Is there a more pathetic "argument"? You could be doing literally anything else, yet you go "travelling" to get an effect easily accomplished by turning the thermostat up or down a few notches or getting a humidifier.
>woahhh bro its a few degrees higher ugghhh i looovvvee travelling its so exotiiccc!!!

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