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>> No.56487248 [View]
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Jack Extreme reporting in.
We are all going to /makeit/ providing we just buy RSR.
Join my /biz/ crypto brotherhood here: www.cwecapital.club

>> No.15137872 [View]
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you prob work for Barclays....they abandoned their crypto desk I believe.

>> No.11521421 [View]
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>> No.11229244 [View]
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yeah. lets all take pictures of partnerships.
fuck off jungle gooks.

>> No.10965358 [View]
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literally every ERC-20 token that is a part of the ETH network.
but i guess all of that doesnt count as true utility by your standards.

>> No.9774225 [View]
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i just logged onto the Zap discord and there are a bunch of pajeets telling everyone to shill their project here on biz. kek. you cant make this shit up

>> No.9706116 [View]
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mein nigga

>> No.9602191 [View]
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i fucking hate nicotine vaping. that shiit is wack and for hs kids. get thc tanks or cbd oil.

>> No.8947868 [View]
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good shit senpai.

>> No.8810634 [View]
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mein nigher. lets go linkies. singularity is nigh

>> No.8633817 [View]
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he means delete your blockfolio and let this shit pass. niggers are gonna be wojaking on here before you know it when were back at 10k.

>> No.8597435 [View]
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sucks to be you fag. not everyone bought the top.

>> No.8520236 [View]
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THE SECOND BOOM. *eyes glisten*

>> No.8501650 [View]
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just start moving into more conservative investments to retain your wealth senpai

>> No.8422279 [View]
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there was no TV or internet during half this nigga's life. do you really trust him to know anything about crypto? kek

>> No.8137817 [View]
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>couple of weeks.
trying holding since ico you weak handed faggot.

>> No.4603152 [View]
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I do declare I am a white straight male.

>> No.4489865 [View]
File: 12 KB, 218x231, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do say. This gentleman seems to be speaking the truth. There is simply nothing to worry about in this state, upon this place, you are merely hearing the inane ramblings of cretins who wish to acquire the legal tender of 'Link' at a discounted fee

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