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>> No.50431155 [View]
File: 115 KB, 250x249, PAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backstory is my teeth and mental health got fucked up good at a little kid, and beyond a visit to the hospital in an ambulance my (dental) health was neglected by my parents. I didn't expect to grow older than maybe 16 so never took care of my teeth until years later, almost 30 now. My fucked up teeth (some infected and/or dead) needed root canal treatments.

Two years ago I went for three root canal retreatments as some of the shit was still fucked up and didn't heal. One molar didn't appreciate this. It got infected much worse and put so much pressure on the trigeminal nerve nerve in my lower left jaw that the left side of my face was in constant pain (increasing over time) which not only was at the molar but I could feel it up to my fucking eye and through my entire left upper jaw as well. I could feel my own heartbeat measured through pain. Couldn't do shit from how exhausting just going through pain was. Slept for maybe 30 minutes at a time when my basic bitch painkillers overlapped (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) waking up in more pain every time. I had opiate based painkillers at home from another surgery on my jaw but didn't want to take them them to not fuck up my now perfect mental health so decided to stick with that plan.
Unfortunately I took too long to reach out for help and had to wait 3 more days for an endodontist to become available. The day where I was meant to visit those guys again I woke up with a kind of gash on my gums to my molar which I assume released pressure in my sleep and the problem resolved itself from there.

Moral of the story brush your teeth and see a dentist to get all your shit xrayed every maybe 10 years

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