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>> No.13899134 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

वैदिक सनातन धर्म व्यक्ति प्रवर्तित धर्म नहीं है। इसका आधार वेदादि धर्मग्रन्थ है, जिनकी संख्या बहुत बड़ी है। ये सब दो विभागों में विभक्त हैं-

(१) इस श्रेणी के ग्रन्थ श्रुति कहलाते हैं। ये अपौरुषेय माने जाते हैं। इसमें वेद की चार संहिताओं, ब्राह्मणों, अरण्यकों, उपनिषदों, वेदाङ्ग, सूत्र आदि ग्रन्थों की गणना की जाती है। आगम ग्रन्थ भी श्रुति-श्रेणी में माने जाते हैं।

(२) इस श्रेणी के ग्रन्थ स्मृति कहलाते हैं। ये ऋषि प्रणीत माने जाते हैं। इस श्रेणी में 18 स्मृतियाँ, 18 पुराण तथा रामायण व महाभारत ये दो इतिहास भी माने जाते हैं।


वेद प्राचीनतम हिंदू ग्रंथ हैं। वेद शब्द की उत्पत्ति संस्कृत के 'विद्' धातु से हुई है। विद् का अर्थ है जानना या ज्ञानार्जन, इसलिये वेद को "ज्ञान का ग्रंथ कहा जा सकता है। भारतीय

>> No.13443230 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good team
>a lot of promises
>many successes
>no shills
Buy my coin and get brownpilled, stupid Goyim

>> No.13431841 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem like your Shitoshi knows how locking coins in a multiple signature fund works.
Protip: you have to move the coins first

>> No.13431788 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem like your Shitoshi knows how locking coins in a multiple signature fund works.
Protip: you have to move the coins first.

>> No.12283917 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a single reason. Why?

>> No.12219518 [View]
File: 204 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Naraka!

>> No.12187840 [View]
File: 200 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naraka (Sanskrit: नरक) is the Hindu equivalent of Hell, where sinners are tormented after death.[1] It is also the abode of Yama, the god of Death. It is described as located in the south of the universe and beneath the earth.
>The number and names of hells, as well as the type of sinners sent to a particular hell, varies from text to text; however, many scriptures describe 28 hells.[1] After death, messengers of Yama called Yamadutas bring all beings to the court of Yama, where he weighs the virtues and the vices of the being and passes a judgement, sending the virtuous to Svarga (heaven) and the sinners to one of the hells. The stay in Svarga or Naraka is generally described as temporary. After the quantum of punishment is over, the souls are reborn as lower or higher beings as per their merits.[1] In a few texts, a hell is described as a bottomless pit of darkness where souls are trapped for eternity and deprived of rebirth.

>> No.12187654 [View]
File: 200 KB, 674x914, Hindu_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll go to Narak if you keep up with this!

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