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>> No.10008158 [View]
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anyone remember this shitcoin?

lel its under 5 cents now

I heard Petey and his cronies are forking this basically getting another chance to scam some guillible suckers

>> No.8890213 [View]
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Probably there will be fork and two independent teams will work on it.
New version of messenger is out, some new devs are working on glass and smart contracts. Anyone is giving them another chance?

>> No.8500036 [View]
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Well there will be some nice announcement in next week with new developers, advisors and kind of relaunch. I am looking on craptopia and its literally dying with 1btc daily volume.

Mods on discord do not know anything and posting some memes when.
What are odds that it will be back to +10k sats?

>> No.7980123 [View]
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>> No.7848803 [View]
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whats are the ods that it will survive?

>> No.7836149 [View]
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from discord couple hours ago

Hi there @everyone before I go any further I would like to give you a quote I came across which seems rather appropriate in many ways, and it is short(!):

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

Apologies for the recent radio silence. During the last few weeks I have been less active on the community channels because I am hard at work in the background engaged with a team of advisors who are assisting me with formalising a more robust governance structure, dealing with visibility and transparency issues, and meeting with experienced developers that may collaborate and possibly join the project.

Once this ongoing work has further crystallised into more tangible value I will get back to communicating with you more steadily, and making certain that you are regularly updated in much more detail on the work that is being done. As for now, I am hard at work and simply need to block out some negativity in order to focus on work and ensuring that we have a good path forward to deliver on our promises.

I pledge that once we are further progressed, before the end of March, I will go over the progress we have made. After this I am very much looking forward to getting back to hanging here and chatting. Also, there absolutely will be AMAs in the future where I will be able to better engage with the community in an open manner. I would also like to say thank you to the individuals in the community who have reached out to me directly (on private channels) to offer positive support. I apologise to those who saw the recent lack of activity as malicious but rest assured that everything being done is in order to revitalise the project and set it up for future success.

I literally have 100k now

>> No.7785405 [View]
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I sold at 2200 why its going up

>> No.7750757 [View]
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seems like the lead dev resigned. obviously insiders knew about this for some days and sold off. that is why the volume tripled and the price slowly started bleeding, despite "good news", reddit shilling and their "applications" to other exchanges. this is as scammy as it can possibly get. what a shame.

like for real, most money you can make when there is a blood on streets. worth to risk?

>> No.7733597 [View]
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>> No.7589222 [View]
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Obsidain have now telegram group and they just kicked out and deleted posts of some guy that say they dont have ceo or blockchain dev on TEAM tab on website

>> No.7497600 [View]
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All this FUD but always when FUD is over its going up. They released new version of android app and a lot of updates on github.
Worth to hold or fuck it?

>> No.7371837 [View]
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I bought it for couple of bitcoins and I was too greedy to sell for even x5 profit. Now all team is broken, they did not delivered anything from roadmap, and its still on shitty exchanges only so I cant even sell my worthless coins.
Like for real, is it any chance for Obsidian to deliver?

>> No.7223611 [View]
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So its over or should I buy some?

>> No.7168018 [View]
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HUGE NEWS! Revolutionary messenger! Stop FUD YOU FUDDER!


Ico investor here, I am really thinking about dumping it right now

>> No.7118817 [View]
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Why there is so much silence about this project? No meda attention, no marketing, ceo seems dead, divided team. There is no even drama I dont get it

>> No.6420750 [View]
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ODN is down 40%, should I sell? Or buy more??


>> No.6244540 [View]
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What are your thoughts on this coin /biz?

Shitcoin or has potential?

>> No.5983808 [View]
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Why u aren't buying this shit ? perfect 10x

>> No.5750854 [View]
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>platform has infinite applications
>supports anonymity
>open beta for android app
>constant communication with hodlers.

what is wrong with you guys?

>> No.5488882 [View]
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stuck with this garbagecoin
help me anon

>> No.4750744 [View]
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Obsidian getting listed on C-CEX. is this good or bad?

>> No.4705012 [View]
File: 3 KB, 318x158, E6ACB4B2-6882-4949-B572-09B5FB59775A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will be over a dollar after the rebrand on december 5th. my green ID confirms this you fucking retards

>> No.4635845 [View]
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Why didnt you listen? Where are my ICO hodlers?

>> No.4482550 [View]
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What the point to hold it? I know you have a lot

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