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>> No.10150881 [View]
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>> No.10056858 [View]
File: 16 KB, 183x200, Get a load of this goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reporting posts that use (((hebrew))) words and exclamations
Oy vey, look at this antisemitic goy over here.

>> No.9897867 [View]
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yeah faggot. I spent 6 days straight and multiple hours each day researching to buy this at ICO just so I can dump it on you at 5x when I could have done it at 10x.
I am holding this until 0.10-0.20$ range. This is probably the last x1000 in crypto and I'm not missing this train for peanuts.

>> No.9852795 [View]
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>A doctor or lawyer would happily pay $300 for the right client
>lawyers pay around $50 for a single click

so based on your numbers lawyers have 16.6% conversion rate? bretty gud.
You really have to make up your mind, mutt. I've already BTFO you based on numbers that you spewed from that shithole you call a mouth. Want me to continue with your new goalpost?
Let's say lawyers pay 50$ per click, which they sometimes do. How does that translate to money in your pocket or in the pocket of the average Brave user? From your replies and lack of understanding of basic math or concepts as simple as averages, I think it's safe to assume you're the typical dumb as shit burger with 10 times more liabilities than assets. You're not exactly the target market for those expensive lawyers and doctors. Explain to me how you, the typical dumb as shit burger, will benefit from lawyers paying 50$ per click?

Let me explain it to you again, this time slower so you understand. IF BAT had a monopoly and it was the main advertising network used by all advertisers in the world, a user could potentially be worth 300$ on average. Obviously that would never happen, but lets say it will. That 300$ amount is an average. It doesn't mean that YOU will earn 300$. Some will earn 10$ and others will earn 1000$. When lawyers pay 50$ per click, they do it to reach high net worth clients and not wageslaves like you. A rich guy using Brave will probably be targeted by expensive ads and he will probably make 500-1000$ per year using it. Now answer me this: why would the rich guy care about this, and even if he cared, how would that benefit you and put money in your pocket? You don't actually believe that YOU will be targeted by those expensive ads, do you? It would be a really shitty ad network if that happened. You are probably worth around 30-50 bucks of advertising money per year in a world where Brave has a monopoly. In the real world you should be grateful if you earned 3 bucks per year

>> No.9841842 [View]
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>> No.9645748 [View]
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>what went wrong
literally bought the dip like 4 hours ago, probably from a weak hand like you. I and a shitload of others I know have been accumulating ARK for almost 1 year now.

>> No.9520202 [View]
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>> No.9490565 [View]
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Okay rakesh

>> No.9490495 [View]
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Moon when it hits kucoin?

Lmao, you new here bruh?

>> No.9468683 [View]
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It’s immune to dumping you tard.

Wait till IDEX, whatever correction we see will be quickly forgotten by the massive FOMO run.

Let us not forget these tokens were air dropped to try yards and devs in the community.

These aren’t your average pajeets who are quick to dump.

>> No.9387208 [View]
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>> No.9363186 [View]
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>> No.9361938 [View]
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Abs shit coin.

High school CEO and his mommy on the team (not even fucking kidding - go to their website).

They stopped the project a couple months back, I was mining it and had to move on.

Low and behold they back again.

>> No.9357614 [View]
File: 18 KB, 183x200, 1506358824823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, it's another "OP thinks market penetration is easy" episode.
Listen up fuckfaces. Market penetration and user adoption is the hardest thing in a business. Building your shitty tech is like 5% of the process. That's why you see so many neckbeards working for mr. Noseberg even though they might be brilliant programmers and could probably make a decent product if they tried. As soon as you have a working product and actually try to get user adoption, that's when you realize how out of your depth and how fucked you are.

99% of these crypto projects don't even have a working product. It's doubtful many of them will. After they have a working product the real shit starts, yet everyone acts as if it's no biggy.
>hurr durr if you build it, they will come

Seeing you morons doing your stupid math and dreaming of millions per year really rustles my jimmies.
>but muh 1% of the market

>> No.9333456 [View]
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>> No.9325652 [View]
File: 34 KB, 183x200, 300784C7-C5F2-43CF-92CF-B2F6E9D125F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold

>> No.9315769 [View]
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>> No.9283584 [View]
File: 34 KB, 183x200, FAE35549-420B-4863-9856-4228C0E8C424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to be a pajee
“Don’t buy this coin, here’s an alternative instead!”

>> No.9265112 [View]
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>> No.9248955 [View]
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He looked into it, guys. Can you imagine? This guy looked into it and made up his mind. He actually read the whole website and now he knows what's up.

Guess we are all fucked now. We've been expecting for someone like you to look into this and give us some feedback. Fuck all the days of research I made during the ICO. Now I'm woke af thanks to your post so I'm gonna sell.

Thanks dude. Really changed my life.

>> No.7332197 [View]
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>America, land of the free (Jew).

>> No.6421657 [View]
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keep posting, You might convince some people and I might buy even more if the opportunity arises

Thanks for your service

>> No.5854866 [View]
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>> No.4919263 [View]
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>the euphoria of a virgin's first succesful trade

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