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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.24919321 [View]
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Kek he doesn't know, he won't make it

>> No.23046086 [View]
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>> No.22520264 [View]
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No, we havn't look at the top sta wallets and name ONE that is holding AXIA or XMM. STA forks have been and will always be shit. Please see STONK for reference. Buying XMM or AXIA is a cope for not getting in early on STA. STA is /ourcoin/ and their is no point trying to deny it. You can still 3x by EOY if you buy now.

>> No.22490545 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, ED2D0D45-31AC-4CC4-98F9-9D3205ABA078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulation is over friends. No more dogshit pictures. Let’s go. Market it on reddit, twitter, youtube.


>> No.22482656 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.22466884 [View]
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>> No.22379942 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t I just hold BTC, ETH, LINK or any other coins and balance my own index fund?
Yes, but can you add in a way to collect dividends (>36% APY) on your coins based solely on their volume/trading? Can you add in a mechanism that causes constant upward pressure in your index fund? Can you capitalize on every arbitrage opportunity for all the above coins to auto-balance and make gains when possible 24/7? Can you do all of the above in a trustless and truly decentralized (largest holder ~6% of supply) manner?

What is the low volume/high volatility problem?
If an asset or contract has low volume then it is susceptible to high volatility. This leads to the premature failure of many promising projects and contracts early in development and is one of the main barriers to a fully decentralized and digital world. A simple quant balancer cannot solve this as in finance 1.0 because if the volatilty is too high then such a balancer is subject to fail also. However the addition of a deflationary mechanism creates inherent feedback ensuring that it cannot fail unless the entire digital market (ETH, BTC, LINK) collapses. It allows new projects and new contracts to solve the initial growing pains of high volatility and manipulation.
But what if bad actors simply manipulate STA?
This is why the fully decentralized aspect is important.

>> No.22288920 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, 1597974584545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.22251565 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper handed whales will FOMO just as easily as they dump. They will pump it EVEN more to make up for their loss, BUT THE PRICE HAS TO GO HIGHER BECAUSE THERE WILL BE LESS TOKENS AND MORE POOLED. THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF STATERA.

>> No.22250554 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we go to 3 cents I will take out a loan to buy STA.


>> No.22222184 [View]
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>> No.22196131 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you keep using the word ponzi or scam but you do not understand why it does not apply here.

You see, I would prefer it if no one bought STA. I would prefer balancing funds with this code myself and collect all the fees from the pool as I pin it to existing smart contracts.

If an asset or contract has low volume then it is susceptible to high volatility. This leads to the premature failure of many promising projects and contracts early in development and is one of the main barriers to a fully decentralized and digital world. A simple quant balancer cannot solve this as in finance 1.0 because if the volatilty is too high then such a balancer is subject to fail also. However the addition of a literal meme like deflation and token burn creates an inherent feedback to this system ensuring that it cannot fail unless the entire digital market collapses. It allows new projects and new contracts to solve the initial growing pains of high volatilty and manipulation.

But what if bad actors simply manipulate STA? This is why the fully decentralized aspect is important.

But what if no one uses it? Then it fails. However some possible reasons to support why it will be used include: FMA and that people are already using it. If BAL and subsequently Phoenix go on cb then it will not be long until STA is cemented as the industry standard. However, this is the key. If we do not utilize this tool then it will fail. This does not mean we need more people buying it. But more people using it and allowing it to be integrated into their pools, funds, contracts, etc.

If more projects integrate it then IDGAF if I am the only holder. I will be a trillionaire.

>> No.22119614 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, C32083EB-4130-4921-B53A-53BAD09B336E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s fucking go.

>> No.22084105 [View]
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>> No.22040005 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you not read this post and this thread.
I feel like a lot of people who legit post about not liking STA are fudding for a cheaper bag at this point.

>> No.22011155 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, 3AC09C46-ADE0-48FC-B3C3-1785A50BF78D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one year

>> No.21998691 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more memes

>> No.21939987 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sad. Megan is actually nice.


Whether more people buy or not, I will still profit for providing a service to other projects.

>> No.21935036 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compare STA to an actual ponzi that requires people to buy at a loss to sustain the project and profits of those above them further requiring more people under then to buy at even more of a loss. In this case, if more people buy the tokens burns and the price goes up but my share of the pool is diluted should I be tempted to take profits from the upward price action. The pool is more valuable than the price of STA as integrations will guarantee more token burn and fees. Whether more people buy or not, I will still profit for providing a service to other projects.

People are going to buy it at $1 or $5 because it will increase in value not just because someone buys it, but because of the burn function and the pool. The pool is causing the tokens to burn eternally, because as long as there's at least a little liquidity in the pool, tokens burn.

As long as there are STA holders who want STA price to rise (not even saying that they get 30+% APY), they will provide pool liquidity. And, as long as tokens burn, their supply will decrease, so it doesn't matter if you buy at $1 or at $10 - you will be sure that your holding's percentage of total supply will rise, and thus the value of your holdings.

>> No.21917043 [View]
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>> No.21913380 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uniswap v2 24H volume: $216,869,499
>OKEx 24H volume: $1,440,353,861

>OKEx:Uniswap v2= 6.64
>AVG STA 24H volume for 8/2020 (CV): $1,249,875
>Potential 24H volume from addition of OKEx alone (PV): $8,299,170

>CV+PV= total potential 24H volume (TV)=$9,549,045
>Without the inclusion of price vibrations and only the first burn event: (0.01)(9,549,045)=Potential 24H token burn (PB)=95,490

>NOTE: there is an inverse relationship between TV and PB where as time approaches infinity and PB leads to a decrease in total supply, there will be a negative pressure on TV, however for the purposes of this example this relationship is negligible in the order of 1 year.

>Assumption: OKEx reaches optimal TV/potential by 01/2021 for simplicity and until then there will only be a 15% PB for Q4 of 2020 leaving the supply of STA on 12/2021 as 37,395,986

>37,395,986 STA tokens left by 12/2021 only from the OKEx listing
>The AVG ratio of vol:mcap with reflective peaks and nadirs is 10.7
>with the TV above this would equate to a peak mcap of 102,174,781

peak estimated mcap/supply (12/2021)= $2.73 EONY
>not including price vibrations
>not including other listings
>not including arbing bots/STHANOS
>not including pooling/unpooling traffic
>not including LINK, ETH, BTC, SNX price fluctuations
>not including the DeFI bubble/upcoming BTC 2021 bullrun

The rock bottom minimum price of STA EONY is $2.73 without ANY of the above factors. The price as of 8/24/2020 1959 is $0.19. You do the math.

>Now imagine if BTC does a 4x from its last peak (8x) current market for all coins.
>Now remember that these effects are exponential in terms of demand so it is NOT $2.73 * 4 BUT $2.73^4

This is $55 EONY with JUST the OKEx listing and BTC reaching $80,000.

This is the most conservative, rock bottom, minimum price for EONY with these two factors alone IF demand simply maintains with the current total market trajectory.

>> No.21910285 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coingecko defi listing
>4 new exchange listings
>wrapped STA finished and CEX listings
>top CEX listings: kucoin, huobi, binance
>balancer listing on coinbase
>statera integration into coinbase defi pools
>statera on coinbase
>statera integrated into digital index funds for Vanguard, Fidelity, SPDR, Schwab
>all major portfolios in financial tech over $250k is balanced in an index fund with STA as the industry standard balancer
>Supply is less than 1 million tokens while volume taps into the entire derivatives market
>price per 1 STA token $1,000,000,000
>there are no major owners of STA since the beginning similar to BTC as it is truly the most decentralized, immutable, trustless utility token.

>> No.21879916 [View]
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>> No.21867838 [View]
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uniswap v2 24H volume: $216,869,499
>OKEx 24H volume: $1,440,353,861

>OKEx:Uniswap v2= 6.64
>AVG STA 24H volume for 8/2020 (CV): $1,249,875
>Potential 24H volume from addition of OKEx alone (PV): $8,299,170

>CV+PV= total potential 24H volume (TV)=$9,549,045
>Without the inclusion of price vibrations and only the first burn event: (0.01)(9,549,045)=Potential 24H token burn (PB)=95,490

>NOTE: there is an inverse relationship between TV and PB where as time approaches infinity and PB leads to a decrease in total supply, there will be a negative pressure on TV, however for the purposes of this example this relationship is negligible in the order of 1 year.

>Assumption: OKEx reaches optimal TV/potential by 01/2021 for simplicity and until then there will only be a 15% PB for Q4 of 2020 leaving the supply of STA on 12/2021 as 37,395,986

>37,395,986 STA tokens left by 12/2021 only from the OKEx listing
>The AVG ratio of vol:mcap with reflective peaks and nadirs is 10.7
>with the TV above this would equate to a peak mcap of 102,174,781

peak estimated mcap/supply (12/2021)= $2.73 EONY
>not including price vibrations
>not including other listings
>not including arbing bots/STHANOS
>not including pooling/unpooling traffic
>not including LINK, ETH, BTC, SNX price fluctuations
>not including the DeFI bubble/upcoming BTC 2021 bullrun

The rock bottom minimum price of STA EONY is $2.73 without ANY of the above factors. The price as of 8/24/2020 1959 is $0.19. You do the math.

>Now imagine if BTC does a 4x from its last peak (8x) current market for all coins.
>Now remember that these effects are exponential in terms of demand so it is NOT $2.73 * 4 BUT $2.73^4

This is $55 EONY with JUST the OKEx listing and BTC reaching $80,000.

This is the most conservative, rock bottom, minimum price for EONY with these two factors alone IF demand simply maintains with the current total market trajectory.

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