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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58654103 [View]
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1 bitcoin = 1bitcoin
Simple as.

>> No.58639866 [View]
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>crypto "industry"
There is only BTC, you clearly do not grok the systemic economic value of a trustless, stateless, fixed unit of account. Return to the Path and the Way lost one, never forget that not holding BTC is equivalent to shorting it

>> No.58105460 [View]
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Checked. If you'd have put your whole pot in BTC 5 years ago what would you be looking at? Stop degening, buy, hodl. It's that simple.

>> No.57649248 [View]
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It's never too late, BTC is a fixed unit of account, the world's first, it has reached a large enough mindshare that it will be THE unit of account going forward, it will continue to grow nominally at the rate of (monetary expansion)*(real growth) even after it's reached a mature capitalization (somewhere between $20-500T in 2024 dollars)

>> No.57162088 [View]
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Selfpitying fuck, kys no one cares

>> No.57124517 [View]
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>> No.57076704 [View]
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>he thinks Money value is derived from demand for transactional media
You haven't lost as you were never in the game to begin with

>> No.56750227 [View]
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I'm sorry /biz/
I solded all my BTC.
Not astronomical but ok gain (+100%) because I was DCAing for a some time.
It was all in Binance and I got scared that the chink may steal my crypto to pay his bail.
Now I want to restart buying BTC weekly, but I'm an eurofag..what are my exchange options?

>> No.56657960 [View]
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It's always too late to make it with shitcoins

1) BTC will 100x in real terms in our lifetimes
2) BTC will 10,000x in nominal terms in our lifetimes
3) Everyone becomes a maxi in-the-limit

BTC will no less than 32x (real terms) over the next 20 years

>> No.56616327 [View]
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Money flows. Nominal growth is just debasement, all liquid mature assets (gold, broad market) will just return -1x monetary expansion in-the-limit. This sounds ridiculous on first blush until you think about the obscene level of monetary expansion (over 40x since '71, nearly doubling every decade), of course simple dilution will dwarf any 'real' gains! What's the solution? Highly liquid IMMATURE assets, these will return a multiple of monetary expansion (e.g. tech's over performance over the broader market or BTC's over performance over everything), the multiple being a product of how far they are from maturity. BTC still has a ways to go so should return something around 10x monetary expansion over the next 5 halving cycles (or until it reaches at least $16t in 2023 dollars), the physics of money flow guarantees it's continued growth.

>> No.56265003 [View]
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>physically and chemically determine purity for a relatively low cost
No. Assays are expensive and time consuming even now, and were even more so in the past, which is why countries were able to debase their coinage, gold is a low trust money, not trustless. Gold (physical) fell from favor for transactional not economic reasons anyway, we'd still be using gold if we could transact with it as easily as we can transact with BTC.
Statist dullard. Nothing has inherent value, as money is a unit of account, what matters is that it can not be manipulated. Fiat, whether paper or CBDC, fail this test. Where you lose the plot is that you believe fiat provides something gold did not, but fiat usurped money for transactional reasons not economic. You can't cheat Economy, the Soviets proved this, we will revert to hard money (we always do), but it won't be gold as we now have something better.

>> No.56229039 [View]
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Where can you purchase things with gold? Yet gold has still -1x fiat since '71, 44x versus 42x monetary expansion. Remember that even at the top of the dotcom bubble, DCAing into a 3x QQQ would have been a winning move, that's how big a shitcoin fiat is.

BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based currency gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the first trustless money to ever exist, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, a final solution to the money question. The systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly beyond comprehension. Future history will denote the past into pre & post BTC eras. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56082753 [View]
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If BTC drops below $10k I'll sell my house, car, and a kidney to buy the dip.

What you statist fools need to realize is that large scale market manipulation is fundamentally impossible. Think about it rationally. If "they" were capable of arbitrary market manipulation, why would they need the Fed?
>b-but they've manipulated gold!
Gold has 44x since 1971, USD has expanded 42x since '71. You can't manipulate a real market, they can throw fud, market dump what they have, and hope for a rout, but they can't just "make it go down'. Market manipulation is a statist boogyman like monopolies, it doesn't exist outside fake and gay markets like FTT, and those fake markets always crash and burn.

>> No.56031716 [View]
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>it has been beans
Unironically it has historically been grain, but it will be BTC in the future, BTC solves money, people call it "digital gold" but even gold relied on trust in the sovereign that the coinage was of the correct purity & weight, and after redemption based gold-scrip gained traction was entirely trust-based. BTC on the other hand is truly trustless, the alpha and omega, the first trustless money the world has ever known, and as such, the last money the world will ever need.

>> No.56008942 [View]
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>muh top down world
Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. The world is bottom up not top down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeteered by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found. You know the path, you just need to follow it.

>> No.55955868 [View]
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>top down worldview
Wasted digits on someone that's ngmi. BTC's value is trustless money, statists don't want trustless money because they can't steal through debasement, but every productive person benefits from trustless money, States that don't bend the knee to BTC will go the way of the Soviets as fiat catastrophically distorts Economic Calculation. It is not a matter of 'if' only 'when'.

>> No.55892838 [View]
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1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

I can send the equivalent of $1b USD across the world in 10mins for less than the cost of a mcdouble 24/7 without counterparty risk, I can also stash it in a cold wallet and it will never be confiscated, debased, or liquidated.

1) BTC only needs capitalization for ascension
2) BTC is an even better liquidity sponge then gigacap tranny tech
3) They can't kill BTC without killing their own grift

These are the facts. Stop wasting time playing their game, stop contributing to their system, the only way forward is through.

>> No.55840679 [View]
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gay ass A.I comments


>> No.55685656 [View]
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Dull little statist, reread what I wrote, the value of crypto is Money, not "p2p paypal", stateless, trustless money, which makes the oldest computationally expensive chain is Money, which makes BTC Money, there's no need to reinvent the wheel after you have something (BTC) which accomplishes the task of trustless, stateless Money, any advancements of the tech that ACTUALLY improve the chain can be added via soft forks.

>> No.55637869 [View]
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1) BTC will 100x in real terms in our lifetimes
2) BTC will 10,000x in nominal terms in our lifetimes
3) Everyone becomes a maxi in-the-limit

Once you realize that the statists will never stop debasing you will join us in enlightenment

>> No.55607020 [View]
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>too dull to understand the chains he wears

>> No.55602407 [View]
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>describes the fiat grift
>does not see the way
State is memeshit, ignore it and follow the path

>> No.55573140 [View]
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Hard money or not. There is no standard. Shiny rocks have already failed. Backed soft money also failed. There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money

>> No.55569938 [View]
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>ancient pasta
I'll take that as a compliment, wrote that in early July
>muh shiny rocks, muh political solutions
Already failed. Backed soft money also failed. There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because State is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money

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